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Can I Get A Player Through Battleye?


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I turned Battleye off on my server as it was causing issues, and I had a massive influx of players, 8 per day to 47 overnight!


Now BE was off for about 3 weeks and some of these players we have got to know, we announced on their Facebook page we were turning on BE and we got a backlash of players begging us not to as they were "in trouble" with BE.


We were being hacked once every couple of days so I had to say no and put it back on. I watch new players all the time and I can spot a soft hacker a mile away (one who uses hacks to get on in the game and give him self a little boost, gold, cars gun ect) and some of these "banned" players have never once hacked or tried to.


So is there a way to manually add them to a BE whitelist to get them on my server so I can get them to play as I'm sure BE does have false positives? and as it is my server I'm sure I decide who can play on it?





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shame, i know I shouldn't feel sorry for them but I have been playing with them for weeks and they have put a lot of work into farming and promoting the server etc,


Be nice to just give those a break :/ but I guess they cheated so deserve it,


In the early days many were duped, they downloaded programs that were meant to give better FPS but instead they farmed the keys, them keys were then used by cheats.

So yep it's a shame but i wouldn't run a server without BE.

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