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[Outdated] [release] 1.0.6 - Deploy Anything 2.8.2 - Now with Epoch building! | Customizable: DB saving | Plot | Vehicles/Buildings | Packing


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was the latest update  just one of the files ??

if so which 1 , so I can replace just that file





Hello, nice work


one question how do i remove the all the Gps Scanner Functions ?


sorry - these are pulled in from the click actions mod that is part of the core. this will change a bit once i combine my addons into one package.


to remove them go into overwrites\click_actions\config.sqf and comment out the 3 lines for the GPS

["ItemGPS","Scan Nearby","if(isNil 'DZE_CLICK_ACTIONS_GPS_RANGE') then {DZE_CLICK_ACTIONS_GPS_RANGE = 1500;};DZE_CLICK_ACTIONS_ZOMBIE_COUNT = count ((position player) nearEntities ['zZombie_Base',DZE_CLICK_ACTIONS_GPS_RANGE]); DZE_CLICK_ACTIONS_MAN_COUNT = count ((position player) nearEntities ['CAManBase',DZE_CLICK_ACTIONS_GPS_RANGE]);cutText[format['Within %1 Meters: %2 AI/players, %3 zombies, %4 vehicles',DZE_CLICK_ACTIONS_GPS_RANGE,DZE_CLICK_ACTIONS_MAN_COUNT - DZE_CLICK_ACTIONS_ZOMBIE_COUNT,count ((position player) nearEntities ['zZombie_Base',DZE_CLICK_ACTIONS_GPS_RANGE]),count ((position player) nearEntities ['allVehicles',DZE_CLICK_ACTIONS_GPS_RANGE]) - DZE_CLICK_ACTIONS_MAN_COUNT],'PLAIN DOWN'];","true"],

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working great, thankz


still get the blackscreen when I first get in new deployed m2 and searchligh ;(

but I abort  rejoin and its there and working

yeah... i am not if this can be fixed or not. I have not done much testing on the gun/light issue so could be as easy as changing the class names.

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sorry - these are pulled in from the click actions mod that is part of the core. this will change a bit once i combine my addons into one package.


to remove them go into overwrites\click_actions\config.sqf and comment out the 3 lines for the GPS

["ItemGPS","Scan Nearby","if(isNil 'DZE_CLICK_ACTIONS_GPS_RANGE') then {DZE_CLICK_ACTIONS_GPS_RANGE = 1500;};DZE_CLICK_ACTIONS_ZOMBIE_COUNT = count ((position player) nearEntities ['zZombie_Base',DZE_CLICK_ACTIONS_GPS_RANGE]); DZE_CLICK_ACTIONS_MAN_COUNT = count ((position player) nearEntities ['CAManBase',DZE_CLICK_ACTIONS_GPS_RANGE]);cutText[format['Within %1 Meters: %2 AI/players, %3 zombies, %4 vehicles',DZE_CLICK_ACTIONS_GPS_RANGE,DZE_CLICK_ACTIONS_MAN_COUNT - DZE_CLICK_ACTIONS_ZOMBIE_COUNT,count ((position player) nearEntities ['zZombie_Base',DZE_CLICK_ACTIONS_GPS_RANGE]),count ((position player) nearEntities ['allVehicles',DZE_CLICK_ACTIONS_GPS_RANGE]) - DZE_CLICK_ACTIONS_MAN_COUNT],'PLAIN DOWN'];","true"],

Hello there was a problem with filters Battleye clicking on the GPS map or taggle marker Battleye kicked PublicVariable Restriction #0

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please help here are the logs 14.07.2014 22:24:29: P_JI_IOxa ( ceaad9cd00c17c267993dad877644da5 - #0 "PVAH_AdminReq" = [1.23457e+006,<NULL-object>]

14.07.2014 22:29:25: P_JI_IOxa ( ceaad9cd00c17c267993dad877644da5 - #0 "PVAH_AdminReq" = [1.23457e+006,<NULL-object>]
14.07.2014 22:31:31: P_JI_IOxa ( ceaad9cd00c17c267993dad877644da5 - #0 "PVAHR_0_789215" = ["P_JI_IOxa","76561198015929553","New Player: ["5",[],[],[0,0,0],true,"","Survivor2_DZ",true,true,0]"]
14.07.2014 22:46:22: P_JI_IOxa ( ceaad9cd00c17c267993dad877644da5 - #11 "PVAHR_0_263012" = ["P_JI_IOxa","76561198015929553","New Player: ["6",[],[],[0,0,0],true,"","Survivor2_DZ",true,true,0]"]
14.07.2014 22:46:23: P_JI_IOxa ( ceaad9cd00c17c267993dad877644da5 - #9 "PVAH_AdminReq" = [1.23457e+006,<NULL-object>]
14.07.2014 22:46:23: P_JI_IOxa ( ceaad9cd00c17c267993dad877644da5 - Value Restriction #77 "PVAH_AdminReq" = [1.23457e+006,<NULL-object>]
14.07.2014 22:53:16: P_JI_IOxa ( ceaad9cd00c17c267993dad877644da5 - #10 "PVAHR_0_759693" = ["P_JI_IOxa","76561198015929553","New Player: ["7",[],[],[0,0,0],true,"","Survivor2_DZ",true,true,0]"]
14.07.2014 22:53:16: P_JI_IOxa ( ceaad9cd00c17c267993dad877644da5 - Value Restriction #77 "PVAH_AdminReq" = [1.23457e+006,<NULL-object>]
14.07.2014 22:58:10: P_JI_IOxa ( ceaad9cd00c17c267993dad877644da5 - #7 "drn_AskServerDynamicWeatherEventArgs" = [true]
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please help here are the logs 14.07.2014 22:24:29: P_JI_IOxa ( ceaad9cd00c17c267993dad877644da5 - #0 "PVAH_AdminReq" = [1.23457e+006,<NULL-object>]

14.07.2014 22:29:25: P_JI_IOxa ( ceaad9cd00c17c267993dad877644da5 - #0 "PVAH_AdminReq" = [1.23457e+006,<NULL-object>]
14.07.2014 22:31:31: P_JI_IOxa ( ceaad9cd00c17c267993dad877644da5 - #0 "PVAHR_0_789215" = ["P_JI_IOxa","76561198015929553","New Player: ["5",[],[],[0,0,0],true,"","Survivor2_DZ",true,true,0]"]
14.07.2014 22:46:22: P_JI_IOxa ( ceaad9cd00c17c267993dad877644da5 - #11 "PVAHR_0_263012" = ["P_JI_IOxa","76561198015929553","New Player: ["6",[],[],[0,0,0],true,"","Survivor2_DZ",true,true,0]"]
14.07.2014 22:46:23: P_JI_IOxa ( ceaad9cd00c17c267993dad877644da5 - #9 "PVAH_AdminReq" = [1.23457e+006,<NULL-object>]
14.07.2014 22:46:23: P_JI_IOxa ( ceaad9cd00c17c267993dad877644da5 - Value Restriction #77 "PVAH_AdminReq" = [1.23457e+006,<NULL-object>]
14.07.2014 22:53:16: P_JI_IOxa ( ceaad9cd00c17c267993dad877644da5 - #10 "PVAHR_0_759693" = ["P_JI_IOxa","76561198015929553","New Player: ["7",[],[],[0,0,0],true,"","Survivor2_DZ",true,true,0]"]
14.07.2014 22:53:16: P_JI_IOxa ( ceaad9cd00c17c267993dad877644da5 - Value Restriction #77 "PVAH_AdminReq" = [1.23457e+006,<NULL-object>]
14.07.2014 22:58:10: P_JI_IOxa ( ceaad9cd00c17c267993dad877644da5 - #7 "drn_AskServerDynamicWeatherEventArgs" = [true]


I dont use that anithack. however a quick google brought me to this



you need to add to your publicvariable.txt:
add            !="PVAH_"
To the first line so it looks like this:
5 !="PVAH_" !="remExField" !="remExFP" !="drn_AskServerDynamicWeatherEventArgs" !="BIS_effects_gepv" !="dayzLoad" !"PVDZ_" !=PVCDZ_obj_GutBody !"PVAHR_" !="PVAH_AdminReq" !="PVAH_WriteLogReq"
And set these lines to 1 instead of 5:
1 "PVAHR_" !"PVAHR_0_"
1 "PVAH_AdminRequest"
1 "PVAH_WriteLogRequest"
Also in publicvariableval.txt need to add an exception to line 83 so it looks like this:
5 "setD" !"dayzSetDate"
And an exception to line 258 so it looks like this:
5 "bis_" !"BIS_MENU_GroupCommunication"
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anyone able to get the set viewing distance working ???


this is what I had b4 last update not working anymore


oh and how do I use spoilers again


DZE_CLICK_ACTIONS = DZE_CLICK_ACTIONS + [["Binocular_Vector","View Distance:","systemChat('Change View Distance Locally. Click on one of the distance options')]];
DZE_CLICK_ACTIONS = DZE_CLICK_ACTIONS + [["Binocular_Vector","400 Meters","setViewDistance 400; systemChat('ViewDistance: 400'); systemChat('Warning: Higher the view distance Lower the FPS');"]];
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this should do it:

DZE_CLICK_ACTIONS = DZE_CLICK_ACTIONS + [["Binocular_Vector","View Distance:","systemChat('Change View Distance Locally. Click on one of the distance options');","true"]];
DZE_CLICK_ACTIONS = DZE_CLICK_ACTIONS + [["Binocular_Vector","400 Meters","setViewDistance 400; systemChat('ViewDistance: 400'); systemChat('Warning: Higher the view distance Lower the FPS');","true"]];
DZE_CLICK_ACTIONS = DZE_CLICK_ACTIONS + [["Binocular_Vector","600 Meters","setViewDistance 600; systemChat('ViewDistance: 600'); systemChat('Warning: Higher the view distance Lower the FPS');","true"]];
DZE_CLICK_ACTIONS = DZE_CLICK_ACTIONS + [["Binocular_Vector","800 Meters","setViewDistance 800; systemChat('ViewDistance: 800'); systemChat('Warning: Higher the view distance Lower the FPS');","true"]];
DZE_CLICK_ACTIONS = DZE_CLICK_ACTIONS + [["Binocular_Vector","1000 Meters","setViewDistance 1000; systemChat('ViewDistance: 1000'); systemChat('Warning: Higher the view distance Lower the FPS');","true"]];
DZE_CLICK_ACTIONS = DZE_CLICK_ACTIONS + [["Binocular_Vector","1250 Meters","setViewDistance 1250; systemChat('ViewDistance: 1250'); systemChat('Warning: Higher the view distance Lower the FPS');","true"]];
DZE_CLICK_ACTIONS = DZE_CLICK_ACTIONS + [["Binocular_Vector","1500 Meters","setViewDistance 1500; systemChat('ViewDistance: 1500'); systemChat('Warning: Higher the view distance Lower the FPS');","true"]];
DZE_CLICK_ACTIONS = DZE_CLICK_ACTIONS + [["Binocular_Vector","1750 Meters","setViewDistance 1750; systemChat('ViewDistance: 1750'); systemChat('Warning: Higher the view distance Lower the FPS');","true"]];
DZE_CLICK_ACTIONS = DZE_CLICK_ACTIONS + [["Binocular_Vector","2000 Meters","setViewDistance 2000; systemChat('ViewDistance: 2000'); systemChat('Warning: Higher the view distance Lower the FPS');","true"]];
DZE_CLICK_ACTIONS = DZE_CLICK_ACTIONS + [["Binocular_Vector","3000 Meters","setViewDistance 3000; systemChat('ViewDistance: 3000'); systemChat('Warning: Higher the view distance Lower the FPS');","true"]];
DZE_CLICK_ACTIONS = DZE_CLICK_ACTIONS + [["Binocular_Vector","4000 Meters","setViewDistance 4000; systemChat('ViewDistance: 4000'); systemChat('Warning: Higher the view distance Lower the FPS');","true"]];
DZE_CLICK_ACTIONS = DZE_CLICK_ACTIONS + [["Binocular_Vector","5000 Meters","setViewDistance 5000; systemChat('ViewDistance: 5000'); systemChat('Warning: Higher the view distance Lower the FPS');","true"]];
DZE_CLICK_ACTIONS = DZE_CLICK_ACTIONS + [["Binocular","View Distance:","systemChat('Change View Distance Locally. Click on one of the distance options');","true"]];
DZE_CLICK_ACTIONS = DZE_CLICK_ACTIONS + [["Binocular","400 Meters","setViewDistance 400; systemChat('ViewDistance: 400'); systemChat('Warning: Higher the view distance Lower the FPS');","true"]];
DZE_CLICK_ACTIONS = DZE_CLICK_ACTIONS + [["Binocular","600 Meters","setViewDistance 600; systemChat('ViewDistance: 600'); systemChat('Warning: Higher the view distance Lower the FPS');","true"]];
DZE_CLICK_ACTIONS = DZE_CLICK_ACTIONS + [["Binocular","800 Meters","setViewDistance 800; systemChat('ViewDistance: 800'); systemChat('Warning: Higher the view distance Lower the FPS');","true"]];
DZE_CLICK_ACTIONS = DZE_CLICK_ACTIONS + [["Binocular","1000 Meters","setViewDistance 1000; systemChat('ViewDistance: 1000'); systemChat('Warning: Higher the view distance Lower the FPS');","true"]];
DZE_CLICK_ACTIONS = DZE_CLICK_ACTIONS + [["Binocular","1250 Meters","setViewDistance 1250; systemChat('ViewDistance: 1250'); systemChat('Warning: Higher the view distance Lower the FPS');","true"]];
DZE_CLICK_ACTIONS = DZE_CLICK_ACTIONS + [["Binocular","1500 Meters","setViewDistance 1500; systemChat('ViewDistance: 1500'); systemChat('Warning: Higher the view distance Lower the FPS');","true"]];
DZE_CLICK_ACTIONS = DZE_CLICK_ACTIONS + [["Binocular","1750 Meters","setViewDistance 1750; systemChat('ViewDistance: 1750'); systemChat('Warning: Higher the view distance Lower the FPS');","true"]];
DZE_CLICK_ACTIONS = DZE_CLICK_ACTIONS + [["Binocular","2000 Meters","setViewDistance 2000; systemChat('ViewDistance: 2000'); systemChat('Warning: Higher the view distance Lower the FPS');","true"]];
DZE_CLICK_ACTIONS = DZE_CLICK_ACTIONS + [["Binocular","3000 Meters","setViewDistance 3000; systemChat('ViewDistance: 3000'); systemChat('Warning: Higher the view distance Lower the FPS');","true"]];
DZE_CLICK_ACTIONS = DZE_CLICK_ACTIONS + [["Binocular","4000 Meters","setViewDistance 4000; systemChat('ViewDistance: 4000'); systemChat('Warning: Higher the view distance Lower the FPS');","true"]];
DZE_CLICK_ACTIONS = DZE_CLICK_ACTIONS + [["Binocular","5000 Meters","setViewDistance 5000; systemChat('ViewDistance: 5000'); systemChat('Warning: Higher the view distance Lower the FPS');","true"]];

you have to put the "true" at the end of each one. It's a condition that's evaluated for whether or not to show the action. This can be used to make an action specific to a player etc but if you just put true it makes it so that everyone gets the action

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The script should take care of everything. I did see a piece of code that could cause the preview item to do this occasionally and I've updated it in 2.5.1. But this should definitely never happen once you press the space bar to build. If this is happening then most likely another script is conflicting.


Do you have this line in your server log?

BIKE: adding bike to safe vehicle list...


Yep that line runs fine, also the game doesn't delete the preview of the first house (military building) just the bike. For all intent your script seems to be doing what its supposed to. I do have plotpole for life so I am wondering if the conflict is in there. Great script by the way, such potential! 


Meh its now asking for a plotpole for everything even though not set in the config :) This happened when I commented out the additional things such as placing fortifications. 


I installed the latest version and still asking for a plotpole for everything. 


I notice your player_deploy is a modified player build, since I have a custom player build for PP4L would this be the issue? 


Edit: It works perfectly for my players just not me? Admintools maybe?

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this should do it:

DZE_CLICK_ACTIONS = DZE_CLICK_ACTIONS + [["Binocular_Vector","View Distance:","systemChat('Change View Distance Locally. Click on one of the distance options');","true"]];
DZE_CLICK_ACTIONS = DZE_CLICK_ACTIONS + [["Binocular_Vector","400 Meters","setViewDistance 400; systemChat('ViewDistance: 400'); systemChat('Warning: Higher the view distance Lower the FPS');","true"]];

should this go in the overwrites\click_actions\config  (not working here)

or the addons\bike\ config

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Figured out the issue, if you have a plotpole down and the server restarts it breaks the bike script if you are using Plotpole for Life. Although Plotpole for Life is working as intended, i,e. on death and server restart you keep ownership of the pole. 

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Figured out the issue, if you have a plotpole down and the server restarts it breaks the bike script if you are using Plotpole for Life. Although Plotpole for Life is working as intended, i,e. on death and server restart you keep ownership of the pole. 

which part of the bike script does it break?

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should this go in the overwrites\click_actions\config  (not working here)

or the addons\bike\ config

you should be able to place those lines in the click actions config after the initial array. if you want them inside the array you need to use this format :

    ["Binocular_Vector","View Distance:","systemChat('Change View Distance Locally. Click on one of the distance options');","true"],
    ["Binocular_Vector","400 Meters","setViewDistance 400; systemChat('ViewDistance: 400'); systemChat('Warning: Higher the view distance Lower the FPS');","true"]
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which part of the bike script does it break?



It broke everything that required the player_deploy.sqf. Think I have it working now, I did the following:



_playerUID = getPlayerUID player;


_inVehicle = (_vehicle != player);

and changed to:

// Find owner
_ownerID = _nearestPole getVariable ["ownerPUID","0"];

    // diag_log format["DEBUG BUILDING: %1 = %2", dayz_characterID, _ownerID];

// check if friendly to owner
if(_playerUID == _ownerID) then {  //Keep ownership
// owner can build anything within his plot except other plots
diag_log text "Player is owner";
if(!_isPole) then {
_canBuildOnPlot = true;

Also added:

_tmpbuilt setVariable ["ownerPUID",_playerUID,true];

After the other _tempbuilt setvariable. Not sure what actually fixed the issue but these were the main changes regarding plotpole ownership in the PP4L player_build.sqf.

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you should be able to place those lines in the click actions config after the initial array. if you want them inside the array you need to use this format :

    ["Binocular_Vector","View Distance:","systemChat('Change View Distance Locally. Click on one of the distance options');","true"],
    ["Binocular_Vector","400 Meters","setViewDistance 400; systemChat('ViewDistance: 400'); systemChat('Warning: Higher the view distance Lower the FPS');","true"]

Thankz for this......

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Anyway to add an array for tools required?

I want to force players to have certain tools (like a sledgehammer) to make certain items but not remove the tool after building it.


Also would it be possible to have custom names for items? looking at this it seems like you'll get the class names of the buildables on right clicking?

A lot of users aren't going to know what these items are and I have some custom systems like CCTV (that uses Video projectors for cameras and Notebooks for Camera Monitoring stations that I need to have come up as CCTV Camera and CCTV Station in the buildables options.

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Anyway to add an array for tools required?

I want to force players to have certain tools (like a sledgehammer) to make certain items but not remove the tool after building it.


Also would it be possible to have custom names for items? looking at this it seems like you'll get the class names of the buildables on right clicking?

A lot of users aren't going to know what these items are and I have some custom systems like CCTV (that uses Video projectors for cameras and Notebooks for Camera Monitoring stations that I need to have come up as CCTV Camera and CCTV Station in the buildables options.


the tools and parts are already separate, so you can require a sledgehammer but use up cinderblocks or something. What you can't do currently is require 2 kinds of tools. (i.e. sledgehammer and an etool and some cinderblocks). I might consider adding multiple tool reqs but I have some other stuff I'm going to be adding first.


The item names actually use the display name, so for example a MMT_Civ says "Mountain Bike".

For a lot of buildings it can just say "House" so actually adding an array to allow users to custom-rename classes is something I have planned for a future build pretty soon.

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For some reason the permanent deploying isn't working for me.

Well, everything is being built properly but after a few seconds it's being removed.

This is what my .rpt says:

 6:00:15 "HIVE: WRITE: "CHILD:308:11:Land_Ind_TankSmall2_EP1:0:nil:[200.445,[2999.61,7432.23,-0.134857]]:[]:[]:0.939133:299967432213200:""
 6:00:16 "HIVE: WRITE: "CHILD:388:299967432213200:""
 6:00:16 "CUSTOM: trying again to get id for: "299967432213200""
 6:00:17 "HIVE: WRITE: "CHILD:388:299967432213200:""
 6:00:17 "CUSTOM: trying again to get id for: "299967432213200""
 6:00:18 "HIVE: WRITE: "CHILD:388:299967432213200:""
 6:00:18 "CUSTOM: trying again to get id for: "299967432213200""
 6:00:19 "HIVE: WRITE: "CHILD:388:299967432213200:""
 6:00:19 "CUSTOM: trying again to get id for: "299967432213200""
 6:00:20 "HIVE: WRITE: "CHILD:388:299967432213200:""
 6:00:20 "CUSTOM: trying again to get id for: "299967432213200""
 6:00:21 "HIVE: WRITE: "CHILD:388:299967432213200:""
 6:00:21 "CUSTOM: trying again to get id for: "299967432213200""
 6:00:22 "HIVE: WRITE: "CHILD:388:299967432213200:""
 6:00:22 "CUSTOM: trying again to get id for: "299967432213200""
 6:00:23 "HIVE: WRITE: "CHILD:388:299967432213200:""
 6:00:23 "CUSTOM: trying again to get id for: "299967432213200""
 6:00:24 "HIVE: WRITE: "CHILD:388:299967432213200:""
 6:00:24 "CUSTOM: trying again to get id for: "299967432213200""
 6:00:25 "HIVE: WRITE: "CHILD:388:299967432213200:""
 6:00:25 "CUSTOM: trying again to get id for: "299967432213200""
 6:00:25 "CUSTOM: failed to get id for : "299967432213200""

Also my config just to be safe:

    // deploy concrete barricades from cinderblocks 2m in front of the player, that are permanent and can only be re-packed by the person who placed them



Any ideas? =/

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For some reason the permanent deploying isn't working for me.

Well, everything is being built properly but after a few seconds it's being removed.

This is what my .rpt says:

 6:00:15 "HIVE: WRITE: "CHILD:308:11:Land_Ind_TankSmall2_EP1:0:nil:[200.445,[2999.61,7432.23,-0.134857]]:[]:[]:0.939133:299967432213200:""
 6:00:16 "HIVE: WRITE: "CHILD:388:299967432213200:""
 6:00:16 "CUSTOM: trying again to get id for: "299967432213200""
 6:00:17 "HIVE: WRITE: "CHILD:388:299967432213200:""
 6:00:17 "CUSTOM: trying again to get id for: "299967432213200""
 6:00:18 "HIVE: WRITE: "CHILD:388:299967432213200:""
 6:00:18 "CUSTOM: trying again to get id for: "299967432213200""
 6:00:19 "HIVE: WRITE: "CHILD:388:299967432213200:""
 6:00:19 "CUSTOM: trying again to get id for: "299967432213200""
 6:00:20 "HIVE: WRITE: "CHILD:388:299967432213200:""
 6:00:20 "CUSTOM: trying again to get id for: "299967432213200""
 6:00:21 "HIVE: WRITE: "CHILD:388:299967432213200:""
 6:00:21 "CUSTOM: trying again to get id for: "299967432213200""
 6:00:22 "HIVE: WRITE: "CHILD:388:299967432213200:""
 6:00:22 "CUSTOM: trying again to get id for: "299967432213200""
 6:00:23 "HIVE: WRITE: "CHILD:388:299967432213200:""
 6:00:23 "CUSTOM: trying again to get id for: "299967432213200""
 6:00:24 "HIVE: WRITE: "CHILD:388:299967432213200:""
 6:00:24 "CUSTOM: trying again to get id for: "299967432213200""
 6:00:25 "HIVE: WRITE: "CHILD:388:299967432213200:""
 6:00:25 "CUSTOM: trying again to get id for: "299967432213200""
 6:00:25 "CUSTOM: failed to get id for : "299967432213200""

Also my config just to be safe:

    // deploy concrete barricades from cinderblocks 2m in front of the player, that are permanent and can only be re-packed by the person who placed them



Any ideas? =/


do you have the load line in the right part of your init.sqf of your mission file?



help to solve the problem with your script on a bike, the problem is that when creating the bike he disappears and the player can't find

are you using an old version? there was an issue in 2.5 where preview items would sometimes disappear

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//Load in compiled functions
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "Scripts\variables.sqf"; //Initilize the Variables (IMPORTANT: Must happen very early)
progressLoadingScreen 0.1;
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\init\publicEH.sqf"; //Initilize the publicVariable event handlers
progressLoadingScreen 0.2;
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\medical\setup_functions_med.sqf"; //Functions used by CLIENT for medical
progressLoadingScreen 0.4;
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "Scripts\compiles.sqf"; //Compile regular functions
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "addons\bike\init.sqf";

I guess I do? 

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//Load in compiled functions
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "Scripts\variables.sqf"; //Initilize the Variables (IMPORTANT: Must happen very early)
progressLoadingScreen 0.1;
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\init\publicEH.sqf"; //Initilize the publicVariable event handlers
progressLoadingScreen 0.2;
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\medical\setup_functions_med.sqf"; //Functions used by CLIENT for medical
progressLoadingScreen 0.4;
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "Scripts\compiles.sqf"; //Compile regular functions
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "addons\bike\init.sqf";

I guess I do? 

what all is changed in the custom compiles files and which version of the deploy script are you using?

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