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  • 3 weeks later...

Ok so we have this admin tool installed on my Gaming Deluxe Server and there are a few things I'd love to add (tried a couple of times and no surprise it didn't work :p)


I am trying to create some additional crates for our donators (small building box to test). Below is the crate sqf I created and below that is the line I added to bring up the menu in-game. The problem is that the menu doesn't show up.




private ["_LocalOrGlobal","_spawnCrate","_crateName","_pos","_classname","_dir","_selectDelay"];
_LocalOrGlobal = _this select 0;

// Name of this crate
_crateName = "Donator Box Small";

// Crate type
_classname = "USOrdnanceBox";

// Tool use logger
if(logMajorTool) then {
	usageLogger = format["%1 %2 -- has spawned a %3 %4",name player,getPlayerUID player,_LocalOrGlobal,_crateName];
	[] spawn {publicVariable "usageLogger";};
// Tool use broadcaster
if(!((getPlayerUID player) in SuperAdminList) && broadcastToolUse) then {
	useBroadcaster = format["%1 -- has spawned a %2 %3",name player,_LocalOrGlobal,_crateName];
	[] spawn {publicVariableServer "useBroadcaster";};

// Location of player and crate
_dir = getdir player;
_pos = getposATL player;
_pos = [(_pos select 0)+1*sin(_dir),(_pos select 1)+1*cos(_dir), (_pos select 2)];

if(_LocalOrGlobal == "local") then {
	_spawnCrate = _classname createVehicleLocal _pos;	
} else {
	_spawnCrate = createVehicle [_classname, _pos, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];

_spawnCrate setDir _dir;
_spawnCrate setposATL _pos;

// Remove default items/weapons from current crate before adding custom gear
clearWeaponCargoGlobal _spawnCrate;
clearMagazineCargoGlobal _spawnCrate;
clearBackpackCargoGlobal _spawnCrate;

_spawnCrate addWeaponCargoGlobal ["ItemCrowbar", 1];
_spawnCrate addWeaponCargoGlobal ["ItemEtool", 1];
_spawnCrate addWeaponCargoGlobal ["ItemSledge", 1];
_spawnCrate addWeaponCargoGlobal ["ItemToolbox", 1];

_spawnCrate addMagazineCargoGlobal ["ItemLockbox", 1];
_spawnCrate addMagazineCargoGlobal ["ItemVault", 1];
_spawnCrate addMagazineCargoGlobal ["ItemWoodFloorQuarter", 32];
_spawnCrate addMagazineCargoGlobal ["ItemWoodStairs", 1];
_spawnCrate addMagazineCargoGlobal ["ItemWoodWallGarageDoorLocked", 1];
_spawnCrate addMagazineCargoGlobal ["ItemWoodWallLg", 8];
_spawnCrate addMagazineCargoGlobal ["ItemWoodWallWithDoorLgLocked", 1];

// Send text to spawner only
titleText [format[_crateName + " spawned!"],"PLAIN DOWN"]; titleFadeOut 4;

// Run delaymenu
delaymenu = 
	["Select delay", [-1], "", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "0"],
	["", [-1], "", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "0"],
	["30 seconds", [], "", -5, [["expression", "selectDelay=30;"]], "1", "1"],
	["1 min", [], "", -5, [["expression", "selectDelay=60;"]], "1", "1"],
	["3 min", [], "", -5, [["expression", "selectDelay=180;"]], "1", "1"],
	["5 min", [], "", -5, [["expression", "selectDelay=300;"]], "1", "1"],
	["10 min", [], "", -5, [["expression", "selectDelay=600;"]], "1", "1"],
	["30 min", [], "", -5, [["expression", "selectDelay=1800;"]], "1", "1"],
	["", [-1], "", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "0"],
	["No timer", [], "", -5, [["expression", "selectDelay=0;"]], "1", "1"],
	["", [-1], "", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "0"]
showCommandingMenu "#USER:delaymenu";

WaitUntil{commandingMenu == ""};
_selectDelay = selectDelay;

if(selectDelay != 0) then {
	titleText [format[_crateName + " will disappear in %1 seconds.",selectDelay],"PLAIN DOWN"]; titleFadeOut 4;
	sleep _selectDelay;
	// Delete crate after selectDelay seconds
	deletevehicle _spawnCrate;
	titleText [format[_crateName + " disappeared."],"PLAIN DOWN"]; titleFadeOut 4;
} else {
	titleText [format[_crateName + " has no timer. Shoot it to destroy."],"PLAIN DOWN"]; titleFadeOut 4;

AdminToolsMain.sqf  (my menu addition is called donatorboxsmall)

// This menu creates a global (public) crate of items that EVERYONE can see
	// Entry Format: ["name",[],"",-5,[["expression",format[_EXECscript6,"global","fileNAME.sqf"]]],"1","1"],
	["-- Public Crates --", [], "", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "0"],
	["Weapons Crate",[],"",-5,[["expression",format[_EXECscript6,"global","weapons.sqf"]]],"1","1"],
	["Items Crate",[],"",-5,[["expression",format[_EXECscript6,"global","items.sqf"]]],"1","1"],
	["ALL Weapons/Items Crate",[],"",-5,[["expression",format[_EXECscript6,"global","allweapons.sqf"]]],"1","1"],
	["Building Crate",[],"",-5,[["expression",format[_EXECscript6,"global","building.sqf"]]],"1","1"],
	["Donator Box Small",[],"",-5,[["expression",format[_EXECscript6,"global","donatorboxsmall.sqf"]]],"1","1"],
	["Backpack Tent",[],"",-5,[["expression",format[_EXECscript6,"global","backpack.sqf"]]],"1","1"],
		["", [], "", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "0"],
		["Private Crates >>", [], "#USER:CrateMenuPrivate", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"],
		["Main Menu", [20], "#USER:epochmenustart", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"]

I am obviously missing the need to enter details somewhere else too but I've searched all over and can't see what else I need to do.


Can anyone help?



Second challenge, would it be possible to highlight corpses in the same way you highlight vehicles and player names? If poss, is it easy enough for me to do directly?




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I assume he means have corpses show up on the map for admins. 


What about adding punishment options to the admin menu for players that are misbehaving? Break legs, take blood, strip weapons, eject from vehicle, kill, etc.  


Eject will be an option and so will freeze. During the freeze an admin will be able to manage the player's gear and the player will be in god mode so they don't get shot. The rest of those seem unnecessary. An admin should never need to attack a player under any circumstance.

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Everything seems relatively correct. Try not using the locked doors, those may be the issue.


What do you mean by highlight


The locked doors are in the main building crate already in the menu so I think they should work fine.


I assume he means have corpses show up on the map for admins. 


What about adding punishment options to the admin menu for players that are misbehaving? Break legs, take blood, strip weapons, eject from vehicle, kill, etc.  


Yep I do mean showing corpses on the map. The good news is it is already inside the admin tools. It's an optional switch to true or false. Mine now shows up in the game (also shows dead ai which is a pain but better than nothing).



As for my donator crate, still can't figure out why it's not showing up. It's like I need to add something else to create the trigger for the tools to show the menu. I suspect the donatorboxsmall.sqf is just fine and that it's a menu call issue. I might just play around with trying to add new menus from the main menu down and see if they show up each time.

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I was thinking more along the lines of people that join the server just to cause mischief and mayhem etc.


But is that not what the ban feature is for? Normally if they are there to just start trouble they need to be removed. If you have a good scenario where it will be needed I will add, they are easy to do. I just don't want to add things that aren't all that necessary.

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The locked doors are in the main building crate already in the menu so I think they should work fine.



Yep I do mean showing corpses on the map. The good news is it is already inside the admin tools. It's an optional switch to true or false. Mine now shows up in the game (also shows dead ai which is a pain but better than nothing).



As for my donator crate, still can't figure out why it's not showing up. It's like I need to add something else to create the trigger for the tools to show the menu. I suspect the donatorboxsmall.sqf is just fine and that it's a menu call issue. I might just play around with trying to add new menus from the main menu down and see if they show up each time.


Where are you storing the .sqf you made? It must be with all the other crates. That is the only other thing I can think of right now.

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Where are you storing the .sqf you made? It must be with all the other crates. That is the only other thing I can think of right now.


Yep it's right in the same spot as the other crates. I'm stumped. I also tried adding another vehicle menu for specialist vehicles and again the menu won't show up.  :(

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A new GUI has been constructed to replace the old buildings spawn so there will be no need for a huge amount of scroll menus. There is well over one thousand items in it right now so I will be testing and removing large amounts of useless items from the spawner before committing it to the test branch. Right now it is similar to the vehicle spawn menu with the ability to spawn temporary and permanent buildings. I will try to organize each building type into a category if possible (still new to the GUI systems). If anyone has suggestions for the building spawner system let me know. I know the range needs to be increased for some items already.

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A new GUI has been constructed to replace the old buildings spawn so there will be no need for a huge amount of scroll menus. There is well over one thousand items in it right now so I will be testing and removing large amounts of useless items from the spawner before committing it to the test branch. Right now it is similar to the vehicle spawn menu with the ability to spawn temporary and permanent buildings. I will try to organize each building type into a category if possible (still new to the GUI systems). If anyone has suggestions for the building spawner system let me know. I know the range needs to be increased for some items already.

Hello, nice to hear that, so here is my first suggestions for perm buildings:





And basicly anything that you like from here:



Keep up the great work ;)

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Hello, nice to hear that, so here is my first suggestions for perm buildings:





And basicly anything that you like from here:



Keep up the great work ;)


Well I am starting out the list with every arma building item there is. This means I have everything from pipes to buildings to piers to flood lights. I am just removing a lot of redundant and unneeded stuff right now. All basic buildings will remain as well as decorative items (like a snowman)

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Loving this tool. Appreciate all your hard work. I have p4l, snap pro, and build vectors installed, any way of making those mods work with admin building? I searched this thread and I saw a couple times you said it would be in 1.9.1, I don't think it's currently an option, any chance of this getting added?

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I am considering adding a way to send a message to the entire server. All you do is scroll to the option and it brings up a text box. You can then type a message to the entire server. I could also make it a chat command where you type /globalMessage "message here". I could even add a way to choose how long to display it (in seconds)

What do you guys think about this? I know BEC has stuff like this, but I think it could be easy for any admin to have the option to send a TitleText message instead of a chat message that will disappear in half a second.

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Loving this tool. Appreciate all your hard work. I have p4l, snap pro, and build vectors installed, any way of making those mods work with admin building? I searched this thread and I saw a couple times you said it would be in 1.9.1, I don't think it's currently an option, any chance of this getting added?


I have not made it compatible yet mainly because it will require two different file sets. Someone without snap build installed can't use the snap build section. Right now I have added back the old admin fast build (one step building and will work with snap), but it isn't instant. I will be releasing a way to do it with version 1.9.2, but it will require a separate set of files. I will most likely make a new branch for it too, so people do not get them confused. I really hoped there would be an epoch update before 1.9.2 was ready to release because was supposed to have snap build integrated (Raymix told me this). They scrapped version after two months of saying it is ready to release though, so I don't know when we will actually see a new epoch update. This is just one of those issues where it was better to wait for the epoch update, but the epoch update never came.

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Love this tool, gr8 werk!


Only bug I found so far is if I use the Temporary Vehicule Menu and get inside the vehicule I just spawed it will explode and kill me. It's not doing it the Graphical Vehicule Menu or the Locked Vehicule Menu, just the Temp. Any fix for that?


The pbo changes are meant to fix this.

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I am considering adding a way to send a message to the entire server. All you do is scroll to the option and it brings up a text box. You can then type a message to the entire server. I could also make it a chat command where you type /globalMessage "message here". I could even add a way to choose how long to display it (in seconds)

What do you guys think about this? I know BEC has stuff like this, but I think it could be easy for any admin to have the option to send a TitleText message instead of a chat message that will disappear in half a second.

I like this idea. Would be a nice feature.

Another idea I had, how about an option to display any objects information. Example- I want to know who owns a certain base, instead of going though the database and trying to match up the coordinates, just look at a wall or the plot pole and hit show info to quickly and easily find out who owns that item. Just trying to think of things that would make ingame administration easier.

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I like this idea. Would be a nice feature.

Another idea I had, how about an option to display any objects information. Example- I want to know who owns a certain base, instead of going though the database and trying to match up the coordinates, just look at a wall or the plot pole and hit show info to quickly and easily find out who owns that item. Just trying to think of things that would make ingame administration easier.


There is a big issue with this. Items are not bound by character. There are very few items this will work on, like a plot pole. The only way for it to work on all items is if the person uses plot for life.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I like yours way more and would much rather have that added to the tool. 


I can probably get some screen shots soon. I haven't been messing with it recent due to being sick for two weeks. It is pretty much the vehicle gui with a few slight button changes, size change, and the not yet implemented categories. If possible I want to have ones like Residential, industrial, farm, and have those subdivide into houses, apartments, pipes, signs, piers. For now this all would depend on how the files lable each item and if I can extract that label. I found it much easier to pull from the tame files than to have each individual item added like it was. I only did that as a test system. Really yours is much better and cleaner.

I planned to create an overall gui for the entire tool as well for version 2.0 release (the building stuff was the last before version 1.9.3 was ready for release). Yours looks like it would work very well as the overall gui and the vehicle gui so I am considering maybe replacing most of the aspects of mine with a slimmed version of yours for the scroll menu, and then use the one shown above as the overall gui system for the entire tool. My idea is to have a scroll and gui, allowing for the user to choose which to use (either can be switched off in the files or in the scroll/gui at any time). The scroll will have a few guis for parts of it though, because a huge list in the scroll is just impractical, like for the vehicle and building spawns.


I just realized we are way off topic for this thread and we should probably move this to a message or the admin tool thread.



Yeah it would have been a better idea to discuss it in this thread.

It is a lot easier getting all of the items from the config files and it makes the code much cleaner. Two commands which I often find useful for filtering the items are: isKindOf and inheritsFrom. typeOf can be useful as well.

When I started making the GUI it was a lot smaller, it just got bigger as I added more features. I tired to keep it fairly small by making the spawn menus toggle-able and pre-mapping some scripts to the buttons.

I like the idea of allowing the user to filter between the different categories of items especially for the buildings menu, there is lots of stuff in there.

This could also be done for the other spawn menus such as vehicles and weapons.


But there may be lots of different sub-categories for the buildings menu and I think it might not be very practical to create a lot of buttons in the dialog for the different categories.

You would probably end up having to define a separate dialog for each different spawn menu. It might be better to list the different categories in a single listbox control.

You could use a single dialog for all of the different spawn menus and just load the data dynamically from the config files like the other items.

A listbox might also make it easier to show the sub-classes by using indentation or colour formatting.


For example a mini GUI for the scroll menu could be implemented like this:











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