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Did you follow the proper update procedure when you updated to the release with the new option?

It seems like something didn't add correctly. I just tested it for me and it worked.



Unpacked 1.7

Removed my current AdminList.sqf to desktop

Deleted old "AdminTools" Folder

Put the new one in place

​Overwritten new Adminmenu.sqf with the old one

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Did you follow the proper update procedure when you updated to the release with the new option?

It seems like something didn't add correctly. I just tested it for me and it worked.

I Had a friend install the tools for me, (He's done it before)

And I also suffer from Admin building only working 50%, The sped up building is nice, but the no plotpole bit doesn't work for me either

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Unpacked 1.7

Removed my current AdminList.sqf to desktop

Deleted old "AdminTools" Folder

Put the new one in place

​Overwritten new Adminmenu.sqf with the old one



I Had a friend install the tools for me, (He's done it before)

And I also suffer from Admin building only working 50%, The sped up building is nice, but the no plotpole bit doesn't work for me either


Post your FastBuild.sqf files found in the tools/adminmode folder

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Post your FastBuild.sqf files found in the tools/adminmode folder

Couldn't upload the file apparently



// This file should not be modified

adminFastBuild = _this select 0;
if(adminFastBuild) then {
DZE_StaticConstructionCount = 1;
} else {
DZE_StaticConstructionCount = 0;
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Couldn't upload the file apparently



Update. That was BEFORE I added the plot pole. Apparently my standard 1.7 didn't have the plot pole thing. 1.8 full release will, so just grab the main branch. I added it in there already. There are also new features in the test branch if you want to grab that one instead.

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Update. That was BEFORE I added the plot pole. Apparently my standard 1.7 didn't have the plot pole thing. 1.8 full release will, so just grab the main branch. I added it in there already. There are also new features in the test branch if you want to grab that one instead.

Thanks, Also. Another problem has shown, The Graphical Vehicle Menu does not show up anymore, Its not like last time where it spat an error in my face, It says "List is ready" but never shows up. I'll install 1.8 first though.

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A menu where you could spawn in AI(singular or groups) would be cool, and possibly one with buildings/items like you see on various missions.


I will be doing a building spawn for my personal tools, you want that in the release? Like you can spawn in an arena and delete it after?


I don't know if I should do AI. The problem is there are so many AI mods out there I can't just support one. I could use the built in AI, but most people hate that. I might play with it some.


If you are referring to an event spawn, that is something people will have to do themselves. I have that for my personal tools, but because there are many mission systems out there it would pose the same problem as AI.

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I will be doing a building spawn for my personal tools, you want that in the release? Like you can spawn in an arena and delete it after?


I don't know if I should do AI. The problem is there are so many AI mods out there I can't just support one. I could use the built in AI, but most people hate that. I might play with it some.


If you are referring to an event spawn, that is something people will have to do themselves. I have that for my personal tools, but because there are many mission systems out there it would pose the same problem as AI.

The building part would be cool. Spawning in buildings etc for events would be useful.

If you decide to play with the AI it would be nice to see the code, maybe I can configure it to work with the mission mod I'm using..I dont remember what its called at the moment.

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Hi i have a stupid question, is admin mod auto start or is there a key to toggle on and off if so what key, if not and should auto on min does not i have followed instructions and tutorial 5 times now also before the 5th i deleted and rebuild server again then after getting server working i did this install for the 5th time and still no auto.


pretty please help me

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Hi i have a stupid question, is admin mod auto start or is there a key to toggle on and off if so what key, if not and should auto on min does not i have followed instructions and tutorial 5 times now also before the 5th i deleted and rebuild server again then after getting server working i did this install for the 5th time and still no auto.


pretty please help me


Any error messages in rpt? Show me the adminlist.sqf

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I really like the sound of the building tools and the AI spawner. I myself use WAI (Wicked AI mission system) If you were able to release the AI tool but do a brief explanation to get it to work with your AI system would be fantastic. Also. If you had a tool for teleporting player to player. (I.E None admin to none admin) And the ability to teleport a none admin to q location. XD And how about an inventory editor? (I know its alot. I'm spilling ALL my ideas out)

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I really like the sound of the building tools and the AI spawner. I myself use WAI (Wicked AI mission system) If you were able to release the AI tool but do a brief explanation to get it to work with your AI system would be fantastic. Also. If you had a tool for teleporting player to player. (I.E None admin to none admin) And the ability to teleport a none admin to q location. XD And how about an inventory editor? (I know its alot. I'm spilling ALL my ideas out)


An in game inventory editor is possible, but will require the coding of an entire interface system. I would be a pretty big project on its own. I may try that after the normal features are done though.


The teleport player to player thing was kind of dropped when last proposed because it can be accomplished with current features. If a lot of people want this, I will still add it though.


The AI one most likely won't be as easy as "use this line for this AI" it would be more like use this file for this AI, so I would need like 10 files. I am considering trying this with the built in AI so there is no conflict.


I can add in a teleport location file. It will be customize only though. This means you will have to set it up if you want to use it. I don't want to put default locations because not everyone uses the same map.

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