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Here's another update (or addition, however you want to look at it) to the "point to repair" functionality.  Basically, this is an adaptation from AxeCop's Service Point Refuel/Repair/Rearm script, so most of the credit goes to him. :)  This script will make repairs permanent, rather than temporary.

// Adapted from Vehicle Service Point (Repair) by Axe Cop, minor adaptions by GeneralTragedy

private ["_vehicle","_args","_costs","_repairTime","_type","_name","_hitpoints","_allRepaired"];

_vehicle = cursorTarget;

_type = typeOf _vehicle;
_name = getText(configFile >> "cfgVehicles" >> _type >> "displayName");

_hitpoints = _vehicle call vehicle_getHitpoints;
_allRepaired = true;
        private ["_damage","_selection"];
        _damage = [_vehicle,_x] call object_getHit;
        if (_damage > 0) then {
            _selection = getText(configFile >> "cfgVehicles" >> _type >> "HitPoints" >> _x >> "name");
	[_vehicle,_selection,0] call object_setFixServer;
} forEach _hitpoints;

if (_allRepaired) then {
        _vehicle setDamage 0;
	_vehicle setFuel 1;
	_vehicle setVehicleAmmo 1;
        _vehicle setVelocity [0,0,1];
        titleText [format["%1 repaired, refuelled and rearmed. Point to repair successful.", _name], "PLAIN DOWN"];




Thanks for this, all help is appreciated. I have recently put this in the tools, just have to test it. This could help with any problems mine may have. I have about 42 files of edits to commit this week :D so be ready for a much smaller file size and better usability. I am waiting until my menu condensing is done to commit everything though. 

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eather this thing dont work or i am doing something wrong i did what https://github.com/gregariousjb/Epoch-Admin-Tools said and when i try to see if it work it wont let you in game just says waiting for host so can someone help me i have skype if that will make it easyer for you to help me i just got my server today and been trying to add this for the last 5 hours and no luck

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eather this thing dont work or i am doing something wrong i did what https://github.com/gregariousjb/Epoch-Admin-Tools said and when i try to see if it work it wont let you in game just says waiting for host so can someone help me i have skype if that will make it easyer for you to help me i just got my server today and been trying to add this for the last 5 hours and no luck


First of all do you have other mods installed? If so did you modify any of the init.sqf or server pbo files for these mods to work? There is a chance you overwrote the requirements for other mods with the admin tools. I just installed the newest admin tools on a clean server so I am positive it works (I do this every update to make sure it works). Provide your RPT file and init.sqf for viewing. I may be able to find out what is wrong by looking at that.

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First of all do you have other mods installed? If so did you modify any of the init.sqf or server pbo files for these mods to work? There is a chance you overwrote the requirements for other mods with the admin tools. I just installed the newest admin tools on a clean server so I am positive it works (I do this every update to make sure it works). Provide your RPT file and init.sqf for viewing. I may be able to find out what is wrong by looking at that.

no the only mod i got is the epoch mod and this is my first server

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What does everyone think about me adding an AdminMode. This mode will condense the major admin needs into a single option: God mode, car god mode, player esp, infinite ammo, and grass. The options will still be individually selectable, but in a different scroll submenu to make the main admin menu smaller. I plan to make these toggleable after entering Admin Mode similar to  how the old ESP menu in BluePhoenix was. Somehow the file I was working on for this was deleted so I have to rewrite it again, so that part will take longer for me.

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dont know how i can show it to you and i dont even know what a RPT is it just wont let me even get into the main menu to get into the server inless i set it back to defult


Put your init.sqf in the box here: www.pastebin.com and select submit. Then post the link to the next web page here.

As for the RPT it is in your DayZ Epoch\instance_11_Chernarus file (aram2oaserver.rpt)

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What does everyone think about me adding an AdminMode. This mode will condense the major admin needs into a single option: God mode, car god mode, player esp, infinite ammo, and grass. The options will still be individually selectable, but in a different scroll submenu to make the main admin menu smaller. I plan to make these toggleable after entering Admin Mode similar to  how the old ESP menu in BluePhoenix was. Somehow the file I was working on for this was deleted so I have to rewrite it again, so that part will take longer for me.


that certainly wouldn't be a bad, idea, , I find it quite annoying have to click through 5 or so menus to delete a vehicle form database each and every time I mess around with something!


On another note...any way t fix the AdminTool so it still works on relog? If I logout and back in, the tool suddenly vanishes from my scroll menu, never to be seen again till server restart!

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that certainly wouldn't be a bad, idea, , I find it quite annoying have to click through 5 or so menus to delete a vehicle form database each and every time I mess around with something!


On another note...any way t fix the AdminTool so it still works on relog? If I logout and back in, the tool suddenly vanishes from my scroll menu, never to be seen again till server restart!


A few people have listed this but I don't have that issue when testing. I am not sure what is causing it but I am still looking around to figure that out. Any detailed explanation you can provide on this can be a big help. Also check your rpt log to see what it says after your second join.


Also the delete function in the Admin Menu works the same as the one in the vehicle menu. Just use that.

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i dont even know what a RPT is it just wont let me even get into the main menu to get into the server inless i set it back to defult


It's your log file for the server; you have to get it from FTP'ing into your server, and as Nox said it is usually in your DayZ Epoch\instance_11_Chernarus directory, but it depends on your host.

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A few people have listed this but I don't have that issue when testing. I am not sure what is causing it but I am still looking around to figure that out. Any detailed explanation you can provide on this can be a big help. Also check your rpt log to see what it says after your second join.


I have been having something similar happening; still trying to track down why. Mine will not appear until I die. Does not matter if I am the first one on the server after a restart or not. Once I die, however, it's back.

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It's your log file for the server; you have to get it from FTP'ing into your server, and as Nox said it is usually in your DayZ Epoch\instance_11_Chernarus directory, but it depends on your host.



I wouldn't want to confuse him by talking about FTP. Most average users have no idea what that is. It is also not required to access the file. I access my data through a normal TCP connection to a windows server with a remote desktop client. Not the fastest or most efficient way, but it acts like a normal computer so it is much easier to get around and access all of my game servers at the same time. If you want to pull a file over you would have to do a FTP unless you copy/paste like I do. I typically use TeamViewer. That is until I get my new servers that are in the mail > :D


I have been having something similar happening; still trying to track down why. Mine will not appear until I die. Does not matter if I am the first one on the server after a restart or not. Once I die, however, it's back.


This is really weird because I was relogging multiple times yesterday while testing some of my new edits because my database was being stupid and it worked fine for me. Let me know what you find this is something I really need to have fixed. If you can not find the problem please list all mods you have in the server and if you have the latest tools. It could be due to a mod (I know the tow/lift can overwrite the scroll menu entirely if not correctly configured).

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Anyone else having the problem where comments break their scripts?
After hours of trying to get the permanent vehicle repair to work (and trying the one another user had posted in this forum) as well as some other edits I found that my script was not working because it had comments in it. After I removed all line comments (// comment) it began to work flawlessly. I don't know why this is happening and I have tried a completely new server build, but it still happens. I suggest you leave comments out of your scripts for now. I have tested this with a single solitary comment at different points of the script, but they ALL break it. If anyone knows what is happening with this please let me know. This only happens with new comments added, all old comments work fine. I was able to comment in the past without problem (using all the same tools) but now it breaks the scripts.

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What does everyone think about me adding an AdminMode. This mode will condense the major admin needs into a single option: God mode, car god mode, player esp, infinite ammo, and grass. The options will still be individually selectable, but in a different scroll submenu to make the main admin menu smaller. I plan to make these toggleable after entering Admin Mode similar to  how the old ESP menu in BluePhoenix was. Somehow the file I was working on for this was deleted so I have to rewrite it again, so that part will take longer for me.


Well I managed to rewrite the admin mode and get it working much faster than I expected so that will actually be making the commit this weekend. I am just making the code cleaner and smaller. So do you want the admin mode toggle options to be present in a function key menu (such as F4 or similar button) or put it in a scroll menu at the bottom of the main menu (add Admin Mode Menu at the bottom of the Admin Tools menu)? The main idea here is to make the Admin menu smaller as it has gotten quite lengthy.

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Well I managed to rewrite the admin mode and get it working much faster than I expected so that will actually be making the commit this weekend. I am just making the code cleaner and smaller. So do you want the admin mode toggle options to be present in a function key menu (such as F4 or similar button) or put it in a scroll menu at the bottom of the main menu (add Admin Mode Menu at the bottom of the Admin Tools menu)? The main idea here is to make the Admin menu smaller as it has gotten quite lengthy.



Would love it off scroll all together :)

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So, just me? Getting Script Restriction #74. i did just add someone, but it worked fine before? Did BE update?


Have you checked your RPT log? Have you tried undoing anything you edited just before this happend? DId you put a , (comma) in the correct spot when you added a new user? We need a full detailed post to help. 


Well randomly as of today.  My admins and I can't spawn perm or temp vehicles.


We need more information. All I can conclude from this is that something caused your vehicles to not spawn. As listed in the readme:


  • Review the installation instructions and be sure you've done every step EXACTLY as stated. They are not forgiving. If one step is done incorrectly, it won't work.
  • Check your server's RPT log for errors. This will identify 99% of problems with the menu. Be ready to copy/paste the RPT log into Pastebin or Gist in an issue or in the discussion forum for help with troubleshooting.
  • If all else fails, install these tools onto a fresh, unedited mission.pbo and server.pbo to get it working, then start installing additional addons/mods one at a time until the admin tools break in order to identify the conflict.
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I need some help testing my next commit to be completely sure it works perfectly because there are a lot of changes. If you would like to help out please go to this link and replace your admin tools with the one here. Let me know any problems you find. I am pretty sure everything is sound but with all these changes I want to be completely confident nothing is broken before committing it to the master branch. https://github.com/noxsicarius/Epoch-Admin-Tools

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