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Well, I've installed it exactly as the directions specify so unless someone can tell me what log to look into to find out why temporary vehicles are despawning within 15 seconds, I guess I will just have to assume that something I've modified on both of my servers is to blame.

What version of epoch are you running?

And it's not killing you when you get in any of the vehicles?

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There is that and a bit of code in the TPtoMe file. Just gives an exception to antihack to the player it teleports for a fraction of a second.

So it's only a exception for the admin tools tp to me function !

Nothing that can be exploited by the normal users ?

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Ok then that is your problem. You need to go here and download the tool: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=411

(download is at bottom of page)

  • then go to the cpbo file and run the exe in there AS ADMINISTRATOR and let it finish.
  • Go to your @DayZ_Epoch_Server folder, then into the addons folder.
  • Right click the .pbo file inside there and select extract pbo.
  • Highlight ALL files and select extract. They must be highlighted.
  • Rename dayz_server.pbo to OLD_dayz_server.pbo
  • Go into the folder that was created by extracting and make the changes stated in readme
  • Then go back to the addons folder and rightclick the dayz_server folder then select create pbo



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what changes do I need to make to my server.pbo? I can't find any in the readme


Temporary vehicles despawning/blowing up fix:

This is caused by Epoch's included antihack/cleanup script in the server pbo.

  1. Open your server .pbo file with your preferred PBO editor.
  2. Open init/server_functions.sqf and search the file for the following:

    if(vehicle _x != _x && !(vehicle _x in PVDZE_serverObjectMonitor) && (isPlayer _x) && !((typeOf vehicle _x) in DZE_safeVehicle)) then {
  3. Comment out this line and/or replace it with the following:

    if(vehicle _x != _x && !(vehicle _x in PVDZE_serverObjectMonitor) && (isPlayer _x) && !((typeOf vehicle _x) in DZE_safeVehicle) && (vehicle _x getVariable ["MalSar",0] !=1)) then {
  4. Now open your compile/server_updateObject.sqf and place this:

    if (_object getVariable "MalSar" == 1) exitWith {};

    ...immediately above this:

    if (!_parachuteWest and !(locked _object)) then {

Done. Repackage the server pbo and upload it to your server.

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Temporary vehicles despawning/blowing up fix:

This is caused by Epoch's included antihack/cleanup script in the server pbo.

  1. Open your server .pbo file with your preferred PBO editor.
  2. Open init/server_functions.sqf and search the file for the following:

    if(vehicle _x != _x && !(vehicle _x in PVDZE_serverObjectMonitor) && (isPlayer _x) && !((typeOf vehicle _x) in DZE_safeVehicle)) then {
  3. Comment out this line and/or replace it with the following:

    if(vehicle _x != _x && !(vehicle _x in PVDZE_serverObjectMonitor) && (isPlayer _x) && !((typeOf vehicle _x) in DZE_safeVehicle) && (vehicle _x getVariable ["MalSar",0] !=1)) then {
  4. Now open your compile/server_updateObject.sqf and place this:

    if (_object getVariable "MalSar" == 1) exitWith {};

    ...immediately above this:

    if (!_parachuteWest and !(locked _object)) then {

Done. Repackage the server pbo and upload it to your server.


Thanks, I'll test it out later!

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Deleting the server.pbo and reinstalling it, then properly packaging/repackaging the files made it work! Seems great so far! I noticed that after a few minutes of use, a second option appeared in the scroll menu. Is there any easy fix to that? If not, I don't want to go scrounging through files again just to get rid of a duplicated option.

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Deleting the server.pbo and reinstalling it, then properly packaging/repackaging the files made it work! Seems great so far! I noticed that after a few minutes of use, a second option appeared in the scroll menu. Is there any easy fix to that? If not, I don't want to go scrounging through files again just to get rid of a duplicated option.

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Temporary vehicles despawning/blowing up fix:

This is caused by Epoch's included antihack/cleanup script in the server pbo.

  1. Open your server .pbo file with your preferred PBO editor.
  2. Open init/server_functions.sqf and search the file for the following:

    if(vehicle _x != _x && !(vehicle _x in PVDZE_serverObjectMonitor) && (isPlayer _x) && !((typeOf vehicle _x) in DZE_safeVehicle)) then {
  3. Comment out this line and/or replace it with the following:

    if(vehicle _x != _x && !(vehicle _x in PVDZE_serverObjectMonitor) && (isPlayer _x) && !((typeOf vehicle _x) in DZE_safeVehicle) && (vehicle _x getVariable ["MalSar",0] !=1)) then {
  4. Now open your compile/server_updateObject.sqf and place this:

    if (_object getVariable "MalSar" == 1) exitWith {};

    ...immediately above this:

    if (!_parachuteWest and !(locked _object)) then {

Done. Repackage the server pbo and upload it to your server.



Yeah, I followed the directions. Didn't work. Temp vehicles still despawn.

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Need server admins to test this Weather/Time Fix:




Simply replace the contents of your current AdminToolsMain.sqf with the above.


I replaced the setDate command with skipTime, which, according to the Biki, "Even though the immediate effect of skipTime is only local, the new time will propagate through the network after 30 seconds or so."


Let me know if changing the time to Noon or Midnight also changes the time for connected players.



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Hi guys! I'm a DayZ veteran but I'm extremely new to running a server and I was wondering if I could get some help.


I installed the admin tools mod according to instructions found on the github- https://github.com/gregariousjb/Epoch-Admin-Tools

and everything works great except that when I go to fix the Teleport/flying rubber banding issue this line of code I'm supposed to replace- "[] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_code\system\antihack.sqf";"

I can't find anywhere, I've searched through the entire init.sqf file both with the search feature and manually 4 or 5 times but I can't find this line of code anywhere. I don't code so I have no idea how to read through all the other lines to see what code line it is in my init that accesses the antihack file. I checked my default completely unmodded Mission PBO file and the init.sqf in that doesn't have this line of code either. I don't think it's anything I did wrong  because I followed the instructions to the letter and I don't have any other mods installed yet. I also tried adding the replacement block of code at the bottom (just a shot in the dark) to no avail. I use DayZ ST hosting service and my Epoch Version is I've looked extensively for help on this site and on opendayz but everything is either old info or not the issue I'm having. Any help is appreciated.


Thanks for the awesome mod!


Edit, I actually have, just swapped the numbers on accident

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Need server admins to test this Weather/Time Fix:




Simply replace the contents of your current AdminToolsMain.sqf with the above.


I replaced the setDate command with skipTime, which, according to the Biki, "Even though the immediate effect of skipTime is only local, the new time will propagate through the network after 30 seconds or so."


Let me know if changing the time to Noon or Midnight also changes the time for connected players.




Did not work on my server. 

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Hi guys! I'm a DayZ veteran but I'm extremely new to running a server and I was wondering if I could get some help.


I installed the admin tools mod according to instructions found on the github- https://github.com/gregariousjb/Epoch-Admin-Tools

and everything works great except that when I go to fix the Teleport/flying rubber banding issue this line of code I'm supposed to replace- "[] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_code\system\antihack.sqf";"

I can't find anywhere, I've searched through the entire init.sqf file both with the search feature and manually 4 or 5 times but I can't find this line of code anywhere. I don't code so I have no idea how to read through all the other lines to see what code line it is in my init that accesses the antihack file. I checked my default completely unmodded Mission PBO file and the init.sqf in that doesn't have this line of code either. I don't think it's anything I did wrong  because I followed the instructions to the letter and I don't have any other mods installed yet. I also tried adding the replacement block of code at the bottom (just a shot in the dark) to no avail. I use DayZ ST hosting service and my Epoch Version is I've looked extensively for help on this site and on opendayz but everything is either old info or not the issue I'm having. Any help is appreciated.


Thanks for the awesome mod!


Edit, I actually have, just swapped the numbers on accident




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I see the line I'm supposed to replace with the script but on mine is has this- 

//anti Hack
// Anti Hack 
if (true) then {
[] execVM "ATPExclusion\antihack.sqf";
Also I see that the link this init.sqf is for chernarus, my server is taviana, would this have anything to do with the difference?
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I see the line I'm supposed to replace with the script but on mine is has this- 

//anti Hack
// Anti Hack 
if (true) then {
[] execVM "ATPExclusion\antihack.sqf";
Also I see that the link this init.sqf is for chernarus, my server is taviana, would this have anything to do with the difference?


That shows you are using a different type of anithack.sqf.  

That is why you didn't find the line of code.

What other scripts are you running that refer to that folder ?

B/C even with Taviana map the init.sqf is the same https://github.com/vbawol/DayZ-Epoch/blob/master/Server%20Files/MPMissions/DayZ_Epoch_13.Tavi/init.sqf#L85

I don't know much of anithacks but is there another one you are using other than the default epoch one ?

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It should have been the same, not exactly sure why it wasn't. With DayZ ST I just downloaded the default PBO's from the DayZ ST control panel. The admin tools was the first script/mod I installed. I think it's actually the same antihack file but it's in a different folder so I had to put in the code so that it would access the correct folder. At any rate I didn't change it from the default one I downloaded from DayZ ST, they might have changed it however. I'm not running any other custom scripts so I don't think any other scripts refer to the antihack file. I guess I kinda derped on this one, I cut/pasted the line referring to the antihack file into the block of code that allowed admins and mods to TP so that it would still find the antihack file. Tested it out and it works great. Turns out it was a pretty simple fix. Thanks for the help!



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