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Ok then that is your problem. You need to go here and download the tool: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=411

(download is at bottom of page)

  • then go to the cpbo file and run the exe in there AS ADMINISTRATOR and let it finish.
  • Go to your @DayZ_Epoch_Server folder, then into the addons folder.
  • Right click the .pbo file inside there and select extract pbo.
  • Highlight ALL files and select extract. They must be highlighted.
  • Rename dayz_server.pbo to OLD_dayz_server.pbo
  • Go into the folder that was created by extracting and make the changes stated in readme
  • Then go back to the addons folder and rightclick the dayz_server folder then select create pbo



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Alright. I noticed that it also said "Mission.pbo". Do I have to do these steps with whatever file that is? (Which, by the way, I have been unable to find. I assume it is the MPMissions folder)


No, the mpmissions used to be in a pbo a long time ago. Anything dealing with mission.pbo is now in the MPMissions folder. I will need to ammend that in the readme sometime soon.

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Ok then that is your problem. You need to go here and download the tool: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=411

(download is at bottom of page)

  • then go to the cpbo file and run the exe in there AS ADMINISTRATOR and let it finish.
  • Go to your @DayZ_Epoch_Server folder, then into the addons folder.
  • Right click the .pbo file inside there and select extract pbo.
  • Highlight ALL files and select extract. They must be highlighted.
  • Rename dayz_server.pbo to OLD_dayz_server.pbo
  • Go into the folder that was created by extracting and make the changes stated in readme
  • Then go back to the addons folder and rightclick the dayz_server folder then select create pbo


That will most likely be my problem too then.

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Hi all.  Been having an issue when installing this onto epoch   From a stock setup on HFBservers, and running Lingor map with only the Admin tools installed (followed to the letter), I'm getting stuck at a the loading screen for Epoch.  Everything loads, the bar goes up, then I can hear the background noise, then all I see is the DayZ Epoch screen, and a blank loading bar.   Any suggestions?

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Hi all.  Been having an issue when installing this onto epoch   From a stock setup on HFBservers, and running Lingor map with only the Admin tools installed (followed to the letter), I'm getting stuck at a the loading screen for Epoch.  Everything loads, the bar goes up, then I can hear the background noise, then all I see is the DayZ Epoch screen, and a blank loading bar.   Any suggestions?

This might have to do with the map. I have never tried it on a different map but I hear it can sometimes cause problems. Be sure you coppied everything correctly as well. Downloads can sometimes corrupt or missing a ; can cause this as well. Post the rpt for error checking.

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Hi all.  Been having an issue when installing this onto epoch   From a stock setup on HFBservers, and running Lingor map with only the Admin tools installed (followed to the letter), I'm getting stuck at a the loading screen for Epoch.  Everything loads, the bar goes up, then I can hear the background noise, then all I see is the DayZ Epoch screen, and a blank loading bar.   Any suggestions?


Did you put your prefix on your server pBO?

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The older version of admin tools worked when we were running (pretty much one of the first versions where the UID's needed to be in AllAdminList and SuperAdmin)


server.pbo located in the @Epoch_Server/addons dir is named dayz.server.pbo if that's what you mean.  I'll get the RPT.

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have this working perfect, one issue i have noticed, unlike bluephoenix, the teleport feature puts you inside things, whereas bluephoenix put you on top of things, is there any way for this to be changed?


That is actually some good information. We will change that. Not sure if we will put people on top, but I think putting them to the side of the object may be better. Getting stuck on a car can break legs.

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Did you undo whatever you edited last time instead of editing the correct files?


Well the only thing I needed to undo was directly editing the server.pbo. I'm... I guess I didn't do that, no. I think I might just have to re-download the server.pbo, cause I don't know what's wrong with it at this point.

I'll get back on that by tomorrow afternoon.

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Well the only thing I needed to undo was directly editing the server.pbo. I'm... I guess I didn't do that, no. I think I might just have to re-download the server.pbo, cause I don't know what's wrong with it at this point.

I'll get back on that by tomorrow afternoon.


You can post the rpt for me to error check if you like, but a reinstall of the full thing could help.

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Try doing everything again. From the ground up, don't skip any steps and don't replace just the updated files. I have tested it religiously on 4 different computers with 3 different people and the temp vehicles work for us no problem. We have no deaths or disappearances.


I've been modding my Epoch servers for a long time. I know how to install things like this. The directions are very clear cut and simple. I made the changes to the two files as the directions state and temporary vehicles despawn within a few seconds.

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I've been modding my Epoch servers for a long time. I know how to install things like this. The directions are very clear cut and simple. I made the changes to the two files as the directions state and temporary vehicles despawn within a few seconds.


The problem is something on your end. I just installed it on a clean server build and the vehicles work for me. 

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TP to Me (Teleport player to admin):

  • This feature now works for teleporting players to you WITHOUT disabling the antihack!
  • Follow the new readme. This is very important to get this new fix to work.

Clean up:

  • Removed an unneeded file to make the mission file smaller. Every bit counts.

Download Now

So what does it exactly do to get it to work ?

The only different i see is this !

if (not ((getPlayerUID player) in AdminList)) then


if (not ((getPlayerUID player) in ModList)) then


if (not ((getPlayerUID player) in tempList)) then


[] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_code\system\antihack.sqf";




Sorry for my newbie question ;)

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So what does it exactly do to get it to work ?

The only different i see is this !

if (not ((getPlayerUID player) in AdminList)) then


if (not ((getPlayerUID player) in ModList)) then


if (not ((getPlayerUID player) in tempList)) then


[] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_code\system\antihack.sqf";




Sorry for my newbie question ;)


There is that and a bit of code in the TPtoMe file. Just gives an exception to antihack to the player it teleports for a fraction of a second.

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The problem is something on your end. I just installed it on a clean server build and the vehicles work for me. 


Well, I've installed it exactly as the directions specify so unless someone can tell me what log to look into to find out why temporary vehicles are despawning within 15 seconds, I guess I will just have to assume that something I've modified on both of my servers is to blame.

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First I'd like to say good job and expanding on this and making this an amazing tool.  


  • For the displaying of codes in the Epoch menu, can you make a display list for the number codes for the color code. IE ("1") = ("BLACK")
  • Example When display code of lock box it says "10104" which is "GREEN04".  Same goes for Keys also.
  • For the box with the backpacks in it maybe this code will help http://pastebin.com/H4MfMZyS, I use it with Cheatengine to spawn things on our private server. ("I know its a cheat, i don't have BE on, Private server for 10 of us in our community") But with this Admin tool i don't have to use Cheat engine anymore "THANK YOU"
  • Also I don't know how many ppl still use but you might want to add a little note on the instructions that its server_cleanup.fsm
  • Also some people may be using the clean up from sarge AI work around which is the same thing but its using the Variable "Sarge" instead of "Malsar" That might help some people also
  • Also if you use the "Main Menu" option and the click right click to get out of the menu it takes you through all of the menus you were in.
  • When using the epoch delete buildings option it displays walls around the area which is nice, but put text that says "right click to disable or cancel"
Other than that i think its beautiful you guys have done an amazing job in just 2 weeks basically




Edit* found the ItemKey.hpp file https://raw.github.com/vbawol/DayZ-Epoch/master/SQF/dayz_code/Configs/CfgWeapons/Item/ItemKeys.hpp

Edit 2* Agreeing with Calamity below that all weather related stuff is client sided and not server sided, Time, Fog, and Weather. I just double checked with somebody else online.

I don't know if anybody saw my post since it was a few days ago, I do know some things have been addressed so just ignore I'm just looking to see if a couple things can be looked at. Sorry for the repost
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