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[Release] DayZ Mission System


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After that spawn_event fix I'm not seeing any errors, but I'm also not seeing DZMS starting. Can you make sure you have the modified server_monitor on the server, and the DZMS folder in the right location?


If the line was on the server and the folder not placed correctly, there would at least be a line saying that the DZMSInit.sqf was missing.

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After that spawn_event fix I'm not seeing any errors, but I'm also not seeing DZMS starting. Can you make sure you have the modified server_monitor on the server, and the DZMS folder in the right location?


If the line was on the server and the folder not placed correctly, there would at least be a line saying that the DZMSInit.sqf was missing.

server_monitor is at C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\Epoch Server\@DayZ_Epoch_Server\addons\dayz_server.pbo\system\server_monitor.sqf


DZMS is installed at C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\Epoch Server\@DayZ_Epoch_Server\addons\dayz_server.pbo\DZMS


EDIT: not \system\

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EDIT: It seems my PBO file is going crazy and reverting itself randomly, anyone had any past experience with that?



well today it seems to have sorted itself out, however now my admintools has gave up

12:15:52 [DZMS]: Starting DayZ Mission System.
12:15:52 [DZMS]: Relations not found! Using DZMS Relations.
12:15:55 [DZMS]: Currently Running Version: 1.1FIN
12:15:55 [DZMS]: Mission and Extended Configuration Loaded!
12:15:55 [DZMS]: chernarus Detected. Map Specific Settings Adjusted!
12:15:58 [DZMS]: DayZ Epoch Detected! Some Scripts Adjusted!
12:16:01 [DZMS]: Loading ExecVM Functions.
12:16:01 [DZMS]: Loading Compiled Functions.
12:16:01 [DZMS]: Loading All Other Functions.
12:16:01 [DZMS]: Mission Functions Script Loaded!
12:16:04 [DZMS]: Mission Marker Loop for JIPs Starting!
12:16:04 [DZMS]: Minor Mission Clock Starting!
12:16:04 [DZMS]: Major Mission Clock Starting
Edited by chriseeeee
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I am had issues with the blacklisting system of DZMS, this is the correct code:

// Blacklist Zone Array -- missions will not spawn in these areas
// format: [[x,y,z],radius]
// Ex: [[06325,07807,0],300] //Stary Sobor
DZMSBlacklistZones = [

Stary, Hero, Bandit, NE aircraft, Bash and Klen traders included.

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My issues is I have to many weapons as loot on my missions. I have setup each mission to have around 15 bandits. Including the crates there is a lot of loot to be had. I'm trying to decrease the amount of weapons in the crates. I have tried to manipulate the code in DZMSBox.sqf but nothing is working.


I'm changing the following as per a post earlier in this thread. As you can see I have set it to as low as I can take it but the weapons are still spawning at 6 per crate.

//load primary
	_scount = count DZMSprimaryList;
	for "_x" from 0 to 1 do {
		_sSelect = floor(random _sCount);
		_item = DZMSprimaryList select _sSelect;
		_crate addWeaponCargoGlobal [_item,1];
		_ammo = [] + getArray (configFile >> "cfgWeapons" >> _item >> "magazines");
		if (count _ammo > 0) then {
			_crate addMagazineCargoGlobal [(_ammo select 0),(round(random 1))];

Or! Is there a way to have the bandits weapons despawn after they are killed? I see you have this setting for the RPG. Is there one for regular weapons as well? This would easily take care of the amount of loot on all my missions.


p.s. Great MOD. It's a staple of my server.

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My issues is I have to many weapons as loot on my missions. I have setup each mission to have around 15 bandits. Including the crates there is a lot of loot to be had. I'm trying to decrease the amount of weapons in the crates. I have tried to manipulate the code in DZMSBox.sqf but nothing is working.


I'm changing the following as per a post earlier in this thread. As you can see I have set it to as low as I can take it but the weapons are still spawning at 6 per crate.

//load primary
	_scount = count DZMSprimaryList;
	for "_x" from 0 to 1 do {
		_sSelect = floor(random _sCount);
		_item = DZMSprimaryList select _sSelect;
		_crate addWeaponCargoGlobal [_item,1];
		_ammo = [] + getArray (configFile >> "cfgWeapons" >> _item >> "magazines");
		if (count _ammo > 0) then {
			_crate addMagazineCargoGlobal [(_ammo select 0),(round(random 1))];

Or! Is there a way to have the bandits weapons despawn after they are killed? I see you have this setting for the RPG. Is there one for regular weapons as well? This would easily take care of the amount of loot on all my missions.


p.s. Great MOD. It's a staple of my server.


If you use this DZMSAIKilled.sqf it will strip all the gear off the AI when they die. I'd suggest then leaving the crates as default.


Turn DZMSRunGear on in the DZMS Config.


	DZMSAIKilled.sqf by Vampire
	This function is called when an AI Unit is killed.
	It handles the humanity allocation and body cleanup.

private ["_unit","_player","_humanity","_banditkills"];
_unit = _this select 0;
_player = _this select 1;

//If the killer is a player, lets handle the humanity

if (isPlayer _player) then {
	private ["_banditkills","_humanity"];
	//diag_log text format ["[DZMS]: Debug: Unit killed by %1 at %2", _player, mapGridPosition _unit];
	//Lets grab some info
	_humanity = _player getVariable ["humanity",0];
	_banditkills = _player getVariable ["banditKills",0];
	//If the player gets humanity per config, lets give it
	if (DZMSMissHumanity) then {
		_player setVariable ["humanity",(_humanity + DZMSCntHumanity),true];
	//If this counts as a bandit kill, lets give it
	if (DZMSCntBanditKls) then {
		_player setVariable ["banditKills",(_banditkills + 1),true];
	//Lets inform the nearby AI of roughly the players position
	//This makes the AI turn and react instead of laying around
		if (((position _x) distance (position _unit)) <= 300) then {
			_x reveal [_player, 4.0];
	} forEach allUnits;
	removeBackpack _unit;
	removeAllWeapons _unit;
		_unit removeMagazine _x
	} forEach magazines _unit;
} else {

	//diag_log text format ["[DZMS]: Debug: Unit killed by %1 at %2", _player, mapGridPosition _unit];

	if (DZMSRunGear) then {
		//Since a player ran them over, or they died from unknown causes
		//Lets strip their gear
		removeBackpack _unit;
		removeAllWeapons _unit;
			_unit removeMagazine _x
		} forEach magazines _unit;

if (DZMSCleanDeath) then {
	_unit call DZMSPurgeObject;
	if (DZMSCleanDeath) exitWith {};

if (DZMSUseNVG) then {
	_unit removeWeapon "NVGoggles";

if (DZMSUseRPG AND ("RPG7V" in (weapons _unit))) then {
	_unit removeWeapon "RPG7V";
	_unit removeMagazines "PG7V";

//Dead body timer and cleanup
[DZMSBodyTime,10] call DZMSSleep;
_unit call DZMSPurgeObject;

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Thanks Vamp! Spot on and Timely as usual.


This is a win/win. Now when the people on my server complain about bandits not dropping weapons I can tell them that you did it since, technically, you did write the code. :D


Your thankful and innocent victim, Razz.


j.k., of course :)

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Help, I put the server online for 30 minutes missions are ok, but when I checked my RPT was 32mb and with this Message:
20:17:58 [DZMS]: Starting DayZ Mission System.
20:17:58 [DZMS]: Relations not found! Using DZMS Relations.
20:17:58 [DZMS]: Currently Running Version: RC1.1
20:17:58 [DZMS]: Mission and Extended Configuration Loaded!
20:17:58 [DZMS]: Detected Napf. Map Specific Settings Adjusted!
20:17:58 [DZMS]: DayZ Epoch Detected! Some Scripts Adjusted!
20:17:58 [DZMS]: Loading ExecVM Functions.
20:17:58 [DZMS]: Loading Compiled Functions.
20:17:58 [DZMS]: Loading All Other Functions.
20:17:58 [DZMS]: Mission Script Functions Loaded!
20:17:58 [DZMS] Major Mission Clock Starting!
20:17:58 [DZMS]: Minor Mission Clock Starting!
20:17:58 [DZMS]: Mission Marker Loop JIPs is Starting!
20:30:42 Error in expression <1% or Mission ", _varName].;
WaitUntil DZMSMinDone {};
DZMSMinDone = nil;
20:30:42 Error position: <DZMSMinDone};
DZMSMinDone = nil;
20:30:42 Error Undefined variable in expression: dzmsmindone
20:30:42 File z \ addons \ dayz_server \ DZMS \ Scripts \ DZMSMinTimer.sqf, line 42
20:30:42 Error in expression <1% or Mission ", _varName].;
_unit AddEventHandler ["Kil>
20:30:42 Error position: <_aicskill;
_unit AddEventHandler ["Kil>
20:30:42 Error Undefined variable in expression: _aicskill
20:30:42 File z \ addons \ dayz_server \ DZMS \ Scripts \ DZMSAISpawn.sqf, line 101
20:30:43 Error in expression <1% or Mission ", _varName].;
20:45:18 [DZMS]: Running Major Mission SM2.
20:45:18 Error in expression <1% or Mission ", _varName].;
WaitUntil DZMSMajDone {};
DZMSMajDone = nil;
20:45:18 Error position: <DZMSMajDone};
DZMSMajDone = nil;
20:45:18 Error Undefined variable in expression: dzmsmajdone
20:45:18 File z \ addons \ dayz_server \ DZMS \ Scripts \ DZMSMajTimer.sqf, line 42
20:45:18 Error in expression <1% or Mission ", _varName].;
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Help, I put the server online for 30 minutes missions are ok, but when I checked my RPT was 32mb and with this Message:
20:17:58 [DZMS]: Starting DayZ Mission System.
20:17:58 [DZMS]: Relations not found! Using DZMS Relations.
20:17:58 [DZMS]: Currently Running Version: RC1.1
20:17:58 [DZMS]: Mission and Extended Configuration Loaded!
20:17:58 [DZMS]: Detected Napf. Map Specific Settings Adjusted!
20:17:58 [DZMS]: DayZ Epoch Detected! Some Scripts Adjusted!
20:17:58 [DZMS]: Loading ExecVM Functions.
20:17:58 [DZMS]: Loading Compiled Functions.
20:17:58 [DZMS]: Loading All Other Functions.
20:17:58 [DZMS]: Mission Script Functions Loaded!
20:17:58 [DZMS] Major Mission Clock Starting!
20:17:58 [DZMS]: Minor Mission Clock Starting!
20:17:58 [DZMS]: Mission Marker Loop JIPs is Starting!
20:30:42 Error in expression <1% or Mission ", _varName].;
WaitUntil DZMSMinDone {};
DZMSMinDone = nil;
20:30:42 Error position: <DZMSMinDone};
DZMSMinDone = nil;
20:30:42 Error Undefined variable in expression: dzmsmindone
20:30:42 File z \ addons \ dayz_server \ DZMS \ Scripts \ DZMSMinTimer.sqf, line 42
20:30:42 Error in expression <1% or Mission ", _varName].;
_unit AddEventHandler ["Kil>
20:30:42 Error position: <_aicskill;
_unit AddEventHandler ["Kil>
20:30:42 Error Undefined variable in expression: _aicskill
20:30:42 File z \ addons \ dayz_server \ DZMS \ Scripts \ DZMSAISpawn.sqf, line 101
20:30:43 Error in expression <1% or Mission ", _varName].;
20:45:18 [DZMS]: Running Major Mission SM2.
20:45:18 Error in expression <1% or Mission ", _varName].;
WaitUntil DZMSMajDone {};
DZMSMajDone = nil;
20:45:18 Error position: <DZMSMajDone};
DZMSMajDone = nil;
20:45:18 Error Undefined variable in expression: dzmsmajdone
20:45:18 File z \ addons \ dayz_server \ DZMS \ Scripts \ DZMSMajTimer.sqf, line 42
20:45:18 Error in expression <1% or Mission ", _varName].;



Use this DZMS Folder:


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 //Lets inform the nearby AI of roughly the players position
//This makes the AI turn and react instead of laying around
if (((position _x) distance (position _unit)) <= 300) then {
_x reveal [_player, 4.0];
} forEach allUnits;



So increasing this would, in theorie, keep people from sniping unnoticed? Would take up recourses right?

Oh, btw vampire, have you dumbed down the AI in the last update?

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 //Lets inform the nearby AI of roughly the players position

//This makes the AI turn and react instead of laying around


if (((position _x) distance (position _unit)) <= 300) then {

_x reveal [_player, 4.0];


} forEach allUnits;



So increasing this would, in theorie, keep people from sniping unnoticed? Would take up recourses right?

Oh, btw vampire, have you dumbed down the AI in the last update?


The AI have not been touched by me, Bohemia might have changed some of the default AI characteristics in the last patch.


And Reveal has a max accuracy of 4.



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Just go to DZMSAIConfig.sqf and change all the skill settings to 1.00:

DZMSSkills1 = [
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