juandayz Posted January 20, 2017 Report Share Posted January 20, 2017 INSTALL: 1-You need a custom fn_selfactions.sqf Spoiler A- find: //Allow owner to unlock vault if ((_typeOfCursorTarget in DZE_LockableStorage) && {_characterID != "0"} && {player distance _cursorTarget < 3} && {!keypadCancel}) then { Above it paste: //////////////hotwire if (_typeOfCursorTarget in DZE_LockableStorage) then { if (s_player_hotwirevault < 0) then { s_player_hotwirevault = player addaction [("<t color=""#B40404"">" + ("Hotwire Vault") +"</t>"), "scripts\forcevault.sqf",_cursorTarget, 0, false, true, "", ""]; }; } else { player removeAction s_player_hotwirevault; s_player_hotwirevault = -1; }; if (_typeOfCursorTarget in DZE_UnLockedStorage) then { player removeAction s_player_hotwirevault; s_player_hotwirevault = -1; }; //////////////hotwire B-Near of bottom find: } else { //Engineering Paste below: player removeAction s_player_hotwirevault; s_player_hotwirevault = -1; 2-In a custom variables.sqf Spoiler //Player self-action handles dayz_resetSelfActions = { paste below: s_player_hotwirevault = -1; 3-Create forcevault.sqf ( drop into mpmissions\yourinstance\scripts\ ) Spoiler /** ORIGINAL Author: SchwEde aka shinySonic **/ /** REWRITED BY juandayz and dedicated for Pillbox and NOVA :D **/ //Fixes by "a man" and "shawn" tnks guys for the help private ["_Message","_ownerID","_hasitem","_vault","_isunlockable","_open","_SetChanceToFail"]; _vault = _this select 3; _isunlockable = (((typeOf _vault) == "VaultStorageLocked") || ((typeOf _vault) == "LockboxStorageLocked")); _open= round(random 10); _SetChanceToFail = 9;//1 chance to unlock /9 chance to cannot unlock _hasitem = "ItemHotwireKit" in magazines player; _ownerID = cursorTarget getVariable ["ownerPUID","0"]; player removeAction s_player_hotwirevault; s_player_hotwirevault = -1; if (!_hasitem) exitWith { systemChat("You need a hotwire kit in your inventory"); }; dayz_actionInProgress = true; player removeMagazine "ItemHotwireKit"; if (_isunlockable) then { if (_open < _SetChanceToFail) exitWith { dayz_actionInProgress = false; systemChat("Bad Luck, i could not open it and broke the Hotwire Kit"); _Message = format ["%1 (%2) IS TRYING TO BREAK INTO A SAFE OR LOCKBOX @ %3 Owner: %4",dayz_playerName,dayz_playerUID,(mapGridPosition getPos player),_ownerID]; ["CrackSafe_log",_Message,true] call fnc_log; }; systemChat("Done! I have opened the vault"); //call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\vault_unlock.sqf"; dayz_combination = _vault getVariable["CharacterID","0"]; _vault spawn player_unlockVault; dayz_actionInProgress = false; _Message = format ["%1 (%2) HAS BROKEN INTO A SAFE OR LOCKBOX @ %3 Owner: %4",dayz_playerName,dayz_playerUID,(mapGridPosition getPos player),_ownerID]; ["CrackSafe_log",_Message,true] call fnc_log; }; and its done. Remember you need have a itemhotwire in your inventory. Clark and looter809 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PillBox_ Posted January 20, 2017 Report Share Posted January 20, 2017 This Is great, thanks again @juandayz for re-doing it! It makes epoch so much more fun! juandayz 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
looter809 Posted January 21, 2017 Report Share Posted January 21, 2017 Haha, awesome. I was just looking at the Epoch 1051 version of this script thinking about adding it to my server. Thanks Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WagnerMello Posted January 21, 2017 Report Share Posted January 21, 2017 I had to open a poll to see if the players want it, it's sure to mess with a lot of people Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
looter809 Posted January 24, 2017 Report Share Posted January 24, 2017 Haven't had time to test it yet, does anyone know if this has the dupe fix in it? I remember on a server I played on that used this script back a few years ago I found a dupe that you could get the scroll wheel option, put the hotwire kit in your backpack with the option to hotwire still, and then click the hotwire option and boom... duped. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PillBox_ Posted January 24, 2017 Report Share Posted January 24, 2017 @looter809 It instantly removes the item as soon as you click on "Crack Safe" so duping it would be very hard. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
looter809 Posted January 24, 2017 Report Share Posted January 24, 2017 @PillBox_ Maybe I didn't explain correctly. (On the server I played on) After having it in your main inventory, you get the option to crack safe BUT do not click option yet. Then while still looking at the safe, open gear and put the hotwire kit in your backpack. Close your gear while still facing the safe and the option would still be there, then act as if it was there the whole time and still have a X% chance of opening... In the old version of this , someone reported the same dupe and I believe it was SchwEde or another user told him he must have installed it wrong because there was a check for that kind of dupe; yet, I saw the same dupe on the server I played on... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PillBox_ Posted January 24, 2017 Report Share Posted January 24, 2017 I'll test it right now @looter809 doing what you described. NOTE: The bug you described, doesnt seem to be present. looter809 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
looter809 Posted January 25, 2017 Report Share Posted January 25, 2017 Thanks@PillBox_ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Airwaves Man Posted March 10, 2017 Report Share Posted March 10, 2017 @PillBox_ and @looter809 If you have not fix it yet, just put a test if the player has a hotwire kit in the script at the beginning like that: private ["_hasHotwire","_vault","_isunlockable","_open","_SetChanceToFail"]; _hasHotwire = "ItemHotwireKit" in magazines player; if (!_hasHotwire) exitwith { dayz_actionInProgress = false; "You need a hotwire kit to crack a vault" call dayz_rollingMessages;}; . . . ...rest of the script Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
juandayz Posted March 15, 2017 Author Report Share Posted March 15, 2017 On 10/3/2017 at 9:47 AM, A Man said: @PillBox_ and @looter809 If you have not fix it yet, just put a test if the player has a hotwire kit in the script at the beginning like that: private ["_hasHotwire","_vault","_isunlockable","_open","_SetChanceToFail"]; _hasHotwire = "ItemHotwireKit" in magazines player; if (!_hasHotwire) exitwith { dayz_actionInProgress = false; "You need a hotwire kit to crack a vault" call dayz_rollingMessages;}; . . . ...rest of the script the scroll menu in fn_selfactions have this restricttion... if thers no itemhotwire,, the option dsnt show... but anyway i think youre way its better. Cuz with the restriction on scroll menu the option to crack its hidden.. but if u put in on a client side script then allow everybody to know that the option to crack is allowed. So a change for it: in fn_selfactions Spoiler //////////////hotwire if (_typeOfCursorTarget in DZE_LockableStorage) then { if (s_player_hotwirevault < 0) then { s_player_hotwirevault = player addaction [("<t color=""#B40404"">" + ("Hotwire Vault") +"</t>"), "custom\forcevault.sqf",_cursorTarget, 0, false, true, "", ""]; }; } else { player removeAction s_player_hotwirevault; s_player_hotwirevault = -1; }; if (_typeOfCursorTarget in DZE_UnLockedStorage) then { player removeAction s_player_hotwirevault; s_player_hotwirevault = -1; }; //////////////hotwire in forcevault.sqf Spoiler /** ORIGINAL Author: SchwEde aka shinySonic **/ /** REWRITED BY juandayz and dedicated for Pillbox :D **/ private ["_hasHotwire","_vault","_isunlockable","_open","_SetChanceToFail"]; _vault = _this select 3; _isunlockable = (((typeOf _vault) == "VaultStorageLocked") || ((typeOf _vault) == "LockboxStorageLocked")); _open= round(random 10); _SetChanceToFail = 9;//1 chance to unlock /9 chance to cannot unlock _hasHotwire = "ItemHotwireKit" in magazines player; player removeAction s_player_hotwirevault; s_player_hotwirevault = -1; if (!_hasHotwire) exitwith { dayz_actionInProgress = false; systemChat("You need a hotwire kit to crack a vault"); }; player removeMagazine "ItemHotwireKit"; if (_isunlockable) then { if (_open < _SetChanceToFail) exitWith { dayz_actionInProgress = false; systemChat("Bad Luck, i could not open it and broke the Hotwire Kit"); }; systemChat("Done! I have opened the vault"); call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\vault_unlock.sqf"; dayz_actionInProgress = false; }; Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shawn Posted March 20, 2017 Report Share Posted March 20, 2017 I was able to replicate the dupe, all I needed was the hot wire on me, and then quickly place it inside my backpack or drop it. It would give me the hot wire vault option for a millisecond, but once i hit it, I was able to hot wire the safe. To fix this, do exactly what @A Man said, just add a check to see if the player has a hot wire in their inventory. if !("ItemHotwireKit" in magazines player) exitwith { cutText [format["No hotwire in inventory."],"PLAIN DOWN"]; }; also, at the very end, add this: dayz_combination = _vault getVariable["CharacterID","0"]; _vault spawn player_unlockVault; DZE_ActionInProgress = false; and remove: call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\vault_unlock.sqf"; so here's the fixed version: private ["_vault","_isunlockable","_open","_SetChanceToFail"]; _vault = _this select 3; _isunlockable = (((typeOf _vault) == "VaultStorageLocked") || ((typeOf _vault) == "LockboxStorageLocked")); _open= round(random 10); _SetChanceToFail = 9;//Value*10 for percentage chance of failure player removeAction s_player_hotwirevault; s_player_hotwirevault = -1; if !("ItemHotwireKit" in magazines player) exitwith { _msg = "No hotwire in inventory."; systemChat ("Server: "+str _msg); }; dayz_actionInProgress = true; player removeMagazine "ItemHotwireKit"; if (_isunlockable) then { if (_open < _SetChanceToFail) exitWith { dayz_actionInProgress = false; _msg = "Bad Luck, i could not open it and broke the Hotwire Kit."; systemChat ("Server: "+str _msg); }; _msg = "Done! I have opened the vault."; systemChat ("Server: "+str _msg); dayz_combination = _vault getVariable["CharacterID","0"]; _vault spawn player_unlockVault; DZE_ActionInProgress = false; }; Clark and juandayz 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Airwaves Man Posted March 20, 2017 Report Share Posted March 20, 2017 @juandayz Your script has another problem. You forget to add the function that dayz_combination = _vault getVariable["CharacterID","0"]; Nobody can open the vault even with a hotwire kit. juandayz 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
juandayz Posted March 20, 2017 Author Report Share Posted March 20, 2017 updated-- tnks @A Man and @Shawn Airwaves Man 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DieTanx Posted May 23, 2017 Report Share Posted May 23, 2017 On 1/20/2017 at 4:55 PM, juandayz said: This is a rewrite for the old Hotwire Safese/eLockboxes .. all credits for @SchwEde Fixes by @A Man and @Shawn was added. (tnks guys) And is fully dedicate for @PillBox_ remake it was his idea! INSTALL: 1-You need a custom fn_selfactions.sqf Reveal hidden contents A- find: //Allow owner to unlock vault if ((_typeOfCursorTarget in DZE_LockableStorage) && {_characterID != "0"} && {player distance _cursorTarget < 3} && {!keypadCancel}) then { Above it paste: //////////////hotwire if (_typeOfCursorTarget in DZE_LockableStorage) then { if (s_player_hotwirevault < 0) then { s_player_hotwirevault = player addaction [("<t color=""#B40404"">" + ("Hotwire Vault") +"</t>"), "custom\forcevault.sqf",_cursorTarget, 0, false, true, "", ""]; }; } else { player removeAction s_player_hotwirevault; s_player_hotwirevault = -1; }; if (_typeOfCursorTarget in DZE_UnLockedStorage) then { player removeAction s_player_hotwirevault; s_player_hotwirevault = -1; }; //////////////hotwire B-Near of bottom find: } else { //Engineering Paste below: player removeAction s_player_hotwirevault; s_player_hotwirevault = -1; 2-In a custom variables.sqf Reveal hidden contents find: //Player self-action handles dayz_resetSelfActions = { paste below: s_player_hotwirevault = -1; 3-Create forcevault.sqf ( drop into mpmissions\yourinstance\custom ) Reveal hidden contents /** ORIGINAL Author: SchwEde aka shinySonic **/ /** REWRITED BY juandayz and dedicated for Pillbox :D **/ //Fixes by "a man" and "shawn" tnks guys for the help private ["_hasitem","_vault","_isunlockable","_open","_SetChanceToFail"]; _vault = _this select 3; _isunlockable = (((typeOf _vault) == "VaultStorageLocked") || ((typeOf _vault) == "LockboxStorageLocked")); _open= round(random 10); _SetChanceToFail = 9;//1 chance to unlock /9 chance to cannot unlock _hasitem = "ItemHotwireKit" in magazines player; player removeAction s_player_hotwirevault; s_player_hotwirevault = -1; if (!_hasitem) exitWith { systemChat("You need a hotwire kit in your inventory"); }; dayz_actionInProgress = true; player removeMagazine "ItemHotwireKit"; if (_isunlockable) then { if (_open < _SetChanceToFail) exitWith { dayz_actionInProgress = false; systemChat("Bad Luck, i could not open it and broke the Hotwire Kit"); }; systemChat("Done! I have opened the vault"); //call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\actions\vault_unlock.sqf"; dayz_combination = _vault getVariable["CharacterID","0"]; _vault spawn player_unlockVault; dayz_actionInProgress = false; }; and its done. Remember you need have a itemhotwire in your inventory. See ya epoch communty im going on vacations Is there a way to enable some sort of logging for when a player attempts/succeeds with this? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DieTanx Posted June 12, 2017 Report Share Posted June 12, 2017 Is there a way to enable some sort of logging for when a player attempts/succeeds with this? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
oldmatechoc Posted June 12, 2017 Report Share Posted June 12, 2017 @DieTanx If your using my bomb objects you can use the messages in player_bombobject.sqf eg. Spoiler /** ORIGINAL Author: SchwEde aka shinySonic **/ /** REWRITED BY juandayz and dedicated for Pillbox :D **/ //Fixes by "a man" and "shawn" tnks guys for the help private ["_hasitem","_vault","_isunlockable","_open","_SetChanceToFail","_ownerID","_Message"]; _vault = _this select 3; _isunlockable = (((typeOf _vault) == "VaultStorageLocked") || ((typeOf _vault) == "LockboxStorageLocked")); _open= round(random 10); _SetChanceToFail = 9;//1 chance to unlock /9 chance to cannot unlock _hasitem = "ItemHotwireKit" in magazines player; _ownerID = cursorTarget getVariable ["ownerPUID","0"]; player removeAction s_player_hotwirevault; s_player_hotwirevault = -1; if (!_hasitem) exitWith { systemChat("You need a hotwire kit in your inventory"); }; dayz_actionInProgress = true; player removeMagazine "ItemHotwireKit"; if (_isunlockable) then { if (_open < _SetChanceToFail) exitWith { _Message = format ["%1 (%2) IS TRYING TO BREAK INTO A SAFE OR LOCKBOX @ %3 Owner: %4",dayz_playerName,dayz_playerUID,(mapGridPosition getPos player),_ownerID]; ["CrackSafe_log",_Message,true] call fnc_log; dayz_actionInProgress = false; systemChat("Bad Luck, i could not open it and broke the Hotwire Kit"); }; systemChat("Done! I have opened the vault"); _Message = format ["%1 (%2) HAS BROKEN INTO A SAFE OR LOCKBOX @ %3 Owner: %4",dayz_playerName,dayz_playerUID,(mapGridPosition getPos player),_ownerID]; ["CrackSafe_log",_Message,true] call fnc_log; dayz_combination = _vault getVariable["CharacterID","0"]; _vault spawn player_unlockVault; dayz_actionInProgress = false; }; juandayz and DieTanx 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DieTanx Posted June 12, 2017 Report Share Posted June 12, 2017 28 minutes ago, oldmatechoc said: @DieTanx If your using my bomb objects you can use the messages in player_bombobject.sqf eg. Hide contents /** ORIGINAL Author: SchwEde aka shinySonic **/ /** REWRITED BY juandayz and dedicated for Pillbox :D **/ //Fixes by "a man" and "shawn" tnks guys for the help private ["_hasitem","_vault","_isunlockable","_open","_SetChanceToFail","_ownerID","_Message"]; _vault = _this select 3; _isunlockable = (((typeOf _vault) == "VaultStorageLocked") || ((typeOf _vault) == "LockboxStorageLocked")); _open= round(random 10); _SetChanceToFail = 9;//1 chance to unlock /9 chance to cannot unlock _hasitem = "ItemHotwireKit" in magazines player; _ownerID = cursorTarget getVariable ["ownerPUID","0"]; player removeAction s_player_hotwirevault; s_player_hotwirevault = -1; if (!_hasitem) exitWith { systemChat("You need a hotwire kit in your inventory"); }; dayz_actionInProgress = true; player removeMagazine "ItemHotwireKit"; if (_isunlockable) then { if (_open < _SetChanceToFail) exitWith { _Message = format ["%1 (%2) IS TRYING TO BREAK INTO A SAFE OR LOCKBOX @ %3 Owner: %4",dayz_playerName,dayz_playerUID,(mapGridPosition getPos player),_ownerID]; ["CrackSafe_log",_Message,true] call fnc_log; dayz_actionInProgress = false; systemChat("Bad Luck, i could not open it and broke the Hotwire Kit"); }; systemChat("Done! I have opened the vault"); _Message = format ["%1 (%2) HAS BROKEN INTO A SAFE OR LOCKBOX @ %3 Owner: %4",dayz_playerName,dayz_playerUID,(mapGridPosition getPos player),_ownerID]; ["CrackSafe_log",_Message,true] call fnc_log; dayz_combination = _vault getVariable["CharacterID","0"]; _vault spawn player_unlockVault; dayz_actionInProgress = false; }; Cheers, this works great! 21:02:11 "[CRACKSAFE_LOG] SlashnDash (XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX) IS TRYING TO BREAK INTO A SAFE OR LOCKBOX @ 070065 Owner: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" 21:02:14 "[CRACKSAFE_LOG] SlashnDash (XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX) IS TRYING TO BREAK INTO A SAFE OR LOCKBOX @ 070065 Owner: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" 21:02:16 "[CRACKSAFE_LOG] SlashnDash (XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX) HAS BROKEN INTO A SAFE OR LOCKBOX @ 070065 Owner: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" juandayz 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
oldmatechoc Posted June 12, 2017 Report Share Posted June 12, 2017 Good to hear bud! @DieTanx DieTanx 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SmithyJenkins Posted June 29, 2017 Report Share Posted June 29, 2017 If anyone is looking for a version like Schwedes that had separate chances for hotwiring lockboxes and safes, I made a version that had that functionality: Spoiler /** ORIGINAL Author: SchwEde aka shinySonic **/ /** REWRITED BY juandayz and dedicated for Pillbox :D **/ //Fixes by "a man" and "shawn" tnks guys for the help //Separate lockbox/safe functionality added by Smithy Jenkins private ["_vault","_isunlockable", "_isSafe", "_isLockbox", "_openChance", "_safeFailChance", "_lockboxFailChance"]; _vault = _this select 3; _isunlockable = (((typeOf _vault) == "VaultStorageLocked") || ((typeOf _vault) == "LockboxStorageLocked")); _isSafe = (typeOf _vault) == "VaultStorageLocked"; _isLockbox = (typeOf _vault) == "LockboxStorageLocked"; _openChance= round(random 100); //Random rounded number out of 100 _safeFailChance = 0; _lockboxFailChance = 0; player removeAction s_player_hotwirevault; s_player_hotwirevault = -1; if !("ItemHotwireKit" in magazines player) exitwith { _msg = "No Hotwire Kit found in inventory!"; systemChat ("Server: "+str _msg); }; dayz_actionInProgress = true; player removeMagazine "ItemHotwireKit"; if (_isunlockable) then { if (_isSafe) then { if (_openChance < _safeFailChance) exitWith { dayz_actionInProgress = false; _msg = "The Hotwire Kit breaks and the vault remains locked."; systemChat ("Server: "+str _msg); }; _msg = "The Hotwire Kit disintegrates as the vault unlocks."; systemChat ("Server: "+str _msg); dayz_combination = _vault getVariable["CharacterID","0"]; _vault spawn player_unlockVault; dayz_actionInProgress = false; } else { if (_isLockbox) then { if (_openChance < _lockboxFailChance) exitWith { dayz_actionInProgress = false; _msg = "The Hotwire Kit breaks and the vault remains locked."; systemChat ("Server: "+str _msg); }; _msg = "The Hotwire Kit disintegrates as the vault unlocks."; systemChat ("Server: "+str _msg); dayz_combination = _vault getVariable["CharacterID","0"]; _vault spawn player_unlockVault; dayz_actionInProgress = false; }; }; }; Code may be a little unoptimized but hey, it works :) juandayz 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
_Lance_ Posted September 21, 2017 Report Share Posted September 21, 2017 Hey Juan, I added locked base doors to the vaults list/array not sure what to call it, but they don't work, any ideas on how I can get it to work on locked base doors the same way as safes? Here's how I edited the code, just added to it, the safes still work but nothing on the doors _isunlockable = (((typeOf _vault) == "VaultStorageLocked") || ((typeOf _vault) == "LockboxStorageLocked") || ((typeOf _vault) == "CinderWallDoorSmallLocked_DZ") || ((typeOf _vault) == "CinderWallDoorLocked_DZ")); Before using the locked door classnames I tried itemComboLock with no luck Could I add those classnames to this to make it work? --> _vault = _this select 3; Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
salival Posted September 21, 2017 Report Share Posted September 21, 2017 35 minutes ago, _Lance_ said: Hey Juan, I added locked base doors to the vaults list/array not sure what to call it, but they don't work, any ideas on how I can get it to work on locked base doors the same way as safes? Here's how I edited the code, just added to it, the safes still work but nothing on the doors _isunlockable = (((typeOf _vault) == "VaultStorageLocked") || ((typeOf _vault) == "LockboxStorageLocked") || ((typeOf _vault) == "CinderWallDoorSmallLocked_DZ") || ((typeOf _vault) == "CinderWallDoorLocked_DZ")); Before using the locked door classnames I tried itemComboLock with no luck Could I add those classnames to this to make it work? --> _vault = _this select 3; That wont work, doors use a different system to unlock. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
_Lance_ Posted September 21, 2017 Report Share Posted September 21, 2017 9 minutes ago, salival said: That wont work, doors use a different system to unlock. Well dang that kinda negates the whole script if the safe is locked behind doors. I guess it will still work for random safedroppers at least. Thanks Salival Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
juandayz Posted September 21, 2017 Author Report Share Posted September 21, 2017 9 hours ago, _Lance_ said: Well dang that kinda negates the whole script if the safe is locked behind doors. I guess it will still work for random safedroppers at least. Thanks Salival Remember a version for doors maded by oldmatechoc. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
_Lance_ Posted September 21, 2017 Report Share Posted September 21, 2017 1 hour ago, juandayz said: Remember a version for doors maded by oldmatechoc. I thought about adding the doors to the "non-god-mode-base" array but on a full mili server it only takes 3 shots from an RPG to drop doors which is way too easy. I'll do some searching for oldmatechoc at lunch and hopefully I can update anything I find, I'll let you know how it turns out. Thanks Juan! juandayz 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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