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Motorcycles with RPGs and Guns Oh MY!
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Howdy Peeps, how goes it?
Say I've been asking around on different servers about what players would think if we had Motorcycles that had Dual Machine Guns on them and Rocket Launchers in DayZ, and everyone I've asked so far has said that it would be awesome! :D
Slight problem though, These don't exist to my understanding so we need to make them with custom scripts.
I've already read up on the Biplane thread where you can add PKM or M240s to the plane that didn't start out with guns, but I don't know and don't have access to the server side data for the motorcycles. I know the class name for motorcycles is TT650 but when I unpack the files and try to edit them with Notepad ++ There are a lot NUL points and zones where there should be text and numbers but there isn’t anything but fillers unless I’m mistaken.
Would anyone be willing to help us out, It would take a load off my friend's back who's running our server.
If you'd be so kind, please give a tutorial of how to add weapons to these vehicles, Motorcycles, ATVs, Mozzies, Mountain Bike, and show us out to add the following to them.
Forward armament
2 or 3 (in a triangle pattern) front facing PKM or M240
2 forward facing AA-12s with 10 reloads (plus the preloaded mag) of HE rounds
Or 2 to 3 Miniguns or DSHkM each with 4 reloads (plus one chambered) each
Accompanied by (in the middle of the guns) 1 RPG7V with a load of 12 (plus one round already loaded in) PG7VR rounds
Side facing armament
2 (on both sides) AA-12s with shot shells (with 10 reloads plus 1 in the chamber)
Back facing armament
A salvo of 3 RPG18 (with 6 reloads each)
LOL this thing is kind of like Hell Rider’s motorcycle now that I think of it or that old Motorcycle game on the SNESS that had you racing around the roads to a city and you could fire the built in guns on your motorcycle.
LOL I don’t know if I want it to be this overpowered necessarily (though a well placed shot to the driver’s head or a single tank round near the bike would be enough to silence it LOL), unless you want to make one like this, but I’d also like to have a list of different bikes with different sets of abilities, variety is king in life.
So you could have one that is a fully OP Death Header (go head on with it and you’re in trouble) or a ZED Mower (with the shotguns on the sides allowing drive by shootings, sort of like the Bike with the dual chainsaws in Left for Dead.)
Then you can have ones that excel at leaving presents for would be enemies, with good armament in front and plenty of fire power behind to take out things you just drove past.
Also being able to choose single weapon types (all the machine guns in the front/ all the weapons facing the front, all the weapons facing the back and all the weapons facing the sides and being able to turn off selective ones in the scroll wheel UI would be very helpful if possible. Being able to use only The machine guns in the front for Zeds then taking out an enemy AI Tank or Player tank with the RPG rounds, then turning back to the machine guns as to save ammo would be very helpful :)
It’s just a thought and no matter what whatever you guys can come up with (if this build list is even possible) will be awesome, and the best thing you can do is make a tutorial so My friends and I can edit stuff and other people can edit stuff the way they want it.
Thanks again, See you soon and have a great time guys
God bless
From Your buddy ~Monturrock
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