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Trader Convoy


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This script creates a caravan of traders who travel around the map - open a small market somewhere  for a while, and they leave away to next city.
(it's like "Traders In Move" in


1. in your dayz_server.pbo, add a sqf file named "TraderConvoy.sqf" contains below:

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2. in the bottom of dayz_server\init\server_functions.sqf , add a line to spawn TraderConvoy.sqf that you added like this:

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this file must be run by "execVM," not "call compile bra-bra-brah"


Nown Issue:

The traders get deleted in safezones by AI remover of SafeZone script.

Edited by Schalldampfer
fixed a bug that traders do not move, fix radio bug, fix traders not invincible
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Hi got some questions about that script.

When i change the citys (coordinates) i can use this script for any map?

do i need the servertrader.sqf entry for normal traders, because they will delete by savezone script.


sry for my bad english

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@Schalldampfer you can try something like this in your safezone

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  On 6/3/2017 at 9:47 PM, juandayz said:

@Schalldampfer you can try something like this in your safezone

  Reveal hidden contents



thanks, I'll try it:)



  On 6/3/2017 at 7:15 PM, Kimarik said:

Hi got some questions about that script.

When i change the citys (coordinates) i can use this script for any map?

do i need the servertrader.sqf entry for normal traders, because they will delete by savezone script.


sry for my bad english


Of course, you can use it for any map if you change the coordinates. 


I edited TraderConvoy.sqf a bit to work correctly... sometimes traders were camping in the vehicle...

Edited by Schalldampfer
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  • 2 months later...

hey i increased the amount of traders in the convoy so I upgraded to the Kamaz to accommodate. However, I found that someone is able to jump into the back, and switch to the driver's seat and steal the truck. How can I make it so that players cannot get into the vehicle?

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  On 8/31/2017 at 6:08 PM, Runewulv said:

hey i increased the amount of traders in the convoy so I upgraded to the Kamaz to accommodate. However, I found that someone is able to jump into the back, and switch to the driver's seat and steal the truck. How can I make it so that players cannot get into the vehicle?


Replace any instance of: 

_vehicle lock false;


_vehicle setVehicleLock "UNLOCKED";

And any instance of: 

_vehicle lock false;


_vehicle setVehicleLock "LOCKED";


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Your fix is working good, mate thanks. I increased the amount of Traders to about double. Any idea which parameter I can adjust so that 4 of them don't crowd together? Original script had three so the first two traders spread out and then the last four all hang almost inside of one another. I'm assuming there is some place I have to either add off center positions too, or increase the amount available. I'm not seeing anything jump out at me though.

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So I backed off to 3 traders like the script has originally because I thought the Kamaz may have been too big for the AI to properly navigate. So I gave them the swat police car. They drive very well. Except for in Pogorevka. For some reason when they get into the middle of Pog, on a straight empty piece of road before the curve at the gas station, the AI have one hell of a time getting through this section. It literally accelerates for all it's worth without actually going some where. And when they do move forward, they stop, and rubber band backwards a few feet. I've tried to keep them from actually going in that direction to no avail. They still seem to head that way any how. Does anyone have any clue how I can fix this? For now I'm going to just keep them patrolling the coast. Any help would be great.

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  • 4 months later...
  On 1/4/2018 at 12:25 PM, BetterDeadThanZed said:

Cool script but I have a small graphical issue that is bothering me.


Also, it seems if you get into the vehicle, even though it boots you out, the traders stop driving. The driver gets back in the driver's seat, but the truck doesn't move.


the graphical glich is bug of arma or epoch,as I'm not using attachto command, just moveInCargo.

The trader sometimes stops moving at all, whether you got in or not, and I have no solution for it.

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  • 3 months later...

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