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[CONTINUED] blckeagls' AI Mission Version 7.06 Build 239


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  On 8/14/2017 at 9:40 AM, Drokz said:

Just found this in my rpt build 58, not sure if its a prob in the newer or was already mentioned or fixed but better tell ya again :) 


19:52:18 Error in expression <["wpDir",0];
_group setVariable["wpArc",_arc];
_group setVariable["soldierType",>
19:52:18   Error position: <_arc];
_group setVariable["soldierType",>
19:52:18   Error Undefined variable in expression: _arc
19:52:18 File q\addons\custom_server\Compiles\Groups\GMS_fnc_setupWaypoints.sqf, line 38


That is an old bug. Please re-download from either the master or the new Ver 6.61 branch which adds some neat new features and I think is pretty sorted.

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  On 8/16/2017 at 7:00 AM, Drokz said:

What about a unit remain option? Is that possible to add?


Not sure what you mean. Are you asking about something like A3EAI that bumps up the skills of the last unit left in a group?

My next (and probably last) significant upgrade will be to add something to spawn static missions. I started yesterday and am now in the debugging stage.

With this update will come some minor optimizations based on improvements in the arma engine. The most notable is I am taking advantage of the new ability to have Arma automatically delete any empty groups. This gets rid of the need for deleting empty groups through _mainThread.

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  On 8/16/2017 at 7:26 PM, thomashirt said:

thx for help


This sometimes happens when I forget to turn off the debug parameters before uploading to the github. These are:

custom_server\compiles\blck_variables.sqf :                         set blck_debugON = false;

                                                                                                               blck_debugLevel = 0;

custom_server\configs\blck_defines.hpp                                      comment out #define blck_debugMode


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Version 6.70 Build 73 Released tonight.

See the changelog for details.

In short, this update adds a static mission spawner and incorporates several bug-fixes.

Please note that one bug remains which is that if you define a range of values for certain things the mission spawner freaks out.

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  On 8/17/2017 at 7:08 AM, Drokz said:

Finally! :) Will check them out later. What about the remain unit thing on map? that possible? ^^


Yes but it will take some thought and scripting. The data needed are already linked to each mission (# of alive AI) so that the mission can be tripped when all AI are killed. I just have to ass something to send updated marker text labels to the clients and an option in the configs to enable/disable it. I'll put it on the list, possibly for early September.

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The mission circles never disappear, there is an error in deleteMarker.sqf

you have:

_markerName = _this select 0;
_markerName = "label" + _markerName;
deleteMarker _markerName;

In the past you had this and it works:

_markerName = _this select 0;
deleteMarker _markerName;
_markerName = "label" + _markerName;
deleteMarker _markerName;

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So i´ve tried the static missions but they dont work correctly for me. 


Here is the mission i created

  Reveal hidden contents


And this is what my rpt says:


  Reveal hidden contents


When i set _noVehiclePatrols = 0; in rpt this comes up:

  Reveal hidden contents



The mission is spawned in with units, didnt try air or vehicle patrols. But the loot vehicle is missing. (which i really would like to be spawned in coz i liked them in the old versions of blckeagls.

Also the marker is incomplete, only the grid, no text. Also not deleted when units are killed


Also what i really miss are static mission spawn settings.


I want them to be in the spawn array like Orange, red etc. so that they spawn after a given time and not on server startup.  (TMin_FarmRaid for example within the main configs)

Lootcrates should be filled when encondition is reached, but theres no endcondition able to set yet. 

No start end endmessage to be set yet.


Beside those i really like it so far. 



Hope this helps


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  On 8/17/2017 at 4:59 PM, Sneer said:

The mission circles never disappear, there is an error in deleteMarker.sqf

you have:

_markerName = _this select 0;
_markerName = "label" + _markerName;
deleteMarker _markerName;

In the past you had this and it works:

_markerName = _this select 0;
deleteMarker _markerName;
_markerName = "label" + _markerName;
deleteMarker _markerName;



Not sure how I messed that up, but you are correct. I updated the github just now.

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  On 8/17/2017 at 9:52 PM, Drokz said:

So i´ve tried the static missions but they dont work correctly for me. 


Here is the mission i created

  Reveal hidden contents


And this is what my rpt says:


  Reveal hidden contents


When i set _noVehiclePatrols = 0; in rpt this comes up:

  Reveal hidden contents



The mission is spawned in with units, didnt try air or vehicle patrols. But the loot vehicle is missing. (which i really would like to be spawned in coz i liked them in the old versions of blckeagls.

Also the marker is incomplete, only the grid, no text. Also not deleted when units are killed


Also what i really miss are static mission spawn settings.


I want them to be in the spawn array like Orange, red etc. so that they spawn after a given time and not on server startup.  (TMin_FarmRaid for example within the main configs)

Lootcrates should be filled when encondition is reached, but theres no endcondition able to set yet. 

No start end endmessage to be set yet.


Beside those i really like it so far. 



Hope this helps



Um, be patient? This is a first pass intended to get something working in place. I really do not see a value in timers for static missions personnaly. I can see some value in not spawning the buildings in until a player is near but scrapped my initial efforts to code this in the name of expediency. I reason that the dynamic simulation manager will deal with the worst of the penalties of the buildings and AI.

I was biased by they way I set these up on our servers, meaning that loot crates are stuffed so that if you make it through the hail of bullets you have a chance to re-arm. Similarly, to keep it challenging, I let players sort out for themselves whether all AI are dead. I left out the end condition stuff for a few reasons - to get something that works initially , and to avoid having additional scripts running (as compared to functions).

You can actually just spawn in whatever marker you want as part of the mission template and label it with whatever text you like. Adding text is not difficult and can be done using the same method employed in the dynamic mission spawner.

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Hey dude, I'm having some issues, pretty sure its related to Isla Abramia map

add the world data to where its needs to be (i think) did I miss any....


		case "abramia":{
			diag_log "[blckeagls] abramia-specific settings for Epoch loaded";
			blck_mapCenter = [5217,5216,0]; 
			blck_mapRange = 10240; // 16384 size given by SEM in rpt log vs icebreaker's 10240


	switch (toLower(worldName)) do
		case "abramia": {
			blck_locationBlackList append [
			//Add location as [[xpos,ypos,0],minimumDistance],
			// Note that there should not be a comma after the last item in this table
			[3677,5407,1000],		 //	Northern Trader
			[8801,388,500],		 	//	Southern Trader
			[9294,6269,1500],		 //	Infected Zone ExileZ 2.0 Epoch Edition
			[5217,5216,1500],  		 //	map center...ish
			[3969.92,7393.06,800],	 // aliens 
			[4658.97,4208.78,400],	 // Mt Rooker 
			[3908.15,7904.96,400],	 // Mt Cristallo
			[3907.81,6714.75,400],	 // G2 Peak
			[4433.47,7355.67,400],	 // Mt Spidee
			[4880.17,4902.39,400],	 // Hayden Peak
			[2816.59,8701.81,400],	 // Robber Peak
			[2833.59,1654.24,400]	 // Mt Ferro,

Rpt log looks great til the first mission tries to spawn then it throws the below for me, with nothing else after that

18:47:11 Error in expression <_HeliCrashSites;

if ( ((_x select 0) distance2D _coords) < (_x select 1)) exi>
18:47:11   Error position: <distance2D _coords) < (_x select 1)) exi>
18:47:11   Error distance2d: Type Number, expected Array,Object
18:47:11 File q\addons\custom_server\Compiles\Functions\GMS_fnc_findSafePosn.sqf, line 25

Like I said its gotta be the map, I have tried without blacklisted locations no differents

Got any ideas what could be causing my issue.




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  On 8/21/2017 at 9:21 AM, natoed said:


Hey dude, I'm having some issues, pretty sure its related to Isla Abramia map

add the world data to where its needs to be (i think) did I miss any....


		case "abramia":{
			diag_log "[blckeagls] abramia-specific settings for Epoch loaded";
			blck_mapCenter = [5217,5216,0]; 
			blck_mapRange = 10240; // 16384 size given by SEM in rpt log vs icebreaker's 10240


	switch (toLower(worldName)) do
		case "abramia": {
			blck_locationBlackList append [
			//Add location as [[xpos,ypos,0],minimumDistance],
			// Note that there should not be a comma after the last item in this table
			[3677,5407,1000],		 //	Northern Trader
			[8801,388,500],		 	//	Southern Trader
			[9294,6269,1500],		 //	Infected Zone ExileZ 2.0 Epoch Edition
			[5217,5216,1500],  		 //	map center...ish
			[3969.92,7393.06,800],	 // aliens 
			[4658.97,4208.78,400],	 // Mt Rooker 
			[3908.15,7904.96,400],	 // Mt Cristallo
			[3907.81,6714.75,400],	 // G2 Peak
			[4433.47,7355.67,400],	 // Mt Spidee
			[4880.17,4902.39,400],	 // Hayden Peak
			[2816.59,8701.81,400],	 // Robber Peak
			[2833.59,1654.24,400]	 // Mt Ferro,

Rpt log looks great til the first mission tries to spawn then it throws the below for me, with nothing else after that

18:47:11 Error in expression <_HeliCrashSites;

if ( ((_x select 0) distance2D _coords) < (_x select 1)) exi>
18:47:11   Error position: <distance2D _coords) < (_x select 1)) exi>
18:47:11   Error distance2d: Type Number, expected Array,Object
18:47:11 File q\addons\custom_server\Compiles\Functions\GMS_fnc_findSafePosn.sqf, line 25

Like I said its gotta be the map, I have tried without blacklisted locations no differents

Got any ideas what could be causing my issue.





What you have done looks OK and I am not sure where the error is.

To start, does the default blcekagls run? It should as there is a set of default setting.

Second, Have you put in changes one by one, meaning modified _findWorld then tested, then added the positions you want to exclude?

Third, please share the entire _findWorld.sqf. and .RPT, preferably using links to a dropbox or something like that. 

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