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i got everything to work but live map, i put the private hive tools in a folder named PrivHiveTools, then placed it in the htdocs and installed it, im using xampp, everything but livemap works, when i click live map i get ERROR: cannot select table "tool_settings" any idea what i can do to fix it?

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Great tool, thanks for sharing!
The only thing i have to say against is the livemap, its very basic and doesn't provide too much intel on where people have traveled from/to like Blissadmin does.
If something like that could be added it would make me very happy.

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Not sure why you're getting that, but at least you can change the trader id for the item afterwards in Navicat, or an equivalent.


Well, how do I put it into a specific category when adding the items to the traders? I'm very confused by the trader ID's. Is there a resource someplace that lists them?

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// DayZ Epoch TRADERS for 11

serverTraders = ["RU_Functionary1","RU_Citizen3","Rocker4","Profiteer4","Rita_Ensler_EP1","CIV_EuroMan01_EP1","CIV_EuroMan02_EP1","TK_GUE_Soldier_5_EP1","GUE_Soldier_MG","Worker2","Worker3","Soldier_GL_M16A2_PMC","Woodlander1","UN_CDF_Soldier_Pilot_EP1","RU_WorkWoman1","Dr_Annie_Baker_EP1","RU_Citizen4","RU_WorkWoman5","RU_Citizen1","RU_Villager3","TK_CIV_Takistani04_EP1","Pilot_EP1","RU_Profiteer4","Woodlander3","Dr_Hladik_EP1","Doctor","HouseWife1","GUE_Woodlander2"];

// Hero Vendor

menu_RU_Functionary1 = [

[["Ammunition",478],["Clothes",476],["Helicopter Armed",493],["Military Armed",562],["Trucks Armed",479],["Weapons",477]],




// Ammunition Friendly

menu_RU_Citizen3 = [

[["Assault Rifle Ammo",480],["Light Machine Gun Ammo",481],["Pistol Ammo",484],["Shotguns and Single-shot Ammo",573],["Sniper Rifle Ammo",482],["Submachine Gun Ammo",483]],




// Weapons Friendly

menu_Rocker4 = [

[["Assault Rifle",485],["Light Machine Gun",486],["Pistols",489],["Shotguns and Single-shot",574],["Sniper Rifle",487],["Submachine Guns",488]],




// Friendly Vehicles

menu_Profiteer4 = [

[["Bikes and ATV",608],["Buses and Vans",563],["Cargo Trucks",564],["Compact Cars",578],["Economy Cars",583],["Fuel Trucks",492],["Luxury Cars",581],["Microcars",584],["Military Unarmed",491],["Trucks",495],["Used Cars",585],["Utility Vehicles",565]],




// General Store

menu_Rita_Ensler_EP1 = [

[["Backpacks",496],["Clothes",497],["Cooked Meats",580],["Drinks",498],["Packaged Food",579]],

[["ItemCopperBar","TrashJackDaniels",1,1,"buy","Empty Wiskey Bottle","Copper Bar",101]],



// Weapons neutral

menu_CIV_EuroMan01_EP1 = [

[["Assault Rifle",602],["Light Machine Gun",603],["Pistols",606],["Shotguns and Single-shot",607],["Sniper Rifle",605],["Submachine Guns",604]],




// Ammunition Neutral

menu_CIV_EuroMan02_EP1 = [

[["Assault Rifle Ammo",609],["Light Machine Gun Ammo",610],["Pistol Ammo",611],["Shotguns and Single-shot Ammo",613],["Sniper Rifle Ammo",614],["Submachine Gun Ammo",612]],




// Neutral Building/Parts

menu_TK_GUE_Soldier_5_EP1 = [

[["Building Supplies",508],["Toolbelt Items",510],["Vehicle Parts",509]],




// Bandit Trader

menu_GUE_Soldier_MG = [

[["Ammunition",577],["Clothing",575],["Helicopter Armed",512],["Military Armed",569],["Trucks Armed",534],["Weapons",627]],




// Aircraft Dealer

menu_Worker2 = [

[["Airplanes",517],["Helicopter Unarmed",519]],




// Vehicles Neutral

menu_Worker3 = [

[["Bikes and ATV",587],["Buses and Vans",588],["Cargo Trucks",586],["Compact Cars",560],["Economy Cars",523],["Fuel Trucks",589],["Luxury Cars",521],["Microcars",522],["Military Unarmed",598],["Trucks",590],["Used Cars",520],["Utility Vehicles",591]],




// Black Market Vendor

menu_Soldier_GL_M16A2_PMC = [

[["Black Market Ammo",527],["Black Market Weapons",526],["Explosives",529]],




// Friendly Building/Parts

menu_Woodlander1 = [

[["Building Supplies",530],["Toolbelt Items",532],["Vehicle Parts",531]],




// Friendly Vehicles 2

menu_UN_CDF_Soldier_Pilot_EP1 = [

[["Bikes and ATV",536],["Buses and Vans",592],["Cargo Trucks",570],["Compact Cars",593],["Economy Cars",594],["Fuel Trucks",595],["Luxury Cars",596],["Microcars",597],["Military Unarmed",599],["Trucks Unarmed",535],["Used Cars",600],["Utility Vehicles",568]],




// General Store 2

menu_RU_WorkWoman1 = [

[["Backpacks",538],["Clothes",628],["Cooked Meats",630],["Drinks",601],["Packaged Food",629]],

[["ItemCopperBar","TrashJackDaniels",1,1,"buy","Empty Wiskey Bottle","Copper Bar",101]],



// Medical Supplies

menu_Dr_Annie_Baker_EP1 = [

[["Chem-lites/Flares",542],["Medical Supplies",541],["Smoke Grenades",543]],

[["FoodBioMeat","ItemZombieParts",1,1,"buy","Zombie Parts","Bio Meat",101]],



// East Wholesaler

menu_RU_Citizen4 = [





// General Store 3

menu_RU_WorkWoman5 = [

[["Backpacks",632],["Clothes",631],["Cooked Meats",634],["Drinks",633],["Packaged Food",635]],

[["ItemCopperBar","TrashJackDaniels",1,1,"buy","Empty Wiskey Bottle","Copper Bar",101]],



// West Wholesaler

menu_RU_Citizen1 = [





// Boat Vendor

menu_RU_Villager3 = [

[["Boats Armed",558],["Boats Unarmed",557]],




// Weapons neutral 2

menu_TK_CIV_Takistani04_EP1 = [

[["Assault Rifle",637],["Light Machine Gun",638],["Pistols",674],["Shotguns and Single-shot",641],["Sniper Rifle",640],["Submachine Guns",642]],




// Ammunition Neutral 2

menu_Pilot_EP1 = [

[["Assault Rifle Ammo",643],["Light Machine Gun Ammo",644],["Pistol Ammo",646],["Shotguns and Single-shot Ammo",649],["Sniper Rifle Ammo",647],["Submachine Gun Ammo",648]],




// Vehicles Neutral 2

menu_RU_Profiteer4 = [

[["Bikes and ATV",650],["Buses and Vans",651],["Cargo Trucks",653],["Compact Cars",652],["Economy Cars",654],["Fuel Trucks",655],["Luxury Cars",656],["Microcars",657],["Military Unarmed",658],["Trucks",659],["Used Cars",660],["Utility Vehicles",661]],




// Neutral Building/Parts

menu_Woodlander3 = [

[["Building Supplies",662],["Toolbelt Items",663],["Vehicle Parts",664]],




// Medical Supplies 2

menu_Dr_Hladik_EP1 = [

[["Chem-lites/Flares",666],["Medical Supplies",665],["Smoke Grenades",668]],

[["FoodBioMeat","ItemZombieParts",1,1,"buy","Zombie Parts","Bio Meat",101]],



// Medical Supplies 3

menu_Doctor = [

[["Chem-lites/Flares",669],["Medical Supplies",670],["Smoke Grenades",671]],

[["FoodBioMeat","ItemZombieParts",1,1,"buy","Zombie Parts","Bio Meat",101]],



// Boat Trader 2

menu_HouseWife1 = [

[["Boats Armed",673],["Boats Unarmed",672]],




// Black market

menu_GUE_Woodlander2 = [

[["Black Market Ammo",527],["Black Market Weapons",526],["Explosives",529]],





The number between each category is the trader ID, like Explosives, 529 is at the bandit camp.

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Thanks for the help so far. I know this isn't really related to the tool, but I appreciate the extra help in this thread. I was wondering if you could shed some light on the trader names in my server_traders.sqf. Who are the neutral traders? Who are the friendly traders? I see things like Ammunition Friendly, General Store, Friendly Vehicles 2, etc. Is there a list of this? I want to rename these for easier identification. I can't imagine why they were given such obscure names.

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Hello I am new to having a server only had my server up for a day i really need help with this cause we need an admin tool and this seems perfect i dont know anything about this apache download and that please help me my skype details : mattyboy12334 i will delete you after if you want just need help with this :) Thank you 

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