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Gelid Nitro - In Car Option


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  • 1 year later...

Any chance there is still some support on this? Using infistar and only admins have it working.  Survivors see the option for a split second then it goes away for installing. If an admin installs it for them, there is no nitro for the non admin just the admin still. Tried different fixes posted here to no avail. Using latest infistar. Thanks

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  • 2 weeks later...

So nobody ever posted any variables or exceptions and what not to the nitro anywhere on the internet. So actually the true way to make this work proper has never been posted EVER. If wrong show me where... No matter what nitro you use, I use Sandbird, you will get client side errors due to these packages not containing full and correct install methods. Something like this

Error in expression <= -1;
} else {
_vehicle removeAction s_player_nitrobooston;
  Error position: <s_player_nitrobooston;
  Error Undefined variable in expression: s_player_nitrobooston
File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Napf\custom\fn_selfActions.sqf, line 34

Error in expression <"",""];
} else {
player removeAction s_player_nitroInstall;
  Error position: <s_player_nitroInstall;
  Error Undefined variable in expression: s_player_nitroinstall
File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Napf\custom\fn_selfActions.sqf, line 823

*It works fine on my servers now with infistar but you will get client side errors... obviously... (until fixed)


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I am baaaaaaack...hehe no i am not...just had a few hours to spare today and thought about checking what's new with epoch.
There is actually a very easy fix for infistar's AH to allow normal users to use the nitro boost.

First make sure in your client files you set a variable nitroinstalled to the vehicle when the user adds nitro to it. It should broadcast to the server files as well that that value is set,  so you should use:

_veh setVariable ["nitroinstalled", 1, true];

If you are using this addon here, then i guess you could add this just bellow line:

donn_nosOk = true;

like this:

donn_nosOk = true;
(vehicle player) setVariable ["nitroinstalled", 1, true];

We'll use this variable inside the AH.sqf to check if the player is inside a car that has that variable...If he is, then ignore the Antihack speed limit.
So open your AH.sqf
Search for _veh != player   you should have that value 2 times. We want to edit the part where under this value it has some

(findDisplay 46) displayRemoveAllEventHandlers 'MouseMoving';    type of lines....Basically anything about MouseHolding, MouseMoving, Keydown, etc.

Now, above that line there should be a _veh = vehicle player;  variable. Right under that put this code:

_isNitroAttached = false;
_isNitroInstalled = _veh getVariable['nitroinstalled',0];
if (_isNitroInstalled == 1) then {
	_isNitroAttached = true;

and finally  under that where it says: if((_veh != player)&&{(!(_veh isKindOf 'ParachuteBase')&&!(_veh isKindOf 'BIS_Steerable_Parachute'))})then you need to edit that line and add our _isNitroAttached to it as well....so it should be:

if((_veh != player)&&{(!(_veh isKindOf 'ParachuteBase')&&!(_veh isKindOf 'BIS_Steerable_Parachute')&& !(_isNitroAttached) )})then

So basically what we do here is:

- Check if the car has variable nitroinstalled  to it. (set by the client files, when the user added nitro)
- Do the speed nerfing thing EXCEPT if the vehicle is a kind of ParachuteBase AND doenst have variable nitorinstalled to it.

So it will totally ignore the speed of the vehicle when it has nitro installed.
You'll have to do this edit every time there in an AH update.

Hope that helps.


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  • 6 months later...

It may be an old post but people still play Arma2. My question is why are we using the NOS folder when you are called the nitrosqf like this:

[] execVM "nitro\nitro.sqf";

Shouldnt it be . [] execVM "NOS\nitro.sqf"; ??

I am very confused on this tutorial.

I got it to work properly and did it my way, no need for any fn_selfactions modifications. But nonetheless, it was definitely not presented bold face.

Anyways here is a list of common more accurately available vehicles if somebody wants to add more than just the few oddball ones that were presented that nobody drives.


I apologize if i missed some quotes and commas. I am pretty sure i got them all i copy and pasted from my file and everything works.


donn_nitroCars = [


It's a nice script, but the better one out there has Nitro On and Nitro Off available.

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  • 4 years later...

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