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[Release] Custom Action Menu v1.0.4

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There are a number of Action Menus out there, but all of the ones I have found have outdated scripts or are plagued with a large number of bugs that render half of the scripts unusable. Because of this, I had created my own for use with my server and decided to go ahead and release it for all of you to use it if you wish. To my knowledge there are not bugs in this. If you happen to find any please report them, but I don't believe there are any game-breaking bugs.




  • Build a bike
  • Build a mozzie
  • Flip a vehicle right-side up
  • Krix's Self Blood Bag
  • Server Rules (So players can always know the rules)
  • Suicide
  • Dance/Workout movements
  • Animal transforms have been fixed (added zombie transform too)


If you have some ideas that you would like added into it and the community as a whole would like these features, I will add them if possible.


Installation, changes, additional information, FAQ, credits, issues and everything else can be found at the project page:


Custom Action Menu on GitHub





Error Reporting:

BEFORE posting an issue on Github or on this forum:

  • Review the installation instructions and be sure you've done every step EXACTLY as stated. They are not forgiving. If one step is done incorrectly, it won't work.
  • Check your server's RPT log for errors. This will identify 99% of problems with the menu. Be ready to copy/paste the RPT log into Pastebin or Gist in an issue or in the discussion forum for help with troubleshooting.
  • If all else fails, install these tools onto a fresh, unedited mission.pbo and server.pbo to get it working, then start installing additional addons/mods one at a time until the admin tools break in order to identify the conflict.

If your problem persists after doing the above:

  • Do a quick search on this forum for a fix to your problem.
  • If you do not find a fix to your problem: post your problem on  forum
  • If the problem you are posting is a bug and not a general install problem then post it to this forum and to the github issues page.


Notable work:

Krix for blood bag

My buddy grave for compilation and server rules setup



Don't know how to code, but still want to help? Donate!




I also accept Crypto Currency: 

Bitcoin: 1GkzMzwnVwVpnUCVFaAyLDsgD9cqSfigdm

Litecoin: LbUrUxXzA557VeTWXM8jP7hNf3uZHEqW5b

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I am using similar Action menu for server rules and view distance for players. 

What I would love to see is - ability for admins to dynamically change weather... mostly interested in snow and creepy fog (affected globally ofcourse). Maybe a screen tint to gray or orange.

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  On 5/22/2014 at 4:14 AM, raymix said:

I am using similar Action menu for server rules and view distance for players. 

What I would love to see is - ability for admins to dynamically change weather... mostly interested in snow and creepy fog (affected globally ofcourse). Maybe a screen tint to gray or orange.


The problem is global weather has been an illusive pain. I have tried a huge number of possibilities, but to no avail. I know a large number of people have their own action menu or use one they got somewhere and edited out all the bad scripts, but I figured someone can find use for this thing. btw that interior design thing is pretty cool. Installed it for someone the other day.

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  On 5/23/2014 at 5:14 AM, Fully said:

I am going to say cool man. Love you work =)

But its almost the same as this one?


It is similar, however some of those tools only work if you disable weather and things like that. His is a good tool and had promise, but no new work has been done to it to fix problems since I helped him set it up on github and wrote out a readme for him. My goal isn't to eclipse him in any way and I did help with the tool a little, however at the rate I code compared to the month of no new code in his I would end up doing the entire thing with someone else getting most of the credit. In truth I would have simply replaced his scripts with mine. This isn't a script I wrote up just to throw in here. It is actually one my friend compiled and I wrote up a bunch of fixes/added a few things for our server.


I figured my tool was void of any bugs and that someone could find good use in it.  My deploy works very differently (you must BUILD the item using parts). The idea of me releasing this is that it is simple, well coded, and has no bugs that I know of. The fun menu is just there because I have been playing with stuff and thought it would be nice to throw in. How fun would it be to set up in trader and have a dance party  :)



  On 5/23/2014 at 5:55 AM, RimBlock said:

Does the Epoch flip vehicle not work ?.  Have never tried it myself yet (https://github.com/vbawol/DayZ-Epoch/blob/master/SQF/dayz_code/actions/player_flipvehicle.sqf).


It does work. It requires two players to flip vehicles though.

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Nice tool, having problems with the deploy bike function though. 

There is simply nothing happening if you have the parts in your inventory and I can't find any errors in my .rpt.

Also transmorphing into a cow seems to be buggy as I was glitched into the ground and couldn't transmorph back into human form.

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  On 5/23/2014 at 7:04 AM, Nekuan said:

Nice tool, having problems with the deploy bike function though. 

There is simply nothing happening if you have the parts in your inventory and I can't find any errors in my .rpt.

Also transmorphing into a cow seems to be buggy as I was glitched into the ground and couldn't transmorph back into human form.


I will look into the morphing thing.


I found there was a missing semicolon after a few changes I made the bike script it works now. Mozie problem was that I skipped a variable. Probably should have checked my changes first. I was relatively sure they were correct :/


I am making one slight other adjustment and then I will make a post that there was an update. Can't believe I missed those two small problems.

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  • Fixed the vehicle building not working
  • Fixed a potential problem with how it reads the player's inventory items for spawn


  • Made the vehicles spawn a little closer.
  • Set the vehicle build so it is seen as an Epoch action

Sorry about that bug guys. I know it was a big tool breaker. I hadn't realized I missed those.


I also have a question for everyone:
Do you want players to be able to also build small cars and a littlebird? These will require more parts, but give users more of an option if they can find all of the parts. Also, would you like a toolbox to be required? I wanted to the script set up so that it did not just hand out stuff to players, but it also wasn't too hard to do that it is never used. So I figured base vehicles wouldn't need the box so its easier to build.


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Well if you're asking like that.... :D 
It's not exactly an issue just something thats bothering some players: Is it possible that the Actions Menu isn't the first option in the scrollmenu? What I mean is that if I scroll the first option is the action menu, then to switch to my 2nd gun and then your admintool. Would it be possible to move the action menu behind the switch weapon option?

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  On 5/24/2014 at 8:55 AM, Nekuan said:

Well if you're asking like that.... :D 

It's not exactly an issue just something thats bothering some players: Is it possible that the Actions Menu isn't the first option in the scrollmenu? What I mean is that if I scroll the first option is the action menu, then to switch to my 2nd gun and then your admintool. Would it be possible to move the action menu behind the switch weapon option?


Look in the activate.sqf

You will see the player addaction command. On that same line there is




Find that 6 and change it to a lower number. The lower the number, the lower it will be on the priority list. So if you change it to 1, it will be at or near the bottom.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello there, I recently switched to infistar and this stops the suicide from working and kicks people instead.


I saw the post about adding it into the ahconfig but i dont know how to? im new to infistar



I can show you my ahconfig here

/* ********************************************************************************* */
/*  ALLOWED CMDMenus are only used if you have _BCM = false; which I would not recommend.  */
/*  ALLOWED CMDMenus      */ _cMenu = 
/* ********************************************************************************* */
/*  ALLOWED Actions are only used if you have _CSA =  true;  */
/*  ALLOWED Actions      */ _dayzActions =

Im guessing its in that snippet somewhere





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  On 6/14/2014 at 10:53 AM, robbiedarza said:

Hello there, I recently switched to infistar and this stops the suicide from working and kicks people instead.


I saw the post about adding it into the ahconfig but i dont know how to? im new to infistar



I can show you my ahconfig here

/* ********************************************************************************* */
/*  ALLOWED CMDMenus are only used if you have _BCM = false; which I would not recommend.  */
/*  ALLOWED CMDMenus      */ _cMenu = 
/* ********************************************************************************* */
/*  ALLOWED Actions are only used if you have _CSA =  true;  */
/*  ALLOWED Actions      */ _dayzActions =

Im guessing its in that snippet somewhere






I forgot you also need to add '#USER:DamiSpawn' to the menu section.

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