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[Release] DayZ Mission System


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Ok, I said flawlessly...and it is. Only a couple of things might be better so far....making the AI aware of choppers so the attempt to shoot them down. And also, I think the choppers that spawn in are DZ versions, instead of DZE. I assume I can change that to DZE versions in the DZMSConfig? Same for the humwv?

You can indeed change the classnames in the config files. Many things are easily customizable. As for the AI attempting to shoot down helis, go to this in Scripts/DZMSAISpawn.sqf

//Lets give a launcher if enabled
//The last _unit should still be defined from the FOR above
if (DZMSUseRPG) then {
	_unit addWeapon "RPG7V";
	_unit addMagazine "PG7V";
	_unit addMagazine "PG7V";

And change the RPG into a Stinger for example. Then make sure in DZMSConfig.sqf that this is set to true.

// Do you want AI to use RPG7V's?
//(Only one unit per group spawn will have one)
DZMSUseRPG = true;

They will fire stinger missiles at armed road vehicles nearby and any chopper that's roughly inside 1km distance from them.

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DZAI is fine to run alongside DZMS. Where I play there is the exact same thing you are wanting to achieve. They usually do not interact with each other (DZMS to DZAI and vice versa) unless you enable free-for-all mode in the DZAI config, but I have seen a few DZAI heli patrols taken out by stinger missiles from the DZMS AI.

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Anyone have succed making like a "Bandit Zone " im on Napf and im having really a hard time making this happend . Im using static coord but i want thems to spawn there " Surenfeld Array"  and stay there until they get killed or the server restart wich will make them respawn at the same place so far no succes at all . Also  i was trying to add ammo box for loots from the Editor and they dont seem to be working at all . Anyone have that kind of setup working and have time to maybe put me on the right direction. I will upload and example off the thing when i get back home .

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I believe my DZMS is not starting because after sitting in the server for over 30min there is still nothing in the log that even mentions DZMS. Ill put links to my dayz_server.pbo, my RPT, and my server_monitor.sqf. Thanks in advance. If there is anything else you need to see just let me know.


PBO: https://www.mediafire.com/?geyhtbehkqao83v

RPT: http://pastebin.com/zd3gqbQS

server_monitor.sqf: http://pastebin.com/hAZ6Uu3D

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Well done severed, that's a huge help. However you need to go a little further. The log you posted barely has the server getting started (only about 2 minutes worth of startup). Many things don't initialize until someone actually joins the server so restart your server, join and play a little while. Maybe even die once. Then post your log from that. You'll see a huge amount more data being written once you add in a live player.

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Well done severed, that's a huge help. However you need to go a little further. The log you posted barely has the server getting started (only about 2 minutes worth of startup). Many things don't initialize until someone actually joins the server so restart your server, join and play a little while. Maybe even die once. Then post your log from that. You'll see a huge amount more data being written once you add in a live player.

the reason i didn't put anymore is because nothing more really shows up but none the less here you go: http://pastebin.com/PcnEy230 also i was playing when this happened. Thanks again

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You need to find and fix this:

18:56:46 Error in expression <er getVariable["lastPos",_charPos];
if (count _lastPos > 2 and count _charPos > >
18:56:46 Error position: <count _lastPos > 2 and count _charPos > >
18:56:46 Error count: Type Number, expected Array,Config entry
18:56:46 File z\addons\dayz_server\compile\server_playerSync.sqf, line 70

Any time you have a continuing error like that it has to be addressed because Arma is a sequential engine when it follows the sqf file. What I mean by that is that if my sqf file has 800 lines and the code errors on line 20 then the rest of the 780 lines never get read. This can cause all sorts of errors down the line in cascading fasion. Just think if you made a typo in your init file somewhere in the middle and you'll see how important this concept is.



If you see error lines specifically quoted by number like this:

18:56:46 File z\addons\dayz_server\compile\server_playerSync.sqf, line 70

They MUST be fixed.

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You need to find and fix this:

18:56:46 Error in expression <er getVariable["lastPos",_charPos];
if (count _lastPos > 2 and count _charPos > >
18:56:46 Error position: <count _lastPos > 2 and count _charPos > >
18:56:46 Error count: Type Number, expected Array,Config entry
18:56:46 File z\addons\dayz_server\compile\server_playerSync.sqf, line 70

Any time you have a continuing error like that it has to be addressed because Arma is a sequential engine when it follows the sqf file. What I mean by that is that if my sqf file has 800 lines and the code errors on line 20 then the rest of the 780 lines never get read. This can cause all sorts of errors down the line in cascading fasion. Just think if you made a typo in your init file somewhere in the middle and you'll see how important this concept is.



If you see error lines specifically quoted by number like this:

18:56:46 File z\addons\dayz_server\compile\server_playerSync.sqf, line 70

They MUST be fixed. but

i have since tested this and it only happens when i teleport while inside of a vehicle. it just dont save the vehicle location after restart unless i get out, get in and drive a couple feet, but i resolved the issue

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i have since tested this and it only happens when i teleport while inside of a vehicle. it just dont save the vehicle location after restart unless i get out, get in and drive a couple feet, but i resolved the issue with the error. The Missions still aren't showing or starting

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i have since tested this and it only happens when i teleport while inside of a vehicle. it just dont save the vehicle location after restart unless i get out, get in and drive a couple feet, but i resolved the issue

If you look at your last log you posted it doesn't contain a single DZMS entry. If you made changes post another log but look for some DZMS lines where the mod is initializing, otherwise it's not even loading with your server.

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If you look at your last log you posted it doesn't contain a single DZMS entry. If you made changes post another log but look for some DZMS lines where the mod is initializing, otherwise it's not even loading with your server.

thats just it. it has never loaded. i have triple checked the file pathes over and over and everything looks correct. its just starting to confuse me lol

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thats just it. it has never loaded. i have triple checked the file pathes over and over and everything looks correct. its just starting to confuse me lol

i have also tried WAI and they install the exact same way however that is acting the exact same way. Neither are initializing . I have tried different paths and nothing works. I need a Ai mission system as it is the last addon I need for my server before I make it public

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I'm not so sure I'd just move on. This points to your system_monitor.sqf not being called. You might want to run that down and see why, otherwise it might be causing errors you don't see (like DZMS wasn't showing). You could be failing to run mods you think you really are.

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I'm not so sure I'd just move on. This points to your system_monitor.sqf not being called. You might want to run that down and see why, otherwise it might be causing errors you don't see (like DZMS wasn't showing). You could be failing to run mods you think you really are.

All mods I have installed are running perfectly. I just played for a entire restart with out a single error, but Ill continue to test and keep an eye on it. Thanks for you consideration though.

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hi guys


i an new to this scripting and have followed the steps and checked and re checked and everything seems to be ok on the file side.  the problem i am getting is when i try to log in to the server i l get to the loading screen gets to waiting for server to start authentication. then nothing happens. the loading stays where it is and the counter just keeps going up.then after so long it kicks me back to the player lobby.  is this a server fault or not cause when i take the script off and put the original back in it works.  


i am on taviana 2.0 server

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We probably ought to chat in TS so I can walk you through some basic ideas. There will be a file on your server called arma2oaserver.rpt. This is the running commentary on what is going on with your server. Mine is located in a folder called "CONFIGFILES" but yours may be in another. You just need to find that, download it, then share it to me somehow.


Like I said we can much better do this live, especially if you allow me access to the server itself. I'll show you how to create me a temp access account, I'll walk you through what you need to learn, then show you how to remove my access.

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I have tried to change what crates spawn in missions , by going into the DZMSbox.sqf and picking another one to swap for the medical.I did that repacked my server pbo,but when i restarted my server i got stuck on waiting for sever to start authentication.Please Help!!!!

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