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How to add items&tools requirements




private ["_location","_dir","_classname","_item","_hasrequireditem","_missing","_hastoolweapon","_cancel","_reason","_started","_finished","_animState","_isMedic","_dis","_sfx","_hasbuilditem","_tmpbuilt","_onLadder","_isWater","_require","_text","_offset","_IsNearPlot","_isOk","_location1","_location2","_counter","_limit","_proceed","_num_removed","_position","_object","_canBuildOnPlot","_friendlies","_nearestPole","_ownerID","_findNearestPoles","_findNearestPole","_distance","_classnametmp","_ghost","_isPole","_needText","_lockable","_zheightchanged","_rotate","_combination_1","_combination_2","_combination_3","_combination_4","_combination","_combination_1_Display","_combinationDisplay","_zheightdirection","_abort","_isNear","_need","_objHupDiff","_needNear","_vehicle","_inVehicle","_requireplot","_objHDiff","_isLandFireDZ","_isTankTrap"];
// Edit the classname BELOW to change what is built
_classname = "Land_Misc_Well_L_EP1";
// Edit the classname ABOVE to change what is built
if(DZE_ActionInProgress) exitWith { cutText [(localize "str_epoch_player_40") , "PLAIN DOWN"]; };
DZE_ActionInProgress = true;
_onLadder = (getNumber (configFile >> "CfgMovesMaleSdr" >> "States" >> (animationState player) >> "onLadder")) == 1;
_isWater =  dayz_isSwimming;
_cancel = false;
_reason = "";
_canBuildOnPlot = false;
_vehicle = vehicle player;
_inVehicle = (_vehicle != player);
DZE_Q = false;
DZE_Z = false;
DZE_Q_alt = false;
DZE_Z_alt = false;
DZE_Q_ctrl = false;
DZE_Z_ctrl = false;
DZE_5 = false;
DZE_4 = false;
DZE_6 = false;
DZE_cancelBuilding = false;
call gear_ui_init;
closeDialog 1;
if (_isWater) exitWith {DZE_ActionInProgress = false; cutText [localize "str_player_26", "PLAIN DOWN"];};
if (_inVehicle) exitWith {DZE_ActionInProgress = false; cutText [(localize "str_epoch_player_42"), "PLAIN DOWN"];};
if (_onLadder) exitWith {DZE_ActionInProgress = false; cutText [localize "str_player_21", "PLAIN DOWN"];};
if (player getVariable["combattimeout", 0] >= time) exitWith {DZE_ActionInProgress = false; cutText [(localize "str_epoch_player_43"), "PLAIN DOWN"];};
_item = _this;
// Need Near Requirements
_abort = false;
_distance = 3;
_reason = "";
if(_abort) exitWith {
cutText [format[(localize "str_epoch_player_135"),_reason,_distance], "PLAIN DOWN"];
DZE_ActionInProgress = false;

 _classnametmp = _classname;
//_require =  getArray (configFile >> "cfgMagazines" >> _this >> "ItemActions" >> "Build" >> "require");
_text =  getText (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _classname >> "displayName");
_ghost = getText (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _classname >> "ghostpreview");
_lockable = 0;
_requireplot = DZE_requireplot;
if(isNumber (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _classname >> "requireplot")) then {
_requireplot = getNumber(configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _classname >> "requireplot");
_isAllowedUnderGround = 1;
if(isNumber (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _classname >> "nounderground")) then {
_isAllowedUnderGround = getNumber(configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _classname >> "nounderground");
_offset =  getArray (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _classname >> "offset");
if((count _offset) <= 0) then {
_offset = [0,1.5,0];
_isPole = (_classname == "Plastic_Pole_EP1_DZ");
_isLandFireDZ = (_classname == "Land_Fire_DZ");
_distance = DZE_PlotPole select 0;
_needText = localize "str_epoch_player_246";
if(_isPole) then {
_distance = DZE_PlotPole select 1;
// check for near plot
_findNearestPoles = nearestObjects [(vehicle player), ["Plastic_Pole_EP1_DZ"], _distance];
_findNearestPole = [];
if (alive _x) then {
_findNearestPole set [(count _findNearestPole),_x];
} foreach _findNearestPoles;
_IsNearPlot = count (_findNearestPole);
// If item is plot pole and another one exists within 45m
if(_isPole and _IsNearPlot > 0) exitWith {  DZE_ActionInProgress = false; cutText [(localize "str_epoch_player_44") , "PLAIN DOWN"]; };
if(_IsNearPlot == 0) then {
// Allow building of plot
_canBuildOnPlot = false;
} else {
// Since there are plots nearby we check for ownership and then for friend status
// check nearby plots ownership and then for friend status
_nearestPole = _findNearestPole select 0;
// Find owner
_ownerID = _nearestPole getVariable["CharacterID","0"];
// diag_log format["DEBUG BUILDING: %1 = %2", dayz_characterID, _ownerID];
// check if friendly to owner
if(dayz_characterID == _ownerID) then {  //Keep ownership
// owner can build anything within his plot except other plots
if(!_isPole) then {
_canBuildOnPlot = true;
} else {
// disallow building plot
_canBuildOnPlot = false;
// _message
if(!_canBuildOnPlot) exitWith {  DZE_ActionInProgress = false; cutText [format["Hay un plot cerca, no puedes plantar aqui"], "PLAIN DOWN",3]; };
_missing = "";
_location = [0,0,0];
_isOk = true;
// get inital players position
_location1 = getPosATL player;
_dir = getDir player;
// if ghost preview available use that instead
if (_ghost != "") then {
_classname = _ghost;
_object = createVehicle [_classname, _location, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
_object attachTo [player,_offset];
_position = getPosATL _object;
cutText [(localize "str_epoch_player_45"), "PLAIN DOWN"];
_objHDiff = 0;
while {_isOk} do {
_zheightchanged = false;
_zheightdirection = "";
_rotate = false;
if (DZE_Q) then {
DZE_Q = false;
_zheightdirection = "up";
_zheightchanged = true;
if (DZE_Z) then {
DZE_Z = false;
_zheightdirection = "down";
_zheightchanged = true;
if (DZE_Q_alt) then {
DZE_Q_alt = false;
_zheightdirection = "up_alt";
_zheightchanged = true;
if (DZE_Z_alt) then {
DZE_Z_alt = false;
_zheightdirection = "down_alt";
_zheightchanged = true;
if (DZE_Q_ctrl) then {
DZE_Q_ctrl = false;
_zheightdirection = "up_ctrl";
_zheightchanged = true;
if (DZE_Z_ctrl) then {
DZE_Z_ctrl = false;
_zheightdirection = "down_ctrl";
_zheightchanged = true;
if (DZE_4) then {
_rotate = true;
DZE_4 = false;
_dir = 180;
if (DZE_6) then {
_rotate = true;
DZE_6 = false;
_dir = 0;
if(_rotate) then {
_object setDir _dir;
_object setPosATL _position;
//diag_log format["DEBUG Rotate BUILDING POS: %1", _position];
if(_zheightchanged) then {
detach _object;
_position = getPosATL _object;
if(_zheightdirection == "up") then {
_position set [2,((_position select 2)+0.1)];
_objHDiff = _objHDiff + 0.1;
if(_zheightdirection == "down") then {
_position set [2,((_position select 2)-0.1)];
_objHDiff = _objHDiff - 0.1;
if(_zheightdirection == "up_alt") then {
_position set [2,((_position select 2)+1)];
_objHupDiff = _objHupDiff + 1;
if(_zheightdirection == "down_alt") then {
_position set [2,((_position select 2)-1)];
_objHDiff = _objHDiff - 1;
if(_zheightdirection == "up_ctrl") then {
_position set [2,((_position select 2)+0.01)];
_objHupDiff = _objHupDiff + 0.01;
if(_zheightdirection == "down_ctrl") then {
_position set [2,((_position select 2)-0.01)];
_objHDiff = _objHDiff - 0.01;
_object setDir (getDir _object);
if((_isAllowedUnderGround == 0) and ((_position select 2) < 0)) then {
_position set [2,0];
_object setPosATL _position;
//diag_log format["DEBUG Change BUILDING POS: %1", _position];
_object attachTo [player];
sleep 0.5;
_location2 = getPosATL player;
if(DZE_5) exitWith {
_isOk = false;
detach _object;
_dir = getDir _object;
_position = getPosATL _object;
//diag_log format["DEBUG BUILDING POS: %1", _position];
deleteVehicle _object;
if(_location1 distance _location2 > 5) exitWith {
_isOk = false;
_cancel = true;
_reason = "You've moved to far away from where you started building (within 5 meters)";
detach _object;
deleteVehicle _object;
if(abs(_objHDiff) > 5) exitWith {
_isOk = false;
_cancel = true;
_reason = "Cannot move up or down more than 5 meters";
detach _object;
deleteVehicle _object;
if (player getVariable["combattimeout", 0] >= time) exitWith {
_isOk = false;
_cancel = true;
_reason = (localize "str_epoch_player_43");
detach _object;
deleteVehicle _object;
if (DZE_cancelBuilding) exitWith {
_isOk = false;
_cancel = true;
_reason = "Cancelled building.";
detach _object;
deleteVehicle _object;
//No building on roads unless toggled
if (!DZE_BuildOnRoads) then {
if (isOnRoad _position) then { _cancel = true; _reason = "Cannot build on a road."; };
// No building in trader zones
if(!canbuild) then { _cancel = true; _reason = "Cannot build in a city."; };
if(!_cancel) then {
_classname = _classnametmp;
// Start Build
_tmpbuilt = createVehicle [_classname, _location, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
_tmpbuilt setdir _dir;
// Get position based on object
_location = _position;
if((_isAllowedUnderGround == 0) and ((_location select 2) < 0)) then {
_location set [2,0];
_tmpbuilt setPosATL _location;
cutText [format[(localize "str_epoch_player_138"),_text], "PLAIN DOWN"];
_limit = 1;
if (DZE_StaticConstructionCount > 0) then {
_limit = DZE_StaticConstructionCount;
else {
if (isNumber (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _classname >> "constructioncount")) then {
_limit = getNumber(configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _classname >> "constructioncount");
player playActionNow "Medic";
[player,"repair",0,false,10] call dayz_zombieSpeak;
[player,10,true,(getPosATL player)] spawn player_alertZombies;
sleep 3;
cutText [format[localize "str_build_01",_text], "PLAIN DOWN"];
if (_isPole) then {
[] spawn player_plotPreview;
_tmpbuilt setVariable ["OEMPos",_location,true];
_tmpbuilt setVariable ["CharacterID",dayz_characterID,true];
_charID = dayz_characterID;
_activatingPlayer = player;
PVDZE_veh_Publish2 = [_tmpbuilt,[_dir,_location],_classname,true,_charid,_activatingPlayer];
publicVariableServer  "PVDZE_veh_Publish2";
// Customise the message below
cutText [format["Acabas de plantar un lindo pino!"], "PLAIN DOWN",3];
// Customer the message above
player reveal _tmpbuilt;
DZE_ActionInProgress = false;
} else {
cutText [format[(localize "str_epoch_player_47"),_text,_reason], "PLAIN DOWN"];
DZE_ActionInProgress = false;
DZE_ActionInProgress = false;

im working on deployable objets ,, just need  set any kind of item and tools to requirements and cant find the way.

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You mean something like this with extra_rc.hpp ??


class ExtraRc {

class ItemRuby { class menuItem1 { text = "Sandbag Tower"; script = "[""Land_Fort_Watchtower_EP1"",[""ItemToolbox"",""ItemHatchet_DZE""],[[""ItemRuby"", 1],[""PartGeneric"", 1]],[0,6.5,2.5]] execVM ""custom\snap_build\player_build.sqf"";"; }; }; };



More info about it can be found here

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7 hours ago, juandayz said:

something like this : _hasitem1 = [["PartWoodLumber",2], "PartWoodPlywood"] call player_checkItems;      tnks anyway your info helped me.

But why not use the deploy anything script for that from mudzereli ?

If you dont mind me asking .



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yep i know it,, but  dont like it because seems unreal deploy things trought jewells, although it can be changed.

Im working in a farming,craft,animals breed system , trying to make it more real.. and want make it by script whitout mudzerelli deploy...cuz need call some randoms...  so  any way i need call a .paa or jpg by right click on book to finish it,, but cant find a way.  But thank so much creativ! your ansewer helped me a lot!!!

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On 4/1/2016 at 0:33 PM, juandayz said:

something like this : _hasitem1 = [["PartWoodLumber",2], "PartWoodPlywood"] call player_checkItems;      tnks anyway your info helped me.

Try: if statement

    if ((("PartWoodLumber",2) in magazines player) && ("PartWoodPlywood" in magazines player)) then {

    } else {


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