arc7r7 Posted January 29, 2016 Report Share Posted January 29, 2016 After the update to 0.3.7 the ATM's and payphone on my Chernarus and Takistan servers are not working. No menu is coming up when I press the inventory key in front of them. I switched from AiAtp to CUP terrains core and maps last week and they have been working properly. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lowrey Posted January 29, 2016 Report Share Posted January 29, 2016 Hello Do you have something like: class CfgEpochClient in your description.ext? Or #include "\x\addons\a3_epoch_config\Configs\CfgEpochClient\Altis.hpp" If so may be breaking your ATMs etc. Remove both those settings and configure them in the following location: @Epoch\a3_epoch_config\Configs\CfgEpochClient\Altis.hpp. Should work then. Mike Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
arc7r7 Posted January 29, 2016 Author Report Share Posted January 29, 2016 53 minutes ago, lowrey said: Hello Do you have something like: class CfgEpochClient in your description.ext? Or #include "\x\addons\a3_epoch_config\Configs\CfgEpochClient\Altis.hpp" If so may be breaking your ATMs etc. Remove both those settings and configure them in the following location: @Epoch\a3_epoch_config\Configs\CfgEpochClient\Altis.hpp. Should work then. Mike Yes I have this in my description.ext class CfgEpochClient { epochVersion = ""; buildingNearbyMilitary = 0; //1 to allow building nearby buildingNearbyMilitaryRange = 300; //Define radius of blocked area buildingRequireJammer = 0; // 1 = to allow building without a jammer buildingCountLimit = 350; // how many objects can be built within range of a jammer buildingJammerRange = 125; // jammer range in meters #include "\x\addons\a3_epoch_config\Configs\CfgEpochClient\Chernarus.hpp" // So u can chop trees , stamp on trash and get scrap metal from wrecks also get water from barrel } I tried changing them in the @epoch config awhile back before i added this into my description.ext but the changes never worked, I might not have done it right, do i need to add a #include for that config in something? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lowrey Posted January 29, 2016 Report Share Posted January 29, 2016 1 minute ago, arc7r7 said: Yes I have this in my description.ext class CfgEpochClient { epochVersion = ""; buildingNearbyMilitary = 0; //1 to allow building nearby buildingNearbyMilitaryRange = 300; //Define radius of blocked area buildingRequireJammer = 0; // 1 = to allow building without a jammer buildingCountLimit = 350; // how many objects can be built within range of a jammer buildingJammerRange = 125; // jammer range in meters #include "\x\addons\a3_epoch_config\Configs\CfgEpochClient\Chernarus.hpp" // So u can chop trees , stamp on trash and get scrap metal from wrecks also get water from barrel } I tried changing them in the @epoch config awhile back before i added this into my description.ext but the changes never worked, I might not have done it right, do i need to add a #include for that config in something? Remove this from the description.ext file and then: open the @epoch folder in the root of your server folder open addons folder find a3_epoch_config.pbo backup your a3_epoch_config.pbo unpack a3_epoch_config.pbo open the configs folder open CfgEpochClient.hpp with notepad ++ or visual studio code make the changes that you had in the description.ext repack a3_epoch_config folder You should be done. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
arc7r7 Posted January 29, 2016 Author Report Share Posted January 29, 2016 Those were the exact steps I took previously to try to increase the build limit. The new settings didn't actually change anything except making Epoch show as red in the mod box in the server browser. I will try it again as maybe something has changed. Thank you for the help. I'll get back and update with more info if this worked. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
arc7r7 Posted January 29, 2016 Author Report Share Posted January 29, 2016 Spoiler 35 minutes ago, lowrey said: Hidden Content Remove this from the description.ext file and then: open the @epoch folder in the root of your server folder open addons folder find a3_epoch_config.pbo backup your a3_epoch_config.pbo unpack a3_epoch_config.pbo open the configs folder open CfgEpochClient.hpp with notepad ++ or visual studio code make the changes that you had in the description.ext repack a3_epoch_config folder You should be done. Well, I made the change and the ATM's are working but my build limit is set to default even with the new settings in the config and the Epoch shows as red circle in the mods for the server browser. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lowrey Posted January 29, 2016 Report Share Posted January 29, 2016 1 hour ago, arc7r7 said: Hide contents Well, I made the change and the ATM's are working but my build limit is set to default even with the new settings in the config and the Epoch shows as red circle in the mods for the server browser. show me your CfgEpochClient.hpp please. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
arc7r7 Posted January 29, 2016 Author Report Share Posted January 29, 2016 3 minutes ago, lowrey said: Hidden Content show me your CfgEpochClient.hpp please. Spoiler /* Author: Aaron Clark - Contributors: Description: Main Client side configs for the Epoch gamemode Licence: Arma Public License Share Alike (APL-SA) - Github: */ class CfgEpochClient { epochVersion = ""; sapperRngChance = 100; // increase number to reduce chances and reduce to increase. Default 100 = 1% - 55% if soiled (+ 2% if in city) chance to spawn sapper droneRngChance = 100; // increase number to reduce chances and reduce to increase. Default 100 = // 2% chance (+ 4% chance if in city) (1% - 2% Half if using silencer) to spawn drone if shot fired buildingNearbyMilitary = 0; //1 to allow building nearby buildingNearbyMilitaryRange = 300; //Define radius of blocked area buildingRequireJammer = 0; // 1 = to allow building without a jammer buildingCountLimit = 350; // how many objects can be built within range of a jammer buildingJammerRange = 125; // jammer range in meters EPOCH_news[] = {"Word is that Sappers have a new boss.","Dogs will often lure them monsters away.","My dog was blown up. I miss him.."}; antagonistSpawnIndex[] = { {"Epoch_Cloak_F", 1}, // {"type", limit} {"GreatWhite_F", 2}, {"Epoch_Sapper_F",2}, {"Epoch_SapperB_F",1}, {"I_UAV_01_F",2}, {"PHANTOM",1}, {"B_Heli_Transport_01_F",1} }; customVarsDefaults[] = { {"Temp",98.6}, // EPOCH_player + varName, default value {"Hunger",5000}, {"Thirst",2500}, {"AliveTime",0}, {"Energy",0}, {"Wet",0}, {"Soiled",0}, {"Immunity",0}, {"Toxicity",0}, {"Stamina",100}, {"Crypto",0}, {"HitPoints",{0,0,0,0}}, {"BloodP",100}, {"SpawnArray",{}}, {"Karma",0}, {"Alcohol",0}, {"Radiation",0} }; // controls max group limit and cost group_upgrade_lvl[] = {4,"100",6,"300",8,"500",10,"1000",12,"1500",13,"1750",14,"2000",15,"3000",16,"5000"}; lootClasses[] = { { "shelfPos", "Shelf_EPOCH", true }, { "fridgePos", "Fridge_EPOCH", true }, { "bedPos", "Bed_EPOCH", false }, { "couchPos", "Couch_EPOCH", false }, { "wardrobePos", "wardrobe_epoch", false }, { "cookerPos", "cooker_epoch", false }, { "chairPos", { "Chair_EPOCH", "ChairRed_EPOCH" }, true }, { "filingPos", "Filing_epoch", true }, { "pelicanPos", "Pelican_EPOCH", false }, { "tablePos", "Table_EPOCH", false }, { "lockerPos", "Locker_EPOCH", false }, { "toolRackPos", "ToolRack_EPOCH", false }, { "shoeboxPos", "Shoebox_EPOCH", false }, { "palletPos", "Tarp_EPOCH", false }, { "freezerPos", "Freezer_EPOCH", false }, { "cabinetPos", "Cabinet_EPOCH", false } }; displayAddEventHandler[] = {"keyDown","keyUp"}; keyDown = "_this call EPOCH_KeyDown;"; keyUp = "_this call EPOCH_KeyUp;"; addEventHandler[] = {"Respawn","Put","Take","InventoryClosed","InventoryOpened","Fired","Killed"}; Respawn = "(_this select 0) call EPOCH_clientRespawn"; Put = "(_this select 1) call EPOCH_interact;_this call EPOCH_PutHandler"; Take = "(_this select 1) call EPOCH_interact;_this call EPOCH_UnisexCheck"; Fired = "_this call EPOCH_fnc_playerFired;"; InventoryClosed = "if !(EPOCH_arr_interactedObjs isEqualTo[]) then {EPOCH_arr_interactedObjs remoteExec['EPOCH_server_save_vehicles', 2]; EPOCH_arr_interactedObjs = [];};"; InventoryOpened = "_this spawn EPOCH_initUI;_container = _this select 1;_lockedNear = false;if (_container isKindOf 'GroundWeaponHolder' || _container isKindOf 'WeaponHolderSimulated') then {{if (locked _x in [2, 3] ||_x getVariable['EPOCH_Locked', false]) exitWith {_lockedNear = true}} forEach (player nearSupplies 10);};if (locked _container in [2, 3] || _container getVariable['EPOCH_Locked', false] || _lockedNear) then {[] spawn {disableSerialization;waitUntil {!isNull findDisplay 602};_display = findDisplay 602;_ctrl_cargo = _display displayCtrl 6401;_ctrl_ground = _display displayCtrl 6321;_ctrl_cargo ctrlEnable false;ctrlSetFocus _ctrl_ground;ctrlActivate _ctrl_ground;};};"; Killed = "_this call EPOCH_fnc_playerDeath;"; #include "CfgEpochClient\takistan.hpp" #include "CfgEpochClient\australia.hpp" #include "CfgEpochClient\ProvingGrounds_PMC.hpp" #include "CfgEpochClient\utes.hpp" #include "CfgEpochClient\Sara.hpp" #include "CfgEpochClient\Altis.hpp" #include "CfgEpochClient\Bornholm.hpp" #include "CfgEpochClient\Chernarus_Summer.hpp" #include "CfgEpochClient\Chernarus.hpp" #include "CfgEpochClient\Stratis.hpp" #include "CfgEpochClient\Esseker.hpp" #include "CfgEpochClient\WorldInteractions.hpp" }; class CfgEpochSapper { detonateDistMax = 8; //Random distance between 3m and this number at which sapper detonates. Min value = 4 groanTrig = 16; //Percentage chance of a groan. Min value = 4 sRange = 300; //Distance from target over which sapper will dispose. Range within which sapper code will be aware of targets. Distance up to which sapper will attempt to find a spot to hide in. Min Value = 150. smellDist = 24; //Distance up to which sapper can smell. Used to decide if sapper can see target when deciding to charge and influences target selection. Is influenced by wind direction. Min Value = 8. }; class CfgEpochUAV { UAVMinDist = 48; //Minimum distance to choose next position when roaming. Min Value = 8. UAVMaxDist = 180; //Maximum distance to choose next position when roaming. Min Value = 42 / Max Value = 400. UAVHeight = 100; //Set height when roaming, slight randomness is applied to this value. UAV will choose own height when locked onto target. Min Value = 42 / Max Value = 280. UAV can still spot targets from height ! }; class CfgEpochAirDrop { AirDropFreq = 1200; //AirDropChance, to decide if Air drop occurs, will only be checked once per AirDropFreq time period, for each player. Min value = 120. AirDropChance = 6; //Percentage chance of air drop, for current player. Checked every AirDropFreq and upon antagonists spawn trigger. -1 To disable. }; class CfgEpochCloak { cRange = 300; //Distance, from target, at which Cloak will dispose. Cloak is also aware of players within this range. (Min: 60 / Max: 600) cAggression = 75; //Percentage chance of attack, currently a psychological attack (Cultist spooky voice). (Min: 1 / Max: 100) attackFrequency = 120; //One attack only per this period. (Min: 120) attackDistance = 38; // Distance, from target, up to which Cloak will attack. Lower for less vocals. (Min: 16) targetChangeFrequency = 42; //Cloak will only attempt to change target once per this period. Make Higher to stick to first target player. (Min: 42) teleportChance = 66; //Chance for cloak to teleport. (Min: 1) hoverFrequency = 1280; //Cloak has new hover attack. When player is above cloak, and at a distance, cloak will float to player and teleport attack. Only perform one of these moves per this period. (Min: 240) }; Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lowrey Posted January 29, 2016 Report Share Posted January 29, 2016 OK, I'm on lunch in 15 mins. Do you have teamspeak? TS: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
arc7r7 Posted January 29, 2016 Author Report Share Posted January 29, 2016 This might not be a bug then. However something this patch caused that part of my description.ext to break my ATM's. Removing it from the description.ext fixed it. If this isn't a bug please move this thread. Thanks Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KPABATOK Posted January 29, 2016 Report Share Posted January 29, 2016 Same issue in server that I play. Not only ATM do not work, but also looting of trashpiles. Server runs infistar AH too (I suspect). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tarabas Posted January 29, 2016 Report Share Posted January 29, 2016 Same here.. if it's in description.ext ATM is not working, if it's in CfgEpochClient.hpp and deleted from description.ext ATM is working but building limit changes are not accepted. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
He-Man Posted January 29, 2016 Report Share Posted January 29, 2016 Look in cfgepochclient: #include "CfgEpochClient\Altis.hpp" #include "CfgEpochClient\WorldInteractions.hpp" The Worldinteractions.hpp is NEW!!! Add this file also into your mission file. And also check Altis.hpp. It has changed too! vbawol, ScaRR and KPABATOK 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tarabas Posted January 29, 2016 Report Share Posted January 29, 2016 Thank you, that was it... i added to description.ext : #include "\x\addons\a3_epoch_config\Configs\CfgEpochClient\WorldInteractions.hpp" Now all building changes are working fine again. Also ATMs and TrashLoot Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ScaRR Posted January 29, 2016 Report Share Posted January 29, 2016 3 hours ago, He-Man said: Look in cfgepochclient: #include "CfgEpochClient\Altis.hpp" #include "CfgEpochClient\WorldInteractions.hpp" The Worldinteractions.hpp is NEW!!! Add this file also into your mission file. And also check Altis.hpp. It has changed too! Thank you this also helped me. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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