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Day Night Cycle


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Hey guys. 

After some hours work my Server run.

My question is how can i change the ingame time after a restart? On windows i have to change the hive.ini but on linux we work with the writer.pl. Is there a line in the writer.pl to change the time?


Edited by noesges97
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In restarter.pl there is the following code:

# Uncomment to disabe night
#($h, $m) = (17, 0) if ($h > 17 || ($h >= 0 && $h < 4));

Uncomment that line, and every time your server reboots, if the time is past 17:00, or between 00:00 and 04:00, it will reset the time to 17:00. I've got mine set to 13:00 since I use 6 hour restarts, but you can change it to whatever you want.

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