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Adding Traders.



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Not hard at all.. Little editing needed. Pretty much follow how other traders are added. Think the files you need to worry about are. Mission.sqf This is where you would add a trader to map So you will have to have cords. Also must add the cone for the trader so vehicle will spawn. Next would be in server_traders.sqf. Here you would add the model of skin and just copy one of the lines and change numbers for dialog list. Example // Weapons Friendly
menu_Rocker4 = [
    [["Assault Rifle",485],["Light Machine Gun",486],["Pistols",489],["Shotguns and Single-shot",574],["Sniper Rifle",487],["Submachine Guns",488]],
];.... Here I would change numbers start with maybe 800 but make sure not same as any other. Then you would have to go into database and add this trader under the server traders colum. This should be it. I have changed the bandit trader into a miltary trader and his skin too. So adding a trader I have not tried but sure this will work.


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Here is what I have in my mission.sqm


class Item17

position[]={10253.105, 5601.0527, 0.3090373};
text="Black Market Trader Staroye";


This is to be a marker over the red roof barn in Staroye. However it is not working.


Not sure where to get the marker location.

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Here is what I have in my mission.sqm


class Item17


position[]={10253.105, 5601.0527, 0.3090373};


text="Black Market Trader Staroye";





This is to be a marker over the red roof barn in Staroye. However it is not working.


Not sure where to get the marker location.


Have you defined that there is 17 classes at the top of Class markers?

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go to where your trader is gonna be, and logout...

Go into your database and find your world space in it..


then use a quote from gorsy over at opendayz.net... I copied it and saved it onto my pc, so it wouild always be accessible for me


"Yeh co-ords shud be X,Z,Y

    Getting co-ords from database
    taken from your survivors world location in ur database wud look like
    DIR X Y Z

    Dir= Direction you are facing
    X = horizontal
    Y = vertical
    Z = height

    So what u need to do is get rid of Direction and Height

    So all you will be left with is

    1234.56 and 6543.21

    Soo now what you need to do is put them in your sensors table

    X Z Y

    Setting Z
    Z works from the ground up, so if you set this to 500, your dome wud go from 0 (ground level) upto 500 meters in the sky

    so your final position would look like

    X Z Y



Make sure you move yourself after you have the CO-ORDS though.. i've killed myself a couple of times not thinking about this


At least this is how I find a specific spot to put a marker down for something

Edited by Bags2247
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Very nice, thanks for this, I was able to create my own custom trader with no problem.


Two small things:


First; you dont need to set a cone for veh spawn location anymore.


Second; the mission.sqf file is now located in the dayz_code pbo, so pull that out of there, and put it in your Chernarus11 pbo root, or custom folder if u like, then in your init file, edit this line

_nil = [] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\missions\DayZ_Epoch_11.Chernarus\mission.sqf";

and replace with

_nil = [] execVM "mission.sqf";
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how would i do this with a dayz.st server.  ive followed the step by step thing previously posted in this thread and it worked on my dayzpriv server, but when i do it on my dayz.st server it breaks all the traders where i get no trade menu. any help here would be great as this is the most requested thing from my players

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how would i do this with a dayz.st server.  ive followed the step by step thing previously posted in this thread and it worked on my dayzpriv server, but when i do it on my dayz.st server it breaks all the traders where i get no trade menu. any help here would be great as this is the most requested thing from my players

i figured it out. i was missing adding the "skin" to the list of server traders at the top like line 2 in the server_traders.sqf

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Hello there, I have this working, but I shot the trader and he died, I could still access the trader menu but i was wondering if there is any way of stopping this happening please


many thanks




i use this so no one can "shoot" or get into others gear


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