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[Release] - A Plot for life v2.5. Keep your buildables on death. Take plot ownership

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My players and even the admins are getting banned by infistar when they try to take plot ownership, says "Nuke? 5 items deleted in 10 seconds" is there a way to get an exception for this?


Yep, this is an issue when combined with Infinistar.  Due to the nature of the Hiveext.dll, the only way to update the required information in the objects DB recored is to delete the record and re-create it.  Infinistar sees the mass deletions as someone nuking a base (which it sorta is) but does not account for the recreation which rebuilds it with the correct ownership info.


You may want to raise it up with Infinistar to see if he can come up with a solution.  I am quite happy to collaborate with him if he wants to get in touch.


In the mean time, Ghee Buttersnaps solution is the currently used one but it will open you up to potential mass deletions by other means so you may want to limit it.

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Hey there,


I made an issue report on your git. It seems that player_updateGui is broken. Since installing this mod, none of my status icons work anymore. Nothing updates, sound and vision are gone and on relog, I always have the fracture and shock icon, even though I have neither status in the DB. I was looking through the commits and saw that you recently updates this file, any chance you could have accidentally broken something?




Have replied on the Git.  Unfortunately replying on Github from my office is a nightmare....


Ok, so you have the new GUI from installed and now with A Plot for Life the GUI is not working correctly.


I would suggest installing the update_gui.sqf from this mod, test, and then putting in the changes from the new GUI over the top.   


Was the new GUI working before putting on A Plot for Life on your server ?.


If you want to post the update_gui.sqf file (in spoiler tags please) then I will have a quick scan to see if I can spot an issue.  I have not used the new GUI at all but A Plot for Life was merged with the files originally and worked fine so there should be no reason it will not work with it in if it was already working on

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Question:  My players can tag as friendly, but are unable to build at each others' bases.  Any thoughts as to what or where I can look and determine the cause?  We're running 2.33 (P4L and Snap Pro).


Check the players currentstate field in the DB to make sure the correct SteamIDs are being recorded.  By default, Epoch limits friendlies to a max of 5 players so if there is a group of more than 5 then you cannot tag friendly all at the same time.


You may also want to make sure the currentstate field length is not being blown out.  Look for any errors in the hive log where it couldn't write the values.  The DB field length should be ok but some of those states ARMA uses have very long names and 5 SteamIDs also take up a lot of space.

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i dont get it to working. If i die, i lose the permission of the plot pole. I have installed it with the tutorial of the A Plot for Life v2.33 (Epoch I use Plot for Life v2.33 and Snap_Build_Pro. Then i have use the tutorial from:

and it dont work. I get the Show and Unshow plot range and Maintenain options. But the mainfunction with building after death doesnt work. Can someone help me?

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i dont get it to working. If i die, i lose the permission of the plot pole. I have installed it with the tutorial of the A Plot for Life v2.33 (Epoch I use Plot for Life v2.33 and Snap_Build_Pro. Then i have use the tutorial from:

and it dont work. I get the Show and Unshow plot range and Maintenain options. But the mainfunction with building after death doesnt work. Can someone help me?


Please use the install instructions on the GitHub or in the package download from Dropox (both linked to in the first page).  The instructions you have followed were for a previous version and the code in this mod has changed significantly since.

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Have replied on the Git.  Unfortunately replying on Github from my office is a nightmare....


Ok, so you have the new GUI from installed and now with A Plot for Life the GUI is not working correctly.


I would suggest installing the update_gui.sqf from this mod, test, and then putting in the changes from the new GUI over the top.   


Was the new GUI working before putting on A Plot for Life on your server ?.


If you want to post the update_gui.sqf file (in spoiler tags please) then I will have a quick scan to see if I can spot an issue.  I have not used the new GUI at all but A Plot for Life was merged with the files originally and worked fine so there should be no reason it will not work with it in if it was already working on


HI there, thanks for the response.


No, I have not installed the GUI from

I have a install. However, I was asking in the skype scripting channel and they pointed me in the direction of the dark gui. Honestly, it could have nothing to do with dark gui. However, the issue I am having is def coming from P4L.

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HI there, thanks for the response.

No, I have not installed the GUI from

I have a install. However, I was asking in the skype scripting channel and they pointed me in the direction of the dark gui. Honestly, it could have nothing to do with dark gui. However, the issue I am having is def coming from P4L.

So you are running vanilla Epoch with A Plot for life files copied over and linked in as per the install instructions in the included file and no other mods ?.

It seems strange that you are the only one reporting this issue if the issue is with A Plot for Life. I would guess an implementation issue with the update_ guide.Sqf or something a bit more fundamental.

I am not seeing this issue on my test server.

anyone else have this issue ?.

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I have other mods installed, but your mod is the only mod that alters player_updateGui.sqf

When I remove your mod, everything works. I have installed everything exactly as described (even though I later plan to merge a bunch of things into my custom files). 

I have been over and over my files. Everything works before I install your mod, everything else works AFTER I install it, except my icons. (granted, something could be broken that I just cant find or havent noticed yet). 

Is there anything I can provide to you to help in debugging? 


EDIT: Also, your mod works after installation, so its not an implementation problem that I can see. I checked all paths and if it was implementation, I would think that P4L wouldnt work. SBP also works as expected.

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Do you have Dayz_Dark_UI set to true anywhere in your files ?.


Try setting it to false in your init.sqf.


The player_updategui.sqf has the code for in it for some reason.  This includes the update for the dark gui which requires items that are not part of the release (hence no icons etc).  As the dark gui is not part of I am guseeing no one else has set the  Dayz_Dark_UI variable so are not seeing the issue you have.  The variables.sqf supplied with this mod default to it being turned off.

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Ok so it is not that.

Can you paste a fairly clean server RPT file (in spoiler tags) or via pastbin. By that I mean new log file then start the server and login your character until you see the issue. If it is not that then is more likely to be an issue with the player login / load functions not populating the variables used to update the gui. The only common file would be server _ functions. Sqf.

I am fairly confused By lack of errors messages I your rpt files. Do you have the debug variable set ?.

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Got an Battleye Script Restriction #62:

28.10.2014 15:10:24: hegonom (xxxxxxxx) 8cc436d050cd0a6acd6197d433a873d5 - #62 "mandsCustom="";
diag_log("\z\addons\dayz_code\system\REsec.sqf"+":Monitoring Remote Exe...");
sleep 1;
#line 92 "mpmission"

Dont know how to fix that. Or there updatet Battleye Filter for Plot for a Life?

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Ok, so you are using Infinstar and DZAI but neither of them should cause issues (well Infinistart and the Take ownership will clash as highlighted in previous posts).


Can you please do the same for the client rpt file.


Also you could try changing both instances in player_updategui.sqf of

diag_log format["DEBUG: bloodlvl: %1 r_player_blood: %2 bloodval: %3",_bloodLvl, r_player_blood, _bloodVal];
diag_log format["DEBUG: thirstlvl: %1 dayz_thirst: %2 thirstval: %3",_thirstLvl, dayz_thirst, _thirstVal];
diag_log format["DEBUG: foodlvl: %1 dayz_hunger: %2 foodval: %3",_foodLvl, dayz_hunger, _foodVal];
diag_log format["DEBUG: templvl: %1 dayz_temperatur: %2 tempval: %3",_tempLvl, dayz_temperatur, _tempVal];



diag_log format["DEBUG: bloodlvl: %1 r_player_blood: %2 bloodval: %3",_bloodLvl, r_player_blood, _bloodVal];
diag_log format["DEBUG: thirstlvl: %1 dayz_thirst: %2 thirstval: %3",_thirstLvl, dayz_thirst, _thirstVal];
diag_log format["DEBUG: foodlvl: %1 dayz_hunger: %2 foodval: %3",_foodLvl, dayz_hunger, _foodVal];
diag_log format["DEBUG: templvl: %1 dayz_temperatur: %2 tempval: %3",_tempLvl, dayz_temperatur, _tempVal];

That will let us know if the character stats are being set.

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Error in expression <3 = _this select 2;
player removeAction s_player_toggleSnap; s_player_toggleSnap>
  Error position: <s_player_toggleSnap; s_player_toggleSnap>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: s_player_togglesnap
File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.chernarus\Custom\Snap_Pro\snap_build.sqf, line 30

Error in expression <player_toggleSnapSelect = -1;
if (count s_player_toggleSnapSelectPoint != 0) the>
  Error position: <s_player_toggleSnapSelectPoint != 0) the>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: s_player_togglesnapselectpoint
File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.chernarus\Custom\Snap_Pro\snap_build.sqf, line 32

I'm getting these 2 errors in my client RPT file every time after I die when building my first wall/door/whatever. Afterwards you build or cancel the thing your building it doesn't happen unless I die again. The first error is when I turn on Snap, the second when I select a snap point. I would like to get this solved as I don't like errors. xD   


Much thanks!



Edit#1: Also, I have 2 plot poles on the map. The first one has the show/remove option for the boundary but the second one only has the show option. Is there a way to get it to also show the remove option?

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Error in expression <3 = _this select 2;
player removeAction s_player_toggleSnap; s_player_toggleSnap>
  Error position: <s_player_toggleSnap; s_player_toggleSnap>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: s_player_togglesnap
File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.chernarus\Custom\Snap_Pro\snap_build.sqf, line 30

Error in expression <player_toggleSnapSelect = -1;
if (count s_player_toggleSnapSelectPoint != 0) the>
  Error position: <s_player_toggleSnapSelectPoint != 0) the>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: s_player_togglesnapselectpoint
File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.chernarus\Custom\Snap_Pro\snap_build.sqf, line 32

I'm getting these 2 errors in my client RPT file every time after I die when building my first wall/door/whatever. Afterwards you build or cancel the thing your building it doesn't happen unless I die again. The first error is when I turn on Snap, the second when I select a snap point. I would like to get this solved as I don't like errors. xD   


Much thanks!



Edit#1: Also, I have 2 plot poles on the map. The first one has the show/remove option for the boundary but the second one only has the show option. Is there a way to get it to also show the remove option?



Check you have s_player_togglesnap & s_player_togglesnapselectpoint defined in your variables.sqf.  Both should be set to -1.


The plot pole should only display the show boundary option to start with.  After you turn the boundary on it should show only the remove boundary option.


Note: The variable that decides which option to show is not global over the multiplayer network so it may be out of sync for other players at times but even if it is on then they should be able to turn it on and then turn it off.

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dayz_resetSelfActions = {
	s_player_plot_boundary_on = -1;
	s_player_plot_boundary_off = -1;
	s_player_plot_take_ownership = -1;
call dayz_resetSelfActions;

That's what is in my custom variables.sqf - The variables.sqf in dayz_code has the rest of the default variables I have not messed with.


As far as load order in init.sqf to make sure they load properly:

call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\init\variables.sqf";
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "custom\init\variables.sqf"; 

As far as the show/remove boundary, on the second plot pole I can click "show" and it will keep saying show and never show up remove option. The first plot pole I placed down doesn't have this problem, it worked perfectly. Possible desync issue? Only me on the test server though.


Thanks again!


Edit#1: I tried bring over the entire dayz_resetSelfActions from the dayz_code into my custom variables.sqf and it worked. No more errors. Plot pole remove boundary still not showing on second plot pole, but no biggie. I understood that I didn't have to bring over the entire dayz_resetSelfActions, just add the ones that wasn't there. Maybe I misunderstood wrong in raymix's video.  Clarification on that would be helpful. 

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dayz_resetSelfActions = {
	s_player_plot_boundary_on = -1;
	s_player_plot_boundary_off = -1;
	s_player_plot_take_ownership = -1;
call dayz_resetSelfActions;

That's what is in my custom variables.sqf - The variables.sqf in dayz_code has the rest of the default variables I have not messed with.


As far as load order in init.sqf to make sure they load properly:

call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\init\variables.sqf";
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "custom\init\variables.sqf"; 

As far as the show/remove boundary, on the second plot pole I can click "show" and it will keep saying show and never show up remove option. The first plot pole I placed down doesn't have this problem, it worked perfectly. Possible desync issue? Only me on the test server though.


Thanks again!



You will need at least

s_player_toggleSnapSelect = -1;


snapActions = -1;

s_player_plot_boundary_on = -1;

s_player_plot_boundary_off = -1;

s_player_plot_take_ownership = -1;


If you are going to create a custion 'delta' variables.sqf file then it would probably be worth checking the one I supplied with windiff (or diffmerge) to make sure you have all the new additions.  There may be others to those I have just mentioned that do not spring to mind at the moment.


Once you have checked for all the items in variables.sqf you may find it helps sort out the plot boundary issue (maybe...).  It is kinda strange though.  Everything to do with the plot boundary is local so should not really be any desync issue with it.

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Hello everyone.I have succesfully installed PP4L with AdvSnap, but it appears that something is bugging HUD icons, they don't refresh and players start to die cuz of hunger or thirst that doesnt show in HUD.WeskeR

If the UI doesn't show hunger/thrist icons try adding this in your init.sqf under the epoch configs: Dayz_Dark_UI = false;
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THis is a very strange issue the two of you have.


Ok, was the file downloaded from my Git or from the dropbox package (question is to both of you) ?.  Maybe the player_updategui.sqf has some corruption or a control code has slipped in there.


The other thing you can try it to create a new player_updategui.sqf file as the changes I have made in it are minimal.


Extract player_updategui.sqf from the EPoch dayz_code.pbo file.


Open the extracted  player_updategui.sqf for editing.


Find (line 154 -> 156)

_charID = player getVariable ["CharacterID", "0"]; 

_rcharID = _humanityTarget getVariable ["CharacterID", "0"]; 

Replace with

if (DZE_APlotforLife) then {
    _playerUID = [player] call FNC_GetPlayerUID;
    _rplayerUID = [_humanityTarget] call FNC_GetPlayerUID;
    _playerUID = player getVariable ["CharacterID", "0"];
    _rplayerUID = _humanityTarget getVariable ["CharacterID", "0"];

Save the file


Replace the file from my package with this new file.


Give it a test.


Let me know if that resolves it.

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