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Posts posted by He-Man

  1. The "qick'n'dirty" solution is:

    Also in  fn_vgsInitClient.sq (but here without your coord changes! Change it by yourself):


        Author: IT07

        init file for Virtual Garage System menu

    if not hasInterface exitWith {};
    [] spawn
        if not isNull(findDisplay 46) exitWith
            if not isNil"EPOCH_loadingScreenDone" then
                ["[EPOCH VGS] ERROR! fn_initClientVGS called when display 46 AND EPOCH_loadingScreenDone are not(isNull/isNil)"] call BIS_fnc_errorMsg
        waitUntil { uiSleep 2; (not(isNull(findDisplay 46)) AND not(isNil"EPOCH_loadingScreenDone")) };
        _aa = player addAction ["<t size='2' shadow='0'>VGS</t>",{createDialog'SC_vgsDiag';}, "", -1, false, true];
        "DynamicBlur" ppEffectEnable true;
        waitUntil { uiSleep 0.5; not isNil"EPOCH_vgsMyKey" };
        if not(EPOCH_vgsMyKey isEqualTo "") then
            EPOCH_vgsPV = ["Request",[player,EPOCH_vgsMyKey]];
            publicVariableServer "EPOCH_vgsPV";
            EPOCH_vgsPV = nil;
        waituntil {uisleep 2; !alive player};
        waituntil {uisleep 2; alive player};
        _aa = player addAction ["<t size='2' shadow='0'>VGS</t>",{createDialog'SC_vgsDiag';}, "", -1, false, true];



  2. You can try to change in fn_vgsInitClient.sqf (clientside)

    _aa = player addAction ["<t size='2' shadow='0'>VGS</t>",{createDialog'SC_vgsDiag';}, "", -1, false, true];


    _aa = player addAction ["<t size='2' shadow='0'>VGS</t>",{createDialog'SC_vgsDiag';}, "", -1, false, true,"",(player distance [xx,yy,0]) < 150];

    _aa = player addAction ["<t size='2' shadow='0'>VGS</t>",{createDialog'SC_vgsDiag';}, "", -1, false, true,"","(player distance [xx,yy,0]) < 150"];

    change xx,yy to your parking zone coordinates. It is also UNTESTED

    BUT!!!! This takes a bit performance, because the client checks the condition on each frame!


    And a question from me: Does the scrolldown also works after revive? Should not, if I am right.

  3. viper, it is the same file ( CfgEpochClient.hpp:

        customVarsDefaults[] = {{"Temp",98.6,{106.7,95,102,105,96,95}},{"Hunger",5000,{5000,0,5001,5001,1250,0}},{"Thirst",2500,{2500,0,2501,2501,625,0}},{"AliveTime",0,{-2,0}},{"Energy",0,{2500,0}},{"Wet",0,{100,0,35,55,-1,-1}},{"Soiled",0,{100,0,35,55,-1,-1}},{"Immunity",0,{100,0}},{"Toxicity",0,{100,0,35,55,-1,-1}},{"Stamina",100,{"EPOCH_playerStaminaMax",0}},{"Crypto",0,{250000,0}},{"HitPoints",{0,0,0,0},{1,0,0.5,1,-1,-1}},{"BloodP",100,{190,0,120,140,70,50}},{"SpawnArray",{},{}},{"Karma",0,{50000,-50000}},{"Alcohol",0,{100,0,35,55,-1,-1}},{"Radiation",0,{100,0,35,55,-1,-1}},{"Nuisance",0,{100,0}},{"MissionArray",{},{}}};

    the BOLD values gives the start Food / Drink

    Hunger max is 5000

    Drink max is 2500

  4. Try to add these to your epochconfig.hpp:

    defaultUniformFemale =     "U_CamoBlue_uniform";
    defaultVestFemale =        "V_F41_EPOCH";
    defaultUniformMale =     "U_C_Poloshirt_blue";
    defaultVestMale =        "V_41_EPOCH";
    defaultBackpack =        "";

    I have not tested it, but in the scripts the server is checking these entries

  5. You could delete line 331-334 from server_monitor.fsm


               "                        if ((objectCurators _x) isEqualTo []) then {" \n
               "                            diag_log format[""DEBUG: Invalid Vehicle Token, deleted %1"",_x];" \n
               "                            deleteVehicle _x;" \n
               "                        };" \n

  6. Just checked the codes and should be in.

    Make sure, that you have set it right in the config:

    niteLight[] = {1,1.88,22};

    niteLight[] = {on/off , brightness , z-offset};

    Or is it broken from the last Arma update?!

  7. The respawn marker is no trigger. It is just a marker with coordinates.

    So you have to do it by a script or a trigger. But I think scripting is the better way, because triggers runs "oneachframe" as long as you are in the game (not sure)

    There are different ways to do this.

    I think the easiest way is to wait, until the Player is full spawned and then check, if he is in the Spawn-Box. If so, then run a script:

    waituntil {!isNull player};
    waituntil {time > 25};
    waituntil {alive player};
    waituntil {getPlayerUID player != ''};
    waitUntil {!isNull (findDisplay 46)};
    waituntil {typeof player in ["Epoch_Male_F","Epoch_Female_F"]};
    waituntil {!isNil "Epoch_my_GroupUID"};
    if ((getpos player) distance2d (getMarkerPos "respawn_west") < 10) then {
    	[] execVM "script.sqf";

    Another way is changing the script, that runs by click "teleport".


    if !(isNull _this) then{
        [player,_this,Epoch_personalToken] remoteExec ["EPOCH_server_teleportPlayer",2];

    if !(isNull _this) then{
           [] execVM "script.sqf";


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