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Posts posted by He-Man

  1. Here the most imortant weapons / magazines to remove:

    Run the Script, after all Vehicles are on the Map!

    When a Vehicle is bought, it will get the Weapons back! You could run this script in a loop (not the best way) or add these lines to the vehicle spawn from Epoch.


                _allvehicles = allmissionobjects "Landvehicle" + allmissionobjects "Air" + allmissionobjects "Ship" + allmissionobjects "Tank";
                    if (!isnull _x) then {
                        _x removeMagazinesTurret ["24Rnd_missiles",[-1]];
                        _x removemagazinesturret ["200Rnd_40mm_G_belt",[0]];
                        _x removeWeaponGlobal "missiles_DAR";
                        _x removeWeaponGlobal "gatling_30mm";
                        _x removeWeaponGlobal "gatling_20mm";
                        _x removeWeaponGlobal "missiles_DAGR";
                        _x removeWeaponGlobal "cannon_30mm_Plane_CAS_02_F";
                        _x removeWeaponGlobal "Missile_AA_03_Plane_CAS_02_F";
                        _x removeWeaponGlobal "Missile_AGM_01_Plane_CAS_02_F";
                        _x removeWeaponGlobal "Rocket_03_HE_Plane_CAS_02_F";
                        _x removeWeaponGlobal "Rocket_03_AP_Plane_CAS_02_F";
                        _x removeWeaponGlobal "Bomb_03_Plane_CAS_02_F";
                        _x removeWeaponGlobal "Bomb_04_Plane_CAS_01_F";
                        _x removeWeaponGlobal "Rocket_04_AP_Plane_CAS_01_F";
                        _x removeWeaponGlobal "Rocket_04_HE_Plane_CAS_01_F";
                        _x removeWeaponGlobal "Missile_AGM_02_Plane_CAS_01_F";
                        _x removeWeaponGlobal "Missile_AA_04_Plane_CAS_01_F";
                        _x removeWeaponGlobal "Gatling_30mm_Plane_CAS_01_F";
                        _x removeWeaponGlobal "GBU12BombLauncher_Plane_Fighter_03_F";
                        _x removeWeaponGlobal "missiles_ASRAAM";
                        _x removeWeaponGlobal "missiles_SCALPEL";
                        _x removeWeaponGlobal "Twin_Cannon_20mm";
                        _x removeWeaponGlobal "missiles_Zephyr";
                        _x removeWeaponGlobal "rockets_skyfire";
                        _x removeWeaponGlobal "gatling_30mm_vtol_02";
                } forEach _allvehicles;


  2. I think you mean the killed system, not health?!

    epoch-altis\epoch_config\Configs\CfgEpochClient.hpp ->     Killed          = "_this call EPOCH_fnc_playerDeath;";

    So if you want that Epoch really do nothing on killed, replace it with:

     Killed          = "";

  3.         _blacklistedAreas = [
                [[5878.3,10313.2],0],500], ---------> [[5878.3,10313.2,0],500],

  4. ...

        case "tanoa":{
            _staticCoords = [
                //"full" array
                //minimal array
                [[10860.75,9752.875,0],29.183,true] <----------------- missing comma !!!! //trader by spawn
                [[13319,14523.9,0],143.067,false], //trader by stavros
                [[6193.02,16828.7,0],1.52142,false] //trader by kore


  5. This is a known issue atm and nobody really knows a solution.

    Sometimes it crashes on Arma Start, sometimes while joining a Server and sometimes ingame.

    Some Servers have more problems with this, some less.

    Sometimes you can have 3-4 crashes a day and days later (without any changes) the crashes go.


    I have tested a lot with this problem and figured out, that ingame images have an influence to this crash.

    Especially broken player-squad-urls can cause it.

    Or you have only not enough RAM?!


    My only tips for you:

    - Check your RAM load

    - remove squad urls (if you have)

    - set all launch parameters to default.

  6. Hi @all,

    now I will also introduce you a bit our Epoch Servers.

    At first a special thank to our great Supporter and Admins for their time and patience !!!

    We have a really great community and Players are also helping Players - or kill them ;)

    What our Servers make them unique is not an extreme high Player count. It is the balanced gameplay, the community and the presentable work of the Supporter.


    Because our Servers are heavy customized, here a list of the most changes for a better understanding:

    - Earplugs by Space Bar Menu or "F4"
    - Player Autorun by pressing key "0"
    - Flip Vehicles with a Jack by Space Bar Menu
    - Attaching max 2 Base Cameras for 24h by Space Bar Menu and watch them by your Jammer / PlotPole
    - Taking Crypto directly from a Corpse by Space Bar Menu (no Cellphone searching)
    - Porting a Corpse from the Water to the next Coast by Space Bar Menu
    - Attaching Explosive Charges and Satchel Charges directly on Doors / Gates by Space Bar Menu, so they have better effect
    - Craftable Hotwire Kits to Lockpick Vehicles / Safes by Space Bar Menu
    - Craftable Safes
    - Random Medical Spots for healing / resetting Reviveable on the Map
    - Service Points for Repairing / refueling and rearming Vehicles by Space Bar Menu
    - 3D Teammarker with Playernames
    - Customized Script against "Clothings not visible for other Players" (thx to Chris from Infistar for the base script)
    - Protection against exploding Vehicles on Restart
    - A lot of Anti-Duping Scripts for a fair play for all
    - No Baseraid allowed, if the Player are offline / not at their Base
    - Protection against perma raiders (3 Kills while a Baseraid and the Area is automatically restricted for the attacker)
    - Special Admin logs for your Security
    - We have a special Player Menu with access to a lot of Client Settings (access by Space Bar Menu or "F11"):
        - Crafting temporary Vehicles
        - Changing Terrain Details (better FPS or more Details, choose your own option)
        - Switch on / off your own Basemarker
        - Switch on / off Markers for all blocked Areas (Building disallowed)
        - View your own Base Details, like all Building Elements / Storages / Building Limits ...
        - View your own Group Infos
        - Switch between 4 Status Bar sizes (full / mid / small / off)
        - Ingame Shop, where you can buy usefull things everytime, everywhere
    - Crafted Quads can be transformed to Jetskis at the Coasts by Space Bar Menu
    - Real Safe Zones with:
        - Player Godmode
        - Vehicle Inventory Protection (only your Team can access your Vehicles Inventory)
        - Vehicle GetIn Protection (only your Team can access your Vehicle as Driver)
        - Eject Crew by Space Menu to eject trolls
        - No perma Parking in SafeZones (Vehicles will be unlocked after 30 Mins in the SafeZone)
    - Special functions, which can be unlocked by "Menu Level 1" - can be bought for Crypto or our special Currency "Imperials"
        - Study / Bury Dead Bodys by Space Bar Menu
        - Ring Doorbell by Space Bar Menu
        - Killmessages with Killer / Killed and used Weapon
        - Show your Own Position on the Map
        - Checking if player is reviveable or not

    We are not standing still and are everytime open for new good suggestions.

    So if you like playing real Epoch (without excessive Weapons and Vehicles), feel free to join one of our Servers.
    You are also welcome to visit us on Teamspeak.

    Our Servers:

    Teamspeak: Todessternserver.de
    Todesstern Altis:
    Todesstern Tanoa:

  7. No... You as Admin has also no pbo downloaded, I think ^^

    No idea, why only a few people can see it.

    And Admins can also not see more objects, then "normal" Players.

    I only know, that it takes sometimes a while, until the position of serverside created buildings shows correct.

  8. Thanks for the Feedback. So I have changed the code in my first post back to the original one.

    You must set enablesimulationglobal false, I think.

    And the best should be to set it very first, so the Buildings can not get damage while setpos and will not fall down (if they can).


    _objects = [
    /*#### paste your array here ####*/

        _obj = createVehicle [_x select 0, [0,0,0], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
        _obj allowdamage false;
        _obj enablesimulationglobal false;
        _pos = _x select 1;
        if (count _x > 2) then {
            if (typename (_x select 2) == "SCALAR") then {
                _obj setdir (_x select 2);
            if (typename (_x select 2) == "array") then {
                _obj setVectorDirAndUp (_x select 2);
        if (count _x > 3) then {
            if (typename (_x select 3) == "array") then {
                _obj setVectorDirAndUp (_x select 3);
        if (surfaceIsWater _pos) then {
            _obj setPosASL _pos;
        else {
            _obj setPosATL _pos;
    } foreach _objects;



  9. I will check

    edit: Now I tested it again, and for me it seems to work fine. Ramps are tilted.

    How are you loading the Elements? If (isserver) {execvm blablabla.sqf} ???

    Can you give me your exported array (or just the ramp)?

    edit2: For me it is working as it should... But I have changed the 2nd code a bit. Try it out please.

  10. I've also noticed, that exporting with E3DEN is not really accurate.

    So I have tested a bit and it seems, that the direction is missing in the exported array.

    Then I have made my own Export-Script.

    Place your Buildings, choose play from here (a unit is not needed!) and then run in the Console:


    _allobj = allmissionobjects "all";
    _tempobj = [];
    _offset = 0;
    Eventobjects = [];
        if (!(isplayer _x) && !(_x iskindof "logic")) then {
            _tempobj pushback _x;
    } foreach _allobj;
        _pos = getposatl _x;
        if (surfaceiswater (getpos _x)) then {
            _pos = getposasl _x;
        _pos set [2,(_pos select 2)+_offset];
        _obj = [typeof _x,_pos,getdir _x,[vectorDir _x, vectorup _x]];
        Eventobjects pushback _obj;
    } foreach _tempobj;
    copytoclipboard str Eventobjects;

    This export the Buildings in an Array to the Clipboard.

    Then make a new sqf file with the following and paste your array in:


    _objects = [
    /*#### paste your array here ####*/

        _obj = createVehicle [_x select 0, [0,0,0], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
        _pos = _x select 1;
        if (count _x > 2) then {
            if (typename (_x select 2) == "SCALAR") then {
                _obj setdir (_x select 2);
            if (typename (_x select 2) == "array") then {
                _obj setVectorDirAndUp (_x select 2);
        if (count _x > 3) then {
            if (typename (_x select 3) == "array") then {
                _obj setVectorDirAndUp (_x select 3);
        if (surfaceIsWater _pos) then {
            _obj setPosASL _pos;
        else {
            _obj setPosATL _pos;
    } foreach _objects;


  11. let it false.




        propsPos[] = {
                //Air Drop Event Helipad Start
                { "Land_dp_bigTank_F", { 14328.1, 13488.2, -0.64909101 }, 182, true }


    { " Classname ", { pos }, dir, true }

    {"Classname", {pos},{{vectordir},{vectorup}}, false} 

    both should work



    Sorry, the true / false is used by epoch. But not for posasl / posatl. It is used for enablesimulation:


        if (count _x >= 4) then {
            _deSimulate = (_x select 3) isEqualTo "true";


  12. Sure, you can also add it with epochsettings.

    { "Land_WoodenShelter_01_F", {10855.6,9685.38,0.490318}, {{-0.418326,-0.908297,0},{0,0,1}}, false },

    {"Classname", {pos},{{vectordir},{vectorup}}, ignore this},


    ignore this is original made to change between setposatl (terrain level) or setposasl (sea level), but not used by epoch

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