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Posts posted by He-Man

  1. This is not possible, because the Vehicles have no database "slot".

    To sell a Vehicle it must have a slot (means it must be in the Database).


    There are two ways to handle it:

    1. Give the Vehicle a pseudo slot while spawning (e.g. 5000), but then the Vehicle will be written into the DB automatically after a bit of using. But if you don't have a slot limit over 5000, it will never be reloaded after a restart.

    2. The Trader Script must be changed, so that also Vehicles without a slot can be sold.

    But both are not really Epoch-like.

    The Idea in Epoch is, that there are  xxx Vehicles that only can change the Owner, but no bypassed Vehicles.

  2. I'm not sure, but I believe Arma don't remember the last Player Name of dead bodys.

    So it is needed to set the variable "bodyName" first on the Body.

    You can do this Clientside on login, with a eventhandler "killed" or Serverside on login / killed.

    The best way to do this is serverside, or you have to add a BE-Filter for the Setvariable.

    I would do this in the moment of a kill in the "EPOCH_server_deadPlayer". This function already include the Playername.


    private ["_triggerType","_veh","_bankBalance","_bankData","_response","_playerUID","_pos","_cIndex","_vars","_current_crypto"];
    params ["_playerObj","_killer","_playerName",["_token","",[""]]];

    // handle token check and isnull for _player
    if !([_playerObj, _token] call EPOCH_server_getPToken) exitWith{};
    _playerObj setvariable ['bodyName',_playerName,true];


  3. Have you tried it with exact this code?

    If not, please try it again! The Sappers should not spawn at [0,0,0]

    "Epoch_Sapper_F" call EPOCH_unitSpawn seems to be an old syntax for calling unitsspawn

    You have to use:

    ["Epoch_Sapper_F", player] call EPOCH_unitSpawn or ["Epoch_Sapper_F", player, false] call EPOCH_unitSpawn

  4. 5 hours ago, 82ndAB_Bravo17 said:

    Unless I am missing something, the Inventory doesn't seem to be working in Experimental branch. The soldier seems to be dong the looking, but the Inventory menu doesn't appear.

    I get get it to appear again by removing the reference to the custom EH for InventoryOpened in CfgEpochClient.hpp.

    PS The pbos in experimental do work, but the mission pbos don't contain the latest files, and still have the old  CfgEpochClient.hpp in them (at least for the Altis one).

    You are right. The mission files are not up to date.

    For this example (inventoryopened) there is missing:

    - The actual code in cfgEpochClient.hpp

    InventoryClosed = "_this call EPOCH_InventoryClosed;_this call EPOCH_custom_EH_InventoryClosed";

    - The reference in cfgclientfunctions.hpp to the new files "EPOCH_InventoryOpened" and "EPOCH_custom_EH_InventoryOpened" (both are new!)

    - The Files "EPOCH_InventoryOpened" and "EPOCH_custom_EH_InventoryOpened" themself.


    So just wait a bit or take the files from the source folder.

  5. Yes, this is possible, but Epoch Antihack and Infistar block this scripts  (eventhandler).

    I made a request to add custom Eventhandler, that can be used for things like this and it is already in the Experimental Files.

    So I think with the next official Update you can use it. 

  6. For a while, I had a HC for Windows on Epoch.

    I think it is general the same?! I had it for Fums.

    What I know is, you have to modify your mission.sqm and activate HC in the config:


    In the config add:

    localClient[]={}; // the IP of the HC
    headlessClients[] = {""}; // the IP of the HC


    For the mission have a look on my sqm (It is Vanilla Altis, only HC added):



    My Starparameter for HC was:

    -mod=@Epoch; -client -connect= -port=2302 -nosound


    Hope it helps you

  7. @Prae, just paste in your init.sqf:


    if (isserver) then {
        _safeZones = [
        _c = 1;
            _marker = createMarker [('Safezonemarker'+(str _c)+'1'), _x];
            _marker setmarkertype "empty";
            _marker setmarkercolor 'ColorGreen';
            _marker setMarkerSize [250,250];
            _marker setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE";
            _marker setMarkerBrush "Grid";
            _marker = createMarker [('Safezonemarker'+(str _c)+'2'), _x];
            _marker setmarkertype "mil_warning";
            _marker setmarkercolor 'ColorRed';
            _marker setMarkerSize [1,1];
            _marker setMarkerText ("Safe Zone "+(str _c));
            _c = _c+1;
        } forEach _safeZones;

    "if (isserver)" means it runs only serverside.

    The Coordinates I have from your Mission.sqm.

    Note, that the coordinates in the mission.sqm are {xx,zz,yy} and in a script it is [xx,yy,zz].

    Because that, it is different in your mission and in my script.

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