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    DirtySanchez reacted to 82ndAB_Bravo17 in UAV "Spotted noise" missing?   
    Sounding good...
    Thank you.
  2. Like
    DirtySanchez reacted to vbawol in Dead by Armalight   
    Came across a cool looking  gamemode that also uses Epoch mod and figured I would share it here.
    Read more and downloads: https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/197400-mp-dead-by-armalight/

  3. Like
    DirtySanchez reacted to natoed in [UPDATE July2017]-[RELEASE]DP Real Health System v0.6   
    Hey DirtySanchez
    thx and it does work but was just throwing an error in the server rpt file.
    16:29:10 Error in expression <"VirtualMan_EPOCH") && (diag_tickTime > DPRH_CurrentLoopTime))then { _time = dia> 16:29:10 Error position: <DPRH_CurrentLoopTime))then { _time = dia> 16:29:10 Error Undefined variable in expression: dprh_currentlooptime 16:29:10 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Altis\2dmin\addons\DPRealHealth\DP_Real_Health_check.sqf, line 9 server rpt's
    So i moved whats in the onPlayerRespawn.sqf in to the initPlayerLocal.sqf and the error is now gone with everything works great 
    if (!isDedicated and hasInterface) then { waitUntil {alive vehicle player}; waitUntil {typeOF player != "VirtualMan_EPOCH"}; [] execVM "2dmin\addons\DPRealHealth\DP_Real_Health_check.sqf"; // Thx =RAV=MusTanG }; Also I have noted that one message will be displayed at a time even if say 2 or 3 should be like soiled message will display til its sort then it will roll thought to the one say Temp, make sense!
    btw the settings.sqf very nice, now to tweak the shit out of this thanks again

  4. Like
    DirtySanchez got a reaction from axeman in [UPDATE July2017]-[RELEASE]DP Real Health System v0.6   

    Hey bud, 

    After some hours of testing today many changes went into this script.
    Everything is working without need to modify.
    Settings file has been added for editing warning messages and value changes.
    Warning messaging handler added to allow option for systemChat, titleText or hints.
    Fixed some issues that have persisted since 0.4 with value changes in the wrong direction.
    Tweaked some of the changes and how the script loads up and runs.
    v0.6 is live on the github now

  5. Like
    DirtySanchez got a reaction from natoed in [UPDATE July2017]-[RELEASE]DP Real Health System v0.6   

    I had some spare time tonight and did a work over of the whole thing.
    Most of the work was adding settings for the msg's, hunger/thrist drops and the rest of the variable changes.
    I also added in a message type toggle and handler.
    You will be able to use systemChat, titleText or hints.

    I also added in a change for BloodPressure on High Temp for ya as requested.
    If you would like to test it out let me know
  6. Like
    DirtySanchez reacted to TheVampire in VEMF - Vampire's Epoch Mission Framework   
    I wrote this up today. Some of it may be a little open ended as i don't have everything set in stone yet.
  7. Like
    DirtySanchez reacted to natoed in [UPDATE July2017]-[RELEASE]DP Real Health System v0.6   
    Hi DirtySanchez
    Yes please kind Sir, if we/you could adding EPOCH_playerTemp to increase EPOCH_playerBloodP
    I did this some time ago, I noted that players temp didn't increase at all but all I can remember sry (still so so much I don't know)
    If some sort of Visual cue could be added for each effect or tried in with epoch's visual cue's would even better, as i did slow the system-chat messages due to the spamming
    ideally (if possible) Some Positive effects for being a healthy well feed and watered player
    heals player a very small amount, increase in immunity and or stamina
    what do you think!
  8. Like
    DirtySanchez got a reaction from natoed in [UPDATE July2017]-[RELEASE]DP Real Health System v0.6   

    As I have come far since this old release, I think I should be able to do what you are asking.
    Let me pull out my old git and take a look at what I happened to do for this script,
    maybe I will throw up looking at it but :fingers_crossed: I wasnt too much of a nub when I wrote it.

    Chat soon
  9. Like
    DirtySanchez reacted to Grahame in Open Chernarus Project(Beta) - Plug N Play - Dynamic Simulation compatible   
    Not a problem at all, looking forward to using this. I saw the guy's comment who said he was going to work on them too which is why I'd subsequently guessed the answer to my question ;)
    BTW, thanks a lot for the Vector Building mate, my players love you! Finally they can easily build garage doors that an M1A2 TUSK can fit through!
  10. Like
    DirtySanchez reacted to TheVampire in Epoch Radio   
    I am going to be releasing in the near future a script that adds the ability to listen to a radio station in Arma 3 Epoch (which consists of files in addons or the mission pbo) and would like to release a Epoch Themed Radio Music Pack Addon alongside it.
    What I'm looking for is song recommendations of songs you would like to have added. The genres don't necessarily matter as I plan to allow the separation of genres in the mod. Server owners will be able to customize what songs are playable on their server.
    There are a few requirements though of course:
    The music must be of good audio quality The music must be royalty free (or permission granted and proof provided) If you are of course an artist yourself and want to submit tracks, feel free.
    There will be links provided after it's release to submit more tracks, or to request removal of a track if you feel its copyright is in violation.
    Here's an example of some of the kinds of music I would like to include. This is not necessarily a representation of what will be included.
    If anyone has any recommendations let me know.
  11. Like
    DirtySanchez reacted to Ghostrider-GRG in Class Name Extraction Tools Updated v 0.42   
    I recently set out to add mods to a server and confronted the challenge of pulling the class names, formatting them in lists, and generating price lists. As there was no tool I could find to do this I have put one together. It allows server owners to pull class names for vehicles (Air, Land, boat), Weapons (arifle, srifle, launchers, etc), uniforms, vests, headgear, glasses, and output lists as either a simple list or a price list. That list is copied to the clipboard and can be pasted into any text editor. The price lists can be formatted in either Epoch or Exile format by changing a variable in init.sqf.
    Version 0.42 adds a option to check CfgPricing (Epoch) or equivalent price lists (Exile). The tools will only include items for which no price is found in the output. This should be handy when updating price lists or other configurations to include new items added as part of an update of a mod. See the readme for information on how to configure the tool to take advantage of this function.
    Version 0.4: adds a new function whereby one can extract only classnames with a specific root. For example, by setting GRG_Root = "Epoch" in the init.sqf, one can extract classnames that begin with Epoch. There are a few other minor optimizations and bug fixes, the most important of which are addition of some output to systemChat so that the user knows something is happening, and being sure that the checks against the arrays of items to be excluded from the output are all working properly.
    The tool is now considerably smaller and correctly pulls names for backpacks, glasses and other items that it missed before.
    For example, you could paste classnames of all default Arma vehicles in baseVehicles.sqf so that only the vehicles from the addon are shown in the output.
    While I have written each of the modules, the original approach to weapons was influenced by a post from KiloSwiss on this topic  .
    Instructions for installation and use are on the Github.
  12. Like
    DirtySanchez reacted to vbawol in Epoch 0.5 Release Changelog   
    On stable branch now:
    0.5 b757: [Added] "MeleeRod" (Fishing Rod) to Crafting Menu (1x Rope,1x Stick,1x Metal Scraps) @Ignatz-HeMan [Added] Vehicle and Loot tables can be set via epochconfig settings (forcedVehicleSpawnTable, forcedLootSpawnTable) to force specific vehicle or loot tables. [Changed] Removed "Alpha" text from debug monitor. [Changed] Add flag to enable database unit test. enableUnitTestOnStart = 1 in epochconfig.hpp to enable [Changed] Delete rest of unused clientside Airdrop Event code. @Ignatz-HeMan [Changed] further optimized db call for weather script. [Updated] redis-server.exe to latest version: 3.2.100 from: https://github.com/MSOpenTech/redis/releases [Fixed] some missing semicolons in CfgPricing. @SPKcoding [Fixed] Joining and leaving a group and optimize with added usage of params. @Ignatz-HeMan [Fixed] Group invites from the same Group where not possible until relog. @Ignatz-HeMan [Fixed] Heal not working when using SafeZones with VehicleGodmode and only HitPoint is damaged. @Ignatz-HeMan [Fixed] fix deleteVehicle BE kick with sharks [Fixed] CBA related Battleye kicks with current CBA version. [Fixed] Static weather settings not working. @82ndab-Bravo17 [Fixed] Battleye kicks for CUP weapon and attachment BE kicks. [Fixed] Battleye kicks for towing tractor from CUP. [Fixed] Fixed / updated and added Trader Missions and ported to run it on Events instead fsm. @Ignatz-HeMan [Fixed] Several minor fixes, cleanup, and private array updates. [Fixed] Fix for Weaponholder disappearing while adding loot. @Ignatz-HeMan [Info] SQF parser analyzer: https://www.reddit.com/r/armadev/comments/681236/released_static_analyzer_for_sqf_and_integration/ Thanks to @LordGolias
  13. Like
    DirtySanchez got a reaction from natoed in Fully Integrated Vector Building System   
    Its been a long week of work and the holiday is right around the corner here in the U.S.
    However @He-Man has done some more tweaks to the system to remove a few pesky issues.

    Not sure of exact date but more changes are coming to the github soon.

    Thanks for the thanks guys!
  14. Like
    DirtySanchez got a reaction from Grahame in Fully Integrated Vector Building System   
    Its been a long week of work and the holiday is right around the corner here in the U.S.
    However @He-Man has done some more tweaks to the system to remove a few pesky issues.

    Not sure of exact date but more changes are coming to the github soon.

    Thanks for the thanks guys!
  15. Like
    DirtySanchez got a reaction from natoed in Fully Integrated Vector Building System   
    Apologies for the delay in posting this as its been ready for quite some time now.
    This system adds the vector building system directly to epoch code and the custom keys feature on the escape menu.
    Download and instructions for install are located here:

    To contribute to this system, you are free to fork and do a pull merge request.
    For support request questions / comments or suggestions please visit here for faster service: https://discord.me/eXpoch

  16. Like
    DirtySanchez got a reaction from raymix in Fully Integrated Vector Building System   
    Apologies for the delay in posting this as its been ready for quite some time now.
    This system adds the vector building system directly to epoch code and the custom keys feature on the escape menu.
    Download and instructions for install are located here:

    To contribute to this system, you are free to fork and do a pull merge request.
    For support request questions / comments or suggestions please visit here for faster service: https://discord.me/eXpoch

  17. Like
    DirtySanchez got a reaction from natoed in Fully Integrated Vector Building System   
    After less than a day or so of back and forths with @He-Man, 

    Credit now also goes to He-Man for his time, energy and knowledge he has given to this script. Thank bud!

    [Fixed] eXpoch Object Snapping code was not finished. Fixed and in testing
    [Added] Checks for Object Snapping to prevent conflicts between both Snapping Systems
    [Cleaned] Removed DPBEA compatibility files and some code
    [Updated] Install instructions in readme
    [Added] Badges in readme for version this has been tested on

    These updates and more have been pushed to Git.

    GAME ON!!!
  18. Like
    DirtySanchez reacted to ReDBaroN in Fully Integrated Vector Building System   
    Hey @DirtySanchez nice release! :)

    Works well. One thing I noticed is that if you try to vector an object that's already snapped to another object is freaks out a bit. But, I guess this was only supposed to work in free mode anyway...?

    Great work man :)
  19. Like
    DirtySanchez reacted to He-Man in Fully Integrated Vector Building System   
    Just tested and what can I say...
    Awesome work!
    @DirtySanchez, any chance to get it into the Vanilla Epoch files?
    I will update some smaller things later and make a pull, so it is up to date to the actual Epoch Files...
  20. Like
    DirtySanchez got a reaction from Scorpi in Fully Integrated Vector Building System   
    Apologies for the delay in posting this as its been ready for quite some time now.
    This system adds the vector building system directly to epoch code and the custom keys feature on the escape menu.
    Download and instructions for install are located here:

    To contribute to this system, you are free to fork and do a pull merge request.
    For support request questions / comments or suggestions please visit here for faster service: https://discord.me/eXpoch

  21. Like
    DirtySanchez got a reaction from Drokz in Fully Integrated Vector Building System   
    Apologies for the delay in posting this as its been ready for quite some time now.
    This system adds the vector building system directly to epoch code and the custom keys feature on the escape menu.
    Download and instructions for install are located here:

    To contribute to this system, you are free to fork and do a pull merge request.
    For support request questions / comments or suggestions please visit here for faster service: https://discord.me/eXpoch

  22. Like
    DirtySanchez got a reaction from RC_Robio in Fully Integrated Vector Building System   
    Apologies for the delay in posting this as its been ready for quite some time now.
    This system adds the vector building system directly to epoch code and the custom keys feature on the escape menu.
    Download and instructions for install are located here:

    To contribute to this system, you are free to fork and do a pull merge request.
    For support request questions / comments or suggestions please visit here for faster service: https://discord.me/eXpoch

  23. Like
    DirtySanchez got a reaction from Donnovan in [RELEASE]Perfect Night Time Settings! (Within EPOCH)   
    Now use the Epoch Config to setup a perfect nighttime
    Use this:
    niteLight[] = {1,666,10000};
    The 666 is a very nice and bright night
    420 is moderate nights and should be the goto brightness here
    300 is dark enough to call hardcore but still playable af

    Old Info using color corrections:

    Yes guys this is not too hard to accomplish
    1. Find your moonlit night and time for server start
    2. Play around with some corrections
    3. start your server
    Answers ye all seek:
    1. In your epochconfig.hpp change this line
    StaticDateTime[] = {2035,6,10,21,30}; 2. call this corrections.sqf from your init.sqf
    []execVM "corrections.sqf"; Save this code as corrections.sqf and put it in your mission folder.
    "ColorCorrections" ppEffectEnable true;"ColorCorrections" ppEffectAdjust [0.88, 0.88, 0.04, [0.2, 0.29, 0.4, -0.22], [1, 1, 1, 1.3], [0.15, 0.09, 0.09, 0.0]];"ColorCorrections" ppEffectCommit 0; 3. FUCKING ENJOY!
    Update: play around with the 0.04 setting for gamma changes. 0.06 is perfect for an all night server. 0.04 was tested on day and night and was not too washed out during the daytime.
  24. Like
    DirtySanchez reacted to Richie in Epoch 0.5 Celebration Event 4/22/17 - Hosted by [VB]AWOL, Orangesherbet and Friends!   
    I'll be there but I might be late to the party
  25. Like
    DirtySanchez reacted to orangesherbet in Epoch 0.5 Celebration Event 4/22/17 - Hosted by [VB]AWOL, Orangesherbet and Friends!   
    (skip to the end for a tl;dr if you wish)
    I'm Dan also known as orangesherbet- haven't been active on these forums for some time but I've been a tester and supporter of Epoch since the early days in 2012.  More importantly, I've made lasting friendships with the development team and surrounding community of Epoch Mod. With the release of version 0.5, I wanted to organize an event that would bring all of us together to celebrate the time we've spent playing, testing, and developing (I'm not a dev) the mod!
    The event itself will take place on Chernarus, where everything started!  We will have several activities for participants including a race from Kamenka debug line to NE Airfield,  a melee arena, demolition derby, "Tower of Terror" built by community developer and friend SLI, stunt contest, fishing, and base building!  
    I'll be hosting the event on my stream and Discord, but I do want to make it clear that this event is about the celebration of Epoch Mod's development and not a promotion for my stream or Discord server.  I would recommend participants join my Discord server as that is where players will be welcomed to chat with each other and the admins to help us stay organized and have fun!  Feel free to leave the Discord server at the conclusion of the event if you wish.  We do have another Epoch Event in the near future and I will share that information with everyone once we have a date set!
    Event Info:
    Date: Saturday April 22nd, 2017
    Start Time: 12pm EST / 5pm GMT (Find your time here: http://bit.ly/2pm6kXR via WorldTimeBuddy) Event will be at least 6 hours.
    Game Mode / Map: Epoch Mod Chernarus
    Server Information: Event has been completed
    Discord Server (for information, support): https://discordapp.com/invite/orangesherbet  Free to use program- please use the text channel #event for help with anything regarding the event.
    Mods required for the event (all available on Steam Workshop, total file size over 14gb): Epoch Mod, CUP Units, CUP Vehicles, CUP Terrains - Maps, CUP Terrains - Core, CUP Weapons, CBA_A3, Ryan's Zombies and Demons
    Stream channel if you care to watch the event: https://twitch.tv/orangesherbet
    Thanks to [VB]AWOL, SLI, Pumba, Konc, Robio, TipsyJack, somyc, Buddha187, and Philanthropy for help setting up this event and [VB]AWOL for providing the event server. Promo image made by SLI.
    Stay Tuned for server info Saturday morning! 

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