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    vbawol got a reaction from DirtySanchez in Dead by Armalight   
    Came across a cool looking  gamemode that also uses Epoch mod and figured I would share it here.
    Read more and downloads: https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/197400-mp-dead-by-armalight/

  2. Like
    vbawol reacted to Sneer in Watch out for those sapper heads!   
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    vbawol reacted to TolH in call Epoch_message;   
    _msg = (_this select 1) select 0; // Would equal "New mission availible. Check Map." Thats great, thanks alot. Actually didn't know you could do = (_this select 1) select 0;  Make sense now!
  4. Like
    vbawol reacted to TheVampire in call Epoch_message;   
    In a publicVariable there are a few this values. The incoming looks like this:
    So you were doing select 1 which selects the value array adding the brackets to the message.
    Should be (_this select 1) select 0;
    I see you have it solved though.
  5. Like
    vbawol reacted to TheVampire in call Epoch_message;   
    In your example you would be getting this in return:
    ["Epoch_Message1",["New mission availible. Check Map."]] So your selections:
    _var = (_this select 0); // Would Equal "Epoch_Message1" _msg = (_this select 1) select 0; // Would equal "New mission availible. Check Map." If you wanted to pass an array of strings you would have to either take the entire array and forEach it or select each element of the array for different variables.
    Epoch_Message1 = ["New mission available.","Check map."]; publicVariable "Epoch_Message1"; And then:
    _var = (_this select 0); // Would Equal "Epoch_Message1" _msg = (_this select 1) select 0; // Would equal "New mission availible." _msg2 = (_this select 1) select 1; // Would equal "Check map."
  6. Like
    vbawol reacted to TolH in call Epoch_message;   
    yes, even better! works great.
    Thank you.
  7. Like
    vbawol got a reaction from He-Man in call Epoch_message;   
    Even better way is to use RemoteExec from the server, like so:
    ["New mission available. Check map.", 10] remoteExec ["Epoch_message",-2]; // -2 targets everyone but the server This way there are no client side changes needed.

    Also, this is the function:
  8. Like
    vbawol reacted to He-Man in call Epoch_message;   
    The "" are standard in this messages. To remove the [] try: Epoch_Message1 = "New mission available. Check map."; publicVariable "Epoch_Message1";
  9. Like
    vbawol got a reaction from TolH in call Epoch_message;   
    Even better way is to use RemoteExec from the server, like so:
    ["New mission available. Check map.", 10] remoteExec ["Epoch_message",-2]; // -2 targets everyone but the server This way there are no client side changes needed.

    Also, this is the function:
  10. Like
    vbawol reacted to Tarabas in Epoch Altis zombielandepoch.clan.su GER|ENG   
    We run a 24/7 server-- Epoch Altis zombielandepoch.clan.su GER|ENG
    Mods:  Epoch (Always up to date) + Zombies and Demons
    JSRS Soundmod  ( http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=861133494 )
    Enhanced Movement ( https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?l=german&id=333310405 )
    ASDG Joint Rails  ( https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1261297982&searchtext= )
    We also added some map Addons and the most known scripts+ missions from zombielandepoch Tanoa Server.
    All armed vehicles are buyable and rearmable.
    Have fun surviving
    IP:  arma.no-ip.info
    Port: 2402
  11. Like
    vbawol got a reaction from TheVampire in Custom Crafting   
    It is in the mission file as with all our gamemode stuff. The Client mod is more just for assets these days. @natoed For the actual buildables, it might require some additional client side configs depending on what you are wanting to add.
  12. Like
    vbawol got a reaction from TheVampire in Dynamic Debris markers (experimental)   
    The way these new Epoch Events are setup makes them 100% self-contained, Meaning that you can just remove the epoch_server_*_event .pbo if the feature is not desired.

    All of the events settings are also inside the pbo : https://github.com/EpochModTeam/Epoch/blob/experimental/Sources/epoch_server_debris_event/config.cpp#L27-L37

    Also, I have made it so these markers only show if _debug set to true on the first line and will be disabled for the next update.
  13. Like
    vbawol got a reaction from RC_Robio in Dynamic Debris markers (experimental)   
    The way these new Epoch Events are setup makes them 100% self-contained, Meaning that you can just remove the epoch_server_*_event .pbo if the feature is not desired.

    All of the events settings are also inside the pbo : https://github.com/EpochModTeam/Epoch/blob/experimental/Sources/epoch_server_debris_event/config.cpp#L27-L37

    Also, I have made it so these markers only show if _debug set to true on the first line and will be disabled for the next update.
  14. Like
    vbawol got a reaction from Moist_Pretzels in Is It Alpha or Beta Now?   
    Thanks for the heads up will get this fixed, I am sure we will be replacing the word Alpha for a while. 
  15. Like
    vbawol got a reaction from raymix in Epoch 0.5 Release Changelog   
    On stable branch now:
    0.5 b757: [Added] "MeleeRod" (Fishing Rod) to Crafting Menu (1x Rope,1x Stick,1x Metal Scraps) @Ignatz-HeMan [Added] Vehicle and Loot tables can be set via epochconfig settings (forcedVehicleSpawnTable, forcedLootSpawnTable) to force specific vehicle or loot tables. [Changed] Removed "Alpha" text from debug monitor. [Changed] Add flag to enable database unit test. enableUnitTestOnStart = 1 in epochconfig.hpp to enable [Changed] Delete rest of unused clientside Airdrop Event code. @Ignatz-HeMan [Changed] further optimized db call for weather script. [Updated] redis-server.exe to latest version: 3.2.100 from: https://github.com/MSOpenTech/redis/releases [Fixed] some missing semicolons in CfgPricing. @SPKcoding [Fixed] Joining and leaving a group and optimize with added usage of params. @Ignatz-HeMan [Fixed] Group invites from the same Group where not possible until relog. @Ignatz-HeMan [Fixed] Heal not working when using SafeZones with VehicleGodmode and only HitPoint is damaged. @Ignatz-HeMan [Fixed] fix deleteVehicle BE kick with sharks [Fixed] CBA related Battleye kicks with current CBA version. [Fixed] Static weather settings not working. @82ndab-Bravo17 [Fixed] Battleye kicks for CUP weapon and attachment BE kicks. [Fixed] Battleye kicks for towing tractor from CUP. [Fixed] Fixed / updated and added Trader Missions and ported to run it on Events instead fsm. @Ignatz-HeMan [Fixed] Several minor fixes, cleanup, and private array updates. [Fixed] Fix for Weaponholder disappearing while adding loot. @Ignatz-HeMan [Info] SQF parser analyzer: https://www.reddit.com/r/armadev/comments/681236/released_static_analyzer_for_sqf_and_integration/ Thanks to @LordGolias
  16. Like
    vbawol reacted to Ghostrider-GRG in Class Name Extraction Tools Updated v 0.42   
    I recently set out to add mods to a server and confronted the challenge of pulling the class names, formatting them in lists, and generating price lists. As there was no tool I could find to do this I have put one together. It allows server owners to pull class names for vehicles (Air, Land, boat), Weapons (arifle, srifle, launchers, etc), uniforms, vests, headgear, glasses, and output lists as either a simple list or a price list. That list is copied to the clipboard and can be pasted into any text editor. The price lists can be formatted in either Epoch or Exile format by changing a variable in init.sqf.
    Version 0.42 adds a option to check CfgPricing (Epoch) or equivalent price lists (Exile). The tools will only include items for which no price is found in the output. This should be handy when updating price lists or other configurations to include new items added as part of an update of a mod. See the readme for information on how to configure the tool to take advantage of this function.
    Version 0.4: adds a new function whereby one can extract only classnames with a specific root. For example, by setting GRG_Root = "Epoch" in the init.sqf, one can extract classnames that begin with Epoch. There are a few other minor optimizations and bug fixes, the most important of which are addition of some output to systemChat so that the user knows something is happening, and being sure that the checks against the arrays of items to be excluded from the output are all working properly.
    The tool is now considerably smaller and correctly pulls names for backpacks, glasses and other items that it missed before.
    For example, you could paste classnames of all default Arma vehicles in baseVehicles.sqf so that only the vehicles from the addon are shown in the output.
    While I have written each of the modules, the original approach to weapons was influenced by a post from KiloSwiss on this topic  .
    Instructions for installation and use are on the Github.
  17. Like
    vbawol reacted to He-Man in class CfgFunctions   
  18. Like
    vbawol got a reaction from Bricktop in Who Knows [Esseker SurfaceTypes]   
    Hello @Bricktop You can try a script I made to index map surfaces here: https://gist.githubusercontent.com/vbawol/96bed728d682e957598a0d1bba5882e6/raw/b31e37d595ca4403cbbe68d076e947c863980c1e/MapSurfaceIndexer.sqf

    it should at least give you a jump start at figuring out how to do this for any map. ALL_SURFACES variable will store all the surface types is detects.
  19. Like
    vbawol reacted to salival in Server Owner Sending Out Hackers ?   
    Hi friends,
    Kind of got out of hand there, but here's my 2 cents:
    Allowing people to knowingly test hacks on your server to take down other servers is a pretty shitty act, fun, joking or serious.
    Brushing it off that it's "not your problem" is also a pretty shitty act when infact you have the power to take them off your test server.
    As a community I believe we should all be helping each other to bring this community higher, we know a2 is long dead and hanging on by a string, let's not be fucking idiots and cut the string.
    We'll leave this thread for now, Thanks to the OP for bringing this up.
  20. Like
    vbawol got a reaction from natoed in Epoch "Ryan" Zombie Feedback   
    Ok, ya we could add it, as a way to reduce toxicity, will look into that.
  21. Like
    vbawol reacted to Brian Soanes in database   
    Why are there hybrid cars?
    Why are CPU's getting more powerful?
    If no one tried new things we would still be living in caves saying "ug" to each other.
  22. Like
    vbawol reacted to He-Man in Default Player Loadouts   
    I have made a pull request for the Start-Leadouts. 
    You will find it here:
  23. Like
    vbawol got a reaction from He-Man in database   
    I feel Redis is well suited for game persistence in general because it is fast, stable, zero install has a ton of great features and we are not even close to using half of it's potential yet. I will try to give a brief summary of why I chose to use Redis for Epoch.  https://redis.io/

    Most game data does not need to be saved forever. Redis gives us built-in features to control how long we save data. Thus, automatically preventing database bloat requiring no maintenance on the part of the server admin, it just works.

    The schema concept is based on saving data as an Arma Array data type. The actual schema is completely in the hands of the Arma engine and SQF coder and should never require external schema changes.

    Every player in Arma 3 has a unique steam64ID so we use that to our advantage as a unique identifier or "Key". As our method does not use tables it does not slow down as more database entries are added as relational databases often do.
    Don't get me wrong I like using MySQL and have done so for many years. Redis has a lot of potential and we have not even touched some of the more advanced features yet.
    That said the sources for our DLL and gamemode are here if you want to take a further look.
    Epoch gamemode for Arma 3 - https://github.com/EpochModTeam/Epoch
    Epoch Server DB extension (DLL / so) for Arma 3 - 
    Epoch Server SQF Persistence Framework for Arma 3 -
  24. Like
    vbawol got a reaction from natoed in Vehicle Locking System   
    I am not against adding it back as I know that was a key feature of ours. If keys are added we need to consider how it might be done better as having to write external events to purge vehicles that are abandoned without any keys, etc. is a mess. Virtual keys maybe the way to go as adding 12500+ classes just to have keys in your inventory was also not ideal either but it did work.

    If you want to propose the changes needed to make "virtual keys" happen I would welcome the challenge of merging it and making it work.
  25. Like
    vbawol got a reaction from Ghostrider-GRG in Vehicle Locking System   
    I am not against adding it back as I know that was a key feature of ours. If keys are added we need to consider how it might be done better as having to write external events to purge vehicles that are abandoned without any keys, etc. is a mess. Virtual keys maybe the way to go as adding 12500+ classes just to have keys in your inventory was also not ideal either but it did work.

    If you want to propose the changes needed to make "virtual keys" happen I would welcome the challenge of merging it and making it work.
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