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Spawn Zombies via SQF?


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I don't believe so, not really tried, I guess If you look at the  "\z\AddOns\dayz_code\system\zombie_agent.fsm";"  There might be a piece of code in there that will despawn zeds when a player is not around, and that you might be able to change it so that their persistent, and don't despawn, I used the code and spawned in about 200 zeds and it got pretty damn laggy client side for me, so it might be a bad idea to do that!, I know there is a way in the init file to make it so when a player spawns you can set how many per person in a 400 km radius they will spawn, but thats about it! If you don't know it already, 


Just place these

dayz_maxLocalZombies = 150; //Max number of zombies spawned per player.
dayz_maxZeds = 1500; //Total zombie limit
dayz_maxGlobalZombiesInit = 100; //Starting global max zombie count, this will increase for each player within 400m

 in the missions init.sqf under 


//DayZ Epoch config, mine is located under   dayz_MapArea 


but I don't believe it matters

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