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Epoch lacking what it was :(


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Am i the only one who is loving the latest updates ? Loving the looks of future things being added, But also the getting rather annoyed that Epoch are missing out the fundamental items that made Epoch what it was ?


We really need extra build-able items added , Were missing so much 


What made Epoch was base-building :(


As of now all we can really do is build boxes , Yayyyy -_-


Remember A2 Epoch had so much we could do with sandbags/barbed wire/Dear stands and lots more, Meant we could make bases that were great, 


I would love the same building items with the amazing Physics you guys added,Seems all that work is just going to waste buy allowing us to build the whole of 8 items :( Feels like i could build more than 8items from one material on A2 :(


Also i see alot of people complaining about Energy to build, Whilst i love the idea of it IMO you went round it wrong, Driving cars/turbines or energy packs is whats needed now, But why did you guys not go more realistic and add a generator for building ? Much more realistic (If my genny broke down in work i would be fucked) So why was this not thought of ?


Any replies would be nice to see how the rest of the community feels :)



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Forgive my post if it seems arrogant, angered, passive-aggressive or whatnot. But there's this phenomenon appearing over and over again on these forums, where people are treating this mod like it's somewhat closed to a finished state. There's barely a foundation in place yet, and you're being worried about there not being toilets on the second floor yet.

Well, first they must construct the second floor, OK?


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Whilst i understand its very early into the build , Im seeing more updates on other things before the "Epoch" things 


Dont put me wrong im loving the mod and after a few hours of play, Am loving the build system ! Makes for much better buildings, Its just not having many items to craft is annoying :(


And oi i want my toilet ................ NOW haha


So is it safe to say you guys are working on more craftable items ? And what is your thoughts on the generator ? Was a pretty useless item on A2, But it really could have its place on A3 :)

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2.5.2 means 25.2% imagine 25% of your girlfriend... wait... bad idea tat would be perfect.... imagine 25% of a sandwich.... its not even a sandwich yet!  :)


Whilst i understand its very early into the build , Im seeing more updates on other things before the "Epoch" things 


Dont put me wrong im loving the mod and after a few hours of play, Am loving the build system ! Makes for much better buildings, Its just not having many items to craft is annoying :(


And oi i want my toilet ................ NOW haha


So is it safe to say you guys are working on more craftable items ? And what is your thoughts on the generator ? Was a pretty useless item on A2, But it really could have its place on A3 :)

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Am i the only one who is loving the latest updates ? Loving the looks of future things being added, But also the getting rather annoyed that Epoch are missing out the fundamental items that made Epoch what it was ?


We really need extra build-able items added , Were missing so much 


What made Epoch was base-building :(


As of now all we can really do is build boxes , Yayyyy -_-


Remember A2 Epoch had so much we could do with sandbags/barbed wire/Dear stands and lots more, Meant we could make bases that were great, 


I would love the same building items with the amazing Physics you guys added,Seems all that work is just going to waste buy allowing us to build the whole of 8 items :( Feels like i could build more than 8items from one material on A2 :(


Also i see alot of people complaining about Energy to build, Whilst i love the idea of it IMO you went round it wrong, Driving cars/turbines or energy packs is whats needed now, But why did you guys not go more realistic and add a generator for building ? Much more realistic (If my genny broke down in work i would be fucked) So why was this not thought of ?


Any replies would be nice to see how the rest of the community feels :)




Forgive my post if it seems arrogant, angered, passive-aggressive or whatnot. But there's this phenomenon appearing over and over again on these forums, where people are treating this mod like it's somewhat closed to a finished state. There's barely a foundation in place yet, and you're being worried about there not being toilets on the second floor yet.

Well, first they must construct the second floor, OK?



Amen, brother... amen. 



2.5.2 means 25.2% imagine 25% of your girlfriend... wait... bad idea tat would be perfect.... imagine 25% of a sandwich.... its not even a sandwich yet!  :)


I freaking love this. Thank you. 

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This is what spurred my OP 


Nothing seemed Epoch to me ? Nothing on building or more items !


Which when the fundamental foundations of Epoch are based on building and crafting seems strange !


And for the person that put Alpha, Yes i know its Alpha !! Thats not what this is on about ! I put in way over 1500hrs onto dayz Epoch and have only put 400/500 hours in on this, But already i feel its 2x as good ! What im concerned with is the lack of Epoch left :( 


When they said they were making Epoch for arma3 and leaving the Zombies behind, everyone was up in arms ! And now it seems and feels like they are skipping the building/Crafting out :(

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Nope... they're not leaving anything out... but they can only address so much in certain priorities... and right now, the building controls aren't a priority. 


They ARE addressing some building stuff, like strengthening the hit points on walls/floors/etc. 


Epoch = Core engine + AI missions, economy, building, crafting. So far, they're doing pretty good on all the fronts, in my eyes.


But yeah... still early in the game, man. Patience. :)

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This is what spurred my OP 


Nothing seemed Epoch to me ? Nothing on building or more items !


Which when the fundamental foundations of Epoch are based on building and crafting seems strange !


And for the person that put Alpha, Yes i know its Alpha !! Thats not what this is on about ! I put in way over 1500hrs onto dayz Epoch and have only put 400/500 hours in on this, But already i feel its 2x as good ! What im concerned with is the lack of Epoch left :(


When they said they were making Epoch for arma3 and leaving the Zombies behind, everyone was up in arms ! And now it seems and feels like they are skipping the building/Crafting out :(

Not even close man.


The devs are doing everything in their power to please not only themselves, but their fanbase.


There is glitching, working on a fix,

there is not enough content, they are creating in game AI missions and new antagonists.

Epoch doesn't feel like PVE enviroment, they are tuning the eat/drink system and constantly implementing new items in game that will make you have to "survive" against the elements.


and finally "There isn't enough building items" - Here's the tricky part. first you implement the fundamentals of build items, foundation, floor, walls, doors. Now you work on all the bugs that affect these items, you get a tally of how to impliment other build items (eg. Half walls, window/hatch upgrade, steel floors ect.)in the right fashion so that the same bugs that affected from the basics (foundations, floors walls ect.) aren't affecting the new items. 


Basically ----   Build a few "necessity" build items > Find bugs and improvements that need fixed > Implement more build items. 


Take a look around the forums, there are bugs with the current build items ( vehicles blowing up, glitching, not snapping correctly, ect.) . You will see more, it's just that most of the development for these items right now is behind the curtain. 


again.... my opinion anyway.

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Quit the whining and crying about whats missing in an alpha release, its ridiculous.

Im not whining ! And have not said i dislike it or the way its done, I really just wnated to get across what i know a few people have felt that it was losing the Epoch feel ! 


Not even close man.


The devs are doing everything in their power to please not only themselves, but their fanbase.


There is glitching, working on a fix,

there is not enough content, they are creating in game AI missions and new antagonists.

Epoch doesn't feel like PVE enviroment, they are tuning the eat/drink system and constantly implementing new items in game that will make you have to "survive" against the elements.


and finally "There isn't enough building items" - Here's the tricky part. first you implement the fundamentals of build items, foundation, floor, walls, doors. Now you work on all the bugs that affect these items, you get a tally of how to impliment other build items (eg. Half walls, window/hatch upgrade, steel floors ect.)in the right fashion so that the same bugs that affected from the basics (foundations, floors walls ect.) aren't affecting the new items. 


Basically ----   Build a few "necessity" build items > Find bugs and improvements that need fixed > Implement more build items. 


Take a look around the forums, there are bugs with the current build items ( vehicles blowing up, glitching, not snapping correctly, ect.) . You will see more, it's just that most of the development for these items right now is behind the curtain. 


again.... my opinion anyway.

And THIS ! Well this has answered alot of my questions thanks ! The main reason i picked today was because i saw the update video which just did not mention anything about building ! 


Epoch devs have always seemed quite on build logs (Nice road map would be great)


Anyways thanks for the relevance answers ! And no thanks to the people making this into something i did not want ! 


Keep up the good work !

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Epoch devs have always seemed quite on build logs (Nice road map would be great)


Anyways thanks for the relevance answers ! And no thanks to the people making this into something i did not want ! 



Not sure which category I fall into (hopefully the former), but just FYI Axles has said many times (please don't take that phrasing as me chastising you, cuz I'm not) that they won't ever put out a long-term roadmap for development because (a) it ends up getting in the way of progress and creates unrealistic deadlines/expectations and (b) things change so often that often a long-term roadmap would become outdated shortly after it would have been released because of input from devs, testers and players. 

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I just wish the trader inventory window were wider to accommodate longer item names and group multiple items of the same type.  Like it should have 'Mk18 x5'  if a trader has 5 Mk18 rifles.  That would definitely clean up the lists a lot.


Also, we need fine adjustments to building items to allow precision building in tight areas.  Personally I'd like the option to not have building items affected by physics at all.  

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I just wish the trader inventory window were wider to accommodate longer item names and group multiple items of the same type. Like it should have 'Mk18 x5' if a trader has 5 Mk18 rifles. That would definitely clean up the lists a lot.

Stay tuned for the next Epoch update... I think you'll see something along these lines appear. :-)

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A variants of demons along with sound effects something similar to the screams heard in Namalsk (maybe better) would make it more creepy .


It might be just me but i cant help thinking the rock dude is going to be fun for about 5 mins! before it becomes annoying to watch him slowly walk about and destroy an entire city because everyone rather walk away than waste ammo and risk giving their position away (sorry negative feedback, but none of the less a feedback still)


Daemons, dark shadows (ghosts) and other stuff like that at night feels like they would compliment epoch better (horror survival game!)


You ever seen a ghost or a daemon? you suddenly feel thirsty, tired and cold!  *hint hint* 

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We have not really even begun to flush out crafting and base building, you can expect much more as we get further along. Keep that feedback coming!

See this si what i wanted to hear :)


and im sure the Epoch Devs (Yourself) Like seeing posts like these :)


And for everyone else these forums are exactly for this type of post :)


And just to re-add :) Please think about adding a generator for building energy ! Would make it so much better ;) 


On the trader menu, Im sure thats something they will address in time ! As i have to admit long standing traders are a nightmare to navigate, But i prefer the traders on A3 over A2 as you cant just go buy what you want, But have to hope someones sold it, Kind of keeps things smoother :) 

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