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Put coins on AI?

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Somethimes it happens when checking wallets of DZMS AI's:

You took <NULL>  coins, ID says <NULL>!

All coins on screen are gone only solution -> relog

Anyone a solution for this?


I use this code in my DZMSAISpawn.sqf:
    //Zupa Currency
     _cash = round(random 20) * 100; // number between 0 and 20 00
    _unit setVariable["cashMoney",_cash,true];

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Somethimes it happens when checking wallets of DZMS AI's:

You took <NULL>  coins, ID says <NULL>!

All coins on screen are gone only solution -> relog

Anyone a solution for this?


I use this code in my DZMSAISpawn.sqf:

    //Zupa Currency

     _cash = round(random 20) * 100; // number between 0 and 20 00

    _unit setVariable["cashMoney",_cash,true];


Same here.

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Then you guys are not using the Souls Hive. Change the variable to the SC version you are using


My bad, I left out the part about using SC 3.0 and a default hive. The null only comes up when looting coins from DZMS AI.  I haven't seen or heard problems with coins and DZAI or WAI. The only thing I can see different when looting coins from DZMS AI, is there's no name assigned to the AI unit.


Correction:  It seems to only cause problems with DZMS and WAI.  Works flawless with DZAI

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...



		_unit enableAI "TARGET";
		_unit enableAI "AUTOTARGET";
		_unit enableAI "MOVE";
		_unit enableAI "ANIM";
		_unit enableAI "FSM";
		_unit setCombatMode ai_combatmode;
		_unit setBehaviour ai_behaviour;
		removeAllWeapons _unit;
		removeAllItems _unit;
		_unit addweapon _weapon;


		_unit enableAI "TARGET";
		_unit enableAI "AUTOTARGET";
		_unit enableAI "MOVE";
		_unit enableAI "ANIM";
		_unit enableAI "FSM";
		_unit setCombatMode ai_combatmode;
		_unit setBehaviour ai_behaviour;
		removeAllWeapons _unit;
		removeAllItems _unit;
		_unit addweapon _weapon;

                // Soul Hive
		_unit setVariable["CashMoney",5000,true];
                // 999 Hive
                _unit setVariable["headShots",5000,true];

Or how much cash u want, i put 5000 now, change that number to your likings



If u want like random generated cash try this:


Between 0 to 20000 ( always +1000)

		_unit enableAI "TARGET";
		_unit enableAI "AUTOTARGET";
		_unit enableAI "MOVE";
		_unit enableAI "ANIM";
		_unit enableAI "FSM";
		_unit setCombatMode ai_combatmode;
		_unit setBehaviour ai_behaviour;
		removeAllWeapons _unit;
		removeAllItems _unit;
		_unit addweapon _weapon;

                _cash = round(random 20) * 1000; // number between 0 and 20 000

                // Soul Hive
		_unit setVariable["CashMoney",_cash ,true];
                // 999 Hive
                _unit setVariable["headShots",_cash ,true];

Zupa will this work with your new coin system: Single Currency 3.0 & Storage DEFAULT HIVE ( No global banking).

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  • 2 months later...

to stop the null message I used

//give coin
_coinsRandom = random 1;
if (_coinsRandom <= 0.5) then {
_cash = round(random 20) * 5; // number between 0 and 100
_unit setVariable["CashMoney",_cash ,true];
} else {
_cash = 0;
_unit setVariable["CashMoney",_cash ,true];
//end of coins

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  • 2 months later...

Zupa will this work with your new coin system: Single Currency 3.0 & Storage DEFAULT HIVE ( No global banking).

I am trying to add this to my server as well,. I have the latest wai and,dzsm and dzai, I have only added what kat has added for the wai system . I get this is the Rpt for the wai system 3:03:07   Error Undefined variable in expression: mission_announce

 3:03:07 File z\addons\dayz_server\modules\Construction.sqf, line 171
 3:03:08 Error in expression <tnumber = count _position;
if(_aitype == "Hero") then {
_unitGroup = createGro>
 3:03:08   Error position: <== "Hero") then {
_unitGroup = createGro>
 3:03:08   Error Generic error in expression
 3:03:08 File z\addons\dayz_server\WAI\compile\spawn_static.sqf, line 32
 3:03:08 Error in expression <= time;
_unarmed = false;
if(_aitype == "Hero") then {
_unitGroup = createGro>
 3:03:08   Error position: <== "Hero") then {
_unitGroup = createGro>
 3:03:08   Error ==: Type Bool, expected Number,String,Object,Side,Group,Text,Config entry,Display (dialog),Control,Team member,Task,Location
 3:03:08 File z\addons\dayz_server\WAI\compile\spawn_group.sqf, line 42
 3:03:08 Error in expression <= time;
_unarmed = false;
if(_aitype == "Hero") then {
_unitGroup = createGro>
I would put in spoiler but I am not sure how.
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  • 6 months later...
On 12/5/2014 at 1:11 AM, kat said:






call {
      if(_aitype == "hero")         exitWith { _unit setVariable ["Hero",true]; _unit setVariable ["humanity", ai_remove_humanity]; };
      if(_aitype == "bandit")     exitWith { _unit setVariable ["Bandit",true]; _unit setVariable ["humanity", ai_add_humanity]; };
      if(_aitype == "special")     exitWith { _unit setVariable ["Special",true]; _unit setVariable ["humanity", ai_special_humanity]; };

Replace with

call {
      if(_aitype == "hero")  exitWith { _unit setVariable ["Hero",true]; _unit setVariable ["humanity", ai_remove_humanity]; _unit setVariable ["cashMoney", ai_hero_amount]; };
      if(_aitype == "bandit")  exitWith { _unit setVariable ["Bandit",true]; _unit setVariable ["humanity", ai_add_humanity]; _unit setVariable ["cashMoney", ai_bandit_amount]; };
      if(_aitype == "special")  exitWith { _unit setVariable ["Special",true]; _unit setVariable ["humanity", ai_special_humanity]; _unit setVariable ["cashMoney", ai_special_amount]; };




_playerCoins    = _player getVariable["cashMoney",0];
_unitCoins      = _unit   getVariable["cashMoney",0];

_banditkills    = _player getVariable["banditKills",0];
_humankills     = _player getVariable["humanKills",0];


if (ai_coin_award) then {
     _player setVariable ["cashMoney",(_playerCoins + _unitCoins),true];


if (ai_humanity_gain) then {
     _gain = _unit getVariable ["humanity", 0];
     call {
        if (_unit getVariable ["Hero", false]) exitWith { _player setVariable ["humanity",(_humanity - _gain),true]; };
        if (_unit getVariable ["Bandit", false]) exitWith { _player setVariable ["humanity",(_humanity + _gain),true]; }; 
        if (_unit getVariable ["Special", false]) exitWith { if (_humanity < 0) then { _player setVariable ["humanity",(_humanity - _gain),true]; } else { _player setVariable ["humanity",(_humanity + _gain),true]; }; };




ai_coin_award = true;
ai_hero_amount = 200;
ai_bandit_amount = 200;
ai_special_amount = 300;

Change the values to what you want. 



ai_special_humanity = 150;

If your using an older version of SC then change 'cashMoney' to 'headShots'


This is works perfectly.



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  • 3 weeks later...
On 12/5/2014 at 2:11 AM, kat said:






call {
      if(_aitype == "hero")         exitWith { _unit setVariable ["Hero",true]; _unit setVariable ["humanity", ai_remove_humanity]; };
      if(_aitype == "bandit")     exitWith { _unit setVariable ["Bandit",true]; _unit setVariable ["humanity", ai_add_humanity]; };
      if(_aitype == "special")     exitWith { _unit setVariable ["Special",true]; _unit setVariable ["humanity", ai_special_humanity]; };

Replace with

call {
      if(_aitype == "hero")  exitWith { _unit setVariable ["Hero",true]; _unit setVariable ["humanity", ai_remove_humanity]; _unit setVariable ["cashMoney", ai_hero_amount]; };
      if(_aitype == "bandit")  exitWith { _unit setVariable ["Bandit",true]; _unit setVariable ["humanity", ai_add_humanity]; _unit setVariable ["cashMoney", ai_bandit_amount]; };
      if(_aitype == "special")  exitWith { _unit setVariable ["Special",true]; _unit setVariable ["humanity", ai_special_humanity]; _unit setVariable ["cashMoney", ai_special_amount]; };




_playerCoins    = _player getVariable["cashMoney",0];
_unitCoins      = _unit   getVariable["cashMoney",0];

_banditkills    = _player getVariable["banditKills",0];
_humankills     = _player getVariable["humanKills",0];


if (ai_coin_award) then {
     _player setVariable ["cashMoney",(_playerCoins + _unitCoins),true];


if (ai_humanity_gain) then {
     _gain = _unit getVariable ["humanity", 0];
     call {
        if (_unit getVariable ["Hero", false]) exitWith { _player setVariable ["humanity",(_humanity - _gain),true]; };
        if (_unit getVariable ["Bandit", false]) exitWith { _player setVariable ["humanity",(_humanity + _gain),true]; }; 
        if (_unit getVariable ["Special", false]) exitWith { if (_humanity < 0) then { _player setVariable ["humanity",(_humanity - _gain),true]; } else { _player setVariable ["humanity",(_humanity + _gain),true]; }; };




ai_coin_award = true;
ai_hero_amount = 200;
ai_bandit_amount = 200;
ai_special_amount = 300;

Change the values to what you want. 



ai_special_humanity = 150;

If your using an older version of SC then change 'cashMoney' to 'headShots'


anybody know how to make the coins random with this method.  I've been trying for a few days now and cant figure it out lol

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		if (!_unarmed) then {
			for "_i" from 1 to _mags do {
				_unit addMagazine _magazine;
			_unit addweapon _weapon;
			_unit selectWeapon _weapon;
			_cash = round(random 20) * 100; // number between 0 and 20 000
            _unit setVariable["CashMoney",_cash ,true];

^^^^^^^^ WAI

	//Add the behaviour
	_unit enableAI "TARGET";
	_unit enableAI "AUTOTARGET";
	_unit enableAI "MOVE";
	_unit enableAI "ANIM";
	_unit enableAI "FSM";
	_unit setCombatMode "RED";
	_unit setBehaviour "COMBAT";
	_cash = round(random 20) * 100; // number between 0 and 20 000
	_unit setVariable["CashMoney",_cash,true];

^^^^^^^^^ DZMS


That's how mine is, much easier :)

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i agree its much easier, this is what  i had previously. the only issue is i get the "null" option when picking up coins. and anything a player does after that, doesnt save.  And they can take advantage of the bug if they know what they are doing.

The method above gives you the coins when you kill the ai, just like humanity.  Would stop the check wallet bug.  But i need it a random number lol

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Ok so it pays off to be persistent lol.  I managed to get the random coins given to you when killing an AI, just like the humanity.

This is meant to try and stop the null coins issue when checking wallets.

I use single currency 2.0. so the variables might be different for other versions of single currency.

For WAI, do this


open your config.sqf

find this

ai_special_humanity			= 150;

add this bellow

ai_coin_award				= true;  		// gain Money for killing AI

then open your compile\on_kill.sqf (in your compiles folder)

find this

_humankills 	= _player getVariable["humanKills",0];

add this bellow

_money = round(random 20) * 500; // Any number between 0 and 20 000

still in the on_kill sqf, find this

if (ai_humanity_gain) then {
			_gain = _unit getVariable ["humanity", 0];
			call {
				if (_unit getVariable ["Hero", false]) exitWith { _player setVariable ["humanity",(_humanity - _gain),true]; };
				if (_unit getVariable ["Bandit", false]) exitWith { _player setVariable ["humanity",(_humanity + _gain),true]; };					
				if (_unit getVariable ["Special", false]) exitWith { if (_humanity < 0) then { _player setVariable ["humanity",(_humanity - _gain),true]; } else { _player setVariable ["humanity",(_humanity + _gain),true]; }; };

add this bellow

if (ai_coin_award) then {
			_cash = _player getVariable ["cashMoney", 0];
			call {
				if (_unit getVariable ["Hero", false]) exitWith { _player setVariable ["cashMoney",(_cash + _money),true]; };
				if (_unit getVariable ["Bandit", false]) exitWith { _player setVariable ["cashMoney",(_cash + _money),true]; };					
				if (_unit getVariable ["Special", false]) exitWith { _player setVariable ["cashMoney",(_cash + _money),true]; };

save the files

For DAZI, do this


open your init\DAZ_config.sqf

find this

DZAI_humanityGain = 50;

add this bellow

//Amount of money to reward player for killing an AI unit (Default: 0)									
DZAI_moneyGain = true;	

open your compile\fn_countkills.sqf

find this

_killer setVariable [_killType,(_killCount +1),true];

add this bellow

_money = round(random 20) * 500; // number between 0 and 20 000

still in the compile\fn_countkills.sqf

find this

if (DZAI_humanityGain != 0) then {
	_humanity = _killer getVariable["humanity",0];
	_humanity = _humanity + DZAI_humanityGain;
	_killer setVariable["humanity",_humanity,true];

add this bellow

if (DZAI_moneyGain) then {
	_cash = _killer getVariable["cashMoney",0];
	_cash = _cash + _money;
	_killer setVariable["cashMoney",_cash,true];

Save your files

For DZMS do this


open your DZMSconfig.sqf

find this

DZMSCntHumanity = 50;

add this bellow

// add money when killing ais
DZMSaddmoney = true;

open your scripts\DZMSkilled.sqf

find this

_banditkills = _player getVariable ["banditKills",0];

add this bellow

_cash = _player getVariable ["cashMoney",0];
_money = round(random 20) * 500; // Any number between 0 and 20 000

still in scripts\DZMSkilled.sqf

find this

if (DZMSMissHumanity) then {
		_player setVariable ["humanity",(_humanity + DZMSCntHumanity),true];

add this bellow

if (DZMSaddmoney) then {
		_player setVariable ["cashMoney",(_cash + _money),true];

save your files

Its been tested it works.  I have not tested this for the long range with a base of players. Only on my test server.

For being able to change the range or random coins given, alter what is in bold

_money = round(random 20) * 500;      20 * 500.  So basically the max is 10 000. 250 would be 5000 max

Now as for being able to check your own wallet and players wallets i would suggest this fix by KoTaS

it removes the check wallet option from AIs and you only get the option for players


Also if you have plot 4 life i would suggest reading my post in that thread just bellow his, just need to change one variable.

Thanks to Zupa and team for the amazing coin script. Thanks Kotas for your check wallet fix. and thanks to the creators of the AI systems (sry i dont know all the names and i know they've been passed around a bit lol, but TY)

on a side note. Im not a coder by any means. i copy and pasted some code and changed variables. If someone with experience can shed light if it can be done cleaner please let me know.


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  • 6 months later...
26 minutes ago, Bricktop said:

Old post I know - I just reinstalled DZAI and can't figure out how to add the coin ...

Tried and failed x3 - Could someone sort me out here?

What code and where would I put it to add random (1000-20000) coin to DZAI patrols.

Thanks for any help!




if ((getNumber (configFile >> "CfgMagazines" >> _magazine >> "count")) < 8) then {_unit addMagazine _magazine};

Try pasting this:

_aicash = round(random 100) * 197;
_unit setVariable["cashMoney",_aicash ,true];


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1 hour ago, BigEgg said:


if ((getNumber (configFile >> "CfgMagazines" >> _magazine >> "count")) < 8) then {_unit addMagazine _magazine};

Try pasting this:

_aicash = round(random 100) * 197;
_unit setVariable["cashMoney",_aicash ,true];


Thanks @BigEgg! 

Testing on next reset ...



anyone using DZAI this method works to add coins to your patrols.

Thanks again BigEgg ~


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On 8/6/2016 at 1:49 AM, Bricktop said:

Thanks @BigEgg! 

Testing on next reset ...



anyone using DZAI this method works to add coins to your patrols.

Thanks again BigEgg ~


Do you still use the check wallet option? If so do you have issues with coins saying NULL?

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I do use check wallet but don't seem to have any issues with NULL -

However my players have been mentioning a negative value in coins like (-75k) or (- 750k)

I can use infistar to give them coins back but this is becoming quite the problem lately ...

Looking for information on the now 

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On 8/7/2016 at 4:18 PM, Bricktop said:

I do use check wallet but don't seem to have any issues with NULL -

However my players have been mentioning a negative value in coins like (-75k) or (- 750k)

I can use infistar to give them coins back but this is becoming quite the problem lately ...

Looking for information on the now 

my post just above your first post explains how to remove the check wallet option from AIs, and when you kill AIs it automatically gives you coins.  Since i changed that, i havnt had issues with negative coins or the NULL issue.

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  • 4 months later...


i would ask You for help :) I add coins into AI (theduke option from few post above - it's working perfectly!) on kill but it would be cool when person who killed AI got some message with amount of coins he got for kill. I tried add info in script in file fn_countkills.sqf by adding one line:


if (DZAI_moneyGain) then {

    _cash = _killer getVariable["headShots",0];
    systemChat format ['You took coins '_cash];
    _cash = _cash + _money;
    _killer setVariable["headShots",_cash,true];

Not lucky - not working, no msg :)


For me fine would be when person who killed AI got Message: "(Unit name) was killed" add here something like this: "(Unit name) was killed. You gain XX coins bounty." 


I tried to find in files/code place where is line for this (Unit name was killed) and i didnt found it :( Could some one show me? Or help with above?


Of course above is only for DZAI, for Wicked AI isnt any message for killing, it's possible to add this too? 


Im using only epoch server files,,

Wicked AI 2.2.0 - https://epochmod.com/forum/topic/15671-release-wicked-ai-220/

Single Currency Banking 1.1 - https://epochmod.com/forum/topic/15177-release-single-currency-banking-11/

DZAI - http://opendayz.net/threads/dzai-visual-installation-guide.18447/


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  • 3 months later...
21 hours ago, DY357LX said:

Anyone managed to add coins to DZAI using @salival's ZSC for Epoch files?

Yep sure. It's easy. Here you go:

Go to server.pbo\DZAI\compile\ai_setup_loadout.sqf

Search for this line:

if ((getNumber (configFile >> "CfgMagazines" >> _magazine >> "count")) < 8) then {_unit addMagazine _magazine};

Add this below:

_cash = round(random 20) * 100;
_unit setVariable[Z_moneyVariable,_cash,true];

That's a random number of coins between 0 and 2000. If you want more just change the 20 behind the "random".

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3 hours ago, DAmNRelentless said:

Yep sure. It's easy. Here you go:

Go to server.pbo\DZAI\compile\ai_setup_loadout.sqf

Search for this line:

if ((getNumber (configFile >> "CfgMagazines" >> _magazine >> "count")) < 8) then {_unit addMagazine _magazine};

Add this below:

_cash = round(random 20) * 100;
_unit setVariable[Z_moneyVariable,_cash,true];

That's a random number of coins between 0 and 2000. If you want more just change the 20 behind the "random".

I would do it in ai_death.sqf instead so you're only broadcasting the unit having coins if it dies. Saves unnecessarily sending stuff over the network


Maybe before this: https://github.com/oiad/DZAI/blob/master/DZAI/compile/ai_death.sqf#L83

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