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Having just spent the 2 days (including planning) upgrading from 1042 to 105, I now see there is a hotfix, 1051 available.


Is there any chance, for those of us that have already spent a lot of time going through the upgrade, to get some instructions on a delta of the changes and what files need to be changed from 105 to 1051 so it isn't such a massive exercise starting all over again?


I have a looked through the server file changelogs and installation instructions but, can't see anything like this at all.


If it already exists and I haven't looked in the right place, I apologise but, please point me in the right direction. 


Would make my life a lot easier if I could get this?



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could u people please learn how to use the right forum

well that's helpful! Obvious I'm new to this so thanks for pointing me in the right direction! not!


And 'u people' tut tut, don't you know that discrimination is not the done thing nowadays..?

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well that's helpful! Obvious I'm new to this so thanks for pointing me in the right direction! not!


And 'u people' tut tut, don't you know that discrimination is not the done thing nowadays..?

I'll try to translate waTTe's post from trollsh to english:

This forum is intended for sharing custom scripts and mods for epoch and that questions regarding pure epoch stuff should be directed at that forum section, in this case perhaps the announcements section as it relates to the announcement of version


This makes it easier for those looking for stuff related to epoch to find post related to it, and keeps the modding section clear from stuff that is unrelated to modding.


We've seen a lot of unrelated posts in this section lately - perhaps these should more actively be moved to proper sections rather than allowing flaming to spread? The tone of this board is sometimes rather unforgiving.

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