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    Nekuan reacted to KamikazeXeX in [1.4.1] Snap Building PRO   
    Finally got it! Admin fast build + upgrade! 
  2. Like
    Nekuan reacted to raymix in [1.4.1] Snap Building PRO   
    Quick sneak peak to performance optimization idea for large bases:
    also Update: Radius reduced down to 5 meters for all objects except wood and metal floors (they are still 10 meters).
    Keep them reports coming  :ph34r:
  3. Like
    Nekuan reacted to KamikazeXeX in [1.4.1] Snap Building PRO   
    Is there any possibility you could work on adding admin instant building to this? Its such a great feature for admins when building, my players always need my help and every second i can shave off building things is great xD
  4. Like
    Nekuan reacted to raymix in [1.4.1] Snap Building PRO   
    Download files, updates and Installation instructions on:
    HQ Screenshot of an in-game Tutorial dialog
    Ever wanted to run hardcore server with 3rd person cam disabled? Now's your chance.
    Credits and Contributors:
    Awol - player_build.sqf, Epoch and permission to modify script.
    Mudzereli - Commanding menus
    Rimblock - with modular build (github)
    PryMary - with Plot for Life
    KamikazeXeX - Support for
    striker - using snap pro as a base for
    Github contributors - mattispro, Mikeeeyy
    You can use/modify/redistribute this file as long as it complies with License. You can not use this script to promote donations or shops.
    This script is open source, you are allowed to add it to your @mods as long as appropriate credits and terms of license are met.
  5. Like
    Nekuan reacted to boyd in [Release] Skin Trader 0.6 (Buy any arma skin)   
    In the new version of epoch things changed, no more need for a backpack check.
    Also the Allplayers seems to be working much better now, all u need to do is add the skin to that variable.
    I will release a updated version for the new version of epoch soon.
  6. Like
    Nekuan reacted to ZamboniBambino in [WIP] ZFM-FairMission System-Dynamic,Modular & Balanced (Alpha release 90% complete, Test builds frequently available) - Actively developed   
    Please write in your native language. I want to learn German, so it gives me the opportunity to do so :) It allows me to be a rare Englishman that speaks German, rather than rely on well-educated Germans to cater to the deficiencies of my countrymen. Ich Bin Ein European-er? :D
    Sie verkaufen und ich kaufe, sprechen wir deutsch. Aber Sie kaufen und ich verkaufe, dann sprechen wir Ihre Sprache. :wub:
    Wer fremde Sprachen nicht kennt, weiß nichts von seiner eigenen. ^_^
  7. Like
    Nekuan reacted to Sandbird in [Release] Walk Amongst The Dead - (Hide from zombies like "The Walking Dead")   
    Walk Amongst The Dead
    The famous "Walking Dead" trick, that you can smear zombie parts on you to hide from zombies is coming to dayz !
    This mod is for 1.5 epoch. The 1.6+ version is continued by juandayz over here :
    This script does exactly that!. I tried to do this as realistic as possible...so excuse the lengthy tutorial. Its to add realism to the mod.
    To apply the camo you need to harvest zombie parts, and Right click on them. (default value: 2) Zombies ignore you when camo is active (camo can be active until player washes it off, or after x minutes...set in the config.sqf) Humanity or blood decreases while under the effect (default value: 1 point per 10 seconds, easy to disable this..see the end of this thread) When in combat, camo is temporarily disabled (ex...you shoot, or your friend does cause he thinks its funny :P) Player is making random zombie noises when camo is on, to fit in with his new friends :P (male or female sounds, depending on the player's skin) Rain can wash away your camo....depending on rain's intensity. Hide inside a building if you want to keep it. (Low, Medium, Hard rain / 26, 18, 12 seconds till you lose it.) To remove the camo you need to wash it off with any type of water source (Right click water bottle, or swim, use mouse scroll on wells, ponds) Changing clothes removes the camo  
    Basically you gut some zombies and use their parts to 'smear' yourself with zombie parts.
    While you have the camo on you, zombies wont notice you, unless you fire your weapon or clean yourself.
    If you fire your weapon, then you can easily get the 'zombie camo' back if you hide somewhere until the combat timer is off. You still 'wear' the z parts so the zombies still think you are one of them if they see you again.

    Installation in 10 steps:
    Download the file containing the script  -=Click Here=- Extract the content in your Mission folder (i have them inside /custom  folder. For the purpose of this tutorial i'll refer to that folder. If you want to add them to your OWN special folder...Search all the files for the word custom and change it to your liking.) Open your init.sqf and at the bottom add this line: call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "custom\walkamongstthedead\config.sqf"; Open your description.ext and search for  class RscPictureGUI If you have RscPictureGUI dont do anything...If you dont....then add this at the bottom of the file.
    class RscPictureGUI { access=0; type=0; idc=-1; colorBackground[]={0,0,0,0}; colorText[]={0.38,0.63,0.25999999,0.75}; font="TahomaB"; sizeEx=0; lineSpacing=0; text=""; style="0x30 + 0x100"; x=0; y=0; w=0.2; h=0.15000001; }; In the same file search for: 
    class RscTitles If you have RscTitles then inside it add class zCamoStatusGUI from bellow...If you dont....then add ALL of this at the bottom of the file:
    class RscTitles { class zCamoStatusGUI { idd = -1; fadeout=0; fadein=0; onLoad = "uiNamespace setVariable ['zCamo_GUI_display', _this select 0]"; duration = 10e10; name= "zCamoGui"; controlsBackground[] = {}; objects[] = {}; class controls { class zCamoIcon:RscPictureGUI { idc = 1; text="custom\walkamongstthedead\zombie.paa"; x="0.958313 * safezoneW + safezoneX"; y="0.43 * safezoneH + safezoneY"; w=0.059999999; h=0.079999998; colorText[]={1,1,1,1}; }; }; }; }; Notice the text="custom\walkamongstthedead\zombie.paa";      folder name custom...change to where you put the mod.
    In the same file (or if you have defines.hpp) seach for this:
    class CfgSounds If you have CfgSounds then inside it add class z_wzombie1 and z_wzombie2 from bellow, and into sounds[] array...If you dont....then add ALL of this at the bottom of the file:  (these are the female zombie sounds....whoever made dayz_sfx.pbo forgot to add them in the config.bin..so we have to add them manually).
    class CfgSounds { sounds[] ={z_wzombie1,z_wzombie2}; class z_wzombie1 { name = ""; sound[] = {"custom\walkamongstthedead\dayz_sfx\femalezombie_attack_04.ogg",0.3,1,40}; titles[] = {0, ""}; }; class z_wzombie2 : z_wzombie1 { sound[] = {"custom\walkamongstthedead\dayz_sfx\femalezombie_spotted_01.ogg",0.3,1,40}; }; }; At the bottom of the file add this: (This is the right click options for WaterBottle and Zombie Parts...a must for step 8)
    #include "custom\walkamongstthedead\watd.hpp" Now for the right clicking options on the Zombie Guts and Water Bottles we have to overwrite ui_selectSlot.sqf in the dayz_code\init\compiles.sqf. If you have done this go to step 9.
    Open your compiles.sqf and search for player_selectSlot and change it to this:
    player_selectSlot= compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "dayz_code\compile\ui_selectSlot.sqf"; Open the dayz_code.pbo located in the dayz epoch mod folder (yes the 2.5gig folder) and extract the dayz_code\compile\ui_selectSlot.sqf you see there in your Mission folder (look above the path....dayz_code\compile\)
    Open ui_selectSlot.sqf  and search for: 
    _pos set [3,_height]; Right above this add: 
    _erc_cfgActions = (missionConfigFile >> "WaTd" >> _item); _erc_numActions = (count _erc_cfgActions); if (isClass _erc_cfgActions) then { for "_j" from 0 to (_erc_numActions - 1) do { _menu = _parent displayCtrl (1600 + _j + _numActions); _menu ctrlShow true; _config = (_erc_cfgActions select _j); _text = getText (_config >> "text"); _script = getText (_config >> "script"); _height = _height + (0.025 * safezoneH); uiNamespace setVariable ['uiControl', _control]; _menu ctrlSetText _text; _menu ctrlSetEventHandler ["ButtonClick",_script]; }; }; If you have in*****r Antihack add this as well in your _dayzActions s_player_cleanguts (Update, If you dont have v5). Since the latest beta patch is so strict, add this at the top of your walkamongstthedead\config.sqf file: hasGutsOnHim = false;  
    If people are getting kicked/banned with inifistar you can do this to fix it. Open AH.sqf and change line:
    player_zombieAttack = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers '\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\player_zombieAttack.sqf'; to this:
    player_zombieAttack = {}; V2 Changes
    All values have been moved to config.sqf
    V3 Changes
    - Changed config.sqf (removed wells from there...now all wells are recognized from the walkamongstthedead.sqf
    - Changed walkamongstthedead.sqf (added all wells and ponds detection. Look at any well or a pond and use scroll to get the option to remove camo)
    V4 Changes (17-5-14)
    - Fixed flashing icon not flashing when in combat
    - Fixed camo not getting reactivated properly when 1st camo finishes and new one applied
    - Added value in config.cfg to NOT disable Z camo when you fire your weapon...so it stays on
    - (if you are updating from previous versions just change your walkamongstthedead.sqf, and config.sqf files)
    V5 Changes
    - Added a value in config.sqf to initialize a bool.
    Open config.sqf and tweak the hell out of it if you want.
    If you want to lose blood instead of humanity do these 4 steps
    Grab this \z\addons\dayz_code\system\player_spawn_2.sqf and put it in your compiles folder Change path to player_spawn_2.sqf in compiles.sqf, to where you put it in Open player_spawn_2.sqf and change line: if (!r_player_infected and !r_player_inpain and !r_player_injured and !DZE_InRadiationZone) then { to
    if (!r_player_infected and !r_player_inpain and !r_player_injured and !DZE_InRadiationZone and !DZE_hasZombieCamo) then { Set DZ_ZCAMO_HUMANITY = false; in the \walkamongstthedead\config.sqf
    Gui will look like this when you have zombie camo on

    If you dont hear any idle zombie sounds when you are wearing the Z camo, try this fix here:
    It should work for the latest Epoch version.
    Credits: Enhanced Water Bottle Filling - by BDC - Aug 11 2013, for DayZ

  8. Like
    Nekuan got a reaction from flakvest in [RELEASE] TradeFromVehicle - Version 2.0 is here!   
    Thank you so much! My players and I really do appreciate this! :)
  9. Like
    Nekuan reacted to Mikeeeyy in [Release/Addon] Build Snapping - Support for more buildables! (Safe, Storage Shed, 1/2 Floors, 1/4 Floors etc...)   
    [Release/Addon] Build Snapping - Support for more buildables! (Safe, Storage Shed, 1/2 Floors, 1/4 Floors etc...)
    Hey all, this is an addon to @OtterNas3's Build Snapping v1.6. It simply adds snapping support for a few more buildables which his current version doesn't support.
    @OtterNas3 - If you have any problems with this just message me, also feel free to add the snap points to your script.

    Buildables supported:
    WoodRamp_DZ - Allows snapping to the left and right sides. VaultStorage/VaultStorageLocked - Allows snapping to the left and right sides as well as the top and bottom. TentStorage - Allows snapping to the left and right sides. TentStorageDomed/TentStorageDomed2 - Allows snapping to the left and right sides. StorageShed_DZ - Allows snapping to the left and right sides. WoodFloorHalf_DZ - Allows snapping to the front, back, left and right sides. WoodFloorQuarter_DZ - Allows snapping to the front, back, left and right sides. WoodStairsSans_DZ/WoodStairs_DZ/WoodStairsRails_DZ - Allows snapping to the left and right sides. GunRack_DZ - Allows snapping to the left and right sides as well as the top and bottom. WoodCrate_DZ - Allows snapping to the left and right sides as well as the top and bottom. Requirements:
    OtterNas3's Build Snapping - this should already be installed! Installation:
    Open the 'points.hpp' file located inside the build snapping folder. Scroll to the very bottom. Just before the very last '};' paste in the contents of the spoiler. Save the file and that's it!

    Credit to OtterNas3 for the amazing Build Snapping script!
  10. Like
    Nekuan reacted to NoxSicarius in [How To/Update] Build Snap with Right Click custom build, admin fast build + upgrade Version 1.6.5 IMPORTANT UPDATE: extra_rc   
    Would you consider adding this into the epoch admin tools? If not do you mind if I do so? This could be a real help for admins to modify their server as they see fit to make their server unique and integrating everything they need into a single tool is the best way to go about it. For my personal tool I put everything inside the tool rather than have multiple scroll options. If you aren't comfortable with adding it to the tool i could simply make a tutorial to integrate it with the tool if the players want it.
  11. Like
    Nekuan reacted to raymix in Overpoch for Vert Hosting   
    Running overpoch on vert no problems
    Simply download overwatch trough mod manager
    Then head to cmd manager (as vert automatically changes launch parameters to overwatch after installation)
    game services > commandline manager > custom commandlines: Enable mods
    @DayZOverwatch;@DayZ_Epoch;@DayZ_Epoch_Server; Press Select and you are done.
    That's all there is to it.
    If you are still having problems joining the game, try using:
    on your dayz commander. Some people gets away with only -mod=@overwatch, some don't.
  12. Like
    Nekuan reacted to raymix in [Tutorial] Overpoch - Custom traders, all weapons/ammo/vehicles in menus   
    This Video Tutorial covers:
    Add custom Traders anywhere on map
    Find positions on map (also covering safezones/sensors a little bit)
    Add your own custom Menus to traders
    Add all Overwatch weapons, ammo and vehicles to your menus
    Use notepad++ to convert Loot CFG (or literary ANY) file into SQL query that you can to insert items faster into database.
    Notepad++ tricks:
    I will show you some cool tricks how to clean out junk data from files, filter out only stuff you need and convert it into a different code that can be used elsewhere.
    In this video I will be using Macros, TextFX and Find&Replace options to show you awesome stuff you can do with notepad++ to affect thousands of lines automatically!
    You will need TextFX plugin.
    I am using Heidi SQL to edit my databases. Any other tool is very well capable of doing the same job well. I just love filtering on heidi. It's also free.
    This is by no means targeted towards advanced users, beginners only. If you are advanced user and dislike the method, please share your method instead for all of us to learn from.
    I am not sharing actual SQL code because database names differs for different hosts, also I think notepad++ tricks are awesome thing to know, might be handy in future.
    In fact If database structure ever changes, you can reuse tricks learned here instead to update it quickly.
    Overwatch vehicles used in video:

    Alternative list of all Overwatch weapons/ammo/vehicles (Test out your new Notepad++ skill and convert it into SQL!)
    PROTIP: if using alternative list - to filter out ammo from weapons Write Ammo Type: in search, leave search window open. Then create macro:
    [Home] > [F3] > [shift]+[END] > [DEL] > [Down] > [Home]
    This will delete last part on all rows that says ammo and leave weapons only. Apply similar method to delete weapons instead.
    Credits and [How to] Install server: infiSTAR for awesome AH/Admin tool

    00:00 - 20:00 Adding traders 20:00 - 35:05 Notepad++ filtering out the junk 35:05 - 36:40 Notepad++ TextFX deleting duplicate rows 36:40 - 41:55 Notepad++ Seperating ammo from weapons using macros 41:55 - 57:42 Converting classnames into SQL query (adding stuff to traders in database) 57:42 - Final in-game test
  13. Like
    Nekuan reacted to Sandbird in [1.0.5] Suggestions   
    Extra database tables
    Right now i am turning towards custom dlls for SQL queries to extra database tables but i would really like it ir normal epoch does does that instead.
    Please add an extra quer(able) table to the database. Have a petition here at the forum on what would the majority like to see for table cells there....so we can use them for different functions (ranks, extra arrays for players etc etc)
    It is not too much to ask, you are already doing it with object_data...999 calls are not allowed and wont be....fine....well at least let us write some extra stuff in the database the legit way.
    There are some items that are not used in epoch...like the dogtags.
    You could (if you dont want to make a new item), rename them to Keychain. and add a function to them (in a new db table) to hold ItemKey values in an array.
    A simple function would be the player to right click on in and select "Add to keychain" taking all the keys he has on him inside that array and deleting the keys.
    This way he can open all the vehicles that belong to that keychain without having 10123 keys for all of his vehicles.
    A diaglog GUI can help to remove keys from the keychain (again with right clicking the item), thus creating a key in the player's inventory.
    Imagine something like the following video...but for keys, instead of the vehicles that i did:

  14. Like
    Nekuan got a reaction from Caza397 in Respectful wish list   
    I wish those "admintools" wouldn't exist..  :rolleyes:
  15. Like
    Nekuan reacted to MadHatter05 in Show us your loadScreen!   
    I am going to update this very shortly with a list of "important" rules on the side.

    Art by: Valdark
  16. Like
    Nekuan reacted to Pro_Speedy in [Release] Epoch Admin Tools V1.10.0   
    You aren't welcome were. Noone here wants a 'Anti hack' made by a guy who made hacks and puts bacldoors on his antihack so hackers get through. Please go away and leave these non commercial lovely people alone. Thank You
  17. Like
    Nekuan reacted to Kind-Sir in [UNOFFICIAL] HTTP Direct Download for Epoch   
    I am offering fast direct downloads for DayZ Epoch versions 1.0.3 and up off of a webserver.

    Both Server and Client files are available.

    This is intended to be downloaded to a machine without access to a torrent client, i.e. CLI interfaces.

    Please be courteous and help seed the Torrent if you do have access to a torrent client!
  18. Like
    Nekuan reacted to cen in [RELEASE] Build Snapping - Extended v1.6 (Updated 02/20/2014)   
    This player_build.sqf should work: http://pastebin.com/uT3EQRvi
  19. Like
    Nekuan got a reaction from justnco in Re-Worked WAI 0.173 - Supported System   
    What skin are you wearing or is this a common problem for everyone?
  20. Like
    Nothing to see here.
  21. Like
    You should definitely write a newsletter. I'd subscribe.
  22. Like
    Nekuan reacted to BetterDeadThanZed in Maintenance Cost   
    Hey, this is a nice custom base you made.... oh wait... it's not... Hmm..
  23. Like
    Nekuan reacted to Fuchs in [EMS] 0.2.6 Epoch Mission System   
    I will not support Vehicles saving to the DB ! NEVER !
  24. Like
    Nekuan reacted to Fuchs in [EMS] 0.2.6 Epoch Mission System   
    Good NEWS got a reply !
    Buttface will help out adding DZAI !!!!!  :wub: 
    Buttface is the creator of the DayZ Bandit AI !!!!!  :wub: 
  25. Like
    Nekuan reacted to OtterNas3 in [RELEASE] Build Snapping - Extended v1.6 (Updated 02/20/2014)   
    Hey Survivors,
    i started this new Thread for the Mod so it's easier for players to find it and for me to support it!
    This will also stop the confusion with the mod when you use Maca's or mine and have problems with it.
    I got Maca's permission to do it and ALL credits for the idea and the first coding goes to Maca!
    Thanks again Maca for this amazing idea/script!
    Ok here we go...
    This Mod adds a "Toggle Snapping" function to these Epoch Buildable objects:
    MetalFloor_DZ WoodFloor_DZ CinderWall_DZ CinderWallDoorway_DZ CinderWallDoorLocked_DZ CinderWallDoor_DZ CinderWallSmallDoorway_DZ CinderWallDoorSmallLocked_DZ CinderWallHalf_DZ CinderWallDoorSmall_DZ WoodLargeWall_DZ Land_DZE_LargeWoodDoor WoodLargeWallWin_DZ WoodLargeWallDoor_DZ Land_DZE_GarageWoodDoor Land_DZE_GarageWoodDoorLocked Land_DZE_LargeWoodDoorLocked WoodSmallWallThird_DZ WoodSmallWallDoor_DZ WoodSmallWall_DZ WoodSmallWallWin_DZ Land_DZE_WoodDoor Land_DZE_WoodDoorLocked Sandbag1_DZ MetalPanel_DZ Fence_corrugated_DZ StickFence_DZ Land_HBarrier1_DZ Land_HBarrier3_DZ Land_HBarrier5_DZ Fort_RazorWire Objects can be snapped to another object of the same type like:
    Metal_Floor_DZ <-> Metal_Floor_DZ
    Sandbag1_DZ <-> Sandbag1_DZ
    or any Wall combination if its the same Material like:
    WoodSmallWall_DZ <-> WoodSmallWall_DZ
    WoodSmallWall_DZ <-> WoodSmallWallWin_DZ
    CinderWallHalf_DZ <-> CinderWallHalf_DZ
    CinderWallHalf_DZ <-> CinderWallDoorway_DZ
    When you start building a new object you will get a "Toggle Snapping" option if the object is supported.
    Hit it to activate the snapping.
    Distance between the two objects has to be lower then 1.5m.
    So move your object to almost same height and next to one side, near the top or near the bottom of the object you want to snap it to.
    This allows you to build a Floor or a Wall on the same height in a perfect line.
    It is also possible to make perfect 90° angles with it, for this you also have to bring the object almost in the desired angle to the other object and it will snap to it.
    So What makes this version "Extended"?
    Snapping will work on more then one  Floor Snapping will work while building over Water Snapping a object on Top/Bottom of eachother Snapping with set rotation (for set Door open directions) More objects supported Code for finding snap points redone Demo Video:
    Download (install instructions included):
    Installation instructions:
    Download and extract Snapping_v1.6.zip
    unpbo MPMissions\YOURMISSIONNAME.pbo
    Copy custom folder from the extracted Snapping_v1.6 to MPMissions\YOURMISSIONNAME\
    Open MPMissions\YOURMISSIONNAME\init.sqf
    Find this line:

    call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\init\compiles.sqf"; and add this line RIGHT BELOW it:
    call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "custom\snap_build\compiles.sqf"; so it will look like:
    call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\init\compiles.sqf"; call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "custom\snap_build\compiles.sqf"; 5.
    Open MPMissions\YOURMISSIONNAME\description.ext
    Add this line to the VERY BOTTOM of it! (Yeah this means AFTER the last closing bracket!)
    It has to be the VERY LAST LINE of the File!

    #include "custom\snap_build\points.hpp" 6.
    repbo MPMissions\YOURMISSIONNAME\ - upaload - reload - snap - smile!
    I hope i could clarify the !IMPORTANCE! that you copy the lines i mentioned to the VERY BOTTOM!
    No Snap - No Smile - unneded questions
    Have fun with it,
    aka Bob der Baumeister
    - If you like it - Like it - So I can count Downloads - I like that

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