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    KPABATOK got a reaction from TheStainlessSteelRat in Has everyone really gone to exile?   
    Exile has some very nice features, though over all I do not like the basic idea of it and some bad features that would annoy me a lot, like notifications, sounds, changing brightness etc. I do not play in such Epoch servers either.
    Being said that, now I think these mods are quite different. They do not have antagonists for one, base building may be easier there but other aspect - not to my taste, just like highly over modded Epoch/Wasteland server. Currently do not even have any interest on trying it out myself, just watched some streams.
  2. Like
    KPABATOK got a reaction from dnk_paul in What would you like to see in a new server?   
    Yes, I want to play in Vanilla servers. However, I explained my reasons why I have a problem with modded servers, at least when it comes to changing default Epoch values and adding bullshit into context menu. Sure, random AI is to each his own, same with heli crashes with 10 navids and ground loot etc. But there are things, that I think are worse objectively and I think I explained it the best I could why those things suck. And OP asked for opinions anyway, so I just shared mine. No offense taken or anything. I am just fed up with Epoch servers. If Epoch gonna die, it will die because of stupid server owners.
    P.S. About black markets, at first I thought the idea is great, but when I played a while I realized that it just does not fit into Epoch. Again, to each his own, some people love it, some ignore it, but I personally can not ignore it, especially when all TOP 30 servers have black markets. Just personal preference, I think Epoch is just fine the way it is, and adding more loot isn't doing any good.
  3. Like
    KPABATOK reacted to raymix in Exile server   
  4. Like
    KPABATOK got a reaction from Richie in My opinion on why epoch is dying, And how i think i could help.   
    After recent patches, you can no longer find any good weapon in civilian areas, and that's a huge plus. It was a case before, but now, it is more or less fixed (of course there is always a room for tweaking).
    Fatigue - funny how you complain about this when before said that you do not want high end rifles in civilian areas. So with infinite stamina one could just run to any military compound in few minutes and get what they needed, no reward like this, it would be babycore gameplay. Fatigue is what makes people not to die so frequently because you know you have to build stamina in order to run 5km non-stop. And even though it is pretty easy to build stamina, I think fatigue makes it more challenging and less childish game.
    Gun sway - wow, complaining about the core feature of FPS realistic gameplay is also a quick way to yet another babycore game where you can just point and shoot with no problem.
    Base building is being constantly tweaked and fixed, but I think the greatest inevention by the devs was ghostsnapping. It is now so much easier to build a base in rocky mountains.
    Medpacks/healing - I agree, it needs to have some time delay, same with vehicle fixing. Currently it is too easy to do that when everything happens instantly.
    Zombies - even if devs introduced them, idiot server admins would disable them like they disable regular Epoch antagonists. Blame here the kids with lots of money creating servers for their clans and playing wasteland on Epoch. I like the antagonists and they are ok for now.
  5. Like
    KPABATOK reacted to vbawol in My opinion on why epoch is dying, And how i think i could help.   
    Thanks for the feedback, some of what you mention has actually been worked on recently, for example you now cannot find a primary weapon in anything but pelicans or green beds (in military buildings) making most high end loot found mostly in military areas. Now keep in mind that if the server admin has added extra loot then this would effect our attempts to balance the loot overall. 
    Fatigue is a Arma 3 thing and by default very oppressive, our system of stamina is what makes the Arma 3 fatigue system work better so you are not constantly fatigued and have a stamina factor as well as a max stamina increase the more you are alive.
    Weapon sway is still being tweaked by BI from what I understand, if this is not the case then we will look into making tweaks based on more feedback.
    Everything else you mention is in the works for upcoming patches, so stay tuned. As I said in the beginning I am in this for the long haul and want to make the mod I want to play. So, Epoch isn't going to die but just getting started.
  6. Like
    KPABATOK reacted to READTHESCROLL in Eww   
    Is there any way I can select a different theme/layout for the forum? I dont like this new layout at all.
  7. Like
    KPABATOK reacted to umfufu in Hunger and thirst op   
    If your thirst would increase while running i would go for that but even in rest for a long time makes u use 8 points of water , hence u must drink alot (and go for a leak in the bushes)
    Also the toxic notify comes for me personaly a bit to early , for me at 10 ~ 25 would make sence
    Edit _seems like when u got >1000 stamina HTloss goes to 4  , else u got to change _HTlossRate from 8 to a lower number
    Keep in mind that fatique increases the total of HTloss
    And yes Kpabatok thx to the devs , hopefully they sit at the swimmingpool (like me) enyoing the sun a brewski and scarse bikini wearing chicks ;)
  8. Like
    KPABATOK reacted to Axle in Difference between building objects...   
    This is something that has been talked about a lot, we are about to revisit the build system to make it less cumbersome. Keep an eye out for changes coming soon.
  9. Like
    KPABATOK reacted to Brian Soanes in Hunger and thirst op   
  10. Like
    KPABATOK reacted to Richie in Request for Epoch building Please Awol   
    New objects and base parts are coming :)
    The last update has seen a new revamped wood stair model, new loot container with the Medicine cabinet, new custom wood log model and of course the tactical bacon.
  11. Like
    KPABATOK reacted to Axle in Armor value display.   
    New addition to the inventory UI takes away the need to search the web for armor values of items.

  12. Like
    KPABATOK reacted to vbawol in Arma 3: Epoch Developer Blog   
    It has been nearly one year since the initial test release of Arma 3: Epoch and I want to thank you all for your support! Just to give a quick run down on what is happening with the mod and team.

    The Epoch Dev Team has also recently grown as we welcome three new team members. 
    Raymix: will be working on UI and coding aspects of the mod. SteamPunkGears: will be new creating 3d models for custom epoch items. Richie: will be working on map support as well as assist the development process. We are also proud to announce that Sequisha is working with Bohemia Interactive on the new Tanoa terrain and wish him luck. Tanoa looks to be a quality terrain that we certainly look forward to supporting in Epoch.

    In the next patches leading up to 0.4 large framework changes will be made so we can prep the open world Epoch sandbox gamemode code for public release. This also means that Epoch Mod will soon become more compatible with other mods because the Epoch sandbox gamemode code will then run purely from the server/mission file.

    Epoch "Server" Framework project: 
    Code functions that make it easier to use our callExtension calls. Full callExtension calls documentation and DLL source code. Epoch public github will accept improvements and bug fixes. Epoch "Sandbox" Gamemode project: (Requires: Epoch Server)
    This is the core of the Epoch gamemode and will contain most all sqf and fsm client/server code needed for the current Epoch sandbox gamemode minus what is already in Epoch Server. The core of the gamemode code will exist purely in the mission file and will allow server admins full control over what code is running. This will allow even more freedom for server admins to customize there server. Epoch public github will accept improvements and bug fixes.  
    The Epoch mod will still contain all the same great assets (models, textures, and icons, configs, code, etc.) and new custom creations will still be added as they are made ready by our content creators. What this all means, is that other mods (like wasteland, KOTH, etc.) will soon be able run @Epoch mod along side their own mods to use for example our female characters without our current gamemode code getting in the way. Alternatively, you may also soon see other mods using our Epoch "Server" framework to power totally new mods and gamemodes in the future. The Epoch "Sandbox" gamemode will be even more developed as this change will allow us to deliver faster updates and work closer with the community regarding fixes and improvements. The goal is to have all of this fully in place before 0.5 so that our team can start the work on our new custom terrain and other great additions planned for 1.0.

  13. Like
    KPABATOK got a reaction from Scaris in Zombies on server   
    well, the most amazing antagonist in my opinion is Cultist. Once it grabs you you can waste whole clip trying to kill it, and it reduces your stamina instantly, I love it. More antagonists should appear during the night time and leave day time only to AI patrols, like drones etc. Of course I'm just brainstorming ideas, maybe other people have different view of what Epoch should look like. But night should be reserved to certain type of antagonists which appear only during the night, in my opinion.
  14. Like
    KPABATOK reacted to Halvhjearne in please help us   
    switch host
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    KPABATOK reacted to DirtySanchez in Weird thing with contrast   
    It's possible that they are using my nighttime color corrections script, but used the wrong one.
    I added a full nighttime and one for mixed day and night.

    It's a gamma correction and if they used the full nighttime, then the gamma will be too bright and it will look washed out during the day.

    Try lowering your gamma to see if that corrects it, if not then I'm not sure
  16. Like
    KPABATOK reacted to KiloSwiss in Weird thing with contrast   
    These are colour correction effects, they are part of the mission/created in a script.

    Contact the admins if You fon't like it, maybe they put in a option to disable these effects.
  17. Like
    KPABATOK got a reaction from Sawboss in Players can only wear some clothes   
    this is one of the most annoying flaws in Epoch to me. Inabilty to choose from different uniform/clothes that arma has to offer. I mean, isn't it possible to program this "faction" bullshit out?
  18. Like
    KPABATOK got a reaction from KingRaymond795 in Please welcome the newest addition to the Epoch Dev Team   
    Waiting for Epoch on My Android
  19. Like
    KPABATOK reacted to Scaris in BI fix attempt for 1.48   
    I had that problem, until I closed my A3 launcher.
  20. Like
    KPABATOK reacted to Richie in base parts shifting after restart   
    Will be fixed next update :)

    [Added] 2x increase in precision of positions stored in database for Bases, Vehicles, and storage. By storing both a Low and a High precision array and adding them back together when needed.
  21. Like
    KPABATOK reacted to SPIB0X in Weather   
    I am so sick of the rain in ARMA 3 EPOCH that I want to neck myself every time it rains, its a wonder I am still alive to write this. I cant remember the last time I had an hour long session of ARMA without it raining once. The weather is severely broken in my opinion, but not because its always sunny - because it rains FAR too often and more often than not far too heavily.
    I would love for a more constant fog/doom and gloom atmosphere but please. no more rain. 
  22. Like
    KPABATOK reacted to mgm in [FEATURE REQUEST] Hoverboards (URGENT)   
    if you don't want it, sure it's your choice and you can turn it off just like some people turn off other features they dislike. I have a feeling this is coming though. most def.
  23. Like
    KPABATOK got a reaction from Bushwick in How to protect a helicopter?   
    Always put the walls between rotors. And I mean BETWEEN, not 1 meter away like some people do and imagine that it gonna prevent them from spinning. Helipads don't do anything except make it higher chance that your heli will explode after each restart, however, a high helipad with no stairs (or blocked stairs) will prevent others from exploding your helis on purpose with hand grenades which many people do in many servers and I consider a very poor tactics and any good admin will ban for such behaviour. Exploding any vehicle just because you can't steal it is retarded.
    I hope you are aware that vehicles, especially helicopters tend to disappear from time to time, even if nobody touched them. They just vanish after reset. Either by proximity explosion (when person gets closer, they jump into the air and BOOM) or by a bug which Arma 3 has, when vehicles just vanish for no reason.
    So if you decide to build a heli pad, make it at least 3 stories high (though a heli on such helipad can be destroyed with 50 cal anyway if server has such things) and always protect their rotors with stud walls. Better two. But usually one wall is enough per heli.
    And don't build bases in Arma buildings, your warehouse is destructible with just one satchel.
  24. Like
    KPABATOK got a reaction from StimulusDanny in How to protect a helicopter?   
    Always put the walls between rotors. And I mean BETWEEN, not 1 meter away like some people do and imagine that it gonna prevent them from spinning. Helipads don't do anything except make it higher chance that your heli will explode after each restart, however, a high helipad with no stairs (or blocked stairs) will prevent others from exploding your helis on purpose with hand grenades which many people do in many servers and I consider a very poor tactics and any good admin will ban for such behaviour. Exploding any vehicle just because you can't steal it is retarded.
    I hope you are aware that vehicles, especially helicopters tend to disappear from time to time, even if nobody touched them. They just vanish after reset. Either by proximity explosion (when person gets closer, they jump into the air and BOOM) or by a bug which Arma 3 has, when vehicles just vanish for no reason.
    So if you decide to build a heli pad, make it at least 3 stories high (though a heli on such helipad can be destroyed with 50 cal anyway if server has such things) and always protect their rotors with stud walls. Better two. But usually one wall is enough per heli.
    And don't build bases in Arma buildings, your warehouse is destructible with just one satchel.
  25. Like
    KPABATOK got a reaction from Sp4rkY in What is the vision, the "Why?" of Epoch?   
    everyone said the same about H1Z1 and other bullshit games with potato XBOX graphics. I personally always loved realism first, not stupid content, like dinosaurs and other bullshit.
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