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Hunger and thirst op

Brian Soanes

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It is a survival but not an eating simulator. Over less than an hour my thirst from 100 percent went to zero. It's too much, I think. With the possibility of dying from hunger/thirst, I think the values should have been left as before. Because now it is just too fast. You have to be constantly looting for food and drinks now or stuff your inventory with it. I agree that food is plentiful, but that doesn't mean players have to be constantly worrying about eating and drinking. That's all I found out in this patch.


Also noticed sometimes stuff disappears when you for example find a helmet in furniture, switch it with the one you wore, and the one that you had disappears. It doesn't drop to the ground or anything, just vanishes. Don't remember this problem before.


Got my first snake bite. At least now there will be use of those golden seals (or whatever they are called lol)

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If your thirst would increase while running i would go for that but even in rest for a long time makes u use 8 points of water , hence u must drink alot (and go for a leak in the bushes)

Also the toxic notify comes for me personaly a bit to early , for me at 10 ~ 25 would make sence


Edit _seems like when u got >1000 stamina HTloss goes to 4  , else u got to change _HTlossRate from 8 to a lower number

Keep in mind that fatique increases the total of HTloss


And yes Kpabatok thx to the devs , hopefully they sit at the swimmingpool (like me) enyoing the sun a brewski and scarse bikini wearing chicks ;)

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Yep, I was casually sorting my inventory in a base, puting shelfs and stuff and then I see that I am dying from thirst.. It is too much. You are right about toxicity too, this green bar hits too early. Other than that, I am very happy for this patch and devs keep inventing and introducing great stuff. Not like with DayZ SA devs who keep breaking the game more and more with each patch (I never miss a chance to bash Bogemia, sorry).

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