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    Just_R got a reaction from rentiger1112 in Show us your loadScreen!   
    Great shades of CCG :) 
  2. Like
    Just_R reacted to BetterDeadThanZed in Server Owners/Admins!!! Let's Work Together   
    Not this topic again....
  3. Like
    Just_R reacted to BetterDeadThanZed in [RELEASE] Really Random Loadouts   
    For my purposes, it's easier to list the weapons that can be given to a new spawn. There would be so many weapons to exclude from a new spawn, it would be ridiculous. I also would rather edit a single line in the init.sqf and upload a custom .sqf to another folder rather than make changes to core Epoch files.
  4. Like
    Just_R reacted to CrazyCorky in Why indestructible bases?   
    So as the title implies...
    Why is everyone going to indestructible bases. I thought the whole point of a post apocalyptic situation was to survive!? Raiding and looting someone else's base is part of that survival aspect. I've seen a few of the servers I really enjoy playing on go to indestructible bases. It saddens me.
    I understand that there are still plenty out there that have destructible bases.. but finding a decent one with good players is hard to find!
    What are you thoughts?!
  5. Like
    Just_R reacted to raymix in Adding an image to a billboard?   
    Probably, the size of model does not matter, it's whether or not it has named texture selection defined.
    I wasn't using Sandbird's live editor, what you saw there was actual local MP server with verifySignatures set to 0 in server config (don't do this on live server, lol). This allows people to run extra @mods without being kicked, like debug console for example.
  6. Like
    Just_R reacted to raymix in Adding an image to a billboard?   
    One way is to google that and hope someone posted a list of them.
    Another way is to spawn all billboards around you and try to apply generated texture on 1 or 2 indexes with hopes it changes colors (means texture will work), Like I did here...
    Third way is to download unbinarized p3d files and open them with object builder and look for named selections.
    And finally, you could also just open model.cfg file for each billboard and look for named selections define there.
  7. Like
    Just_R reacted to Cramps2 in Pictures on big SIGNS / Billboards   
    Yeah I was talking about the big "AD" billboards.  I thought that was what the OP was talking about.
    Here's one I made to replace the sunflower man near skalisty:
    I did a bunch.  If anyone works them out, I'll post em all.
  8. Like
    Just_R reacted to mysticviperx in custom load outs for Player ID 1.0.3 epoch   
  9. Like
    Just_R reacted to Markokil321 in Making buildings indestructible (Non epoch buildings)   
    For some of my custom added map buildings i have added this to them. 
    _obj addEventHandler ["HandleDamage", {false}]; So that it looks like this: (my format is not default though)
    _obj = createVehicle ["Land_A_Villa_EP1", [11336.552, 8369.0137, 0.77930421], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; _obj addEventHandler ["HandleDamage", {false}]; _obj setDir -2.0815525; _obj setPos [11336.552, 8369.0137, 0.77930421];
  10. Like
    Just_R reacted to Richie in [Feedback] Anti-camping fix   
    In Arma there is no camping, only strategic waiting
  11. Like
    Just_R reacted to babylonstew in FMission   
    sis anyone ever find out how to add static AI emplacements to these missions, not having a clue how to sript i cant figure it out myself.
    any help would be appreciated.
  12. Like
    Just_R reacted to Brian Soanes in Has everyone really gone to exile?   
    You open your tablet by pressing 6 and then you can turn all the notifications off.
    I'm thinking of joining them together with ExilePoch or Epoxile
  13. Like
    Just_R got a reaction from LeDoot in ASC_EU_LIGHTS Missing Please Help   
    it could be a few things so I will try to outline the most obvious first to try.  if you are playing "epoch" and not "overpoch" you need this in your launch parameters: -mod=@DayZ_Epoch; you can do this with Steam directly or use a program called DayZ Launcer (DZL).  DayZ Commander is now (sadly) dead. (If this is redundant info please excuse).
    Steam instructions:
    1) start Steam, go to your library. Right click on Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead. Select properties.  Select Launch Parameters. (see attached image)

    I have a few other parameters in mine.  -world empty,(no previously buffered scenes). -skipintro -skipsplash (because seeing the B.I. intro over and over just grinds my gears) 
    side note: when you add a -mod=  the @DayZ_Epoch refers to a folder inside the Arma2 OA folder. If the folder and the -mod=@.... doesn't match then it won't work.  if you have the proper -mod (dont forget the semi-colon) and your friend is still getting this error, I would remove the folder and re-download it from this website: Epoch Client Files
    my attached image shows:  -mod@DayZ_Epoch1051;  which has a matching folder.

  14. Like
    Just_R reacted to MGT in SQL Clean Up   
    If you delete dead players with status "0" then they will lose any humanity they've gained or lost
  15. Like
    Just_R reacted to BetterDeadThanZed in Hacker disabled all admins and moderators from connecting.   
    My point is that you're using the same tools the hackers are using. As such, they know how to bypass and exploit them. By using B3, they can't control kicking and banning. They can't prevent themselves from being banned and they can't ban anyone else.
    I've run game servers for 10 years now and until Dayz, I've never seen a game server admin running hacks to combat hacks. I think most admins are using them to give themselves an advantage with their ability to spawn vehicles and loot, teleport themselves, etc, rather than actually to combat cheaters. If these "tools" simply provided antihacking functions, like detecting scripts, vehicles being spawned in, players teleporting, etc, I'd give them a little more respect, but in the end, for many admins that run them, they are simply tools of convenience because they don't want to play the game like everyone else. Just my $.02, not saying that is the case with you, but it's just the way it looks to someone that doesn't use them.
  16. Like
    Just_R reacted to Xyz in How about an official statement?   
    Well, if there is a patch like the current one that fixes alot of issues, it should be released regardless of what some server owners think. They can always run the old version.
    Arma2 epoch will still stay alive for a long time, alot of servers will surely close... but some servers will remain. Please release the patch! For the long life of arma 2 epoch!
  17. Like
    Just_R got a reaction from bFe in denmark Pack (new towns)   
    Once I find these files I am going to re-post them.  
    Denmark SQF files:
    File size is 160KB.
  18. Like
    Just_R reacted to DangerRuss in Sarge AI stealing vehicles   
    Yea sorry about the mix up. I dont run DZAI anymore, but I did for a long time. It was a breath of fresh air after SARGE.
    Is this Butthead then?  I've seen some recent posts in the DZAI forum, I hadn't seen any there in a long time so I got a bit excited.  Too many people with good ideas have moved on from Arma 2. I personally feel like Arma 3 just isn't on Arma 2's level yet. Time will tell!
  19. Like
    Just_R got a reaction from Saltzman in Official DayZLauncher Thread   
    You all know that any money gained from Arma2 violates their EULA? They won't pursue litigation (unless they are nupties) -- why kick the dog in the balls that is feeding your POS platform :)
    Dayz was a tremendous change from Arma2, all the rest of the mods that follow just made it outstanding.  Why bicker over tits and tats? Maca has a good system for servers MGT as well.  
    if BI wants to stay alive they should be bending over backwards to help mod developers for A2 and A3 respectively. 
  20. Like
    Just_R got a reaction from KamikazeXeX in Official DayZLauncher Thread   
    its trusted by LEGO, must be legit :)
  21. Like
    Just_R reacted to insertcoins in 125548 on DayZ Commander   
    Making a donation does not obligate him to do anything. 
  22. Like
    Just_R got a reaction from Darihon in Side events not showing that theyve spawned??   
    since the link is not working.  I've added a link (pastbin) for Maca's remote_messages.sqf
    Remote messages
    Instructions for it are there as well.
    Using Notepad ++, about line 76 you will see the "if  (!isDedicated) then {"
    right after Dayz_loadScreenMsg =, add this line:
    _nil = [] execVM "custom\remote_messages.sqf
    Be sure to add a custom folder in your MPMissions area for those with Dayz.st unpack your mission.pbo make changes. repack.
  23. Like
    Just_R reacted to raziel23x in Web Based Tools ( PrivateHiveTools )   
  24. Like
    Just_R reacted to ekroemer in [Release] DayZ Mission System   
    // Do you want AI to use RPG7V's? //(Only one unit per group spawn will have one) DZMSUseRPG = true; [...] // Do you want AI that players run over to not have gear? // (If DZMSCleanDeath is true, this doesn't matter) DZMSRunGear = false; handles the problem just fine.
  25. Like
    Just_R reacted to Mr. Snatchit in Build snapping for vilayer   
    I agree with Nema, I spent 2 weeks trying to install sarge AI.... it was my first script, and it was really stupid for me to take that long, but i finally got it working and my struggle with other scripts got less worse. But If you'd like I spend a large amout of my free time helping others with small and big things I don't mind showing you what direction to go but it's definitely worth it to yell at your screen for a little while :)
    My ts is ts44.gameservers.com:9384 if you really need the help
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