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    TheVampire got a reaction from WLF in [Release] DayZ Mission System   
    I just updated the github to add Static AI. Now you can fill your AI Bases with DZMS AI.
    I have also adjusted some code to allow the addition of 50 cals. If someone wants to get some locations set up in the existing missions I will add them and setup the config for it.
    Here's a code snippet you can add to missions to configure them manually for now.
    { _m2 = createVehicle ["M2StaticMG",(_x select 0),[], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; _m2 setDir (_x select 1); [_m2] call DZMSSetupVehicle; [(_x select 0),1,2,"DZMS50CalSpawn"] call DZMSAISpawn; (DZMS50CalSpawn select 0) moveInGunner _m2; DZMS50CalSpawn = []; [_m2] spawn { waitUntil{((count crew (_this select 0) < 1) || !alive ((crew (_this select 0)) select 0))}; (_this select 1) setDamage 1; }; _m2 setVehicleLock "LOCKED"; } forEach [ [[0,0,0],dir], [[0,0,0],dir] ]; If someone can test the current version and confirm it is working that would be greatly appreciated.
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    TheVampire got a reaction from natoed in Vampire's Vehicle Degradation   
    Updated to V1.1.
    Should be working much better now and give better performance.
    Thanks to @He-Man for recommending some changes.
    Be aware the install varies slightly now.
  3. Like
    TheVampire got a reaction from truemc in VEMF - Vampire's Epoch Mission Framework   
    I've been doing some more playing around when thinking of alternative ways that players could learn about missions going on rather than map markers.

    It doesn't update dynamically but alerting players near it might be a route I decide to go down, and then people can make these craftable.
  4. Like
    TheVampire got a reaction from truemc in VEMF - Vampire's Epoch Mission Framework   
    The current version of VEMF is broke. I'm currently working on a new version.
    You can track my progress on the new version here:
  5. Like
    TheVampire got a reaction from Sneer in VEMF - Vampire's Epoch Mission Framework   
    I've been doing some more playing around when thinking of alternative ways that players could learn about missions going on rather than map markers.

    It doesn't update dynamically but alerting players near it might be a route I decide to go down, and then people can make these craftable.
  6. Like
    TheVampire got a reaction from truemc in VEMF - Vampire's Epoch Mission Framework   
    One at a time! Please have your documents and identification out and ready to be checked!

    Checkpoints generated dynamically on the roads in infected territory coming soon.
  7. Like
    TheVampire reacted to He-Man in Vampire's Vehicle Degradation   
    @TheVampire, unfortunately I can not send you a PM... I wanted to send you my updated (but untested) version of this script...
  8. Like
    TheVampire got a reaction from DirtySanchez in Vampire's Vehicle Degradation   
    Vampire's Vehicle Degradation
    Are you tired of those perfect drivers who never have to repair their vehicles?
    Are you tired of the unrealistic effects of vehicles not wearing down with use?
    Do you think that players need to spend more money to keep their vehicles running?
    Well then I have a script for you!
    What is it?
    This script allows you to configure vehicles to take damage over time while they are in use.
    You set an amount of time a player must be driving and an amount of damage to give to the vehicle for them driving that amount.
    You can also configure the locations to damage the vehicle, the type of vehicle, how far they have to have moved in the time limit, and more!
    Where can I get it?
    It's available here:
    What if I have issues?
    You can post about it here to see if others can help you, or you can open an issue on the github here:
    Can I alter your code and release it as a different mod and/or combine it with a different mod?
    This code is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0):
    If you are unsure if your intended use is in violation of my license, please send me a PM.
  9. Like
    TheVampire reacted to He-Man in Vampire's Vehicle Degradation   
    Hey, it is really a good idea, but I see some smaller problems. The first is, if there are 60 players online, the Server runs 60 Loops parallel. Better would be running it Client Side in this case.
    Then you only Check if the Player is in a Vehicle and if the Vehicle is driving. If there are 5 players in this Vehicle, the damage will be given 5x (or have I overseen an additional Check?) 
    We would use this addon on our new planned Survival Server and I will make some changes in the code. If you are interested, I will send it to you then and you can compare it.
  10. Like
    TheVampire got a reaction from natoed in Vampire's Vehicle Degradation   
    Vampire's Vehicle Degradation
    Are you tired of those perfect drivers who never have to repair their vehicles?
    Are you tired of the unrealistic effects of vehicles not wearing down with use?
    Do you think that players need to spend more money to keep their vehicles running?
    Well then I have a script for you!
    What is it?
    This script allows you to configure vehicles to take damage over time while they are in use.
    You set an amount of time a player must be driving and an amount of damage to give to the vehicle for them driving that amount.
    You can also configure the locations to damage the vehicle, the type of vehicle, how far they have to have moved in the time limit, and more!
    Where can I get it?
    It's available here:
    What if I have issues?
    You can post about it here to see if others can help you, or you can open an issue on the github here:
    Can I alter your code and release it as a different mod and/or combine it with a different mod?
    This code is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0):
    If you are unsure if your intended use is in violation of my license, please send me a PM.
  11. Like
    TheVampire got a reaction from lesvieuxcrevards in Vampire's Vehicle Degradation   
    Vampire's Vehicle Degradation
    Are you tired of those perfect drivers who never have to repair their vehicles?
    Are you tired of the unrealistic effects of vehicles not wearing down with use?
    Do you think that players need to spend more money to keep their vehicles running?
    Well then I have a script for you!
    What is it?
    This script allows you to configure vehicles to take damage over time while they are in use.
    You set an amount of time a player must be driving and an amount of damage to give to the vehicle for them driving that amount.
    You can also configure the locations to damage the vehicle, the type of vehicle, how far they have to have moved in the time limit, and more!
    Where can I get it?
    It's available here:
    What if I have issues?
    You can post about it here to see if others can help you, or you can open an issue on the github here:
    Can I alter your code and release it as a different mod and/or combine it with a different mod?
    This code is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0):
    If you are unsure if your intended use is in violation of my license, please send me a PM.
  12. Like
    TheVampire got a reaction from natoed in Chopper spawns   
    @KPABATOK @Moist_Pretzels 
    If either of you run a server or anyone else interested you can all give this a shot.
    When I have time to fully test it and make a config area I'll post it as a script.
  13. Like
    TheVampire got a reaction from Moist_Pretzels in Chopper spawns   
    I kinda miss the days of vanilla DayZ where getting a working chopper was a big deal.
    Then DayZ Epoch comes along and it's like "Yeah let me just go pull out a briefcase and buy another Chinook".....
  14. Like
    TheVampire got a reaction from KPABATOK in Chopper spawns   
    I kinda miss the days of vanilla DayZ where getting a working chopper was a big deal.
    Then DayZ Epoch comes along and it's like "Yeah let me just go pull out a briefcase and buy another Chinook".....
  15. Like
    TheVampire got a reaction from Tarabas in VEMF - Vampire's Epoch Mission Framework   
    One at a time! Please have your documents and identification out and ready to be checked!

    Checkpoints generated dynamically on the roads in infected territory coming soon.
  16. Like
    TheVampire got a reaction from natoed in Vehicle Locking System   
    I also second liking the key system. There were punishments for making mistakes but also incentive for a player to loot a corpse.
    You left home without storing your keys and died? Hope you had a spare.
    You broke into a base and got access to some keys? Score.
    You killed someone and got their key? Also score.
    With the current system you can't keep a vehicle. They get stolen all the time.
    An ideal system is still with the keys. It could be done similar to the Altis Life system to prevent inventory clutter as keys weigh practically nothing.
    If traders getting crowded is really that much of a hassle have there be a trader who deals in used cars. If a player is parked too close to the traders and doesn't interact in enough time to reset the vehicle then the Used Car trader tows it into inventory and sells it as-is cargo and all.
    I'm pretty sure in a post-apocalyptic world if you left a vehicle next to a trader for a day or two they would sell it off too.
  17. Like
    TheVampire got a reaction from natoed in Vehicle Locking System   
    The issue is that for multiple items there needs to be a valid config. This can't be generated at startup (as far as I know). This also leads to inventory clutter which is why Epoch moved from a physical currency in the form of bars to a virtual one in the form of Crypto. Items aren't necessarily the way to go.
    How I see keys being managed is a GUI menu accessed via the dynamic menu. You should be able to clone keys (with the correct resources), give out keys to nearby players, drop keys, view keys, possibly store keys in objects. The issue Altis ran into is having two inventories (the virtual and the physical). It would be a nice idea that if an object has any keys stored on it that a notification item is stored in the physical inventory of the object that can't be taken by a player (something like a key ring). Dead bodies should also have a loot keys option if the player had keys.
    As for how it would work and prevent hacking, that is complex. I think this should be done like many websites do user accounts. With a salted MD5. The answer to unlock the vehicle is a password (in generated key form). When you use the key it is sending a password to be checked. That is sent through the script and "hashed" and compared to the hash from the database. If they match then the vehicle is unlocked. However to take the hash from the database and then crack it would be very time consuming. Something similar could be done.
    But what if a hacker simply unlocks a vehicle using the unlock command? The antihack would need to check for players in unlocked vehicles without the correct hashed keys on them.
    KK has a decent post on a hashing DLL he did a while ago.
  18. Like
    TheVampire got a reaction from Ghostrider-GRG in Vehicle Locking System   
    The issue is that for multiple items there needs to be a valid config. This can't be generated at startup (as far as I know). This also leads to inventory clutter which is why Epoch moved from a physical currency in the form of bars to a virtual one in the form of Crypto. Items aren't necessarily the way to go.
    How I see keys being managed is a GUI menu accessed via the dynamic menu. You should be able to clone keys (with the correct resources), give out keys to nearby players, drop keys, view keys, possibly store keys in objects. The issue Altis ran into is having two inventories (the virtual and the physical). It would be a nice idea that if an object has any keys stored on it that a notification item is stored in the physical inventory of the object that can't be taken by a player (something like a key ring). Dead bodies should also have a loot keys option if the player had keys.
    As for how it would work and prevent hacking, that is complex. I think this should be done like many websites do user accounts. With a salted MD5. The answer to unlock the vehicle is a password (in generated key form). When you use the key it is sending a password to be checked. That is sent through the script and "hashed" and compared to the hash from the database. If they match then the vehicle is unlocked. However to take the hash from the database and then crack it would be very time consuming. Something similar could be done.
    But what if a hacker simply unlocks a vehicle using the unlock command? The antihack would need to check for players in unlocked vehicles without the correct hashed keys on them.
    KK has a decent post on a hashing DLL he did a while ago.
  19. Like
    TheVampire reacted to vbawol in Vehicle Locking System   
    I am not against adding it back as I know that was a key feature of ours. If keys are added we need to consider how it might be done better as having to write external events to purge vehicles that are abandoned without any keys, etc. is a mess. Virtual keys maybe the way to go as adding 12500+ classes just to have keys in your inventory was also not ideal either but it did work.

    If you want to propose the changes needed to make "virtual keys" happen I would welcome the challenge of merging it and making it work.
  20. Like
    TheVampire reacted to Silver in Vehicle Locking System   
    Actualy the old system with keys was very good, rewarding looting driver/pilot corpses. Also it should come with lockpick. Permanent persisting would be stupid cuz it takes away one option to steal vechicle by killing the driver.
  21. Like
    TheVampire got a reaction from Sneer in VEMF - Vampire's Epoch Mission Framework   
    One at a time! Please have your documents and identification out and ready to be checked!

    Checkpoints generated dynamically on the roads in infected territory coming soon.
  22. Like
    TheVampire got a reaction from Paulo Augusto Minari in VEMF - Vampire's Epoch Mission Framework   
    One at a time! Please have your documents and identification out and ready to be checked!

    Checkpoints generated dynamically on the roads in infected territory coming soon.
  23. Like
    TheVampire got a reaction from Richie in VEMF - Vampire's Epoch Mission Framework   
    One at a time! Please have your documents and identification out and ready to be checked!

    Checkpoints generated dynamically on the roads in infected territory coming soon.
  24. Like
    TheVampire got a reaction from Drokz in VEMF - Vampire's Epoch Mission Framework   
    One at a time! Please have your documents and identification out and ready to be checked!

    Checkpoints generated dynamically on the roads in infected territory coming soon.
  25. Like
    TheVampire got a reaction from Kenobi in VEMF - Vampire's Epoch Mission Framework   
    One at a time! Please have your documents and identification out and ready to be checked!

    Checkpoints generated dynamically on the roads in infected territory coming soon.
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