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[OLD] JAEM - Just another Evac-Chopper Mod v1.4 (Updated 06/14/2014) ** OUT OF DATE **


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Hay ppl's


Having a spot of bother with this

Installed ok as far as i can tell, when i set the evac chopper it counts down takes the money, then there is no pad on the ground, if i go away and try to call it says no heli on my pad.


Also i get an error in the RPT


"17:09:55 Error in expression <

if (isServer) then {

if (parseNumber _id > 0) then {

_key = format["CHILD:30>
17:09:55 Error position: <_id > 0) then {

_key = format["CHILD:30>
17:09:55 Error Undefined variable in expression: _id
17:09:55 File z\addons\dayz_server\compile\server_deleteObj.sqf, line 11"


Anyone got any ideas?




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Thanks hellraver!!

This worked perfectly (once I had a briefcase of gold in my inventory instead of a briefcase of silver <shaking my head at myself>)

To re-state it in the simplest terms. There is only the one change needed.


In the file "EvacChopper_init.sqf"

change this line:

_number_string = getPlayerUID _playertemp;


To this line:

_number_string = getPlayerUIDOld _playertemp;


I'm running DayZEpoch Chernarus map and the EvacField now persists through restart.

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@Tricks if you still need a fix...


first of all... I´m a noob in coding, but this worked for me so far:


I used JAEM 1.4 from first post in use with the right click option from adg ( only the extra_rc.hpp and the ui_selectslot.sqf) as adg described.


My noobish modifies as following...


In EvacChopper_init.sqf


I simply disabled ( // ) two complete lines containing this code (should be line 273 and line 286)


   s_player_evacCall = player addAction [("<t color="#0000FF"">" + ("Call Evac-Chopper") + "</t>"),"custom\JAEM\CallEvacChopper.sqf",[],-1000,false,false,"","];


The wheel option for call evac will not be created and so far no error occured on my server.



In setEvacChopper.sqf line 91 insert following line (just above<< for "_i" from 1 to 10 do >>)

_locationPlayer = (([player] call ON_fnc_GetPos));


Once starting the building process of the Evac field you couldn`t abort by moving, this will fix it.



In callEvacChopper.sqf I inserted following code block starting at line 57

//Player has evac field, so check distance between evac field and Player

if ((player distance playersEvacField) < evac_MinDistance) then {

     systemChat (format["You need to be at least %1m away from the chopper!",evac_MinDistance]);

     evac_chopperCalled = false;

     breakOut "exit";


this is to prevent a call within the min. distance from player to Evac field and displays a message (whole block taken from the adg script)

Hope this works for other ppl.

I would like to get the rmc activated by the lines in EvacChopper_init.sqf, maybe someone let us know how to do this.

best regards

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i did the change in the convertuid function to do the old UID... still doesnt save to database. And only errors in RPT are some undefined variable errors..... Everything works as intended while server is up. But restart and its all gone. i checked the DB shortly after building one and it is not saving to the DB

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I had the same problem with InfiSTAR BE filter.  You have to look at items in both versions and find what is in JAME but missing in InfiSTAR..  In the JAEM one I think there was only one that wasn't in InfiSTAR's.  I just typed the one item from Jaem file by hand into the middle of the line in the InfiSTAR file and saved..  I didn't make notes or comment my file so I don't know which value it was, but I am pretty sure there was only one.


Hope this helps.  Sorry I couldn't be more exact,

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Thanks hellraver!!

This worked perfectly (once I had a briefcase of gold in my inventory instead of a briefcase of silver <shaking my head at myself>)

To re-state it in the simplest terms. There is only the one change needed.


In the file "EvacChopper_init.sqf"

change this line:

_number_string = getPlayerUID _playertemp;


To this line:

_number_string = getPlayerUIDOld _playertemp;


I'm running DayZEpoch Chernarus map and the EvacField now persists through restart.

  You are awesome. Thanks a million!!

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Im having this problem..

Im using Admintools as well with this mod, and somehow the Remoteexec in BE filters is not correct..

I wonder if someone that has more knowledge then me.. (Probably anyone haha) about this, could help me fix it..




1 "" !="this enableSimulation false;this allowDammage false;this disableAI 'FSM';this disableAI 'ANIM';this disableAI 'MOVE';" !="\[this\] spawn BIS_Effects_AirDestruction" !"spawn BIS_Effects_Burn" !"spawn BIS_Effects_AirDestructionStage2" !="_this spawn fnc_plyrHit;"
1="\[this\] spawn BIS_Effects_AirDestruction"
5 "" !="this enableSimulation false;this allowDammage false;this disableAI 'FSM';this disableAI 'ANIM';this disableAI 'MOVE';" !="\[this\] spawn BIS_Effects_AirDestruction" !"spawn BIS_Effects_Burn" !"spawn BIS_Effects_AirDestructionStage2" !="_this spawn fnc_plyrHit;" !="true" !="evacZoneReached = true; evacChopper land 'LAND';" !=""
1="\[this\] spawn BIS_Effects_AirDestruction"
So these are the codes..
I need the bottom one to be combined with the top one, without any of them failing to work after..
I seem to have it to work a bit, since i just pasted the last few lines of the 2nd to the original.. This however disables me making new evac pads, or removing the old one..
Soo, i need a solution to combine these 2 together, without breaking the scripts itself..
Thanks in advance, for whoever manages to help me :)
EDIT: Ok, so for some reason it stopped working completely now.. Not sure what went wrong, but yeah..
I tried just putting the remoteexec only from the JAEM, and still not popping up anymore..
EDIT #2: Not sure what is going on here.. I placed one down way earlier, but now i cant seem to delete/add a new one..
Not sure what went wrong, will recheck all steps again.. Bleh, no fun..
EDIT #$!$*@!*3: ... After 4 hours i found out that i needed a locked chopper to build it.. F*CK ME.
Anyhow.. I just need the 2 Remoteexec to be combined, so i can use this with admintools..
If anyone would fix this for me, i'd be soo thankful! Gonna sleep now, nearly 7am..
Thanks in advance.
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I read through this post a bit but couldn't see any mention of this. Does anyone have the problem where the evac site disappears after server restart. This is happening all the players on my server.They need to pay again to set up the evac site.



Well you clearly didn't read the thread, look again and you will release you have to use getPlayerUIDold

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This fix does not seem to work for me, I am most likely doing something wrong I don't have _PlayerUID in the private line, the private line looks like this -


private["_number_string","_string_array","_result","_num", "_playertemp"];




This is what I have the EvacChopper_init set to but it still disappears 


ON_fnc_convertUID = {
private["_number_string","_string_array","_result","_num", "_playertemp"];   // Setup the local variables 
_playertemp = _this select 0;  // Grab the first parameter sent to the function.
_number_string = getPlayerUIDOld_playertemp; 
_string_array = toArray _number_string;  // Convert the PlayerUID string to a numberic unicode array.
_result = ""; 
Do I remove _number_string or _playertemp from the private line or add someting else?
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For me the menu showed, although I did try it with a random Heli and it didn't work but that was because you have to have a key for the heli which I'm sure you know. Hopefully someone here can shed some light on it for you. I'm still getting the problem where my Evac point disappears after restart even with the fix mentioned on here :(

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  • 2 weeks later...

once you place the evac you can lock the key in a safe and once the evac chopper has landed it will auto unlock when you get in proximity. if you do lock away the key, just dont call the evac too close to restart as it will lock its self after restart leaving you stranded once again.

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 A return function to send the heli back to the Evac point to rid of the relaying/need of another player to get everything back in order.

Not sure if anyone has any intentions of improvement for this mod, just though it would be a cool addition if anyone can pull it off.  :).

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im sorry if this has been covered but 21 pages of  comments and i cant seem to find it, but... i keep getting a "sorry but there is no chopper on your evac field" message... i tried setting several diff choppers on the field and  still no joy... any suggestions?

edit** ok it worked the second time but i recieved a waypoint restriction... and the evac field vanished on restart... i saw something about filters earlier in all this as well as something about the restart issue  ill recheck it tonight and see if i can get it set right awesome mod tho cant wait to see it working properly

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