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Adding buildings to chernarus. Dayz epoch 1.0.3



OK so, where to start:


1) I loaded into arma op using dayz commander  and added the map tool (@John C-5).

2) In game I've put all my objects on the map and when I finished I've saved it.

3) So into my documents find the mission file and then I've got 2 files.

4) I used the .sqf, I went into it deleted the things I didn't need (at the top) and added the if {server] to the top. I then create a new folder in my dayz_server.sqf called it maps. I put the buildings file in there. I then closed the if statement at the bottom of the buildings file. Then I went into my server _functions file ( in dayz_server.sqf) I went to the very bottom and added an execute line for the file I added in.


( I didn't have any MAP_ etc I was all land )


When I join the server it starts but when im loading into the game, the server fails to authenticate. Please can anybody help ?? I've done this thread of the top of my head ( I did it yesterday ) so its can the most accurate.. I can upload the files if needed just ask ;) / Thanks


Example of my 'objects'


_vehicle_0 = objNull;

if (true) then {   _this = createVehicle ["Land_A_GeneralStore_01", [7105.5522, 7802.2627, -0.99499023], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];  

_vehicle_0 = _this;  

_this setDir -102.32523;   _this setPos [7105.5522, 7802.2627, -0.99499023];


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5 answers to this question

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Adding buildings is very simple. There are a lot of methods to do, the best is to add them directly into your database but, the easiest way is below.



Go into the ARMA editor and place buildings in any location that you like. Save this file and then copy the code from the mission.sqf file that you just created.


You should put this information in a new .sql file. add in the below


if (isServer) then {


paste your code here





Once you have added the items to this file save the name to what you want. Now, open your Mission.pbo create a folder called Custom or buildings. In this folder, place the file that you just created.


Now just open your init.sqf go to the bottom and add in


// custom buildings

[] execVM "buildings\nameofyourfile.sqf";


This will load these custom buildings for you each time.


That is it..


Let me know if you see any issues.



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Yes its simple on mission side   this thread was about server side and its not simple   I have been trying for a decade with no success even though all my custom stuff works fine on my over bloated mission download     but my server is for those who want to play dayz after breakfast  so they start downloading my mission and then eat breakfast and when they are done its almost loaded and ready to play :)


my server can never find the folder I put in the root of server.pbo and my dozens of posts in all the forums have earned me no response  so I still offer the Breakfast Epoch Dayz 


Grumpy Gramps

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