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BRANDNEW !!! [Eng/Ger] Tanoa Zombieland-Epoch| zombielandepoch.clan.su   WE WANT YOU !!!I


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I was playing on this server for many hours now. I just can say its the best server for playing tanoa epoch. everything is running so stable and there is enought loot to find everywhere.

they have many cars spawning over the whole map. zombies and ai-hunter will cross your way to kill you so you always have to watch out.

of course the new apex stuff is available. the basebuilding system is revolutionary.missions are fun to solve. there are many traders and gas stations where you can modify almost every type of vehicle and


Its a new server so there are not so many players at the moment. thats why its limited to 60 player only.

I talked to the admin and he told me if they have a stable number of players they will set the server up to 100 player. I would love to see that.

The admins are very nice guys from swiss and they all speak good english and always listen to players problems.

I hope that you will take a look inside and see how good it is and tell your friends so the server will get more full.


hope to see you there

check out their website: www.zombielandepoch.clan.su




server IP:  or     arma.no-ip.info      Port: 2302

required mod: epoch  http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=421839251

optional mod: jsrs4   http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=27827





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Thank you Babbaz for your praise..

We just changed version from experimental to stable epoch release 0.3.9 and are looking forward to the Apex release at monday.

Till then  the Sneak Preview Arma version is running. The DB will stay.. so all you loot and build already now will stay on the server after Apex release..

Have fun, good luck and try your best to survive

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So the server is up to date + I think its time to show what scripts are running... we have:

-a custom map with shown ATMs and other goodies,

-two Extended Safezones (one is custom)

-Blackmarket traders

-service points (repair/ rearm your vehicle on every fuelstation)

-Paintshops (use mousewheel in garages to change the color of your vehicle, uniform or backpack)

-automatic earpluggs (when you get in a vehicle)


-custom loot system

-autolockpicker ( Unlocking vehicles and doors need electronic components and salvage metal small)

-custom spawn menu (with possibility to spawn at different places with gear)


-old fly system

-missile warning system

-roaming AI survivors, patrols

-different  PvE missions (static and dynamic)

-different PvP missions

-Taru pods

-iGi-Load script

-server info menu

-server restart warnings


See you soon on zombieland Epoch Tanoa

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How much FPS with so many additional scripts you have? :D In my opinion, you included all the worse scripts one could find. I mean black market, AI patrol hackers seeing through walls, scroll wheel bullshit which makes opening doors pain in the ass and spawning with gear and all over the place... Why people do this?

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Server runs stable till now.. but we still need players to test how it is with more than 15 ppl ;).. you're very welcome to join it, play around and test it..

loading AI, loot and things will make the sfps be nomore 50 after 4 hours of playing (which is restarting time) for shure.. but there's a strong machine behind which can handle a lot I think.

I am very open for a good replacement of the blackmarket trader script..if you have one, please tell me..

I like the way to inform people about the server in a more graphic way than the briefing thing, so that's why I think it's a good way to show in server info menu. But tastes are different.. :)

And about the AI patrols... I will not tell them, you called them hackers.. I never made the experience, that they can watch tru walls... and i spectated some of them for a long time. ;) they are great, come on..

Thank you for your feedback + your support

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  • 4 months later...

We added Zombies & Demons mod today and it works great with zombie zones. The mod is needed for players to join the server. Ppl who don't like zombies will not come in contact with 'em, aslong as they don't move into the yellow zones marked on the map.

also added

- Advanced Towing

 - Zombie-Loot

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just need newest Arma 3 1.66 + Apex DLC

Epochmod 0.4.0 : https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?l=german&id=421839251

+ Zombies and demons Mod: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=501966277

Should all be listed at the Serverbrowser before joining.

Disable all other mods and your way will be open to join :)

Still any questions? :) Join TS Server with IP:   arma.no-ip.info



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  • 3 weeks later...

Since the last post we changed

-Earplug Script to [Ignatz] earplug script

-Playerbar to [Ignatz] Statusbar                     -Thank you He-Man

We added

-option to Exit from Server Info Scrollbar menu    -Thank you for your feedback in here KPABATOK

-virtual garage near safezone

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  • 4 months later...
  • 10 months later...

-Up to date Epoch 1.1

-Added some new mission and map-Additions

-Added swimming castle Area: 20170716184907_1.jpg.406dfe9e5fc6b9d8b02

-Added a virtual garage

-Added Deployable Sleeping Bags as Spawn Points (Spawn beacons)

-Added "Talk to the Blackmarket" (He knows about server mistery and funny stuff)

-Changed Zombie Zones to EpochZ

-Worked at Acion menus at the safezone and close your jammer

-connected Defibrillator

-added optional Mod:

Enhanced Movement: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?l=german&id=333310405

Have fun surviving

IP:  arma.no-ip.info

Port: 2302

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 6 months later...
  On 10/25/2018 at 9:13 PM, Cruzado45 said:

Hey Tarabas, just wondering why water purification tablets are under the vehicle menu? I purchased one and went to get it off the vehicle spawn point, but could not for the life of me pick it up. Just curious, thanks!


Hi Cruzado45

I did not sort them by myself (not even shure, if it's possible to sort them)

usually when you bought something it's in your inventory and ready to use.


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  On 10/25/2018 at 9:27 PM, Tarabas said:

Hi Cruzado45

I did not sort them by myself (not even shure, if it's possible to sort them)

usually when you bought something it's in your inventory and ready to use.



I understand, just curious. I think from where it's under the vehicle listings it considers it a vehicle thus when you purchase it, it spawns on the vehicle spawn point. I'm not worried about it though, I can handle Dude Soda lol

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  • 4 months later...
  • 4 months later...
  • 3 months later...

Tanoa Server is up to date

Arma 3: 1.96

Epoch: 1.32

Added: Extended Bridges

Changed: Different Killfeed now for AI, players and groups

Changed: Players will be able to use halo spawn by pressing space at the clone tubes.

Fixed: Blackmarket Trader errors

Fixed: Smoke weed in safezones/bases

Fixed: Virtual Garage

IP:  arma.no-ip.info

Port: 2302

Discord Zombielandepoch


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  • 6 months later...
  • 1 year later...

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