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A3EAI - Roaming/Vehicle AI Patrols - Discontinued


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A3EAI version 0.3.0 update has been released on Github (Link: https://github.com/dayzai/A3EAI)






A3EAI 0.3.0 Alpha

Files changed:

[NEW] A3EAI Wikia: Added guide on A3EAI config settings, currently a work in progress (http://a3eai.wikia.com/wiki/Configuring_A3EAI_Settings)
[NEW] Added ability for AI to heal themselves when injured. Note: Level 0 AI will not self-heal.
[NEW] Added ability for AI helicopters (both armed and unarmed) to deploy a paradrop group. Configurable settings: Probability for paradrop group deployments, paradrop group size, paradrop cooldown.
[NEW] AI helicopter reinforcements will now always deploy a paradrop group if a player is near the reinforcement location.
[NEW] Added setting to configure player helicopter detection chance for AI air vehicles (A3EAI_detectChance).
[FIXED] Respawn limits for static AI spawns now reset properly on area despawn.
[FIXED] Dynamic spawn manager will now ignore headless clients.
[CHANGED] Dynamic spawns: Target player is no longer exempt from distance check for AI spawning. Should prevent cases of AI spawning too close to target player.
[CHANGED] Moved AI helicopter reinforcement probability setting from Dynamic AI settings to AI Air Vehicle settings.
[CHANGED] Dynamic and Random AI can no longer spawn inside buildings.
[CHANGED] Reduced distance check and spawn position variance for custom AI spawns and respawns.
[CHANGED] Both armed and unarmed AI air vehicles may now be called for Dynamic AI reinforcement.
[CHANGED] Classname verification now rejects any vehicles that contain "init" statements as they will cause players to be kicked by BattlEye. Users who have manually added BE filter exceptions can allow these vehicles to be spawned by A3EAI by disabling classname verification by setting A3EAI_verifyClassnames = false.
[CHANGED] Settings verification now also checks if certain settings are properly defined and within allowable ranges.
[CHANGED] Removed B_Heli_Attack_01_F from A3EAI_heliList due to its HE (High-Explosive) ammunition.

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I made one helicopter patrol and assigned it "B_Heli_Transport_01_F" but in the log I see this:


"A3EAI Extended Debug: Spawned 0 cargo units for R Alpha 1-1 vehicle B_Heli_Transport_01_F."


Does this mean that it won't drop any AI if it gets into a situation where it should? Should I use a different helicopter? I don't want any armed helicopters.

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  On 2/16/2015 at 12:22 PM, BetterDeadThanZed said:

There's something I've been wondering about since the DZAI days. How come only dynamic AI get the helicopter backup? Why don't static AI get that too?


For a couple of reasons:


Dynamic spawns receive the target player's exact position upon activation, which makes it possible to give a helicopter a position to travel to. Static spawns aren't aware of player locations, they're just "player aware" and activate whenever a player is nearby. There's also a lot more static spawns on an average map than dynamic spawns - currently the auto static spawn generator creates 59 static spawns on Altis. Many of these spawns may be active at any particular moment, and there is no guarantee a player is actually within a spawn area at that particular moment - they might have entered just enough to activate the spawn, then promptly did a 180 and went back.


Dynamic spawns are created one per player, which makes it easier to assign one helicopter per dynamic spawn. When you have an unpredictable number of active static spawns (ie: you may have all 59 static spawns on Altis active), you could get to the point where there are so many reinforcement points that the amount of helicopters you have on hand won't be able to take care of them all. Dynamic spawns are meant to simulate an ambush upon a player, and an additional helicopter reinforcement (with paradrop group) just adds to the "ohhhh f*ck*" feeling. Static spawns are just meant to provide a constant, predictable level of threat in certain known areas.


AI helicopters already travel between named locations, which is also where static spawns are located. So in a way, they are already reinforcing by coincidence.


  On 2/16/2015 at 12:54 PM, BetterDeadThanZed said:

I made one helicopter patrol and assigned it "B_Heli_Transport_01_F" but in the log I see this:


"A3EAI Extended Debug: Spawned 0 cargo units for R Alpha 1-1 vehicle B_Heli_Transport_01_F."


Does this mean that it won't drop any AI if it gets into a situation where it should? Should I use a different helicopter? I don't want any armed helicopters.


Paradrop groups aren't actually ever present inside the helicopter as cargo units, they're actually spawned in parachutes at the moment they're supposed to "paradrop" and never actually interact with the helicopter in any way. The reason is because placing cargo units inside helicopters always causes them to land (which with A3EAI, triggers a despawn) even if the cargo units parachute out a split second after they're inserted into the vehicle. The cargo space limitation is used to avoid strange cases where a helicopter with 2 passenger seats (for example) suddenly releases a group of 8 units.


So don't mind that 0 cargo units line. It's normal because no cargo units are ever actually added to air vehicles due to the problem I mentioned above, but paradrop units will be created when they are needed.

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I encountered something odd in the newest release: after turning up the vehicle rate, and increasing the lvl 1 ai rate to spawn in vehicles. When I come against a lvl 1 vehicle the ai are somewhat confused in there actions, for instance twice I got shot and fell to the ground, and as the enemy stood there watching me, i was able to first aid myself (which was a mis-click), stand up again and kill the ai whom was just standing there with a look like he was trying to do 2 things at once. Oddly, the enemies I encounter that do not exit from vehicles don't seem to act this way.


On a side note, I just finished my bowl and forgot what I was gonna say. Have fun then...

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  On 2/17/2015 at 12:16 PM, dank said:

I encountered something odd in the newest release: after turning up the vehicle rate, and increasing the lvl 1 ai rate to spawn in vehicles. When I come against a lvl 1 vehicle the ai are somewhat confused in there actions, for instance twice I got shot and fell to the ground, and as the enemy stood there watching me, i was able to first aid myself (which was a mis-click), stand up again and kill the ai whom was just standing there with a look like he was trying to do 2 things at once. Oddly, the enemies I encounter that do not exit from vehicles don't seem to act this way.


On a side note, I just finished my bowl and forgot what I was gonna say. Have fun then...


Not sure of this myself, the vehicle AI have always been very deadly to me. It could be because it's being ordered to re-enter the vehicle (either by its group leader or A3EAI) or it's AI processing lag time. Those are just guesses.


  On 2/17/2015 at 11:59 PM, Dobrowney said:

Having some problems with the AI walking though base building parts . Is there a way to fix this ? 


AI walking through objects, even the stock map objects, is a well-known ArmA 2/3 bug. Unfortunately it doesn't look like I can do anything about this with scripting.

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  On 2/18/2015 at 12:29 AM, Face said:

Not sure of this myself, the vehicle AI have always been very deadly to me. It could be because it's being ordered to re-enter the vehicle (either by its group leader or A3EAI) or it's AI processing lag time. Those are just guesses.



AI walking through objects, even the stock map objects, is a well-known ArmA 2/3 bug. Unfortunately it doesn't look like I can do anything about this with scripting.


There's no way to make them simply turn away from anything that's a building or Epoch buildable classname? like if they're within a certain distance of any of them they get turned around / pushed back or something? Might make them move really weird though.


I know in ARMA 2 Epoch the tank traps used to completely stop them, it messed up their pathing and they couldn't get around them.

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  On 2/18/2015 at 12:38 AM, Havoc302 said:

There's no way to make them simply turn away from anything that's a building or Epoch buildable classname? like if they're within a certain distance of any of them they get turned around / pushed back or something? Might make them move really weird though.


I know in ARMA 2 Epoch the tank traps used to completely stop them, it messed up their pathing and they couldn't get around them.


Simply relocating AI is not a very practical solution because constant object checking is very resource-intensive and would cost you your server's performance. In the end this is a ArmA related bug and can only be solved by the BI devs. The devs have been working on a solution for this, but I'm not sure if the fixes have actually went through yet (example case: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=19588). In the example case there was a user-made workaround to force the game engine to recognize object positions, but this done on a per-object basis and not practical in Epoch, where you could have thousands of objects that may need constant position refreshing.

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Update: Finished documentation for the A3EAI_config.sqf file on the A3EAI Wikia: http://a3eai.wikia.com/wiki/Configuring_A3EAI_Settings


Before you ask "How do I change (setting)?" or anything related to configuration settings, check out that page.


Note that in the future the A3EAI_config.sqf will be remade into a .cpp file (A3EAI_config.cpp).


Next step is to create a page describing how each major spawning system works (Static/Dynamic/Random).

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  On 2/15/2015 at 5:55 PM, Salutesh said:



First off all, excuse my bad english..


Is there a way to spawn NPCs with a condition like: if there is a crate in a given radius then spawn some units?


I try to make a H1Z1 liked Supply Drop Script for Epoch.


Here you can see how the drop script itself works, so you can understand my Plan:




And no my Plan is a Event not a PayToWin Conzept :D


I made a helicopter drop mission here: 


It drops crates on a random landing zone... you could always edit the code and drop in AI near the crates if you wanted to do that. The code is really easy to follow with lots of comments, etc. 


A3EAI's units are definitely well-scripted - you might use that for inspiration. 

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