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Gelid Nitro - In Car Option


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class CfgSounds {
class nitro {
titles[] = {};
class suction {
titles[] = {};
class exhaustor {
titles[] = {};

should i but this at the bottom of the description.ext

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TNT, now it's activated pressing space bar when in the car. Here the How to Use:

PS: I forgot to translate the messages: Nitro Ligado! is Nitro ON! and Nitro Desligado! is Nitro OFF!


1 - Enter in a car that have Nitro, see list bellow.

2 - You will listem am initial air flow sound (this happens on cars that have Nitro).

3 - Press space bar to turn Nitro On/Off.

4 - When you reach 50 Km/h, the Nitro sound will start, and your car will receive a boost.

List of cars with Nitro (you can change it):


donn_nitroCars = [
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1) I can put the Nitro On / Nitro Off option in Self Actions, but the use of Nitro pressing Left Shift can't be put in Self Actions.

*** Like LSHIFT is a Custom Bind allways needed, i believe people with infiSTAR is having the problem since first version ***

2) The text is tranlated now.

TehGunz, i wil lcontact you.

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you don't have any instructions on how to install the script you just have the script its self , that's what i meant by my earlier comment sorry =P



[] execVM "nitro\nitro.sqf";
works for me , no need for old fn_selfActions.sqf code
thanks Donnovan
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Infistar Fix:


Open AHconfig.sqf



_RCK =  true;

Replace to :

_RCK =  false;

Open AH.sqf



if (_curVeh isKindOf 'Air') then {_maxdist = 750;};
if (_curVeh isKindOf 'LandVehicle') then {_maxdist = 400;};
if (_curVeh isKindOf 'Ship') then {_maxdist = 400;};

Replace them to the top speed you want

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  On 11/12/2014 at 2:44 AM, Donnovan said:


InfiSTAR still remove custom binds on vehicles if you set _RCK to false. There is something special about custom keys on vehicles that make infiSTAR still remove then.

Hey dude, have been working through infistars code and trying different things on the _display46 section of the ah.

Couldnt help but notice that moving the key into the dayz_spaceinterrupt may help as allot of the AH calls the spaceinterrupt :)

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Sounds good, you can restrict the speed with a simple added condition similar to the speed > 50 one that is already in, limited my copy to 200 which seems to limit it at around 230

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  On 11/12/2014 at 2:44 AM, Donnovan said:


InfiSTAR still remove custom binds on vehicles if you set _RCK to false. There is something special about custom keys on vehicles that make infiSTAR still remove then.

#Fixed [:D]

I have also left the remove keybinds = true

To fix the key bind issue while using Infistar do the following..

In you Ah.sqf look on "Roughly" line 1510

Look for


						_display46 displayRemoveAllEventHandlers 'KeyPress';
						_display46 displayRemoveAllEventHandlers 'KeyUp';
						_display46 displayRemoveAllEventHandlers 'onMouseZChanged';
						_display46 displayAddEventHandler ['KeyUp','_this call "+_randvar6+";false;'];

and change it to

						_display46 displayRemoveAllEventHandlers 'KeyPress';
						_display46 displayRemoveAllEventHandlers 'KeyUp';
						if (!isNil 'donn_problem') then {nosKeyUp = (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ['KeyUp','_this select 1 call kUpFunc; false;'];};
						_display46 displayRemoveAllEventHandlers 'onMouseZChanged';
						_display46 displayAddEventHandler ['KeyUp','_this call "+_randvar6+";false;'];

Next line 1530 ish

					dayz_spaceInterrupt"+_randvar6+" = _dayz_spaceInterrupt;
					_display46 displayAddEventHandler ['KeyDown','_this call dayz_spaceInterrupt"+_randvar6+";'];


					dayz_spaceInterrupt"+_randvar6+" = _dayz_spaceInterrupt;
					_display46 displayAddEventHandler ['KeyDown','_this call dayz_spaceInterrupt"+_randvar6+";'];
					if (!isNil 'donn_problem') then {nosKeyDown = (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ['KeyDown','_this select 1 call kDownFunc; false;'];};

finally add at line 1540 ish

					_display46 = (findDisplay 46);
					if (!isNull _display46) then
						_display46 displayRemoveAllEventHandlers 'KeyUp';
						_display46 displayAddEventHandler ['KeyUp','_this call "+_randvar6+";false;'];


					_display46 = (findDisplay 46);
					if (!isNull _display46) then
						_display46 displayRemoveAllEventHandlers 'KeyUp';
						_display46 displayAddEventHandler ['KeyUp','_this call "+_randvar6+";false;'];
						if (!isNil 'donn_problem') then {nosKeyUp = (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ['KeyUp','_this select 1 call kUpFunc; false;'];};

Done !! :)


A big shout out and thankyou to Infistar for this fix.

I was looking in the right place but his god powers just were too much B)


Big thanks to 


for his contribution to the community :D



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Can anyone confirm this working with infistar? I get the initial sound and the messages for on and off but none of the other sounds or the speed boost. I added the above edits to the ah too.







Just tested without AH and no luck. No errors, I get the initial sound and messages show up but no speed boost. 

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  On 11/22/2014 at 7:43 PM, SilkTricky said:

Can anyone confirm this working with infistar? I get the initial sound and the messages for on and off but none of the other sounds or the speed boost. I added the above edits to the ah too.







Just tested without AH and no luck. No errors, I get the initial sound and messages show up but no speed boost. 

Hey dude, did you seem my post above ? I confirmed the fix, working great. The mod was working for admins only before so we knew the code was working fine.

Have you checked both your client and server logs logs ?

Obviously there is something else at work if your removed the AH and it still doesnt work ;).

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gle353, you just need to go for that if you use infiStar.


AH.sqf is located in you server pbo dayz_server.pbo into the folder @DayZ_Epoch_Server.

pbo files are like zip files, they have many files and folders inside.

You need to extract the files and folders from dayz_epoch.pbo, using software like PBO Manager, and than search for AH.sqf into the init folder.

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