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client packet overflow while using traders


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1. The server you were playing on.


2. What arma3 build and what Epoch build you are using.

Arma3 1.30, newest Epochversion

3. What it was you were doing

While Trading.

4. Is it repeatable.

For some people, yes.


I am basicly writing this bugreport for a friend, as it is working fine for me.

But he has constant troubles with this issue:


Everything works fine as long as he doesnt interact with the traders or trade with players.

While the interaction, he gets a massive desyncrate, it seems that arma is sending more packets than usually, his Router seems to decide that this is a malicous connection and he looses connection.

Its probably just a problem on his side (Fritzbox Router) but perhaps other people also ran into this problem.  He goes around this issue with tethering his connection with his smartphone, doesnt occur there.

It didnt get better with the the Arma 130 patch (which was aimed at connection performance from what ive heard.)


Probably a bug that affects only certain routers, but he could play Altis Life just fine. (perhaps just his router being fucked up ;) ) Just wanted to let you know about that,

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He could try to update his router firmware or try and disable any weird security features on his router or PC. 


Yeah, we went into that, but his router doesnt give him any options on that. If nobody else ran into this issue, its maybe really only an individual routerproblem.

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