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[Release] The Trainyard (Trader City west of Kamenka)


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Hey folks, I recently started hosting an Epoch server and I found the southwest to be rather empty, so I decided to create a trader city just west of Kamenka as my first project.

This is the first ever addition I've made in ArmA II, so be gentle please :)





Required files



Installation Instructions

1. Download and unpack your server.pbo if necessary

2. Create a folder called buildings to the root of it.

3. Now place the trainyard.sqf you fetched from the above link into that folder

4. Add the following line to the very bottom of server_functions.sqf in the init folder of your server.pbo

execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\buildings\trainyard.sqf"; //Trader City - The Trainyard

5. Now repack and upload your server.pbo where applicable



I will not go into detail as how to add traders into your server, but here is a working tutorial made by ITr1ckst3rI at OpenDayZ



Trader Positions & Map Marker

You can also fetch the locations of all the traders and the map marker from the beginning of the provided sqf file



Weapons:           [1276.1621, 2422.5857] | _this setDir -153.82375;
Ammunition:        [1269.5092, 2425.2314] | _this setDir -189.233;
Food & Drink:      [1241.8206, 2420.8257] | _this setDir -97.022392;
Black Market:      [1286.1881, 2376.4299] | _this setDir -37.361141;
Building Supplies: [1224.7496, 2422.2263] | _this setDir -183.51724;
Medical:           [1263.4926, 2427.6199] | _this setDir -151.84038;
Vehicles:          [1204.2427, 2386.3708] | _this setDir 78.313698;

Map marker:

    class ItemXX (XX being the next number on the list)
text="The Trainyard";

Note: When adding the map marker into your mission.sqm file, do not forget to update the items=XX number

class Markers
items=17; -> items=18;



I hope you like it! And any feedback / criticism is more than welcome




My other work:

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