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  1. Like
    Grahame got a reaction from Helion4 in A3E Animated Crash Spawner   
    I  always liked the animated helicopter crash spawner in ARMA2/DayZ/Epoch and, with permission, I have ported the latest version provided by @JasonTM to ARMA3/Epoch. It's nice as an enhancement to the existing static ARMA3/Epoch DayZ-Style Helo Crash Sites script or as a replacement. It is great to see a helo flying around for a while and then crash, spilling loot around the burning wreck 
    Note that the version provided requires that you have CUP Terrains Core and CUP Vehicles installed on your server (so you'd be good to go after changing the loot @natoed and @Drokz ).
    It's not that difficult to mod the loot and helos/planes used by the script for vanilla ARMA3 weapons and equipment (that I hate) so I leave that at an exercise for the reader.
    Also note that the helo does not crash at the centre of the marker that appears... it is within that area only!
    Download AnimatedCrashSpawner.sqf from https://github.com/morgoth0/Animated-Crash-Spawner and put it in the EpochEvents folder of your epoch_server_settings PBO.
    Feel free to play with the configuration settings at the top of the file:
    RePBO epoch_server_settings and upload to your server. Then add the following line to the events[] array in @EpochHive/epoch_config.hpp changing the first number to match how often you want the script to run:
    { 2700, "AnimatedCrashSpawner", 0 , 1, -1, {} ,{"VR"}}, And enjoy!
    Issues/To Dos
    For the life of me I cannot get client side messages about the incoming helos working right now for this script. Tried using the same mechanism as I used in the DZMS system and then the function used in the Message Epoch event but both just made the script silently fail... Will fix asap, but the script works fine without them and the marker is placed when the helo crashes. Better loot table handling - probably using additions to the CfgLootTable
  2. Like
    Grahame got a reaction from JasonTM in A3E Animated Crash Spawner   
    I  always liked the animated helicopter crash spawner in ARMA2/DayZ/Epoch and, with permission, I have ported the latest version provided by @JasonTM to ARMA3/Epoch. It's nice as an enhancement to the existing static ARMA3/Epoch DayZ-Style Helo Crash Sites script or as a replacement. It is great to see a helo flying around for a while and then crash, spilling loot around the burning wreck 
    Note that the version provided requires that you have CUP Terrains Core and CUP Vehicles installed on your server (so you'd be good to go after changing the loot @natoed and @Drokz ).
    It's not that difficult to mod the loot and helos/planes used by the script for vanilla ARMA3 weapons and equipment (that I hate) so I leave that at an exercise for the reader.
    Also note that the helo does not crash at the centre of the marker that appears... it is within that area only!
    Download AnimatedCrashSpawner.sqf from https://github.com/morgoth0/Animated-Crash-Spawner and put it in the EpochEvents folder of your epoch_server_settings PBO.
    Feel free to play with the configuration settings at the top of the file:
    RePBO epoch_server_settings and upload to your server. Then add the following line to the events[] array in @EpochHive/epoch_config.hpp changing the first number to match how often you want the script to run:
    { 2700, "AnimatedCrashSpawner", 0 , 1, -1, {} ,{"VR"}}, And enjoy!
    Issues/To Dos
    For the life of me I cannot get client side messages about the incoming helos working right now for this script. Tried using the same mechanism as I used in the DZMS system and then the function used in the Message Epoch event but both just made the script silently fail... Will fix asap, but the script works fine without them and the marker is placed when the helo crashes. Better loot table handling - probably using additions to the CfgLootTable
  3. Like
    Grahame got a reaction from natoed in [WIP] Potential Uniform/Vest Glitch Fix   
    UPDATED CheckUniformVest.sqf with the excellent recommendations from @He-Man
    Here is a suggestion to solve the issue of ARMA3's uniform and vest glitches that can result in a player logging in without one or both anymore, despite the fact that they never noticed that they had vanished when they were last on. The script needs some eyes on it and testing, though I have verified that it runs without errors. 
    Open your epoch_server_settings.pbo. Create a file called CheckUniformVest.sqf in the EpochEvents folder with the following contents:
    UniformVestCheck = { if (typeOf player == "VirtualMan_EPOCH") exitWith {}; params ["_uniform", "_vest"]; if (!(uniform player isEqualTo _uniform) || !(vest player isEqualTo _vest)) then { player setunitloadout (getunitloadout player); //["The server had to replace your uniform as it was bugged", 5] call Epoch_message; }; }; publicVariable "UniformVestCheck"; { if (alive _x) then { if (uniform _x == "" || vest _x == "") then { if !(getPlayerUID _x isEqualTo "") then { [uniform _x, vest _x] remoteExecCall ["UniformVestCheck", owner _x]; }; }; }; } forEach allPlayers; Uncomment the Epoch_message lines if you want the afflicted players to know that they have been fixed.
    RePBO epoch_server_settings.pbo and upload to @EpochHive/addons on your server.
    Open @EpochHive/epochconfig.hpp on your server and add the following line to the events[] array:
    { 30, "CheckUniformVest", 0 , 1, -1, {} ,{"VR"}}, Add !"UniformVestCheck" to your BattlEye publicvariable.txt filter and reload the BE scripts.
    That's it. Let me know of any issues.
  4. Thanks
    Grahame got a reaction from natoed in A3E Animated Crash Spawner   
    I  always liked the animated helicopter crash spawner in ARMA2/DayZ/Epoch and, with permission, I have ported the latest version provided by @JasonTM to ARMA3/Epoch. It's nice as an enhancement to the existing static ARMA3/Epoch DayZ-Style Helo Crash Sites script or as a replacement. It is great to see a helo flying around for a while and then crash, spilling loot around the burning wreck 
    Note that the version provided requires that you have CUP Terrains Core and CUP Vehicles installed on your server (so you'd be good to go after changing the loot @natoed and @Drokz ).
    It's not that difficult to mod the loot and helos/planes used by the script for vanilla ARMA3 weapons and equipment (that I hate) so I leave that at an exercise for the reader.
    Also note that the helo does not crash at the centre of the marker that appears... it is within that area only!
    Download AnimatedCrashSpawner.sqf from https://github.com/morgoth0/Animated-Crash-Spawner and put it in the EpochEvents folder of your epoch_server_settings PBO.
    Feel free to play with the configuration settings at the top of the file:
    RePBO epoch_server_settings and upload to your server. Then add the following line to the events[] array in @EpochHive/epoch_config.hpp changing the first number to match how often you want the script to run:
    { 2700, "AnimatedCrashSpawner", 0 , 1, -1, {} ,{"VR"}}, And enjoy!
    Issues/To Dos
    For the life of me I cannot get client side messages about the incoming helos working right now for this script. Tried using the same mechanism as I used in the DZMS system and then the function used in the Message Epoch event but both just made the script silently fail... Will fix asap, but the script works fine without them and the marker is placed when the helo crashes. Better loot table handling - probably using additions to the CfgLootTable
  5. Like
    Grahame got a reaction from Drokz in A3E Animated Crash Spawner   
    I  always liked the animated helicopter crash spawner in ARMA2/DayZ/Epoch and, with permission, I have ported the latest version provided by @JasonTM to ARMA3/Epoch. It's nice as an enhancement to the existing static ARMA3/Epoch DayZ-Style Helo Crash Sites script or as a replacement. It is great to see a helo flying around for a while and then crash, spilling loot around the burning wreck 
    Note that the version provided requires that you have CUP Terrains Core and CUP Vehicles installed on your server (so you'd be good to go after changing the loot @natoed and @Drokz ).
    It's not that difficult to mod the loot and helos/planes used by the script for vanilla ARMA3 weapons and equipment (that I hate) so I leave that at an exercise for the reader.
    Also note that the helo does not crash at the centre of the marker that appears... it is within that area only!
    Download AnimatedCrashSpawner.sqf from https://github.com/morgoth0/Animated-Crash-Spawner and put it in the EpochEvents folder of your epoch_server_settings PBO.
    Feel free to play with the configuration settings at the top of the file:
    RePBO epoch_server_settings and upload to your server. Then add the following line to the events[] array in @EpochHive/epoch_config.hpp changing the first number to match how often you want the script to run:
    { 2700, "AnimatedCrashSpawner", 0 , 1, -1, {} ,{"VR"}}, And enjoy!
    Issues/To Dos
    For the life of me I cannot get client side messages about the incoming helos working right now for this script. Tried using the same mechanism as I used in the DZMS system and then the function used in the Message Epoch event but both just made the script silently fail... Will fix asap, but the script works fine without them and the marker is placed when the helo crashes. Better loot table handling - probably using additions to the CfgLootTable
  6. Like
    Grahame reacted to Kenobi in A3E Take Clothes   
    My friend told me this issue, I tryed reproduce this on my test server but negative. I ask him for video, so maybe later I can post some stuff :-)
  7. Thanks
    Grahame reacted to He-Man in [WIP] Potential Uniform/Vest Glitch Fix   
    You could reduce a bit performance with this:
    { if (alive _x) then { if (uniform _x == "" || vest _x == "") then { if !(getPlayerUID _x isEqualTo "") then { [uniform _x, vest _x] remoteExecCall ["UniformVestCheck", owner _x]; }; }; }; } forEach allPlayers; Then you only push it, if the player really has no visible uniform / vest for the Server.
    Another really helpfull (new) command is "getunitloadout" and "setunitloadout".
    UniformVestCheck = { if (typeOf player == "VirtualMan_EPOCH") exitWith {}; params ["_uniform", "_vest"]; if (!(uniform player isEqualTo _uniform) || !(vest player isEqualTo _vest)) then { player setunitloadout (getunitloadout player); //["The server had to replace your uniform as it was bugged", 5] call Epoch_message; }; }; Then the player will just completely reload his loadout...
  8. Like
    Grahame got a reaction from TheVampire in A3E DZMS   
    ARMA3 DayZ Mission System (DZMS)
    This is a purely derivative port of the DayZ Mission System to ARMA3/Epoch. I have added functionality where appropriate (equipping uniforms for example) and stripped and replaced ARMA2 or DayZ/Epoch specific code in this implementation.
    The DayZ Mission System is a very good, lightweight and modular mission system.
    There are a lot of people who have contributed to DZMS on A2/DayZ/Epoch. Please check the links below for many of them. Personally they all have my thanks for providing a solid mission system that has been a lot of fun to play in the years I've spent on DayZ/Epoch:
    Download from GitHub at:
    Installation Instructions
    If using Vanilla ARMA3/Epoch, and you just want to just try it out simply download and upload the DZMS.pbo in the @EpochHive folder into the @EpochHive/addons folder on your server.
    The source files, including the three config files are located in the DZMS folder on GitHub
    Coming soon
    All the missions included within the latest version of DZMS 1.1 uploaded by @JasonTM will be implemented using CUP Terrains Core for use on maps and servers that support it. A module to support Static weapons at missions More diverse and varied loot tables for custom crates A port of the DZMS Hotspots code for roadblocks and other such interesting things The ability to run multiple major, minor and hotspot missions Better configuration instructions and a mission file design tutorial
  9. Like
    Grahame got a reaction from Sneer in A3E DZMS   
    ARMA3 DayZ Mission System (DZMS)
    This is a purely derivative port of the DayZ Mission System to ARMA3/Epoch. I have added functionality where appropriate (equipping uniforms for example) and stripped and replaced ARMA2 or DayZ/Epoch specific code in this implementation.
    The DayZ Mission System is a very good, lightweight and modular mission system.
    There are a lot of people who have contributed to DZMS on A2/DayZ/Epoch. Please check the links below for many of them. Personally they all have my thanks for providing a solid mission system that has been a lot of fun to play in the years I've spent on DayZ/Epoch:
    Download from GitHub at:
    Installation Instructions
    If using Vanilla ARMA3/Epoch, and you just want to just try it out simply download and upload the DZMS.pbo in the @EpochHive folder into the @EpochHive/addons folder on your server.
    The source files, including the three config files are located in the DZMS folder on GitHub
    Coming soon
    All the missions included within the latest version of DZMS 1.1 uploaded by @JasonTM will be implemented using CUP Terrains Core for use on maps and servers that support it. A module to support Static weapons at missions More diverse and varied loot tables for custom crates A port of the DZMS Hotspots code for roadblocks and other such interesting things The ability to run multiple major, minor and hotspot missions Better configuration instructions and a mission file design tutorial
  10. Like
    Grahame got a reaction from Ghostrider-GRG in A3E Take Clothes   
    ARMA3 Take Clothes Script
    As some of you are aware, one of my pet peeves with ARMA3 is that Bohemia added detachable uniforms but then made it so you could not wear all of them by siding each. Thus, in Epoch, if you are female, you can wear female and NATO uniforms, but not CSAT or AAF. Males have a similar issue being bared from wearing NATO or AAF. While some mods like Tryk's unlock all their uniforms, unfortunately many do not (including CUP). Here is my work-in-progress solution to the problem that allows you to take and wear any uniform that a dead adversary is wearing.
    UPDATE: 2/27/2018 @ 1916EST: Updated the code and installation instructions based on feedback from the community.
    UPDATE: 3/21/2018 @ 0943EST: Updated the code based on feedback from the community and a rewrite by He-Man.
    Create a file in your favourite text editor called TakeClothes.sqf with the following code:
    /* Author: Grahame/He-Man Description: Take and wear any clothes from a dead player or AI Licence: Arma Public License Share Alike (APL-SA) - https://www.bistudio.com/community/licenses/arma-public-license-share-alike */ private ["_target_uniform","_player_uniform"]; params ["_target","_player"]; _nearentities = (((_player nearEntities 7) select {isplayer _x && alive _x && !(_x iskindof "HeadlessClient_F")}) - [_player]); if !(_nearentities isequalto []) exitwith { ["Cannot take clothes when other players are nearby",5] call epoch_message; }; if (uniform _target isequalto "") exitwith { ["Target has no uniform to take",5] call epoch_message; }; _playerloadout = getunitloadout _player; _targetloadout = getunitloadout _target; _player_uniform = _playerloadout param [3,""]; _target_uniform = _targetloadout param [3,""]; _playerloadout set [3,_target_uniform]; _targetloadout set [3,_player_uniform]; _player setunitloadout _playerloadout; _target setunitloadout _targetloadout; Put that file in your mission, for example as custom/TakeClothes.sqf.
    Add the following lines to your mission's init.sqf:
    if(hasInterface) then{ TakeClothes = compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "custom\TakeClothes.sqf"; }; In your mission file, edit the epoch_config/Configs/CfgActionMenu/CfgActionMenu_target.hpp, adding the following lines to the end:
    // Take Clothes class take_clothes { condition = "((!alive dyna_cursorTarget) && ((dyna_cursorTarget isKindOf 'SoldierWB') || (dyna_cursorTarget isKindOf 'SoldierEB') || (dyna_cursorTarget isKindOf 'SoldierGB')))"; action = "[dyna_cursorTarget, player] call TakeClothes;"; icon = "x\addons\a3_epoch_code\Data\UI\buttons\group_requests_ca.paa"; tooltip = "Take Clothes"; }; Rebuild the mission file and upload to the server.
    Voila! You can now look at any dead player or AI and take and wear their uniform no matter what it is! 
    Though no code was needed from the DayZ/ARMA2/Epoch Take Clothes script, it is the reason I have always been so bugged about not being able to wear uniforms from dead adversaries. Yeah, I'm a bit of a bandit that way for sure 
    Anyway, cheers guys:
  11. Like
    Grahame got a reaction from He-Man in A3E Take Clothes   
    ARMA3 Take Clothes Script
    As some of you are aware, one of my pet peeves with ARMA3 is that Bohemia added detachable uniforms but then made it so you could not wear all of them by siding each. Thus, in Epoch, if you are female, you can wear female and NATO uniforms, but not CSAT or AAF. Males have a similar issue being bared from wearing NATO or AAF. While some mods like Tryk's unlock all their uniforms, unfortunately many do not (including CUP). Here is my work-in-progress solution to the problem that allows you to take and wear any uniform that a dead adversary is wearing.
    UPDATE: 2/27/2018 @ 1916EST: Updated the code and installation instructions based on feedback from the community.
    UPDATE: 3/21/2018 @ 0943EST: Updated the code based on feedback from the community and a rewrite by He-Man.
    Create a file in your favourite text editor called TakeClothes.sqf with the following code:
    /* Author: Grahame/He-Man Description: Take and wear any clothes from a dead player or AI Licence: Arma Public License Share Alike (APL-SA) - https://www.bistudio.com/community/licenses/arma-public-license-share-alike */ private ["_target_uniform","_player_uniform"]; params ["_target","_player"]; _nearentities = (((_player nearEntities 7) select {isplayer _x && alive _x && !(_x iskindof "HeadlessClient_F")}) - [_player]); if !(_nearentities isequalto []) exitwith { ["Cannot take clothes when other players are nearby",5] call epoch_message; }; if (uniform _target isequalto "") exitwith { ["Target has no uniform to take",5] call epoch_message; }; _playerloadout = getunitloadout _player; _targetloadout = getunitloadout _target; _player_uniform = _playerloadout param [3,""]; _target_uniform = _targetloadout param [3,""]; _playerloadout set [3,_target_uniform]; _targetloadout set [3,_player_uniform]; _player setunitloadout _playerloadout; _target setunitloadout _targetloadout; Put that file in your mission, for example as custom/TakeClothes.sqf.
    Add the following lines to your mission's init.sqf:
    if(hasInterface) then{ TakeClothes = compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "custom\TakeClothes.sqf"; }; In your mission file, edit the epoch_config/Configs/CfgActionMenu/CfgActionMenu_target.hpp, adding the following lines to the end:
    // Take Clothes class take_clothes { condition = "((!alive dyna_cursorTarget) && ((dyna_cursorTarget isKindOf 'SoldierWB') || (dyna_cursorTarget isKindOf 'SoldierEB') || (dyna_cursorTarget isKindOf 'SoldierGB')))"; action = "[dyna_cursorTarget, player] call TakeClothes;"; icon = "x\addons\a3_epoch_code\Data\UI\buttons\group_requests_ca.paa"; tooltip = "Take Clothes"; }; Rebuild the mission file and upload to the server.
    Voila! You can now look at any dead player or AI and take and wear their uniform no matter what it is! 
    Though no code was needed from the DayZ/ARMA2/Epoch Take Clothes script, it is the reason I have always been so bugged about not being able to wear uniforms from dead adversaries. Yeah, I'm a bit of a bandit that way for sure 
    Anyway, cheers guys:
  12. Like
    Grahame got a reaction from natoed in A3E Take Clothes   
    ARMA3 Take Clothes Script
    As some of you are aware, one of my pet peeves with ARMA3 is that Bohemia added detachable uniforms but then made it so you could not wear all of them by siding each. Thus, in Epoch, if you are female, you can wear female and NATO uniforms, but not CSAT or AAF. Males have a similar issue being bared from wearing NATO or AAF. While some mods like Tryk's unlock all their uniforms, unfortunately many do not (including CUP). Here is my work-in-progress solution to the problem that allows you to take and wear any uniform that a dead adversary is wearing.
    UPDATE: 2/27/2018 @ 1916EST: Updated the code and installation instructions based on feedback from the community.
    UPDATE: 3/21/2018 @ 0943EST: Updated the code based on feedback from the community and a rewrite by He-Man.
    Create a file in your favourite text editor called TakeClothes.sqf with the following code:
    /* Author: Grahame/He-Man Description: Take and wear any clothes from a dead player or AI Licence: Arma Public License Share Alike (APL-SA) - https://www.bistudio.com/community/licenses/arma-public-license-share-alike */ private ["_target_uniform","_player_uniform"]; params ["_target","_player"]; _nearentities = (((_player nearEntities 7) select {isplayer _x && alive _x && !(_x iskindof "HeadlessClient_F")}) - [_player]); if !(_nearentities isequalto []) exitwith { ["Cannot take clothes when other players are nearby",5] call epoch_message; }; if (uniform _target isequalto "") exitwith { ["Target has no uniform to take",5] call epoch_message; }; _playerloadout = getunitloadout _player; _targetloadout = getunitloadout _target; _player_uniform = _playerloadout param [3,""]; _target_uniform = _targetloadout param [3,""]; _playerloadout set [3,_target_uniform]; _targetloadout set [3,_player_uniform]; _player setunitloadout _playerloadout; _target setunitloadout _targetloadout; Put that file in your mission, for example as custom/TakeClothes.sqf.
    Add the following lines to your mission's init.sqf:
    if(hasInterface) then{ TakeClothes = compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "custom\TakeClothes.sqf"; }; In your mission file, edit the epoch_config/Configs/CfgActionMenu/CfgActionMenu_target.hpp, adding the following lines to the end:
    // Take Clothes class take_clothes { condition = "((!alive dyna_cursorTarget) && ((dyna_cursorTarget isKindOf 'SoldierWB') || (dyna_cursorTarget isKindOf 'SoldierEB') || (dyna_cursorTarget isKindOf 'SoldierGB')))"; action = "[dyna_cursorTarget, player] call TakeClothes;"; icon = "x\addons\a3_epoch_code\Data\UI\buttons\group_requests_ca.paa"; tooltip = "Take Clothes"; }; Rebuild the mission file and upload to the server.
    Voila! You can now look at any dead player or AI and take and wear their uniform no matter what it is! 
    Though no code was needed from the DayZ/ARMA2/Epoch Take Clothes script, it is the reason I have always been so bugged about not being able to wear uniforms from dead adversaries. Yeah, I'm a bit of a bandit that way for sure 
    Anyway, cheers guys:
  13. Like
    Grahame got a reaction from Razor1977 in A3E DZMS   
    ARMA3 DayZ Mission System (DZMS)
    This is a purely derivative port of the DayZ Mission System to ARMA3/Epoch. I have added functionality where appropriate (equipping uniforms for example) and stripped and replaced ARMA2 or DayZ/Epoch specific code in this implementation.
    The DayZ Mission System is a very good, lightweight and modular mission system.
    There are a lot of people who have contributed to DZMS on A2/DayZ/Epoch. Please check the links below for many of them. Personally they all have my thanks for providing a solid mission system that has been a lot of fun to play in the years I've spent on DayZ/Epoch:
    Download from GitHub at:
    Installation Instructions
    If using Vanilla ARMA3/Epoch, and you just want to just try it out simply download and upload the DZMS.pbo in the @EpochHive folder into the @EpochHive/addons folder on your server.
    The source files, including the three config files are located in the DZMS folder on GitHub
    Coming soon
    All the missions included within the latest version of DZMS 1.1 uploaded by @JasonTM will be implemented using CUP Terrains Core for use on maps and servers that support it. A module to support Static weapons at missions More diverse and varied loot tables for custom crates A port of the DZMS Hotspots code for roadblocks and other such interesting things The ability to run multiple major, minor and hotspot missions Better configuration instructions and a mission file design tutorial
  14. Like
    Grahame got a reaction from Cubitron in A3E DZMS   
    ARMA3 DayZ Mission System (DZMS)
    This is a purely derivative port of the DayZ Mission System to ARMA3/Epoch. I have added functionality where appropriate (equipping uniforms for example) and stripped and replaced ARMA2 or DayZ/Epoch specific code in this implementation.
    The DayZ Mission System is a very good, lightweight and modular mission system.
    There are a lot of people who have contributed to DZMS on A2/DayZ/Epoch. Please check the links below for many of them. Personally they all have my thanks for providing a solid mission system that has been a lot of fun to play in the years I've spent on DayZ/Epoch:
    Download from GitHub at:
    Installation Instructions
    If using Vanilla ARMA3/Epoch, and you just want to just try it out simply download and upload the DZMS.pbo in the @EpochHive folder into the @EpochHive/addons folder on your server.
    The source files, including the three config files are located in the DZMS folder on GitHub
    Coming soon
    All the missions included within the latest version of DZMS 1.1 uploaded by @JasonTM will be implemented using CUP Terrains Core for use on maps and servers that support it. A module to support Static weapons at missions More diverse and varied loot tables for custom crates A port of the DZMS Hotspots code for roadblocks and other such interesting things The ability to run multiple major, minor and hotspot missions Better configuration instructions and a mission file design tutorial
  15. Like
    Grahame got a reaction from Sp4rkY in A3E DZMS   
    ARMA3 DayZ Mission System (DZMS)
    This is a purely derivative port of the DayZ Mission System to ARMA3/Epoch. I have added functionality where appropriate (equipping uniforms for example) and stripped and replaced ARMA2 or DayZ/Epoch specific code in this implementation.
    The DayZ Mission System is a very good, lightweight and modular mission system.
    There are a lot of people who have contributed to DZMS on A2/DayZ/Epoch. Please check the links below for many of them. Personally they all have my thanks for providing a solid mission system that has been a lot of fun to play in the years I've spent on DayZ/Epoch:
    Download from GitHub at:
    Installation Instructions
    If using Vanilla ARMA3/Epoch, and you just want to just try it out simply download and upload the DZMS.pbo in the @EpochHive folder into the @EpochHive/addons folder on your server.
    The source files, including the three config files are located in the DZMS folder on GitHub
    Coming soon
    All the missions included within the latest version of DZMS 1.1 uploaded by @JasonTM will be implemented using CUP Terrains Core for use on maps and servers that support it. A module to support Static weapons at missions More diverse and varied loot tables for custom crates A port of the DZMS Hotspots code for roadblocks and other such interesting things The ability to run multiple major, minor and hotspot missions Better configuration instructions and a mission file design tutorial
  16. Like
    Grahame got a reaction from egamestudio in Change epochslot or civilian faction   
    A3/Epoch players are not civilian no matter what it says in the lobby. The player models set female as BLUFOR and male as OPFOR. Your zombies have to be GUER in order to attack players.
  17. Haha
    Grahame got a reaction from salival in porting from A2 to A3   
    There are pretty much no one to one equivalents between A2 DayZ/Epoch and A3 Epoch (for one, given the two ways I described them you might see that A3 Epoch does not use another mod). Would need to see the script and need to know what it is doing with that. No guarantees of an easy solution but post up the script... after all, I intend to steal all of @salivals stuff and port it to ARMA3 
  18. Like
    Grahame got a reaction from natoed in porting from A2 to A3   
    There are pretty much no one to one equivalents between A2 DayZ/Epoch and A3 Epoch (for one, given the two ways I described them you might see that A3 Epoch does not use another mod). Would need to see the script and need to know what it is doing with that. No guarantees of an easy solution but post up the script... after all, I intend to steal all of @salivals stuff and port it to ARMA3 
  19. Like
    Grahame reacted to natoed in How can I change the view distance cap on my server?   
    Ok it is working on my dedi server oddly not on my test server....arh 1600m viewdistance is great thx again @Grahame
  20. Like
    Grahame reacted to Tarabas in How can I change the view distance cap on my server?   
    It finally works for me aswell..
    Thank you Grahame
  21. Like
    Grahame got a reaction from Kenobi in How can I change the view distance cap on my server?   
    UPDATE: I got some time before heading off for meetings and tested the below "solution". Can confirm that admin's viewdistance is now limited as a player's is... Other admin tools seem to be fine too. If others can also test then I will work on adding a variable to epochAH.hpp, the reading of same in server_securityfunctions.sqf and then wrap the added lines in an if based on that variable. Hopefully the devs will accept that back and people will not have to maintain custom code each release...
    Would inserting the following:
    [] spawn { disableSerialization; waitUntil{!isNull (findDisplay 46)}; setViewDistance "+str _skn_viewDistance+"; setObjectViewDistance["+str _skn_viewDistanceObects+", 100]; setTerrainGrid "+str _skn_terrainGrid+"; }; before line 1271 which reads:
    uiNamespace setVariable['ESP_mainMap', findDisplay 12 displayCtrl 51]; in server_securityfunctions.sqf do the trick. Might have time to test this evening. Basically though, the admins have a separate code path for AH initialization than non-admins as shown in the following code:
    531 EPOCH_server_pushPlayer = compileFinal (" params ['_playerNetID','_playerUID','_C_SET','_fsmHandle','_player']; if (_playerUID in "+ str _skn_adminUIDArray+") then { _playerNetID publicVariableClient '"+_skn_Admin_Code+"'; _playerNetID publicVariableClient '"+_skn_pv_adminLog+"'; _playerNetID publicVariableClient '"+_skn_pv_hackerLog+"'; _C_SET pushBack '[] spawn "+_skn_Admin_Init+"'; } else { _C_SET pushBack '[] spawn "+_skn_AH_Init+"'; }; [_fsmHandle,['_C_SET', _C_SET]] remoteExecCall ['setFSMVariable', _player]; true "); So basically the _skn_code_antihack function that includes the viewdistance settings for normal players is replaced by _skn_admincode for admins and the proposal above runs the viewdistance related code in the admin function too...
  22. Like
    Grahame got a reaction from He-Man in EpochZ: Black Tide   
    Several more changes in the past week on EpochZ: Black Tide, some major, some cosmetic:
    Added Apex's boats and 4WD offroads to the trader price lists Added the Greek HK416 (uses STANAG mags) Added my customized version of A3EAI (roaming AI). AI now have appropriate gear and weapons depending on their difficulty level: 0 = civilian, 1 = Greek Army & Police, 2 = BAF, 3 = USMC. Played a bit with the loot found on roaming AI too Removed the plant spawn markers and configured Epoch so it does not make the other markers larger as the map is zoomed Freshened up starting spawn gear and locations Added a knife and can opener to the traders and loot. You now need a knife or hatchet to gut a dead animal You now need a knife, can opener or hatchet to open all cans other than sardines. You will get a decreasing hunger reward depending on which you use due to wastage Morphine now works properly and only heals leg damage after you have broken one (a broken leg in Epoch happens when you take over 50% damage there). If your leg is not broken then using morphine has no effect (but does not use up the injector) Added missing Mk200 to traders Added missing SR-25 and SR-25EC to the traders Added the following missing magazines to the traders: 10-round Sa-61 and blue, purple and orange 6-round signal mags Added the following missing muzzles to the traders: Khaki and sand variants of the 5.56mm and 7.62mm standard ARMA3 suppressors Reworked trader dialogs so some of the items now appear in the proper categories rather than being lumped under Magazines>Other. Added two new categories: Magazines>Medical and Magazines>Vehicle Repair to make it easier to find these items Temporarily removed vanilla Epoch UAVs. I had fixed something that I had done that had broken them but apparently I fixed it too well since they were starting to spam people. Will get the issue resolved and add them back. In the interim, the A3EAI system that handles roaming AI has it's own UAVs that summon in AI help (actually in a more realistic way). That system is still active. Added the Ural chassis to the traders as well as a couple of other items that were glitched in the black markets Removed the toxicity and radiation effects of sardines... I like sardines! Now if only I could make toast @Helion4 (hint, hint ) Tactical Bacon moved to correct Magazines>Food section in BM trader Anti-virus pills/injectors moved to correct Magazines>Medical section in BM trader Added new buildings used in current and future Points of Interest to the ground loot tables Replaced the ATMs in the trader camps with bankers (the guys in the suits). Hold SPACE and click on the Crypto ("Bank") icon. ATMs no longer access the bank but phones do (you are on the phone with your banker)
  23. Like
    Grahame got a reaction from natoed in How can I change the view distance cap on my server?   
    Hmm... And god effing damn it... I cannot post images since I only have 0.04 MB left in my allowance and despite the fact that I have verified the links for these images the damned forum will not accept the URLs... even though I have opened them in other browser windows... FFS!!!
    I modded security_checks.h to set the view distance to 1400. My video settings are as follows, I just changed them randomly to be sure that they would be different:
    Without the code change:
    Note 1600 view distance. With modification:
    Note the 1400 view distance...
  24. Like
    Grahame reacted to BenQ in [Release] HS Blackmarket 1.6 | 'New' Trader System | Special Trader | Blackmarket   
    Thank you very much Grahame. My knowledge of English is scarce even with an interpreter)
  25. Like
    Grahame got a reaction from Helion4 in [Release] HS Blackmarket 1.6 | 'New' Trader System | Special Trader | Blackmarket   
    @BenQIf you look on page 43 (the same page as your post appeared) to @He-Man's post on May 7th you will find the answer to your question... 
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