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Posts posted by He-Man

  1. Have a look on the default folder structure for an Epoch Server:

    The @epochhive is the default folder for all serverside pbo's.

    And you have not to create / add the whole epoch.mission folder. epoch.missions stands for epoch.altis / epoch.tanoa... So it means your mission file

    And for the Servercomandpassword, you can test to just add this line...

    I think you are using a predefined Epoch Server?! I have never used that, so I am also not sure, if your scructure is different...

  2. config.cpp in epoch_server_settings is the correct place to adjust the limits.

    If you set everything to 1, the server should only spawn in 1 Vehicle of each type.

    If your server spawns more vehicles in, there must be another issue...

    Hard to say without knowing what you have changed.

  3. There are some (currently) unused bunkers in the Epoch files and I thought, what can we do with them...???
    So I have written a small script to spawn them in a configureable square.

    It is just a small "fun-event", that needs Admin support!
    Only the doors between the bunkers are opened. So nobody can enter it from outside. (Only ported in Players can enter this event)
    You can also configure some missing bunkers for a bit more opened feeling.

    By default, loot is spawning. To disable it, you have to add this line (already in experimental):

    Here are 2 small Videos from the "Event":

    You have to run this Server Side by console or via "if (isserver) then {...};"
    By default it is located in the salt lake on Altis, but you can change the parameters by yourself at the bottom of the script.


    _BunkerEvent = {
    	params ["_startpos","_countx","_county","_skip",["_loot",true]];
    	_bunkerarr = ["bunker_epoch_01","bunker_epoch_02","bunker_epoch_03","bunker_epoch_04","bunker_epoch_06","bunker_epoch_09","bunker_epoch_10","bunker_epoch_11","bunker_epoch_12","bunker_epoch_13","bunker_epoch_14","bunker_epoch_15"];
    	_spawnpos = [];
    		_spawnpos pushback _x
    	} foreach _startpos;
    	_dist = 12.9;
    	for "_i" from 1 to _county do {
    		for "_k" from 1 to _countx do {
    			if !([_k,_i] in _skip) then {
    				_veh = createVehicle [selectrandom _bunkerarr, _spawnpos, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
    				if (!_loot) then {
    					_veh setvariable ['EPOCH_Skiploot',true,true];
    				_veh setposasl _spawnpos;
    				_veh animate ["One",0];
    				_veh animate ["Two",0];
    				_veh animate ["Three",0];
    				_veh animate ["Four",0];
    				if (_i == 1) then {
    					_veh animate ["Four",1];
    				if (_i == _county) then {
    					_veh animate ["Three",1];
    				if (_k == 1) then {
    					_veh animate ["Two",1];
    				if (_k == _countx) then {
    					_veh animate ["One",1];
    				_spawnpos set [0,(_startpos select 0) + _dist*_k];
    		_spawnpos set [0,(_startpos select 0)];
    		_spawnpos set [1,(_startpos select 1)+_dist*_i];
    _startpos = [23807.1,18623.1,3.19];
    _countx = 10;
    _county = 10;
    _skip = [[3,3],[8,3],[3,8],[8,8]];
    _loot = false;
    [_startpos,_countx,_county,_skip,_loot] call _BunkerEvent;


  4. Quote

     installed epoch (zombies and deamons) 

    Nitrado install by default? Oh damn, we are on 1.2

    I would propose to start with a small local server on your PC (same we have done on startup).

    If you get some players, you can have a look for a root server.

  5. Hey, sorry for my late reply. Was a bit busy...
    To spawn the function, you have to predefine it.

    I would put this in your Init:

    Ich (hasinterface) then {
       GOM_fnc_scan = compilefinal preprocessfilelinenumbers "GOM_fnc_scan.sqf";

    Create a file in your mission root called "GOM_fnc_scan.sqf"

    and put your code into this file:

    params [["_scanObject",objNull],["_scanRadius",250],["_duration",5],["_debug",false]];
    _scanObject setVariable ["GOM_fnc_scanActive",true,true];
    if (_debug) then {systemChat "Scanning for Players!"};
    hint "Scanning for Players!";
    sleep 1;
    _stopTime = time + _duration;
    waitUntil {
    	_nearPlayers = (_scanObject nearEntities _scanRadius) - [player] select {isPlayer _x};
    	hintsilent format ["Scanning: %1\nPlayers detected: %2",[-(time - _stopTime),"HH:MM"] call BIS_fnc_timeToString,count _nearPlayers];
    	time > _stopTime
    if (_debug) then {systemChat "Scanning Complete!"};
    _scanObject setVariable ["GOM_fnc_scanActive",false,true];
    hint "Scanning Complete!";


  6. You can use the same settings as in your addaction:

    class Playerscan
        condition = "player isEqualTo vehicle player && !(player getVariable ['GOM_fnc_scanActive',false])";
        action = "[player,15,5] spawn GOM_fnc_scan";
        icon = "x\addons\a3_epoch_code\Data\UI\buttons\geiger_alarmon.paa";
        tooltip = "Player Scan";

    I think this should work

  7. After some weeks without sun and without healthy food, we come to the next state... EPOCH-Mod 1.2!
    We have spent a lot of time to fix / add and change a lot for you in this release.
    Hopefully we have not added more bugs than new features, so you get to experience our work without issues.

    For the full changelog, visit: https://github.com/EpochModTeam/Epoch/blob/release/changelog.md

    - Steam Workshop: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/421839251
    - several hosters (check the downloads section on https://epochmod.com/)

    - Github: https://github.com/EpochModTeam/Epoch/archive/release.zip



    • Radiation Suits to Loot, Pricing and Itemsort @He-Man
    • Reworked Trader Menu @He-Man
      • Secondary Weapon can now be sold directly from hand
      • Attachments from sold weapons from hand will be put back into your Inventory
      • Weapons in hand are now marked in menu as "in Hand"
    • Solar Charger for EnergyPacks - Put an EnergyPack into the Charger and wait... @Helion4, @He-Man
    • 4 Hoverboard Vehicles: @Helion4
      • "hoverboard_epoch_1"
      • "hoverboard_epoch_bttf"
      • "hoverboard_epoch_a3"
      • "hoverboard_epoch_cargo"
    • Mountainbike "MBK_01_EPOCH" @Helion4
    • Helicopter UH1H "uh1h_Epoch" @Helion4
    • BaseCam + BaseCam Terminal @Helion4, @He-Man
      • Build Cams at your Base and watch them through the Terminal
    • Wooden Stairs with lockable Bars on the top (upgradeable from Wooden Stairs) @Helion4
    • Wood and Metal Garage Doors as upgradeable Baseparts @Helion4, @He-Man
    • 1/3 Plywood wall directly craftable @Helion4, @He-Man
    • You can now wash yourself with a soap in your inventory at water sources (reduce Soiled) @Helion4, @He-Man
    • 2 new masks (Thor Helmet "thor_mask_epoch" and Iron Man Mask "iron_mask_epoch") @Helion4


    • Mine Rocks / Chop Wood was only possible with Swords after 1.1.0 update. @He-Man
    • Alive Toxic Sapper was not toxic @He-Man
    • Binocular with "B" was not working, if you are using R3F or AdvSlingLoad @He-Man
    • Models for Radiation Suits @Helion4
    • Hopefully less login issues on BaseSpawn @He-Man
    • Kick by using Jet ejector seats @He-Man
    • Wrong calculated Bullets in Traders @He-Man
    • Locked Vehicles were unlocked after upgrade @He-Man
    • Everybody was able to open Hatch on Windows / Doors on foreign Bases @He-Man
    • Ban for "RscMenuTeam" commandmenu @He-Man
    • Adjusted some SnapPoints for Basebuilding to be more accurate @He-Man
    • Advanced Vehicle Repair was broken after last Arma Update (Tank DLC) @He-Man
    • Added missing ItemWaterPurificationTablets to pricing @G-Dog
    • MultiGun was not working on very large Vehicles (VTOL) @He-Man
    • GoldenSeal will no longer disappear when fully grown in a Garden @He-Man
    • Items in Subcontainers (Items in BackPacks in Containers) were not saved @He-Man
    • Drunk effects were not working correctly @He-Man
    • Model / Graphics fix for Cinder Floors @Helion4
    • Snapped Walls on Stairs sometimes were not fixed correctly @Helion4
    • Quadbike handling was a bit too slippery @Helion4


    • Reworked Vehicle Load / Save commands for more precise Vehicle Spawn @He-Man
    • Made Temp-Vehicles tradable (will not be stored in Trader after selling them) @He-Man
    • Wood / Cinder Walls can now snap to each other @He-Man
    • Energy from windsources / solarsources is now calculated by wind / overcast @He-Man
    • Ammo of crafted Mags are calculated by the left ammo of used Mags (example: EnergyPacks) @He-Man
    • Consumed EnergyPacks give only energy calculated by left ammo in the Pack @He-Man
    • Vehicle pricing adjustments "import tariffs" @vbawol
    • Some now Icons for Dynamenu @Forelle Vierkant
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