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Posts posted by He-Man

  1. I have played a bit with the Zombies a while ago and a good setting was:

        zeds[] = {
    //		"EPOCH_RyanZombie_1_B","EPOCH_RyanZombie_2_B","EPOCH_RyanZombie_3_B","EPOCH_RyanZombie_4_B","EPOCH_RyanZombie_5_B",

    I have not used the _B classes, as they are really too fast and I have used the _M class only once in this array (all others twice), because they also are fast and should not pop up too often.

    Currently we are only working on the next Hotfix and don't want to add much more. After the release of the Hotfix, we can add it and test a bit more (BE-Filters for example)

  2. Before I have added these new settings, I have asked the Server Owners in Discord for their opinion.

    Because nobody has reacted to this, I thought it was okay for everybody.

    Seriously all settings / changes can be discussed.

    But I think the best place for discussions like that is not a forum, but the EPOCH Discord Server, because we can instant react to suggestions / discussions.

    So feel free to join us there and give us a bit feedback. Everybody is really open for everything...


  3. Yeah, that's correct. I am not completely finished with all vehicles. Prowler / Quilin are not vanilla EPOCH Vehicles, so I haven't added / changed them yet. Same for the Helicopters.
    After the next Update (Hotfix) I will go on with the next Vehicle Types...

    To change the Vehicles, you have to change the Class Names in the Vehicle Spawn Table (where you already have added the Prowler and Quilin.
    Just change the xxx_EPOCH to xxx_F


    C_SUV_01_EPOCH -> C_SUV_01_F

  4. I have reduced the max loads for the Epoch variants, because the default A3 max loads make no sense.

    If you compare the max loads between the different vehicle Classes, you know why...


    Here some max load examples from the default A3 settings:

    - Truck (normal and Box) : 3000

    - Hemtt Box: 3000

    - Strider: 4000


    To make it more realistic and support better the Vehicle-Upgrade system, I have completely reworked the max loads.

    But of course, you can also take the Arma-Variants to get back the default settings.

    A full list of the Vehicle Properties you can find here (Excel):


  5. Or he is talking about the teleport positions?!

    THen you can change it in the settings file for your map.

    Here an example for Altis:


    to change the destination, change it like that:

    			{ "Transport_C_EPOCH", { -0.286865, 8.17383, -10.3098 }, "", { 13326.5, 14515.2, 0.16426 } }, // Trader city 1
    			{ "Transport_C_EPOCH", { -0.286865, 8.17383, -10.3098 }, "", { 15000, 20000, 0 } }, // Changed to destination [15000, 20000, 0]


  6. That could be. 

    But the radiation suit has anyway a texture error atm. It should be already fixed by Helion in current experimenta. We will test it tomorrow.

    Then I can also add the missing classes to Loot, Pricing and Itemsort and AWOL sayd, he will push another small update for these fixes in the next 2 weeks.

    If you find more bugs / missing things, let us know and we try to add it asap

  7. The Heli crash not not working for now. It is only defined for later usage. I have a working Heli-Crash and I am planning to add it. But I have to recode some things first.

    Yes, the Vehicle properties are completely redefined. I have added some more upgrade classes (lvl1-4). For this it was necessary to reduce some max loads to make it possible to increase the loads for each upgrade.

    You can find a List of these Vehicles and the properties here:


    So if you want back more loads, just use another lvl. I prefer to make use of the upgrade system. 

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