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Posts posted by He-Man

  1. I have not noticed this by myself for now, but by chance I found something.
    In general the items should not move, but at least on maintain they could.
    Is it only after maintaining something?

    If so, you could try:
    Find this line:
    and change it like this:

    		_worldspace = [(getposATL _this call EPOCH_precisionPos), vectordir _this, vectorup _this];
    change to:
    		_worldspace = [(getposATL _this), vectordir _this, vectorup _this];

    I am not sure if this works, but it could be the issue you have explained.
    So please make a backup of your database first!

    And please give some feedback!


  2. 2 hours ago, Sneer said:

    Where would I put this script? and what does "you have to replace the [] by {} " mean?

    I have changed the script, so it can also be used in Editor.
    - Run you Epoch Mission file in Editor
    - Place all Vehicles you want to configure for the ServicePoint
    - Run this Script in console
    - Read out the Variable "NewVehiclesAndAmmo"
    - Paste the array you get from the variable into an empty file
    - Replace all [ by {
    - Replace all ] by }
    - Replace all 999999 by the price you want for the Ammo
    - Add it to cfgservicepoint


    Sure, you have to add some line breaks, to make it a bit easier to get an overview. But in general, you get a final config (with the above changes)

  3. On 9/8/2019 at 6:33 PM, Grahame said:

    I use it because I have never had time to add all the CUP vehicles into the configs tbh @He-Man :ph34r:

    You can use this script to find all Vehicles on the map with weapons, but not currently in the default Epoch ServicePoint.
    This Script will give you the needed config entries for cfgServicePoint.cfg but you have to sort it a bit and change the price from 999999 to what you want.

    _allveh = allmissionobjects "landvehicle" + allmissionobjects "ship" + allmissionobjects "Air";
    NewVehiclesAndAmmo = [];
    _AlreadyFound = [];
    _AmmoConfig = (missionconfigfile >> "CfgServicePoint" >> "VehiclesAndAmmo");
    _VehiclesWithAmmo = ("true" configClasses _AmmoConfig) apply {configname _x};
    _VehiclesWithAmmo = _VehiclesWithAmmo + ((getarray (missionconfigfile >> "CfgServicePoint" >> "VehiclesAndAmmo")) apply {_x select 0});
    	_type = typeof _x;
    		if ((tolower _type) == (tolower _x)) exitwith {
    			_AlreadyFound pushback _type;
    	} foreach _VehiclesWithAmmo;
    	if !(_type in _AlreadyFound) then {
    		_AlreadyFound pushback _type;
    		_magsturrets = (magazinesAllTurrets _x);
    		if !(_magsturrets isequalto []) then {
    			_entry = [_type,[]];
    			_tmp = [];
    			_cnts = [];
    				_find = -1;
    				_curmagturret = _x;
    					if (str _curmagturret isEqualTo str _x) exitwith {
    						_find = _foreachindex;
    				} foreach _tmp;
    				if (_find == -1) then {
    					_tmp pushback _x;
    					_cnts pushback 1;
    				else {
    					_cnts set [_find, (_cnts select _find) + 1];
    			} foreach _magsturrets;
    				(_entry select 1) pushback [];
    				(_entry select 1 select _foreachindex) pushback (_x select 0);
    				(_entry select 1 select _foreachindex) pushback (_x select 1);
    				(_entry select 1 select _foreachindex) pushback (_cnts select _foreachindex);
    				(_entry select 1 select _foreachindex) pushback 999999;
    				(_entry select 1 select _foreachindex) pushback (_x select 2);
    			} foreach _tmp;
    			NewVehiclesAndAmmo pushback _entry;
    } foreach _allveh;


    Edit: I have changed the Script, so it is compatible to Epoch 1.3.1 and also the upcoming Epoch 1.3.2.


    The Output is an Array like this:



    Add some linebreaks and tabs for a better overview like this:



    Replace the 999999 by the price for this kind of magazine, like you want.

    Then you should be able to add the Vehicles to the cfgServicePoint. Do not copy / paste it, but add new entries with the same syntax like others already in the cfg

  4. 19 minutes ago, Sneer said:

    Does anyone have this script working so the tanks from the tanks DLC can rearm weapons?

    With the Tanks DLC the only thing you can re-arm are the machine guns on these tanks, I'm guessing they changed the way to add magazines to turrets? I think this also goes for the Jets DLC.


    Why do you not use the build in Service Points from EpochMod for it?
    You can add configs for all Vehicles within CfgServicePoint.

  5. _jammers = nearestObjects[_CheckLocation, ["PlotPole_EPOCH","SleepingBagGreen_EPOCH","SleepingBagBlue_EPOCH","SleepingBagBrown_EPOCH"], 6];

    This should still work.
    "call EPOCH_JammerClasses" is only needed, when you have defined other types than the default Jammers as PlotPoles.

    But you can also use:

    _jammers = nearestObjects[_CheckLocation, call EPOCH_JammerClasses + ["SleepingBagGreen_EPOCH","SleepingBagBlue_EPOCH","SleepingBagBrown_EPOCH"], 6];


  6. Arma 3 Epoch 1.3.1 has been released!

    Server Files:

    Gamemode File Changes:

    Release Notes:

    Full Changelog:

    Client Files:


    Server Files are available here: 

    Note: this is meant for updates only as there is no DB folder and all configs appended with "-example". The first-time install would need this -example part removed from the file name and the DB folder from Server Files on GitHub. Other than that it should just override and update the server pbo's and mission files and dll's .





    • Prevent Traders from spawning on containers
    • Advanced Vehicle Repair was not working as expected within custom "SafeZones"
    • Reset Toxic after revive
    • Delay for accurate position on swap building while basebuilding


    Server Owners

    • Configs for upgradeable PlotPoles are located in ("CfgEpochclient" >> "CfgJammers")
    • Fixed BE-Kicks in DLC Shop
    • Another login stuck fix (Loadabs-Check)
    • Added possibility the usage of "Krypto" as needed material for building upgrades
      • Example CfgBaseBuilding:
        • upgradeBuilding[] = {{"PlotPole_L_EPOCH",{{"Krypto",1500}}}};
    • Fixed Ban for "commandMenu - RscMenuEngage"
    • New var "AutoLockStorages" in epochconfig.hpp to auto-lock storages on server start
    • Added optional safe variant with less Load than the normal Safe "ItemSafe_s"
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