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  2. https://github.com/h1gg1baby/Epoch-OriginsMod-Server-Package-2.0 is the version i found in under 10 seconds.. just playing with it at home myself.. i miss the full map.. the 2 island version of tav is just not the same!..
  3. For those who are looking for a client file here's the link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1DPkK_k6Q15DN1hBRui4mF4LX--w8A64Z/view?usp=drive_link Enjoy.
  4. The torrent provided by @olegator unfortunately is dead, do you guys have any other link to download the client? I would really appreciate it, thanks.
  5. The target adjust menu isn't working. I can do the other target menu commands, but not adjusting wallet, bank, or humanity. When entering an amount and pressing Adjust, nothing happens, as if I didn't press the Adjust button. Is there possibly something I'm missing. I've gone straight into the server after starting it. I've only tried those 3 commands in admin tools, and there are no errors in the server RPT or my player RPT. I'm am using version 1.0.5 By the way, @BigEgg ...awesome work on this. Much appreciated. RESOLVED: Turns out it was because of the Player name having an apostrophe in it. For example, my player name was Jimmy's Dad. It worked fine after changing my player name to Jimmys Dad.
  6. So whatever happened to being able to set up specific deployable vehicles for specific users (i.e, Admins)?
  7. I got it. Wish this would be added into the instructions. It took me so long to figure this out. I had to add: call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "scripts\clickActions\config.sqf"; below the top three lines in the deployAnything\init.sqf file call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "scripts\deployAnything\config.sqf"; call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "scripts\deployAnything\wrapper.sqf"; call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "scripts\deployAnything\functions.sqf"; call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "scripts\clickActions\config.sqf";
  8. I've installed both the 4.0 version of Deploy Anything, and reverted back to the 3.0 (previous version) and continue to get this error: Deploy Anything: ERROR -- Click Actions Handler missing! This is my client RPT file: "PRELOAD_ Functions\init [[L 1-1-A:1 REMOTE],any]" "MPframework inited" "Deploy Anything: loading version 3.0.1 ..." "Deploy Anything: ERROR -- Click Actions Handler missing!" "z\addons\dayz_code\system\REsec.sqf:Monitoring Remote Exe..." and, "PRELOAD_ Functions\init [[L 1-1-A:1 REMOTE],any]" "MPframework inited" "Deploy Anything: Loading version 4.0.0 for Epoch" "Deploy Anything: ERROR -- Click Actions Handler missing!" "z\addons\dayz_code\system\REsec.sqf:Monitoring Remote Exe..." I have click actions installed, per AirWaves Man's link in the ReadMe file. I've checked that the folder hierarchy is correct. I've checked that the lines of code are placed in the correct positions. I get the option to remove camo net when right clicking on the toolbox. I get options when right clicking on other items, but not any options placed in the DZE_DEPLOYABLES_CONFIG array. I've added the MMT_Civ_DZE to the createvehicle.txt in Battleye as well as making sure MMT_Civ_DZE is what is in the DZE_DEPLOYABLES_CONFIG array. Are there any suggestions on what I may be missing?
  9. How did you solve this? I have a status bar installed on two servers. One is showing coin amount and the other is not. Same files! Any ideas?
  10. Hello, Can someone share how they fixed the "resource title rebalance hud not found error" please?
  11. Hello, I've been out of this for a while, just getting back in by setting up a very basic setup. I started on the Takistan map and things haven't been smooth. First thing I noticed, Takistan spawn point is far off the map. Basically it is featureless dunes very far south. I'm spawning in with no gear, which was by default and I have no issue. However without a map I was so far out there that I didn't know what direction to run. The other thing I noticed, when spawning the first time I picked a female character, spawned in. When I camped out and came back in, I was the male survivor2 skin. I deleted the data and recreated, and I checked the database and it does truly create me as the survivor2 character even though it is visually skinning me in the female. So it seems to mark the database with something other than what I'm using at the time and when I load back in, it takes the database entry. Is this known and already addressed? I'm not having the best of luck with searches, so I apologize for any redundant redundancy. I see BEC is still a thing, I had hoped there were some worthy successors out there... oh well. Are folks using heavily modified configs, or are most folks just using it to send announcements and restart warnings? I used to use NSSM for running the server as a service, so if the server reboot from a patch it would just keep going after a reboot of the box. I was wondering what people are using these days? I figured some people would just rdp in, launch a batch file and lock the console and others probably just ran scheduled tasks. I'm starting vanilla for now, so I can run around in the sandbox and play for a bit before I start modding things. When I looked in the mission files I noticed it was essentially pre-modded with things that folks used to add, and that most of it can be toggled. I'm hoping they aren't so embedded that I can't mod those things as well. I also noticed the lack of prices/traders in the database, so I presume the live economy is now a thing of the past (I had some ideas, which I think I can still adapt). Update... again: Managed to get it working, though I am not sure which made it work. What seemed to do it in the end, was running naph, then going back. Now it actually interacts with the database. I did have to empty the scripts.txt because I was getting script be kicks with the stock filters. I'll get some more testing in and then submit a bug once I can isolate things a bit more.
  12. Purpose: provide a framework for spawning AI, landscapes and loot using the most up-to-date code and optimzed coding. Functionality: Supports spawning of missions that can range from very simple to highly complex. Mission areas may be defended by infantry, turrets (including AT and AA launchers linked to radar), tanks, APC, anti-Air vehicles and anti-tank vehicles, and most anything inbetween. You may define single or multiple loot chests. Missions can be individualized to spawn specific vehicles, load specific loot into chests, or have AI wear different uniforms. Default missions include a heli/HUMVV crash, scout and hunter missions defended by infantry only, and four grades of more complex missions. A plugin for the 3DEN editor is available that exports your mission layouts as .sqf ready to be plugged into the missions system or tweaked with your own, customized configurations. History: After years of developing and supporting blckeagls mission system I realized it had become complex, was always buggy, and that a rewrite from the ground up could result in a simpler and more stable addon. GMS uses a group of core functions in GMSCore to handle most of the work, but still manages tasks related to mission spawning, monitoring and completion. All unrelated modules of blckeagles, such as the time management system, code to spawn objects, dynamic loot spawner and static loot spawner were removed. The more useful of these were packaged as separate addons for those who wish to use them. Acknowledgements: blckeagles for getting things started. He-Man for many suggestions on coding to stream code to clients and delay addon startup until epoch has loaded. burrito, Azock, Chrom, MetalMelitia and others who provided bug reports during testing. Downloads: Dependencies: GMSCore: https://github.com/Ghostrider-DbD-/GMSCore Download: https://github.com/Ghostrider-DbD-/GMS_RC
  13. Have you looked at these in each mission file? local _debug = false; // Diagnostic logs used for troubleshooting. local _nameMarker = false; // Center marker with the name of the mission. local _markPos = false; // Puts a marker exactly were the loot spawns.
  14. I can't get the map icons/markers to show up on the map, any ideas?
  15. I'm having an issue with the mission markers not being created. Running WAI, DZMS and the Client Side Marker Manager
  16. Hey, I'm wondering if anyone has a working server rules menu when a player logs in I could use? or know of an active link? I've lost my old one 😕
  17. Hello, to open the DZAI vehicle you should go to the file DZAI\spawn_functions\spawnVehiclePatrol.sqf find the line _vehicle setVehicleLock "LOCKED"; change to _vehicle setVehicleLock "UNLOCKED"; you can also add under this line _vehicle addEventHandler ["GetIn",{_nil = [nil,(_this select 2),"loc",rTITLETEXT,"Warning: This vehicle will disappear on server restart!","PLAIN DOWN",5] call RE;}]; this will warn that the vehicle will disappear after the restart (vehicles can be sold) you can also add loot to this transport by changing clearWeaponCargoGlobal _vehicle; clearMagazineCargoGlobal _vehicle; change to _vehicle addWeaponCargoGlobal ["",10]; _vehicle addMagazineCargoGlobal ["",10];
  18. @Mig Since we now have Smartphones in classname (Smartphone_DZE) I was wondering is there anyway we could have the players send other players personal messages like Text Messaging with a notification to the receiving player saying "You have a text"? That would be keep them from spamming side chat and pretty cool 😄
  19. Yes, I got it working "Finally" sorry forgot to update 😞 Thanks
  20. Update for currency name change [Z_bankVariable,0] << to >> ["globalMoney",0]
  21. Are you still having problems with the installation? or have you already figured it out? If you still haven’t solved the problem, write what’s going on, errors in the RTP? or you just log into the server but the admin tool doesn’t work? many people enter their steam ID into the config incorrectly - it should look like this ```local _owner = [[["BANDIT"], "76561198069130580", true, false, true, ""]]; ```
  22. RESOVLED: Just follow the install instructions and do not add stringtable.xml to your root cause it is already built in the If you want levels and custom loot to spawn? in config.sqf class_selection = true; //Enable class selection dialog #define START_ITEMS "HandRoadFlare","ItemBandage",2,"ItemPainkiller","ItemWaterbottle","FoodPistachio" class_public = [ // These are visible to anyone on the server [(localize "str_playerstats_bandit")+" Lvl1","Bandit1_DZ","BanditW1_DZ",[START_ITEMS,"17Rnd_9x19_glock17",2],["G17_DZ"],"",[],[],0,-5000,0,""], [(localize "str_playerstats_bandit")+" Lvl2","Bandit1_DZ","BanditW1_DZ",[START_ITEMS,"17Rnd_9x19_glock17",3,"ItemMorphine"],["G17_DZ"],if (class_epoch) then {"Assault_Pack_DZE1"} else {"DZ_Assault_Pack_EP1"},[],[],0,-10000,0,""], [(localize "str_playerstats_bandit")+" Lvl3","Bandit1_DZ","BanditW1_DZ",[START_ITEMS,"17Rnd_9x19_glock17",4,"ItemMorphine"],["G17_DZ"],if (class_epoch) then {"TK_Assault_Pack_DZE1"} else {"DZ_TK_Assault_Pack_EP1"},[],[],0,-15000,0,"MeleeHatchet"], [(localize "str_playerstats_hero")+" Lvl1",if (class_epoch) then {"Soldier_Sniper_PMC_DZ"} else {"Survivor3_DZ"},"SurvivorW2_DZ",[START_ITEMS,"6Rnd_45ACP",2],["Revolver_DZ"],"",[],[],0,5000,0,""], [(localize "str_playerstats_hero")+" Lvl2",if (class_epoch) then {"Soldier_Sniper_PMC_DZ"} else {"Survivor3_DZ"},"SurvivorW2_DZ",[START_ITEMS,"6Rnd_45ACP",3,"ItemMorphine"],["Revolver_DZ"],if (class_epoch) then {"Assault_Pack_DZE1"} else {"DZ_Assault_Pack_EP1"},[],[],0,10000,0,""], [(localize "str_playerstats_hero")+" Lvl3",if (class_epoch) then {"Soldier_Sniper_PMC_DZ"} else {"Survivor3_DZ"},"SurvivorW2_DZ",[START_ITEMS,"6Rnd_45ACP",4,"ItemMorphine"],["Revolver_DZ"],if (class_epoch) then {"TK_Assault_Pack_DZE1"} else {"DZ_TK_Assault_Pack_EP1"},[],[],0,15000,0,"MeleeHatchet"], [localize "str_playerstats_survivor","Survivor2_DZ","SurvivorW2_DZ",[START_ITEMS,"8Rnd_9x18_Makarov",2],["Makarov_DZ"],"",[],[],0,0,0] ]; Replace with this: class_selection = true; //Enable class selection dialog #define BagItemsL1 "ItemMorphine","PartEngine","Scrap Metal" #define BagItemsL2 "ItemMorphine","PartVRotor","PartEngine","PartGeneric" #define Tools1 "ItemToolbox","ItemMap","ItemRadio","Binocular","ItemCompass","NVGoggles_dze" #define Tools2 "ItemToolbox","ItemMap","ItemRadio","Binocular_Vector","ItemCompass","NVGoggles_dze","ItemGPS" #define Food_L1 "FoodMRE","ItemSodaCoke" #define Food_L2 "FishCookedTrout","ItemSodaRbull" #define Medical "ItemBloodbag","ItemPainkiller","ItemMorphine","ItemBandage","ItemBandage","ItemBandage","Skin_TK_CIV_Takistani01_EP1_DZ" class_public = [ [localize "str_playerstats_survivor","Survivor2_DZ","SurvivorW2_DZ",[ "FoodCanPotatoes","ItemSodaFranka","ItemBloodbag","PartGeneric","ItemPainkiller","ItemMorphine","ItemBandage","ItemBandage","10x_303",3,"17Rnd_9x19_glock17",3],["LeeEnfield","G17_DZ","ItemToolbox","ItemMap","ItemRadio","Binocular","ItemHatchet","NVGoggles"],"DZ_TerminalPack_EP1",[],[],0,0,0], //BanditLoadouts [(localize "str_playerstats_bandit")+" Lvl 1","Bandit1_DZ","BanditW1_DZ",[ Food_L1,Medical,"30Rnd_556x45_Stanag",3,"15Rnd_9x19_M9",2],["M4A1_DZ","M9_DZ",Tools1],"DZ_ALICE_Pack_EP1",[],[],0,-5000,0,""], [(localize "str_playerstats_bandit")+" Lvl 2","GER_Soldier_TL_EP1","BanditW1_DZ",[ Food_L1,Medical,"100Rnd_762x51_M240",3,"rh_15Rnd_9x19_uspsd",2],["Mk48_CCO_DZ","rh_uspsd",Tools1],"DZ_TK_Assault_Pack_EP1",[BagItemsL1],[],0,-25000,0,""], [(localize "str_playerstats_bandit")+" Lvl 3","TK_Special_Forces_TL_EP1","BanditW1_DZ",[ Food_L1,Medical,"RH_20Rnd_762x51_hk417",3,"rh_15Rnd_9x19_uspsd",2],["RH_hk417sacog","rh_uspsd",Tools2,"ItemKnife"],"DZ_GunBag_EP1",[BagItemsL1],[],0,-75000,0,""], [(localize "str_playerstats_bandit")+" Lvl 4","GUE_Commander_DZ","BanditW1_DZ",[ Food_L1,Medical,"itemantibiotic","20Rnd_762x51_DMR",3,"rh_15Rnd_9x19_uspsd",2],["vil_SR25SD","rh_uspsd",Tools2,"ItemMatchbox","ItemKnife"],"DZ_Backpack_EP1",[BagItemsL2],[],0,-150000,0,""], [(localize "str_playerstats_bandit")+" Lvl 5","GUE_Soldier_Sniper","BanditW1_DZ",[ Food_L2,Medical,"itemantibiotic","5Rnd_86x70_L115A1",4,"rh_15Rnd_9x19_uspsd",4],["BAF_LRR_scoped","rh_uspsd",Tools2,"ItemMatchbox","ItemKnife"],"DZ_LargeGunBag_EP1",[BagItemsL2],[],0,-300000,0,""], [(localize "str_playerstats_bandit")+" Lvl 6","GUE_Soldier_Sniper","BanditW1_DZ",[ Food_L2,Medical,"itemantibiotic","10Rnd_127x99_m107",3,"rh_15Rnd_9x19_uspsd",4],["m107_DZ","rh_uspsd",Tools2,"ItemMatchbox","Itemetool","ItemKnife"],"DZ_LargeGunBag_EP1",[BagItemsL2],[],0,-500000,0,""], [(localize "str_playerstats_bandit")+" Lvl 7","GUE_Soldier_Sniper","BanditW1_DZ",[ Food_L2,Medical,"itemantibiotic","10Rnd_127x99_m107",4,"rh_15Rnd_9x19_uspsd",4],["BAF_AS50_scoped","rh_uspsd",Tools2,"ItemMatchbox","Itemetool","ItemKnife"],"DZ_LargeGunBag_EP1",[BagItemsL2],[],0,-1000000,0,""], //HeroLoadouts [(localize "str_playerstats_hero")+" Lvl 1",if (class_epoch) then {"Soldier_Sniper_PMC_DZ"} else {"Survivor3_DZ"},"SurvivorW2_DZ",[ Food_L1,Medical,"30Rnd_556x45_StanagSD",3,"15Rnd_9x19_M9SD",2],["M4A1_HWS_GL_SD_Camo","RH_m9sd",Tools1,"ItemKnife"],"DZ_TK_Assault_Pack_EP1",[],[],0,5000,0,""], [(localize "str_playerstats_hero")+" Lvl 2",if (class_epoch) then {"Soldier_TL_PMC"} else {"Survivor3_DZ"},"SurvivorW2_DZ",[ Food_L1,Medical,"100Rnd_762x51_M240",4,"rh_15Rnd_9x19_uspsd",2],["Mk48_CCO_DZ","rh_uspsd",Tools1,"ItemKnife"],"DZ_British_ACU",[BagItemsL1],[],0,25000,0,""], [(localize "str_playerstats_hero")+" Lvl 3",if (class_epoch) then {"FR_Sykes"} else {"Survivor3_DZ"},"SurvivorW2_DZ",[ Food_L1,Medical,"itemantibiotic","RH_20Rnd_762x51_SD_hk417",3,"rh_15Rnd_9x19_uspsd",2],["RH_hk417sdacog","rh_uspsd",Tools2,"ItemKnife"],"DZ_CivilBackpack_EP1",[BagItemsL1],[],0,50000,0,""], [(localize "str_playerstats_hero")+" Lvl 4",if (class_epoch) then {"Navy_SEAL_TL"} else {"Survivor3_DZ"},"SurvivorW2_DZ",[ Food_L1,Medical,"itemantibiotic","20Rnd_762x51_DMR",3,"rh_15Rnd_9x19_uspsd",3],["vil_SR25SD","rh_uspsd",Tools2,"ItemMatchbox","ItemKnife"],"DZ_CivilBackpack_EP1",[BagItemsL2],[],0,150000,0,""], [(localize "str_playerstats_hero")+" Lvl 5",if (class_epoch) then {"USMC_SoldierS_Sniper"} else {"Survivor3_DZ"},"SurvivorW2_DZ",[ Food_L2,Medical,"itemantibiotic","5Rnd_86x70_L115A1",4,"rh_15Rnd_9x19_uspsd",3],["BAF_LRR_scoped_W","rh_uspsd",Tools2,"ItemMatchbox","ItemKnife"],"DZ_LargeGunBag_EP1",[BagItemsL2],[],0,300000,0,""], [(localize "str_playerstats_hero")+" Lvl 6",if (class_epoch) then {"USMC_SoldierS_Sniper"} else {"Survivor3_DZ"},"SurvivorW2_DZ",[ Food_L2,Medical,"itemantibiotic","10Rnd_127x99_m107",3,"rh_15Rnd_9x19_uspsd",4],["m107_DZ","rh_uspsd",Tools2,"ItemMatchbox","ItemKnife"],"DZ_LargeGunBag_EP1",[BagItemsL2],[],0,500000,0,""], [(localize "str_playerstats_hero")+" Lvl 7",if (class_epoch) then {"USMC_SoldierS_Sniper"} else {"Survivor3_DZ"},"SurvivorW2_DZ",[ Food_L2,Medical,"itemantibiotic","10Rnd_127x99_m107",4,"rh_15Rnd_9x19_uspsd",4],["BAF_AS50_scoped","rh_uspsd",Tools2,"ItemMatchbox","Itemetool","ItemKnife"],"DZ_LargeGunBag_EP1",[BagItemsL2],[],0,750000,0,""] ];
  23. I noticed the Variables have changed for the coins system and can't figure this out to get it working? My pre installed scripts show it was changed to "cashMoney" & globalMoney for the coin system?? _wealth = player getVariable[(["cashMoney"] select Z_persistentMoney),0] call BIS_fnc_numberText; <<Needs to show money in wallet _bank = player getVariable[(["globalMoney"] select Z_persistentMoney),0] call BIS_fnc_numberText; <<Needs to show money in bank Any help you can offer would be great?? Thanks,
  24. SOLVED: Any reason why it would be killing players when they spawn into the server and sending them to debug? I'm using infiSTAR and pretty sure there was a thread with the fix....but I can't find it??
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