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Plot Pole Bug



NOTICE: Duplicate of another question posted in the wrong section.


So I've been playing this server that has a number of mods installed. I've been playing it for quite a while with the only errors I've been getting are regarding a 45 round RPK mag being missing, but other than that I've had no errors or any issues loading. Upon trying to place a plot pole, nothing happens; absolutely nothing, like no preview shows up, no prompt saying "starting construction" or anything like that, just blankness. When I try to do it again it says "building already in progress" and I can't do anything, not even lock my vehicle. Is there anything that can be done, or that can explain this phenomenon? To further the understanding of how this came to be, I bought a plot pole from the trader in Trader City Stary and tried placing it near Stary, but not too near it (near a thicket of bushes in the distance). Upon right clicking and hitting the build option, that's when I face my issue.

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1 hour ago, McLovin said:

NOTICE: Duplicate of another question posted in the wrong section.


So I've been playing this server that has a number of mods installed. I've been playing it for quite a while with the only errors I've been getting are regarding a 45 round RPK mag being missing, but other than that I've had no errors or any issues loading. Upon trying to place a plot pole, nothing happens; absolutely nothing, like no preview shows up, no prompt saying "starting construction" or anything like that, just blankness. When I try to do it again it says "building already in progress" and I can't do anything, not even lock my vehicle. Is there anything that can be done, or that can explain this phenomenon? To further the understanding of how this came to be, I bought a plot pole from the trader in Trader City Stary and tried placing it near Stary, but not too near it (near a thicket of bushes in the distance). Upon right clicking and hitting the build option, that's when I face my issue.


The RPK mag issue is normal, unfortunately we were using that magazine for a weapon or two but the latest corepatch removed those magazines from the game so the game is still trying to load that magazine.

As for the building issue, I'm guessing there will be a client side script error that you aren't seeing, without seeing your client RPT we really can't help you there.

 To find this logfile:

C:\users\<YOUR WINDOWS USERNAME>\AppData\Local\Arma 2 OA\ArmA2OA.RPT
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