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unpickable combo lock

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*Note this will only work with door Management script as it needs to pull your gui so you can unlock the door without the code*


Random Door Codes (manual code entry will not work on doors anymore, random chance you'll hit the right code)

Takes 20% of your food and water every attempt





Here's the changes:
// get object combination
_objectCharacterID  = _obj getVariable ["CharacterID","0"];
//Yeah, let's just go ahead and make this incredibly hard
_doorRandomCode = floor(random 100); //Change the number value to higher if you want tougher lock
_playerRandomCode = floor(random 100); //Make sure numbers are the same, otherwise player would have less chance to get it
// Check combination
//if (DZE_Lock_Door == _objectCharacterID) then {
if (_doorRandomCode == _playerRandomCode) then { //So we're just gonna ignore what the player put in and use two random numbers
[player,"combo_unlock",0,false] call dayz_zombieSpeak;
Credit goes to apoc
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