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[Release] NWAF Military Base


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Hey folks, I really didn't like how empty the Northwest Airfield was, so one night I decided to attempt to remedy that. The end result is what you see here :)

It still has a lot of empty space, so I might decide to continue working on it, but for now I'm pretty happy with the end result





Required files



Installation Instructions

1. Download and unpack your server.pbo if necessary

2. Create a folder called buildings in the root of it.

3. Now place the nwafbase.sqf you fetched from the above link into that folder

4. Add the following line to the very bottom of server_functions.sqf in the init folder of your server.pbo

execVM "\z\addons\dayz_server\buildings\nwafbase.sqf"; //Northwest Airfield Military Base

5. Now repack and upload your server.pbo where applicable



I hope you like it! And any feedback / criticism is more than welcome




My other work:

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm following the tutorial step-by-step instructions and can not install ... It shows me errors and I usually just on the server and military base is not there  :(

Please, help?




same here. It doesnt show me errors, but It's not on the airfield.



Apologies, I have been away for a week or so. Did you both follow the instructions to the letter? And what sort of errors are you getting Raphash0w?


rip FPS?

If you'd like to strip it down, I can provide the sqf/biedi files
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Dude, when I was trying to get the following error ... I was showing the image of Loading locked and could hear the doll unable to run play. This version of the base is for version of the Epoch?

Then I ended up putting this base:

Its would be in the same place? If so, she could set me changing the coordinates or teaching me how to change in order to have the two military bases?

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Dude, when I was trying to get the following error ... I was showing the image of Loading locked and could hear the doll unable to run play. This version of the base is for version of the Epoch?

Then I ended up putting this base:


Its would be in the same place? If so, she could set me changing the coordinates or teaching me how to change in order to have the two military bases?

I sent you a PM, lets see if we can fix your issue

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